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TJ's Journey to Recovery - 6. Chapter 6

Sorry for the delay but here is Chapter 6.

As everything starting shaking and it felt like an earthquake. I looked around and things were vanishing.

“TJ, all will be ok” Bob said and fell into a deep sleep

Beep, beep, beep. Oh fuck me not again

My eyes fluttered open and I’m in a hospital and I can feel someone holding my hand and look over and see it’s Grayson. I squeeze his hand back and he jumps

“TJ, you’re awake” he says loud and a nurse and doctor come running in.

“Don’t panic young man, let us remove this breathing tube.” The doctor says

The doctor removed the tube and I looked around the room trying to figure out where I was.

“TJ, I am so glad you woke-up out of that coma. After we were attacked I was sure you wouldn’t make it.” Grayson said and broke down crying.

“Attack?” I said

“Yeah, I knew you might not remember. We went to an alternate place and we were attacked and things got really rough.” Grayson said

“So where am I?”

“Mount Sinai in New York and you’ve been here for about two months” Grayson said

“Where’s JC” I asked and Grayson hung his head

“What are you not telling me” I said

“He was taken during the battle, Bob and CC have been using BHO to locate him” Grayson said

“Anything else I should know?” I asked

“TJ, I need to explain” Bob said entering the room except he looked different

“TJ, we altered our appearance to be here” CC said coming in behind him

“Now TJ, I know he told you about JC but some other things transpired. We found out that Tristan did not successfully kill all the folks plotting against you. We also found out that your father was not your father but someone who was given surgery and made to be him.” Bob said

“What?” I shouted

“Look, if it wasn’t for you talking with your father in the other reality it was something we might have missed.” CC said

“What do you mean?” I asked

“You told him about him being gay and he denied it and said he would never. We also learned that Jack had been kidnapped a few months ago but nobody knew. It occurred around when you confronted him about your mother; that is why he became so defense and didn’t want you to get married. We did find the real Jack and while he wasn’t in good condition he has improved over the last two months.” Bob said

“So you found Jack and now JC is missing?” I asked

“Jack fell into our laps and rest assured we are doing everything we can to find JC. Your mother built quite the network of deceit.” Bob said

“My mother is dead right?” I said

“Oh yes, you see she was on drugs and had survived the accident but due to a little fortune on our part she was knocked out cold and whatever she was on had really slowed her breathing. We had her cremated and she was still alive.” CC said

“So we killed her?” I said in horror

“In a way we did and a way we didn’t” CC said

“This is way too strange” I said leaning back and closing my eyes

“Brudder” Tristan said as he appeared next to me

“Hey little man” I said

“I sorry bout j-wack-sin. We thought he’d be ok but there were deceivers around us.” Tristan said

“It’s ok, you didn’t know” I said

“I love you brudder.” Tristan said

“Love you.” I said

“Ok, now comes the hard part” Bob said

“What hard part?” I asked

“You’ve been under for two months and the folks your mom put in place just about destroyed your name and the company.” Bob said

“They what?” I said angrily

“Kellan and Jordan we being held hostage and two others assumed control of BHO and damn near ran it into the ground. Once we were made aware of the shadow control we neutralized them and are working to rebuild the company. We keep it out of the news that you were in a coma to recover from your injuries and released a press announcement putting Bob and I in control” CC said

“I hope you are using aliases.” I said

“Yes we are.” Bob said

“You remember Officer Grady?” Grayson said

“Yeah I remember Trace flirting with him” I replied

“He’s a great guy and has kept us protected.” Grayson said

“Are you in a thruple?” I asked

“No but we’ve had a few three ways” Grayson said blushing

“Well as long as you are happy.” I said

“Thanks, you’ll have to meet him.” Grayson said

“I will” I said and smiled

“Ok, let me go talk to the doctor’s and get you out of here.” Bob said

“Think they will just release me?” I asked

“Yes, they are all friends of mine” Bob said

Well I guess I shouldn’t have underestimated Bob as one hour later I was a free man.

“Where are we going?” I asked

“Somewhere safe” Bob said as he opened the door to a waiting SUV and we all piled in

“Where to Sir Ma’am?” Jorge asked

“Take us to the castle” CC said in an authoritative tone

“Right away” Jorge said and pulled into traffic

“The castle?” I asked

“Oh TJ, you’ll love it” Grayson said

“It is a rather nice place and very roomy” CC said

“Well, I guess I’ll have to wait and see” I said

We drove forever and exited the city and we were heading west through New Jersey in Interstate 80 and we passed into Pennsylvania. We got off the interstate rather quickly and since it was dark I couldn’t see much. We drove through a small town as we headed north. We got off the main road and took a series of back roads and seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. We stopped in front of this huge house and I see where it got its nickname from. The SUV stopped in the circle and everyone exited and Grayson grabbed my hand

“Come on, bro. This place is awesome” Grayson said excitedly pulling me along

“Grayson, take it easy on him” Bob said as he and CC followed us in

The entrance hall was huge and there was marble and high end finishes everywhere. I was taking things in when I felt a pair of arms embrace me

“I’m so glad you’re ok” Beau said

“Me too; how are you and Lucas?” I asked

“We have been on edge with you in a coma recovering and finding out what happened to Kellan and Jordan. They are here by the way..” Beau said trailing off

“I know JC was kidnapped” I said with little conviction

“Lucas said if you needed a cuddle buddy I could join you” Beau replied

“I can’t do that to you; You’re a married man and so am I” I said

“Yeah, but bros before hoes” Beau said laughing

“Who are you calling a hoe?” Lucas said all serious

“There you go, now you’ve upset Lucas.” I said with a smirk

“I… was just playing” Beau said all nervous

“I know silly, was just joshing you.” Lucas said with a laugh

“TJ, darling” Kat said coming into the hall

“Hi Aunt Kat” I replied and she came over and hugged me

“I was so afraid for you” Kat said sincerely

“It is good to know who I have in my corner.” I replied returning her hug

“TJ are you hungry” CC asked

“No. I don’t feel like eating.” I said

“Hey brudder!” Tristan said running around the corner.

“Hey little man” I said

“Welcome home TJ” Kevin said

“Thanks.” I replied

“T2!” Jake and Josh said coming into the room

“Hello boys.” I said smiling

“Yes, T2 was their first word” Kevin said as he laughed

“I think Tristan spent a bit too much time with them:” Jeff said

“Is it ok if I shower and hit the bed?” I asked

“Let me show you to your room” Bob said and took me upstairs. The hall had a bunch of doors and we nicely decorated. He opened the door at the end of the hall and led me inside

“Here is your room; bathroom is over there and stocked with towels and different soaps. You have clothes in the closet.” Bob said

“Thanks. Anything else I should know?” I asked

“Listen TJ, I want you to know everyone is here for you and if you need to talk all you have to do is ask.” Bob said

“Thank you; I’m going to shower and go to bed.” I said and Bob left pulling the door. I went into the bathroom and was impressed by the size of the shower and the amount of shower heads. I started the shower and it got hot immediately and I stripped and got in. The water felt good but my mind couldn’t let go of the fact the JC had been kidnapped. I sank to the floor and started to bawl my eyes out. I then felt someone wrap their arms around me and found Beau sitting there getting wet and hugging me

“It’s ok Teej, let it all out.” Beau said lovingly. I cried while he held me in the shower. I eventually stood up and he looked at me

“Damn TJ look you drenched me.” He said giggling

“You’re the one who got into the shower with his clothes on.” I said

He smirked and grabbed a towel and stripped. I could tell he was still working out and was really lean and muscled.

“Take a picture it last longer.” Beau said cockily and walked out and into the closet and came out with shorts for me and he was wearing a pair.

“Here put these on, can’t have that weapon poking me all night.” He said

“Well you try being in a coma for two months with no relief.” I countered

“Well I love you bro, but I ain’t helping you. I can give you a few if you need it.” Beau said seriously

“No, let’s just go to bed.” I said and we climbed in. Within a few minutes Grayson slipped in beside me too.

“Needed some bro time” Grayson said

“I think we all do” I said as they both snuggled in

We all fell asleep within minutes. I woke several hours later to find both of them still snuggled in. I was able to pry myself lose and went to the bathroom. When I was done I slipped out and went down stairs. I was able to find the kitchen and when I walked in I gasped

“Uhhh sorry.” Officer Grady said trying to cover up his nakedness with his hands

“You’ve got nothing to be sorry about.” I said amusingly

“You’re TJ right?” He said

“Yep, the one and only.” I replied

“I’m Kaiden Grady” He said extending his hand

“Nice to meet all of you” I cheekily replied shaking his hand

“Is Grayson still in your room?” He asked

“He was when I left.” I said

“Umm great. Trace had a hard time sleeping without him and I was going to see if he would move into the room with him so he could get some sleep.” Kaiden said

“Well let me get some coffee and see if we can go arouse Grayson.” I said and he nearly choked on his coffee. I poured myself a cup and made one for Beau and Grayson and Kaiden gave me a try to use. We headed upstairs and of course I went behind him. What an ass this man has….we walked into my room and I set the coffee down and shook both my brothers.

“What’s wrong?” Beau said

“Brought you some coffee” I said

“Thanks. Good morning Kaiden.” Beau said

“Hey Kaiden.” Grayson said sitting up

“Sorry to wake you but Trace kept tossing and turning without you. I tried to sleep with him in an effort to calm him but it didn’t work.” Kaiden said

“Ever since JC went missing, he’s had a really hard time” Grayson said

“Should I go talk to him?” I asked

“No, let Kaiden and I go take care of him.” Grayson said and winked at Kaiden

“Just keep the noise down” Beau said as Grayson and Kaiden left

“He is definitely a stud.” I said

“Oh he is and he is wild in bed.” Beau said blushing

“Oh so he’s got a thing for brothers?” I asked

“Trust me you won’t be disappointed.” Beau said

“From the looks of it I would say so.” I said and giggled

“Dude, he offered a threesome with Bob and Randy. CC shut it down saying we can’t have them both dying of a heart attack.” Beau said chuckling

“So CC the cock blocker.” I said laughing hard

“What’s so funny.” Lucas said walking in

“He was telling me about CC shutting down Bob, Randy and Kaiden.” I said and patted a spot next to me on the bed and Lucas came and sat down and Beau handed him his coffee cup

“So, what brings you here.” I asked

“One they are loud and two I missed my Beau” Lucas said

“They just left, how are they loud already?” I asked

“Well Grayson and Kaiden must have started as they walked into the room.” Lucas said

“Horn dogs” I said

“Trust me TJ, sleep with Kaiden and you’ll do things you never imagined.” Lucas said and blushed

“Well, I’m not interested.” I said

“Well all this talk has gotten little TJ’s attention” Beau said and smirked

“Hey leave it alone, he’s waiting for someone” I said

“You know TJ, I could help you out.” Lucas said

“No, I am fine. Why don’t you both go help each other out.” I said as they obviously were turned on

“You sure?” Lucas said

“Positive” I replied

“Ok, let’s go hot stuff” Lucas said looking at Beau

“Go and I’ll be in there in a sec” Beau replied and Lucas left

“TJ, I don’t mind if he helps you out.” Beau said

“Look Beau, I appreciate the offer but I can’t” I said

“Well if you change your mind, come find us.” Beau said with a wink. Was my brother turned on by this idea?

I sat in bed trying to decide what to do and went and got dressed. As I came out of my closet Nicky appeared.

“I need your help, I found JC.” Nicky said breathless

Copyright © 2020 AquariusGuy; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction that combine worlds created by the original content owner with names, places, characters, events, and incidents that are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
Authors are responsible for properly crediting Original Content creator for their creative works.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Stories in this Fandom are works of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. <br>
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Chapter Comments

9 minutes ago, Wesley8890 said:

Well, this is a chapter full of surprises! Some good some not good. 

I am going to call you Mr. Vague :P

I do promise that Kaiden is a good guy and not just a sex machine. 

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4 minutes ago, AquariusGuy said:

I am going to call you Mr. Vague :P

I do promise that Kaiden is a good guy and not just a sex machine. 

I'm a puzzle wrapped in a enigma encased in a mystery

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 His did really wasn't his dad and Jack got kidnapped so it was  wasn't the real Jack:blink:.After Bob and CC said they had to change their appearance how does TJ know they are who they say they are?TJ needs  to think of something only the real Bob and CC would know and bring it up to them something no one else knows. but first get JC OR did Nicky really find the real JC AGGGGH!!!BTW  this story is called TJ journey to recovery so your idea for him to recover from a coma is to put him In another coma?????

Edited by weinerdog
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1 hour ago, Wesley8890 said:

I'm a puzzle wrapped in a enigma encased in a mystery

You forgot Paradox and riddle .I must admit it's a poser

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Just now, weinerdog said:

You forgot Paradox and riddle .I must admit it's a poser

I didnt want to sound too cocky.

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38 minutes ago, weinerdog said:

 His did really wasn't his dad and Jack got kidnapped so it was  wasn't the real Jack:blink:.After Bob and CC said they had to change their appearance how does TJ know they are who they say they are?TJ needs  to think of something only the real Bob and CC would know and bring it up to them something no one else knows. but first get JC OR did Nicky really find the real JC AGGGGH!!!BTW  this story is called TJ journey to recovery so your idea for him to recover from a coma is to put him In another coma?????

You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round

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1 hour ago, Wesley8890 said:

I'm a puzzle wrapped in a enigma encased in a mystery

so basically you're complicated. :gikkle:


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Just seems very weird that Beau and Grayson are into threesomes and sharing. But who can say what is weird anymore?

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Just now, purrbaby said:

Just seems very weird that Beau and Grayson are into threesomes and sharing. But who can say what is weird anymore?

I know what you mean about it being weird... sometimes it is all I see. Not my cup of tea though... 

I have several friends that are into this so I decided to incorporate it into the story.

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1 minute ago, chris191070 said:

Interesting chapter with plenty of suprises.

I am full of surprises

Some say I am full of $hiitake mushrooms

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2 hours ago, AquariusGuy said:

You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round

BAD DJ's have gotten wacked for spinning badly, just sayin.

Speaking of, which Reboot does this make? Version 4.0?

Officer Special K, sounds like a handful. He'll fit in well with the new BHO (Boo Hoo Office) or whatever the new name is.

Sorry for being so critique full (versus critical), but that's both editor and writer in me.

Do we get extra chapters (2 or 3) to get us through the Labor Day wknd?

Stay Safe, Distanced, and #WearTheDamnMask because despite CDC pronouncements  there is NOT going to be a viable, safe, effective and properly tested Covid-19 vaccine for at least another 140 days at the earliest. (sorry,  NDA :X prohibits more info. Avoid ANY 'Sino' or Russian serums / vaccines as their testing results questionable at best). DO however get a Flu Shot ASAP to start boosting your immune system. 0:)



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34 minutes ago, Anton_Cloche said:


  there is NOT going to be a viable, safe, effective and properly tested Covid-19 vaccine for at least another 140 days at the earliest. (sorry,  NDA :X prohibits more info. Avoid ANY 'Sino' or Russian serums / vaccines as their testing results questionable at best). DO however get a Flu Shot ASAP to start boosting your immune system. 0:)



While that is not good news at least it means there won't be vaccine announced in October that the Cheeto-in-chief will then then take credit for a few weeks before the election

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3 hours ago, AquariusGuy said:

so basically you're complicated. :gikkle:


well all you needed to do was read his past comments to figure that out.

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10 minutes ago, James B. said:

I think I'm gonna forget this book. I'm going to pretend it ended with TJ's marriage.

well we jumped back to that. 

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13 hours ago, AquariusGuy said:

well we jumped back to that. 

Really because I'm not sure where we are with all the jumping back and forth and around.

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22 hours ago, Anton_Cloche said:


Stay Safe, Distanced, and #WearTheDamnMask because despite CDC pronouncements  there is NOT going to be a viable, safe, effective and properly tested Covid-19 vaccine for at least another 140 days at the earliest. (sorry,  NDA :X prohibits more info. Avoid ANY 'Sino' or Russian serums / vaccines as their testing results questionable at best). DO however get a Flu Shot ASAP to start boosting your immune system. 0:)



I'm allergic to the flu shot and have been lucky enough not to catch the flu.

As far as the vaccine who knows what will happen. I know the Army has been going full speed ahead working on a vaccine... we've obligated over 3 Billion in research and development.

I will try my best on the chapters...

Edited by AquariusGuy
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So poor JC is kidnapped, though thankfully Nicky has found him, and we now learn that all the brothers except TJ are into threesomes because the new hottie is too hard to resist. Then we’ve got Lucas who’s never once hit on TJ offering to have sex with him though the timing is weird. I mean read the room as first Grayson was excitedly wanting to show TJ around despite the fact he should have been aware his brother wouldn’t be in an excitable mood considering his husband had been kidnapped and now of all times Lucas is hitting on him. Perhaps most of them are becoming desensitized to things like people being kidnapped as besides Trace & TJ nobody else seems overly concerned.

Edited by NimirRaj
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