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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Cernunnos - 26. Chapter 26

On the trek to the first parking lot, Shea detailed to the group they would be performing a lap around the entire forest, hitting every major and minor destination. Shea wouldn’t put it past Marric to park on the farthest end of the forest, just to run and wait at the attack site. The Greenbush picnic area was a bust, and the nearby campground and trail lots weren’t helpful either. We have plenty more to visit.

The Enforcer was pleased to see Cyn handling himself with unfamiliar wolves. Even more pleasing was the fact the hunting squad treated the buck as a normal team member. He held his reservations though, and kept his eyes on the team from behind. I won’t allow any mistreatment of my mate! He instructed the team to head north, as the Ice Age trail lot would be the next stop.

Still nothing. Shea scowled as he knew two major destinations were coming soon. The Kettle Moraine Correctional Facility, and Camp Long Lake Scout Camp, both bound to be swarming with human eyes. They trekked there, passing and scouring several small areas with parked vehicles. Each time, one of the team members had to stop, get dressed, and scout the lot with the key fob to test the area. The act was tedious, but the mission was vital. That vehicle could have a clue to where Eike and Hauser are hiding!

After running for several miles, Cyn and a few of the lower-ranked members were beginning to tire. Time for a break. Shea barked, signaling for a rest. The pack-toting wolves had their bags removed so they could move more freely. Cyn didn’t mind carrying it. He stood and nuzzled the ground in search of a snack.

Much to his delight, he found several trees with acorns on the ground. Pressing on them with his hooves, the nuts easily cracked and he worked his mouth around the shattered shells. Turning, he found Shea trotting up to him. Maybe Sheamus wants some. Breaking more acorns, the buck separated the nut from the shell and pointed towards it. Shea dipped his nose and smelled the nut, only to snort, showing his wolf’s distaste for the tree fruit. Oh well. More for me!

After getting his fill, Cyn decided to lay down near some of the other wolves. His instincts told him to stay near the friendly predators in case unfamiliar ones decided to venture near. As he settled into a seated position, Shea curled behind him, resting his head over the deer’s neck. A warmth filled in Cyn’s heart. He’s touching me! Sheamus really is claiming me! The team recuperated for a few minutes until they felt ready to continue.

The correctional facility was not as complicated as Shea thought it would be. There were a few vehicles in the visitor lot, and none of the searching guards were focused. Cyn and Shea darted behind one of the larger SUVs. With a quick shift, Shea pressed the button on the fob, roamed to another grouping of cars and found no vehicles responding. Quickly retreating, the group moved on to the other intimidating challenge.

Camp Long Lake. A lot of area to cover and several parking lots. From the looks of the main parking lot, there’s only a couple scout troops here. That makes it a little easier. The team hid themselves along a treeline and laid prone. Shea and Oskar figured it would be best to cover the main parking lot first, then the recreational areas, then the individual campgrounds. Forming a single-file line, Kara took the lead. As per the usual, the lots proved useless. The team silently worked around several small structures, but Cyn halted when they were about to pass the firing range. Pointing his nose towards the trees to the left of the range, Shea saw it.

A relatively new truck. Shifting, Shea pulled the key from Cyn’s pack, expecting another failure. The fog lights blinked, and it took willpower for the group to remain silent. They had found the vehicle! Oskar shifted into his human form, as well as one of his subordinates and Shea. It was decided that Oskar and the other shifted member would take the vehicle off the camp’s property and circle back to the Parnell Tower lot where the team’s vehicles were. Despite it being a nerve-racking operation, the team was able to drive the truck out of Camp Long Lake undetected. Parting ways, Oskar took the truck while the remaining shifters made a bee-line for the Parnell Tower.

Arriving back at their vehicles, the shifters scouted the area to ensure no humans were around and reverted to their human forms. With their clothes back on, they waited for Oskar to arrive. The gray truck pulled into the lot, much to Shea’s delight. A successful mission! Ordering a convoy formation, the hunting team’s vehicle took the lead, followed by the recovered truck and Shea’s red sedan.

On the trip back to Arric’s manor, Shea held onto Cyn’s hand and kept a heartfelt smile the entire way. He was proud of his little deer and the squadron’s ability to find the truck. Things went off without a hitch! Glancing away from the road for a moment, he saw Cyn staring at the lycan’s hand in the deer’s. He’s so cute, but strong. I don’t think he has a clue the power he holds. He grew so accustomed to the other wolves faster than I anticipated. Just a few minutes and he was ready to go! Looking in the rear-view mirror, he found Kara texting on her phone, “Karr, you mind letting Walter or Arric know we’re on the way with the vehicle?”

“Sure thing. Jaime texted me while we were out. Him and Kieran got into Marric’s phone. They found a lot of unread messages from Priscilla and Eike, so that officially put her in the manhunt. Right now, they’re focusing on the GPS history to see where the phone has been in the past couple of days.”

Shea released Cyn’s hand and held up a fist in excitement, “Yes! That’s great! We’re finally getting ahead of those bastards.” Glancing at Cyn once more, the wolf’s smile grew twice its size, “If I wasn’t driving, I’d kiss you senselessly.”

As the bigger man’s hand returned to its rightful place, Cyn’s cheeks started to heat up. The thought of Sheamus kissing him like before melted his bones. A groan from the backseat captured the couple’s attention, “You two are nauseating with your adorableness. We’re almost to Alpha’s house, so try to keep it in your pants until then.”

The Enforcer’s face couldn’t decide on smiling or scowling. That was really funny, but there’s a small part of me that wants to growl! If I want to pull over and… Widening his eyes, Shea halted his train of thought. What’s wrong with me? I couldn’t do that to Cyn, especially in front of Karr! I need to talk to Arric about all of this. If this is going to be a permanent mind change for me, I’ll have to get used to it or learn how to control it. I can’t have anything putting Cyn in harm’s way...even if it’s myself. Hearing a subtle chuckle from Cyn caused his negative mindset to disappear.

Cyn found peace with Sheamus’ hand on his. He knew as long as the big lycan had a grip on him, everything would be okay. The buck closed his eyes and leaned his head back into the seat and drifted away.


The convoy of vehicles pulled in, and Shea couldn’t help but meet Arric’s eyes as the Alpha stood in the doorway to the large home. He’s been waiting. Looking to the passenger seat, he noticed Cyn in a deep slumber. I’m surprised he slept through that pothole outside the driveway! He must have been exhausted. Shea realized he hasn’t gotten a lot of sleep either, he knew it wouldn’t be long before his body demanded a nap.

Kara and Shea got out of the sedan, closing their doors as quietly as possible. Kara went forward to meet with Oskar while Shea honed in on his only priority. Lifting his man, the lycan carried Cyn in his arms towards the house. Arric moved inside to let his new Enforcer through, “I see you found Marric’s vehicle.” Whispering as to avoid waking the buck, the Alpha gave an approving head nod, “Good job.”

“Thanks, Alpha.” Shea turned to Arric and whispered in response, “I’m going to put him to bed, but I’ll be back down." Carrying his boyfriend up the stairs, Shea opened the bedroom door and laid Cyn down. He draped the thick blanket over the slumbering shifter. He looks so peaceful. Leaning down, Shea left the lightest of kisses on Cyn's forehead before he silently left, closing the door behind him.

Coming down the stairs, Arric and Walter ushered the Enforcer into the living room. Shea saw Kieran and Jaime tirelessly working on two laptops at the kitchen island. "How's the phone coming?"

Arric huffed, "We got messages and call logs, but those two are working with the phone's company to recover what those calls were about and where that phone has been."

Nodding, Shea sat on a couch with Walter as Arric took his designated recliner, "Alpha, I need to ask about taking this position. I know you said it affects my wolf's personality, but I wasn't expecting such a drastic change in my personal behavior."

"It takes some time, but you'll find a healthy balance. You'll find yourself making impulsive decisions over the next several weeks."

Making a furrowed face, Shea leaned forward, "I've noticed. I feel more attracted to Cyn than ever before. It's taking everything I have not to go back upstairs and claiming him right now. Hell, I had to stop holding his hand on the drive here!"

The other two lycan laughed as Walter clapped his hand on the shoulder of his fellow councilman, "You're growing a bond with the cernunnos. As an Enforcer, it will become second nature to protect him. The position is the pack's bodyguard. Whether it be Arric, Cyn, myself, or any other lowly ranked member, your wolf will desire to intervene if they are in danger. You are one of the three that carry the pack on their shoulders."

Understanding his role, Shea felt a sense of pride course through him. I'm in charge of everyone's safety. "If I may ask, how did Eike come into this position?"

"He liked to fight." Arric kicked his leg onto his knee, "Eike was the clear choice to protect this pack. Aside from me, he could defeat any foe. Having him on the council balanced us. Walt kept the level head in terms of advice and negotiation, Eike was the brute force, and I the spear's head.

"With you in the position, there is even greater balance. You may not be the finest in a battle, but you carry your own intelligence in tactical combat and strategy, something Eike never possessed. Someone can always be taught to fight, but not everyone can utilize their brain.”

Hearing Arric and Walter’s analysis of the position provided incredible clarity to Shea. So my impulsive thoughts are normal, just another part of me growing into the position. I feel that I should accept it, but I don’t want to seem too commanding, especially with Cyn. I make one territorial move and he might run away.

“Shea,” The Enforcer snapped out of his daze and focused on Arric, “Give me the rundown. Were there any issues on the mission?” Shea informed the Alpha and Beta on the mission, from departure to successfully exfiltrating the truck from the scout camp. He spared no detail, and pridefully noted that it was Cyn who found their objective. “Once again, the cernunnos saves the day. Cyn is becoming a valuable team member.” Closing his hands together, the Alpha rubbed his thumbs together.

Walter instantly knew what Arric was thinking about, “Arric, if I know what you’re contemplating, you have my full support. I would suggest waiting until the next official pack meeting to come to a decision.”

“I agree, but I will be heavily considering it. It will turn some heads, but no one would go against my ruling. For now, I think we should turn in. It’s been a long day and I’m sure some of us could use a well-earned rest.” Arric rose from his seat and turned to Kieran and Jaime, “You two can keep working as long as you wish. Kieran, you’re welcome to stay on the couch since Jaime’s staying here.”

The laid-back council member rocked a thumbs up, “Thanks for the offer, Alpha! I think we almost got the GPS verifications. If Jaime’s good for it, I’m down for an all-nighter.” With a nod from Jaime, the two got back to moving their fingers on their computers.

“Alright then. You can make as much coffee as you need as well. You know how to work it?”

Kieran lackadaisically turned his head, “Oh yeah! I know that model! I read the instruction manual last year when they came out.”

Arric shook his head and chuffed. Out of all the people to have an eidetic memory, I get this knucklehead. “Knock yourselves out, just don’t wake me up. Walt, have a safe drive home. Feel free to call for a hunting team member or two for security.”

Ever so annoyed, the Beta laughed with a low tone, “I’m insulted, Alpha! My home’s security system is fool-proof. If you think anyone’s getting past my front door, you’re sadly mistaken!”

With Walter leaving and Arric adjourning to his room, Shea silently lurked upstairs. I’m beat! Glad Alpha told us to go to bed. I was about to take the couch from Kieran! Reaching the second floor landing, the sound of running water halted the lycan in his tracks. Oh, right! Kara and Jaime are in the other bedroom. A smile curled on Shea’s lips. That means it’s me and Cyn.


His mind stirred. Cyn moved his hand from his side to the cloud-like material underneath him. It’s so soft. Wha-what is this? Lifting his head, he noticed the thick covering on top of him. A blanket? Sleepily, he blinked his eyes in a state of confusion. I’m...in the room in Arric’s house? I was just in Sheamus’ car. When did I get here? Listening, he heard several voices coming from downstairs. I hear Sheamus...and Walter...and Arric.

He heard footsteps from outside the room, startling the deer. A small squeak and a rush of water followed. That’s...from the bathroom. Noiselessly, Cyn crept off the bed and walked to the door. Opening it, he saw a light illuminating the hallway. With a sniff, the buck recognized Kara’s scent but another familiar aroma hit his nose. Sheamus! He’s nearby. The sounds were barely audible under the water flowing, but Cyn could hear the weight of the nearly-silent steps. It’s him. He’s coming. In the dark room, the cernunnos backtracked and sat on the edge of the bed.

The door slowly opened and the two saw each other in the nearly lightless room, smiles growing on both faces. Shea’s eyelids were squinted and Cyn swallowed as he caught the sight of the lycan licking his bottom lip. “Hey, little man. Ready for bed?” Seeing a sleepy nod, the lycan’s body trembled in anticipation. He was about to lay in bed with his boyfriend. As he walked to the other side of the bed, he took his shirt off and tossed it to the side. Lifting the cover, Shea noticed that the buck was still wearing his clothes, jeans and all, “You know you can take those off, right? You’ll be a lot more comfortable without them.” His sentence was both sincere and devious. The lycan wanted to see his mate. He wanted to feel Cyn next to him.

“Oh, okay.” Cyn was quick to take off his shirt but slowed down as he reached the jeans. Do the lycan wear their pants to bed? “Sheamus? Do you take your pants off when you go to bed?”

Remembering that clothing was still a new concept to the cernunnos, Shea chuckled behind closed lips, “I usually sleep with just my boxers. It makes the bed really comfortable when I sleep.” To prove his words, Shea sat and removed his own jeans, kicking them to his pile of clothes. Slipping off his socks, he inserted his feet under the large blanket, “See?”

I understand. Mirroring the lycan’s actions, Cyn created his own pile at the foot of the bed and rested his head on the heavenly pillow. This feels so much better than when I woke up! As Cyn let his back sink into the mattress, his attention was drawn to Shea as the wolf inched his way closer. The sheets felt cool to the buck but his body was mesmerized by the heat coming from Shea.

“C’mere. I want to hold you.” The whispered and husky words sent a shiver down Cyn’s spine as the buck scooted closer. Shea almost laughed when he saw the smaller man remained on his back, “Roll onto your left side.”

Doing as suggested, Cyn was curious why Shea wanted him to face away from the lycan. I can’t see him. I thought he wanted to ho- The heat grew intense as a light pressure encompassed his back. He saw from the corner of his eye that Shea had draped his arm over Cyn’s side, nestling at the hip. With the lycan at his back, Cyn inhaled as the arm tightened and he felt a hot breath hit his neck. He’s so close to me!

Shea relished in the fact he had Cyn in his arms. It feels so natural, so perfect to have him. He moved his neck closer and rested his nose in the hairs on the back of the deer’s head. Inhaling, Shea rolled his eyes into the back of his head. He smells so good. Sniffing again, Shea wanted to commit the scent to memory. Woodsy and a hint of honey. Perfect for my sweet little man. His eyes drooped in lust as he held Cyn, but knew sleep was about to take its hold over him. Nestling his nose between Cyn’s neck and ear, Shea closed his eyes and let a soft growl rumble through his chest, “You’re mine, Cyn. You...are all mine.”

Copyright © 2021 astone2292; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

50 minutes ago, Mrsgnomie said:

Don’t fall for it 

Too late. I already started the second book LMAO! 


I may or may not have also succumbed to reader demands within the final ten chapters. It was for the best, and I'm very happy with how it turned out :)


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Success on the mission and a sweet ending! Best part? No bartending bunnies were harmed in the posting of this chapter. 

New profile pic, Mr. Stone? Very nice!

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47 minutes ago, Dan South said:

Success on the mission and a sweet ending! Best part? No bartending bunnies were harmed in the posting of this chapter. 

New profile pic, Mr. Stone? Very nice!

I mean... <looks at last chapter> She's kinda dead. 

Yes, yes. New picture, New mustache. I now look like my dad. 

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