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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
There is sexual activity between like minded teen age boys in this chapter

The Farm At Maple Hollow - 26. Chapter 26

A pig with a wooden leg???


Once everyone was satisfied as to our cleanup efforts we stopped for a light lunch and ate down at the outside fireplace. I had brought down the soap and towels so we could clean up after, as we all were a tad smelly. We waited the obligatory time before we jumped in. All of us having shucked our clothes were walking down to the dock when I scooped up Sam, threw him over my shoulder and went running towards the end of the dock. When I got there, he was screeching pretty loudly. I stopped, set him down on his feet and as he tried to get by me, I gave him a light push on his chest and he went backwards into the water. Ethan was right behind me with a frantic Pietro who also got the same treatment as we pushed him in. Ethan and I turned to each other, walked back up the dock a bit then ran down and each of us did a cannonball next to the boys. We fooled around engaged in some horseplay. We played for a bit and washed up. After washing we got up and dried off by the outdoor fireplace. Spreading out our towels we chose to do a bit of sunbathing. All in all, it was a relaxing afternoon. After we had had our fill of tanning, we decided to check out the area where Sam had found his stone. Not seeing much or finding anything we headed back to the cabin. There was a Red Sox game on the battery radio and we decided to sit around and listen to it. I had tossed the blankets and pillows on the floor and was cuddled up to Ethan with my head in his lap. Sam had done the same with Pietro and was running his fingers idly through Pietro’s hair. The post-game show was ending when I woke, everyone else was fast asleep.

I lay there for a while content and lost in my thoughts. Things were settling down and there was a wonderful sense of complacency. I had no real regrets other than my altercation at the ice cream parlor. Not much that I knew of came out of it, Earl mentioned he had talked with Chief Woods as the Chief wanted to know if we wanted to have him speak with Bobby Jeanette. We had decided to drop the matter and let things be. It was one of those warm sunny afternoons. These were the longest days of the year and the explosion of growth was simply amazing. Every growing thing had made use of the abundant sunlight.

The bare ground of spring gave way to the verdant jungle of weeds and other plant life. The days had become hot and sultry as there was a noticeable uptick in the humidity. Newborns were well on their way to becoming yearlings as the squirrels and chipmunks were feasting on the abundance of summer foods. The black flies and gnats had given way to mosquitoes and fat house flies. Dragonflies had appeared in every shade of iridescent color imaginable. They looked like throwbacks to a previous era with their double wings. When I was smaller, one of my brother’s friends told me they were called sewing needles and if they landed on you, they could sew your eyes, nose, ears, and mouth shut. I lived in fear of them until my mother had noticed and set me straight. Now, I was simply fascinated by them.

Down by the shady edges of the pond the pollywogs had become tadpoles which in turn were becoming frogs. All around us the circle of life continued despite our interferences. Wild strawberries had come out and the blueberries soon would be ripe for the plucking. Out in the fields the corn was coming up fast followed by the first cut of summer hay. Baby birds were taking flight, earning their wings in the soft summer breezes. Down had been replaced by feathers and the snakes had shed their skins as growth spurts transformed them. Looking down at my body I noticed scars were fading, my legs had sprouted fine hairs, nearly invisible but they were there. Old Spot had grown a happy trail and the hair in my pits had become thicker. There was a faint line of fuzz over my upper lip. Marge swore I was taller and Earl commented on my broad shoulders.

Looking over at the boys you could see they were sprouting and taking flight as well. Sam’s pubes no longer were sparse and his body was shedding its baby fat at a prodigious rate. His muscular structure was well on its way to defining his body. Pietro had outgrown his shyness along with becoming more confident he was developing into a good, dependable third baseman and when needed could pitch. For a lefty his age, his stuff was amazing. We’d go to his ball games and of all his peers; he looked the most at home on the baseball field. Ethan’s scars had faded as well and he moved as he did before he left for the service. Occasionally after a long day of work at the farm he would stiffen a bit and would have to stretch to work the kinks out. He was in his prime and I couldn’t have asked for a better boyfriend and lover.

I turned my head in Ethan’s lap and felt his hand in my hair. He lightly scratched my scalp with his fingernails causing me to purr. He traced his fingers over every inch of my scalp from my forehead to the back of my neck. His fingers traced the area above and behind my ears. It was pure bliss as his hands would make trips further down my back. I could smell his maleness, that delectable scent that was unique only to him. I brought his other hand to my face and kissed it. This quiet interaction between the two of us was a special moment of giving and receiving comfort and small tender mercies. It was as satisfying as any other physical act we would find ourselves in and I reveled in the moment. Pietro was still cuddled into Sam as they lay there with their legs intertwined.

I heard the pangs of hunger rumble from Ethan’s stomach and we both chuckled over it. The ballgame was long over and the radio was playing the current songs of the day. During a commercial break we realized the supper hour was drawing near. It was time to get up and moving. I rolled over Ethan and kissed my way up his chest, nibbling his earlobes and planting light kisses on his face. We hugged and held each other tight and rocked back and forth in each other’s arms. I didn’t want to move as Ethan planted some kisses on my neck and then moved towards my adams apple and points south as I leaned back. When he reached the space between my nipples he tenderly kissed and licked each one of them. Moving back to the center of my chest he took a deep breath and gave me a raspberry, a big wet sloppy one. I started laughing and struggled to elude his grasp. It earned me another sloppy raspberry as I finally broke free.

We had made enough noise to wake the boys and they looked over at us sheepishly. As they untangled themselves, they stretched and yawned. Sam looked over to us and asked what was for supper. I tossed a pillow at him and reminded him he had asked for pork chops. Getting up I stretched out myself and went out to the porch and looked down over the pond. Shaking the last bit of sleep off I headed off to pee. I was followed by three others who also needed to relieve themselves. Ethan reached over and took hold of me and directed my stream and I returned the favor. Sam took hold of Pietro’s penis and was reminded to pull his foreskin back as the first few drops managed to hit his feet. Ethan and I went back into the cabin to clean up and start supper as the boys went down to the dock with an old fishing pole and a couple of bacon scraps. We got the cook stove going and made short work of cooking supper.

Pan fried pork chops served with sautéed onions remains to this day one of my favorite meals. Toss in a side of early summer squash sliced thin along with some zucchini and you have the beginnings of a truly fantastic meal. I’m addicted to pan fried potatoes or home fries as I like to call them. Season with a bit of salt and pepper and they are a meal unto themselves. What was cooked was inhaled leaving me wondering if there would be room for the leftover desserts we had brought. As Sam and Pietro cleared the table and took care of the dishes, I brought out the rest of the cake and strawberry rhubarb pie making sure to set the pie in front of me. Rhubarb is one of nature’s great treats. Eating it raw is a skill only few can endure as the tart, tangy taste overwhelms the taste buds. Slicing it in to smaller pieces and barely adding water in a sauce pan over low heat helps to break it down like apple sauce. Once you have reduced it to sauce, add sugar to taste and let it cool. In my mind it stands alone in taste and texture. Adding fresh strawberries to it as it cooks improves it doubly so. Use it as a pie filling and it becomes a dessert fit for a king. Marge also makes jelly out of it and when used with peanut butter makes the absolute best peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the planet bar none.

What made this pie special was the fact that Ethan had made it for my birthday knowing how much I loved it and tonight there was but two pieces left. I think the boys knew and respected the pie as they all reached for cake. It’s why I loved them so and knowing they all respected the pie pleased me. It pleased me so much I cut the two slices of pie into four equal parts and passed them around. Looking at me with incredulous faces I explained that it would taste better if they helped me share it. By the time we had finished dessert we were stuffed little piggies. We had all pushed our chairs back from the table and leaned back, placing our hands over out distended bellies. A food coma of sorts had settled over us and our lethargy was clearly evident. As we sat there contentedly, we talked of nothing much, Pietro’s summer ball game schedule, chores we had been doing about the farm, chores we liked and detested and plans for the rest of the summer.

Ethan and I had to make the six-month trip back into Boston for his check up and the boys clamored to go. Sam wanted to go back to the Swan Boats in the worst way and Pietro, never having been wanted to see the city. I felt a rumble forming deep inside me and leaned slightly to one side and let a loud and long prodigious fart go. As I finished there were three horrified faces staring back at me. I don’t know what had come over me so suddenly but it was followed by a burp of equal distinction. Smiling, I looked at the guys and said at least there was no danger of me blowing up as it would appear, I was off gassing. That response was met with horrified silence and I suggested it might be time to grab the marshmallows and head to the outdoor fireplace. It was kind of funny to see how fast everyone moved for the door and as they scrambled, I offered to bring the marshmallows down.

It was a great night to be sitting by the fire. The night was warm and we kept the conversation lively. Every now and then one of the guys would lean over and let a fart rip, not one of them matched my effort at the table. At one point Pietro let a good one go, and I told him he may have to check for skid marks in his underpants and that got us all laughing. Ethan let one go that sounded a little wet and looked at me with a horrified expression on his face, and then sweetly asked if farts were supposed to have lumps. That got us all going again as we tried for a bit to outdo each other.

When the dust had settled so to speak, we moved on to other subjects. I decided to tell a joke from one of the books Sam’s mother had brought. It was about this pig with a wooden leg.

Everyone was looking at me and waiting for me to start. I tossed a few more pieces of wood on the fire and raked the coals a bit back towards the center of the pit.

“This is a story about a pig with a wooden leg that belonged to a farmer in central Maine. Once there was this traveling salesman who made his loving going from small town to small town peddling his wares. He sold small, hard to find items that you see in any backcountry general store. It was a cold winter’s day near the end of afternoon when this salesman, tired from the day’s journey and frustrated by the slow volume of sales, decided to make one last call before calling it a night. In order to get to his next destination before the store close, he decided to take a shortcut between towns.

As he crested the hill he was going up, he realized that his foot rested to heavy on the gas pedal, for as he came over the crest of the hill, he noticed that the road ahead of him was icy. At the bottom of the hill was a narrow wooden bridge that was barely wide enough for a single car to pass over. He braked gently to no avail, the car skidded and he lost control. Careening at great speed down the icy road he hit the side of the wooden bridge and crashed upside down onto the pond the bridge spanned. Struggling furiously to escape the submerged vehicle as it slowly filled with icy water, he sensed his efforts would be futile, that he would die here on this day. As the car finally filled with water and he exhaled the air that was left in his lungs, he started to black out. The last thing that filled his vision as his life ebbed, was a pig at the window with a wooded leg!”

Looking at the boys I noticed I had them hooked. They had bought into the story and were waiting to see what was going to happen to the salesman and what role the pig with the wooden leg would play. They were impatient with the short break I had taken for dramatic effect and I knew I needed to continue lest they lose interest.

“It was some hours later when the traveling salesman woke up. He found himself on the edge of the pond wrapped in a blanket. He could feel the heat of a fire and as he turned towards the fire, he saw the pig with the wooden leg. Above the pig were his clothes hanging from branches that hung over the fire. The salesman looked around for someone, the very person who must have pulled him from the sunken car. As he got up, he noticed on the ground around him that there were only his footprints and those of the pig with the wooden leg. It was clearly obvious that the pig had in fact, rescued him.

Gathering his dry clothes, he got dressed. As he was getting dressed, he had noticed the pig pointing to the twinkling lights of a farmhouse off in the distance. He followed the pig to the farmhouse and knocked on the door. The farmer who lived there opened the door and the salesman asked him if the pig with the wooden leg was his. The farmer said it was and why was he asking. The salesman told the farmer of his story, how he lost control of his car and that the pig had saved him, built a fire, and dried his clothes and led him here. The farmer replied that it wasn’t anything special, that just last week the pig pulled three people out of a burning house.

The salesman was stunned, here was a genuine miracle…a pig that saved lives and rescued people. He could see the implications; there was fame to be had, and a fortune to be made. Asking the farmer if he had given any thought to telling the pig’s story he asked if he had ever thought of contacting the local paper, radio, or TV stations. The farmer replied that they didn’t cotton much to publicity and things would remain as they were. The traveling salesman could see he was defeated but there was one nagging question, he had to know just how the pig got the wooden leg and he asked the farmer as much. With a wink and a nod, the farmer pulled the traveling salesman close to him and whispered in his ear…You don’t think you eat a pig like that all at, once do you?”

You could hear a pin drop and as the joke hit home the look of surprise on everyone’s faces. There was a collective groan from the guys followed by a few choice comments on how stupid the story was as I laughed at their reactions.

It was well after dusk and the mosquitoes were coming out, there wasn’t much of a breeze and they were becoming a nuisance. We raked and banked the fire and made our way back into the cabin. We played cards as was our habit for an hour or so, it was a lively game of pitch. As we were finishing up the last hand, I asked Pietro what bet he had lost to Sam earlier. He blushed deeply and became very quiet and Sam was grinning wildly.

“When I left your bedroom this morning and went back to Sam’s, my hardon was pretty noticeable and Sam wanted to offer some relief. It was obvious I needed to cum and Sam was in the same state so we decided to help each other. We didn’t have much time and I told Sam I bet I would cum before him as a challenge. Sam thought differently. The bet was who ever came first would be the winner and the looser would have to ask you guys a question we were curious about.”

At this point Pietro is running out of confidence and words and Sam poked him in the side to prod him along and hurriedly told him to ask the question.

“We…we want…when we fool around tonight…we…I um…I mean Sam and I would like to….ah…if you would….oh crap…why is this so difficult?” Taking a deep breath in Pietro looked over to Sam who nodded his head affirmatively, “We want you to teach…I mean watch…shit…we want to see what it’s like to make love!”

I don’t think Ethan saw this coming and I know I didn’t see this coming but I could understand what was going through their minds…I mean I was there once and I knew it took balls for Pietro to come out, and ask us for the both of them. I think Sam would have been a little more direct and managed to blurt it out a bit quicker. It was I suppose a natural progression in their sexual awakening and growth. It was comforting that they trusted us with this next stage in their relationship and I knew it needed to be respected and wasn’t something to make light of or dismiss easily.

When Pietro said what was on their minds, instead of hanging his head and avoiding eye contact he looked directly at me, there was pleading in his eyes and a simple direct honesty written all over his face. I needed to respond to what was on their minds just as honestly and directly.

“So then, how do you want to do it?” I asked looking at Sam. If Pietro had to start the conversation then I wanted Sam now to become a part of it. He couldn’t hide anymore; he was to be a full-fledged coconspirator in what was going to happen. Sam’s face turned a deep shade of red. “Better yet Sam” I asked “Why don’t you tell us what you want to do?”

This was the quietest I had seen Sam in I don’t know how long. I could tell he was nervous and a bit scared. It was if he expressed his desire or needs, he might seem smaller in our eyes. I told him it was ok and Ethan reached out across the table and placed a hand over his.

“I want to know…what it’s like…I want to…” Sam started, struggling with the words; he was on the verge, so close to being able to express what he was feeling so deep inside. Sam wasn’t about vulnerability; he was always confident and if you pardon the pun, cocksure…almost always full of himself in a quiet determined way. “Pietro and I overheard Bobby and Eddy talking about how you helped them. How much they enjoyed it and we want to try it. I want Pietro to…I mean…Pietro wants to…” At that moment Pietro placed his hand on Sam’s shoulder reassuring him, finally Sam said “I want Pietro inside me and afterwards I want to be inside of Pietro.”

“It is a big step boy” Ethan commented “But if you’re sure you both want to do this we’ll help”

“There’s more” Pietro said “We want to do it with you guys as well!”

I was a bit surprised, stunned and Ethan looked disbelieving, incredulous to say the least.

“So” said Sam, drawing out the word for a few seconds longer than necessary with his sweetest smile on his face. “Will you help us?”

“Are you sure?” Ethan asked. “It’s gonna hurt a bit the first time and you need to understand that. Once you start you gotta suck it up and let your partner finish. Obviously if it hurts too much, they need to stop but if you both think you can get past the initial pain, then everything should be alright. Having Aric deep inside me is special and I love the way it makes me feel, being deep inside of Aric is just as special and I can see how he feels by the look on his face. You both need to understand about being clean back there as well and I don’t just mean washed back there if you both know what I mean.”

Both boys were grinning and obvious looks of relief were evident as they had gotten out what was on their minds. It was going to be an interesting night to say the least. I suggested to the boys they both make a trip to the outhouse while we started to clean up and get the blankets and pillows out. It didn’t take them long to return and by the looks on their faces they had accomplished the mission. Ethan and I both made our ablutions’ as well and when I came back, I suggested a quick swim with a bar of soap was in order.

Sam grabbed the towels as Pietro led the way. Once we were in the water and fully wet I started to wash Ethan and told the boys to line up. Once I was done with Ethan, I soaped up Sam, he squirmed as I paid attention to his backside and I could tell Pietro was enjoying my washing him as well if the boner he produced was any indication. I handed the soap to Pietro and told him to wash me. His slippery hands ran smoothly over me. He spent some time on my cock and balls and I spread my legs to give him better access to my hairless anus. His fingers darted lightly over it and after the third pass he pressed against it causing an involuntary shudder. This was going to be fun I thought as I let him finish washing my private places.

While we were toweling off, I had noticed Sam and Pietro were engaged in a quiet conversation. When they finished Pietro came over to us and asked if I would mind if when we got back to the cabin that we pair off and Sam and Ethan paired off. Ethan shrugged his shoulders and indicated he was fine with it and I agreed. On the way back up to the cabin Sam explained how we would do this. Sam wanted to do Ethan while I did Pietro, when we were done Ethan would do me while Pietro did him. It was his way of taking charge as he did with the cabin, Sam had his comfort zones and tonight he had stretched way past them.

Walking into the cabin I grabbed the towels and hung them over the backs of our chairs. Pietro came up to me and took my hands and pulled me close to him. His back was against the table and I leaned into a kiss with him. He moaned softly as we kissed and sat on the edge of the table as his hands slid up and down my sides. We were both erect and I knew he was ready. I asked him to sit a bit further back on the table as I grabbed a chair and sat on it. I tossed him a couple of the towels and told him to lie back. Placing his feet on the table his bottom opened to me. I gently massaged his buns and as I cupped them, I was able to fully expose the door he so obviously wanted me to enter. I leaned in and the sweet smell of his tender young musk filled my nostrils and shut the thinking part of my brain down. Leaning further in I brought my tongue to him. That familiar metallic taste was there as I probed and darted the wrinkled opening. He would gasp and shudder as I rimmed him and after a few minutes I slowly pressed my index finger against him and applied light pressure. I could tell by Pietro’s breathing he was enjoying it. As I pushed into him, I could feel him wriggle, in an effort to meet my finger. I slowly moved my finger in and out of him, enjoying the warmth of him on it. Sensing he was comfortable, I tried two fingers and while there was some initial resistance, I was able to get them in with minimal discomfort. I stretched him as best I could as I moved them in and out of him. Over by the couch I could see Sam on top of Ethan who was lying on his back. Sam had not lasted long if the noise I was hearing was any indication.

Returning my attention to Pietro I loosened him up for another minute or so and softly asked if he was ready. Lifting his head and looking me directly in the eyes was all I needed to see as he wordlessly nodded his head. Standing him up I brought his legs to my shoulders and placed myself against him, I held my position with the head of my penis resting against his anus. I wanted to watch his face as I entered him, to see his expressions. He looked down at me as I pressed against him and saw I was ready to enter. Looking back up at me with a face full of unknown expectations and anticipation he waited for me to enter him. I pressed a bit more firmly against him and his eyes closed and his lips parted slightly. His head fell back as he tried to process the new sensations. As I slid a bit further in, he bit the corner of his bottom lip. Opening his eyes, I could see no discomfort to speak of and as I came up against his sphincter, he took a deep breath, his chest rising as I went through and fully entered him. His eyes closed for a moment and when they reopened, he smiled. I gave him a moment to get used to me and then slowly pulled back and just as slowly pushed back in.

God he was so frigging tight, wet, and warm. Like a silken glove he fit me, he was wrapped around me so smoothly. His breathing was telling me it was ok to move somewhat faster. His exhalations were cries of pleasure, every now and then he would pick his head up and as he would give into the pleasure it would fall back. I could feel myself all to quickly coming close to the point of no return myself. Ethan and Sam were watching intently as I thrust quickly into Pietro. Tossing my head back and slamming as deeply as possible I unloaded all that I had into him. We had built a rhythm in that dance of the push and pull of our bodies, as we comingled and lost our individuality. Like Ethan and I, there was a connection between us, a shared experience. While my love for Ethan was foremost, I loved these boys no less and while not on the deeper plain that Ethan and I existed, we shared our souls as lovers. Pietro pulled my head down to his as Old Spot retreated, the fight momentarily taken out of him. Our lips gently met and his eyes locked deeply into mine. Our communication was wordless as we silently thanked each other for the gifts given and received.

I needed Ethan to feel complete; I needed him deeply inside of me, to fill me with his desire and love. I slowly slipped from Pietro and lay by Ethan’s side as Pietro followed me and made his way to Sam. Ethan was ready, it was clearly apparent and I needed him desperately. I straddled his hips and rested my taint on his throbbing erection. Sam was on his back, spreading his legs to give Pietro access. As I lowered myself on Ethan, Pietro was rimming Sam who moaned in supplication. Taking Sam’s legs over his shoulders Pietro pressed against Sam, told him how much he loved him, how much he appreciated the gift of his body. Asking if he was ready, Sam nodded in the affirmative. There was a groan and a gasp as Pietro entered Sam for the first time. Pietro slowed for a moment and asked once again if Sam was sure. Sam, reaching out to Pietro’s hips clasped them and held him still for a moment. Once the initial discomfort passed, Sam slowly pulled Pietro into him as you could see the strain on Sam’s face clear. Throwing his head back, and arching his lower back and hips to find a better angle, Sam pulled Pietro fully into him.

It was like watching an expedition setting sail for new worlds of discovery. The trials and tribulations expressed in the gentleness of sight, touch, expression, and motion. As pain turned towards pleasure and new sensations replaced old, two became one. A course had been set and faithfully followed towards the Promised Land. Dangerous seas and rivers had been crossed; mountain peaks were being scaled as the inexorable march towards the setting sun commenced. The higher altitudes and thin air made for difficult breathing, bodies glistened with perspiration, and the friction of lips gently brushing against each other set the mighty savanna aflame. Hands slowly, tenderly tracing muscular and skeletal structure set off avalanches high up in the glacial fields. Like salmon returning spawn, raging rivers coalesced into the gentle flowing tributaries where life again would be renewed and the empty husks and detritus of the past would give way to the rebirth of a new generation.

First times are fraught with nervous anticipation and excitement. In the single solitary joys of self-pleasure imagination is king. The first time one experiences self-discovery, the first time the shared experience of mutual flagellation is experienced and the touch of another heightens and opens the door to newer sensations. The increase of intensity and the beginnings of understanding that alone, self-pleasure is desirable as one seeks relief. It is in that discovery the wonders of shared pleasure, that the touch of another brings, increases the intensity, and drive in seeking mutual relief.

In the exploration of one’s body by another, that the faint understanding of the connection two souls can make is unspoken. It is in the coupling, the shared experience of fully giving oneself to another that love grows from the intensity of the shared experience. First times are fraught with peril as one wonders what will happen; when I do this alone in my bed, when I ask another if they would like to, and when the Rubicon is crossed and one gives away what is most precious, a piece of the soul, opening the door to a connection, a joining of two into one. Senses are heightened in nervous anticipation, trust gives way to desire and desire becomes trust, lovers jump off that cliff together. It is but a bittersweet moment, that brief O so moment, when acceptance leads to that first touch of the coupling to come, when two bodies meet, flesh gives way to flesh. When heartbeats pounding away connect to each other through sweaty chests, when the door opens and you enter a brand-new world. Nothing ever prepares you for this, not the wonders of self-derived orgasm, a mutual, mechanical hand or blow job; they won’t come close to the overwhelming intensity that beckons. It is overwhelming, this experience, and like many others before it is over but all too quickly.

Pietro gave it his all, once Sam told him he was comfortable and as often happens, it lasted but a few moments as their bodies and minds betrayed them. As Pietro climaxed rather noisily, he slumped down on Sam whose face radiated pure pleasure. Watching the two of them as the afterglow settled in brought the two of us to a rather quick conclusion. As I was watching Pietro and Sam, I was vaguely aware that Ethan was deep inside of me as I sat on top of him. I had been moving as his hips thrust upwards into me. Once my attention had returned to what we were doing we lasted but a minute longer. I was again hard as a rock and as Ethan’s grip on my thighs tightened and his breathing became ragged and calling my name out, he grunted as he came deep inside of me. I brought my hand to myself and quick as a flash I spurted spunk all over his belly. Using my other hand, I rubbed into his skin as we both grew soft. Leaning over I bent down to kiss Ethan and as I did, he slipped out of me and we rolled over onto our sides holding each other tightly.

The four of us lay quietly in our pile of blankets and pillows content with simple touches and caresses of each other. Sam’s head was on Pietro’s chest and he was tracing his finger idly in a lazy motion over his mid-section. Ethan was spooned tightly behind me holding me in his arms. Sleep came early for us this evening as we finished picking up after ourselves after reluctantly getting up. We were four tired, drawn out boys exhausted from our previous exertions. Giving both Sam and Pietro a hug and a heartfelt kiss I plodded along to the bedroom with Ethan close behind. I think I was asleep right after I kissed Ethan goodnight and my head hit the pillow.

Thanks for reading, as always, your thoughts and comments are most welcome!@!!
Copyright © 2020 drsawzall; All Rights Reserved.
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Thanks for reading, I look forward to your reactions and comments.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Hmmmmmm.  I just am not sure about this chapter.  Well written and flowed well but have to admit it made me a little uncomfortable, but then maybe that is what good stories are supposed to do ever so often.

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Another beautifully written chapter. The tranquillity of the afternoon lazing around, the humour after the meal and then a well-handled sexual initiation scene. Yes, there is an age difference (and remembering that back in the sixties and seventies there was far less social stigma regarding this) but there is no question that all concerned are consenting and happy with what they are doing.

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   Well another great story very well written a lot's of humour and had a lot of laughs it will be good to see what they find at dig that Sam started it will also be great to see Ethen & Aric tie the knot get married see how Sam & Pietro get along please lets have a lot more in this great story of yours and please lets have them soon 


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I do wish that I had had mentors like this.  The first time was way to difficult as neither of us really knew what to do.  

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1 hour ago, raven1 said:

I do wish that I had had mentors like this.  The first time was way to difficult as neither of us really knew what to do.  

We have such a hangup as a society regarding sex, it isn't dirty but something wonderful to celebrate, with proper education, we would all be much better off! Obviously it comes with responsibilities!!

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Strawberry Rhubarb pie!

Simply a great chapter with the greatest of description and dialogue!

Edited by Albert1434
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1 hour ago, Albert1434 said:


Strawberry Rhubarb pie!

Simply a great chapter with the greatest of description and dialogue!

The sad part is that I would walk across a busy highway for a piece of Strawberry Rhubarb pie!!

  • Haha 2
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