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Larkspur: A Sidewinder Tale - 8. Chapter 8 Stuck in the Same Corral

Buckled knees...

Stuck in the Same Corral



It was another hot day, with the air much heavier than the previous one. Boone kept expecting it would pour rain, but the hazy sun stayed visible most of the morn despite wispy, grey clouds rolling past almost constantly. The previous night had been comfortable enough for sleeping, but today was anything but pleasant, unless you were in shade.

Last night’s conversation around the fire had ended abruptly, with Mitch heading for bed after learning Will was likely coming back to Red Apple Farm the very next day. He hadn’t seem riled exactly—just quiet—and none of them had picked the subject of Will back up since. Instead, after a breakfast with some short talking about chores and the weather, they went their separate ways and toiled at different jobs.

Finding himself alone, Boone spent his morning fretting over the newly-cut hay staying damp, so had spent a couple of hours fluffing it again, even though there should have been no need for it. One rain on it would be acceptable, but two could ruin it, turning it dusty with mold. The cows could handle it that way, but not the horses. Moldy hay could twist their guts and buckle their knees, the pain causing them to lay down and die. He’d seen it more than once because of bad feed, and heard tell of it plenty. If you were lucky, keeping them walking might see them through it, but it was something to be afeared of.

The whole time he worked the pitch fork, he thought about Mitch and Will… and of course, Coy. Coy was worried for what would happen if Will did show up—Boone had no doubt he would—and blamed himself for likely pushing the men farther apart. No one but Mitch knew what he was going to do, so he’d tried to take his partner’s mind off it when they went to bed, but as soon as their lovemaking was over, Coy turned his back to him, sighing deeply as he faced the other way. An attempt by Boone to talk about Coy’s worries went nowhere, and there was a tension in the man’s body when he wrapped his arms around him. Boone knew it weren’t to do with him, but it still hurt some.

Late afternoon everything changed. The wind whipped up—feeling suddenly cooler—the sky turned black, and Boone was sure the storm had come. Other than a few fat raindrops, though, the clouds soon parted to reveal bright blue sky. It weren’t the first time he’s seen such a quick change of weather in these parts, and he breathed a sigh of relief for their hay. The air was still heavy, but it was moving now, and Boone appreciated the fresher breeze.

Coy had been working all morning in their garden, out of view of Boone, but he knew the man was stewing. He was making his way over there now, hoping Coy was in a better frame of mind. Looking to the north of the paddocks, he counted nine new fence posts put in, which was a lot of work for one man. Mitch had been working on the new corral when they’d left the cabin that morning, but now he was nowhere to be seen. Might be he’d gone to the river to cool off.

Coy was sitting in the shade beside piles of weeds resembling little haystacks, eyeing Boone as he strode towards him. “Rain moved off before it had a chance to fall.”

“Yep, it did, so my work weren’t wasted.”

“Get the whole field turned over?”

Boone nodded. “Not an expert on hay, but I didn’t like it sitting in air this heavy. See you got the garden done. Plants look mighty fine.”

“Was behind on my weeding, for sure. Going to have a lot of potatoes by fall—lot more than we'll be needing—and the onions and carrots are coming along good. Turnips won’t be ready for a while yet, but I reckon next week we can have us some fresh corn. Got a few vegetables picked for tonight’s supper. Come sit beside me,” he said after blowing out a long breath. “Not fond of weeding, but it kept me from thinking ‘bout Will showing up. Was mighty tempted to ride into town and head him off, but that would just put me back in the middle of it all.”

“Don’t know why you’re fretting. Mitch ain’t angered at us.”

“No, I know it’s just he’s feeling cornered, but he should be bothered at me.”

Boone squatted close to the man and leaned in for a kiss. Coy obliged, and a smile unclouded his face when they pulled apart. “I was hankering for that all morn,” Boone said as he stared into his favorite blue.

“Just what the doc ordered, eh?” Coy lowered his eyes until there was nothing but lashes showing. “Sorry for wanting to be on my own for a spell. I could have helped you with the hay first.”

“Did it set your mind to ease, having the time to yourself?”

Coy’s gaze lifted at the question. “Wouldn’t have been good company, so I suppose it did. I’m better company now.” Leaning forward, he kissed Boone again, long and hard this time.

“Whew! What was that for?”

“Wasn’t my best last night, and I’m sorry for that.”

“I surely couldn’t tell any such thing,” Boone said as he sat down next to him on the lush grass surrounding the shady oak tree.

“Ain’t talking about the making love. You know darn well what I’m meaning—you wanted to talk after and I stayed quiet. Weren’t right to brush you away.”

“Coy… you don’t ever need to talk if you don’t want to.”

“But we always talk after, no matter how worn out we might be. And I turned my back to you.”

“Wasn’t about me. You was feeling guilty about something you had no reason for, and I knew that, so don’t you stew over such a thing.”

“Don’t ever want things to change between us, Boone.”

“And they won’t. I know you’re sad about the sheriff being sick, and I understand you wanting to help his last days. I do too.”

“But we can’t… I’m accepting of that now. Yet I still stick my nose in, and it might could drive Mitch away.” Coy’s gaze was back to being troubled.

“Well… I didn’t say we couldn’t help. No, we can’t fix him being sick, that’s for certain, and we can’t force him to talk with Will, no matter how much we’d like to. But, we’re already making his last days better, and I don’t think you or me done anything wrong… and certainly not something to drive him away. We left him to dig postholes, and I know dang well it bothered you something fierce.”

“Tried not to show it, but it surely did.”

“And that’s what Mitch wants from us, just to let him live his life while he still has some left. As far as him and Will, for now it’s pretty much up to them. But… we can be here for our friends, for whatever they need, and I believe they both know that… and that ain’t doing nothing.”

“You think Mitch knows it… that we always mean well, even when one of us does the wrong thing?” Coy asked, sounding hopeful.

“Course he does. He likes you, Coy, maybe even like a pa might. He looks at you like he’s proud of you, and he does that all the time—might tease that you can’t help yourself interfering, but it’s one of the reasons he cottons to you like he does. He’s seen enough hardness in men—imagine the hatefulness a sheriff is witness to—and he knows someone who cares about others like you do is a man to be appreciated… and I surely know exactly how he feels.”

Coy’s face lit up with another smile before he tasted Boone’s neck with a kiss. “You’re still the best sweet talker I ever heard, Boone Dixon.”

“Good. Don’t want another talking sweet to the man I love.”

“There you go again. There’ll be some talking in our bed tonight, you can count on it.”

“Just talking?”

“No sir. I’m going to ride you hard till you’re good and gentled.”

Boone snickered. “You gentled me a long time ago.”

“Maybe so, but the way I see it, it’s a job that’s never finished.”

Boone snickered again, but didn’t respond because he saw a mounted Mitch coming down from the barn. “Wonder where he’s off to?”

“Damn! You think he’s leaving for good?”

Boone felt bad for the panic he heard in Coy’s voice. “Nope. If he were leaving he’d have Paint with him, all loaded up, so don’t fret. We’ll let him tell us what’s going on when he gets down here.”

“He’s got one of his packs, though, and he already said he wants us to look after Paint.”

“Don’t mean nothing, Coy.” Boone gripped his hand and squeezed. “He’s got his rifle too, so might be looking to do some hunting.”

“That could be, I reckon,” Coy muttered quietly, not sounding at all convinced.

“You boys look comfortable,” Mitch said when he got close.

“We were, but it’s time to get back to chores.” Boone rose, giving Coy a hand up. “Heading out for a ride?” he asked steady as he could.

“Yep.” Mitch was giving them that measured stare before it settled on their clasped hands.

“Will you be back for supper?” Coy asked in a level tone that impressed Boone.

“No, I don’t expect I will. Figured since I didn’t want to talk to Will no time soon, I’d take a trip upriver and explore some of the land. Maybe hunt some small game and set camp for a day or two.”

“Oh. Ah… want Boone to come with you? He knows that area real good.”

Boone almost squeezed Coy’s hand again, but recognized he really couldn’t stop hisself from worrying. Instead, he smiled at Mitch.

Mitch returned it. “Maybe some other time. You two best spend a few hours teaching them foals to lead with a halter. That colt is going to start wandering, mark my words—he’s a right curious one. Nothing better than working with young stock, and I can tell Boone is itching to.”

“He is, and you could help,” Coy said. “Be fun to see you leading young Willard.”

“Willard?” Mitch’s eyebrows rose, and then he snorted. “You went and named that colt Willard?”

“Sure did. It was Boone’s idea—it’s a fine name for him too—and it’d be fitting if you put the halter on him the first time.”

Mitch sighed. “I like he has my name… I like it plenty… I really do… but you boys don’t need me, and besides, sticking around would mean having to speak unkindly to Will again. Truth is, I don’t have much stomach for it, not today. Don’t worry, young fella, I’ll be fine on my own and I’ll see you in a few days or so. You don’t mind me leaving Paint here, do you? His old legs could use the rest.”

“Of course not,” Boone answered. “We got us a soft spot for Wes’s old horse, and so does Blue. Nice to see them together again, and Blue don’t holler near as much with him around. You have a care out there, and if you run across any Indians, mention Red Eagle, and tell them you’re our friend.”

“I’ll do that. Best be going… you fellas look after young Willard, now, you hear?” Mitch wore a pleased expression.

“We will.” Coy answered. “You got enough supplies?”

“Got everything I’m needing to make good camp, and I’ll do a bit of hunting before nightfall. Coy?”


“You’re a mighty fine friend, and I want you to know I appreciate it. Didn’t feel much like talking this morning, but it weren’t nothing to do with you. Expect it was cause for you to fret, and I’m sorry for that.”

Coy’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. “You’re a good friend too, Sheriff. Be happy to see you return in one piece.” Coy’s expression showed some teasing to it, and Mitch roared laughter as he stepped past them and headed down the lane.

“Have faith, boy,” Mitch called out from a ways away, and Boone could still hear him laughing.

“Told you he wasn’t blaming you.”

“You surely did. Nice to hear it from the horse’s mouth, though.” Coy was back to full-on smiling. “Think he liked you naming the colt after him.”

“I’d say he liked it fine. Might be it made his day.”

“I’d say it did for sure. Should we trying leading young Willard for a spell?”

“Yep, could use us some fun. I’ll go get one of the new halters I made. Do you want to do it?”

“Get them both. I’ll lead the filly after you lead Willard. You might need me for pushing. Mitch is right—best get some manners on ‘em early, ‘specially with the way they’re shooting up. Cool enough with the breeze now they won’t heat up if they got fight in them.”

“Be right back. Meantime, reckon you could come up with a name for that filly of yourn?”

“She’ll have one when it feels right, and not before,” Coy answered, his face set with a stubbornness Boone knew well. It was better than that hangdog look he'd worn earlier, and made Boone smile as he headed for the barn.


As it turned out, both foals were behaved, leading with little more than a tug on their halters. Duke didn’t just throw good-looking colts… he threw easy-going ones with brains, and Boone was tickled. They took the rope halters off when they were done, just so they didn’t have to worry about them getting caught on something.

The appearance of Will riding up the lane a couple of hours later was something they’d been waiting for. Coy had suggested, after Mitch left, that he ride into town and let the man know he'd be gone for a few days, but Boone advised against it. He’s done so for more than one reason, but mostly because it would be making it something bigger than it ought to be. Mitch had gone hunting, plain and simple.

They were roasting a freshly killed grouse along with some small new potatoes, carrots, and onions cooked over coals when the man arrived. Boone thought an offer to sit a spell and have supper would soften the punch Will would feel in his gut. Leastwise, he hoped so.

“Just in time for supper. Tie up your mare or turn her loose and come eat,” Boone called out as Will neared their cook fire.

Twisting in the saddle, his gaze traveled everywhere, from the open cabin behind them to the paddocks, the barn, and finally the river before he responded. “Mitchell hereabouts?”

“Sorry, Will. Left for hunting hours ago. Be gone a couple of days at the least.”

“Figured he wouldn’t stick around,” the big man said with a scowl as his eyes still scouted for someone he wouldn’t find.

It made Boone sad to see his disappointment. He hadn’t dismounted, and didn’t look like he was going to.

“Damn waste of time… knew it would be,” he muttered.

“Ain’t a waste of time if you’re filling your belly with a fat grouse. Got some good food here, and it sure would be nice to have a visit,” Coy said. “First of our crop from the garden besides, and we’d be honored if you shared in it with us.”

“Smells mighty fine, but I’m not much feeling like putting food in my stomach.”

“Come on, Will. Sit a spell and I’ll dish you up a plate. I know it’s too early for you to have eaten yet… reckon you came here right after you quit the saw, am I right?”

Will blew out a long breath of air. “Yep, you are. I had to try, didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did,” Coy answered. “Sorry I told you to come today. It’s my fault… Mitch has a lot on his mind, and I shouldn’t have stuck my nose in, giving you advice that weren’t worth nothing.”

Coy’s words seemed to irk the man enough he got off his mare. “Now look here, Coy. Ain’t no fault of yours our paths ain’t crossing. That man is stubborn as a damn mule, I tell ya, and I know it better than anyone. He’s gone and dug his heels into deep, thick muck because I hurt him twenty years back, and he ain’t moving. Leastwise, not without a swift kick in the rear, and I aim to give him one once I catch up with him. All you did was be a good friend to me, and I got no doubts about it.”

Will had gotten fired up for sure, and Boone was glad to see it. “That’s what I told him,” Boone said with a grin. “Maybe he’ll listen to you. Ah… you ain’t planning on catching up with Mitch today, are you?”

Will finally smiled, and his posture relaxed. “No… ain’t that stupid. Reckon I could use a good meal at that. Haven’t had grouse in a coon’s age, and to tell the truth, I’m dog tired. Didn’t sleep a wink last night.”

“Well… we… Boone and I… ah, we understand how that is, being unsettled about love and such, don’t we, Boone?” Coy appeared uncertain he should be saying much, and Boone felt about as much sympathy for him as he did for Will.

“We surely do. We’re here to listen if you want to lighten some of that load you’re carrying. Y’all told us how you feel about Mitch, and love can keep a fella up at night, that’s for sure.” He smiled at Coy, letting him know he didn’t have to watch what he said. “It’s what friends do… they listen and they ponder, and then they do their best to be understanding, and sometimes they give advice. Up to that person whether he takes it or not.”

Will nodded and then his head stayed down. “Ain’t had no one to talk to about loving a man before. A fella’s got to stay closed-mouthed no matter how much he hurts, cause most folks don’t care a lick for such. Even when you’re looking for the man like I was, you have to be careful no one sees how much it means to you.”

“That ain’t us, though, and there are lots of others who do care, but they’re stuck in the same corral, trying their best to figure out how to be happy.”

He met Boone’s gaze again. “Yep, and I appreciate it, but a businessman like myself has got to be extra careful.”

“Suppose that’s true, and we understand about being careful, but it seems a shame when so many men care for other men. No one should look at us as something wrong.”

“Took me a lot more years than you to figure that one out, but when me and Mitch was together, I surely didn’t carry no guilt.”

“Do you now?”

“Devil’s bells, no, but I did afore I met him.”

Coy exchanged an amused glance with Boone. “Devil’s bells, eh? That’s a new one on me. Glad to hear you say such, Will, cause there ain’t no shame allowed on our land,” he said, sounding more like hisself again.

“Just good food and a place to feel safe, and somewhere you can speak your mind,” Boone agreed, smiling at the big man who was carrying a much happier look than when he first arrived.

Coy passed around the tin plates loaded with food from their land, and they all dug in. Will commented on the quality of the foals in the paddock between mouthfuls, and even expressed an interest in Duke covering his mare—that he owned plenty of pasture out back of his mill to raise another horse in. Boone wouldn’t be surprised if everyone who saw these foals would want one just like them.

Talk moved to the barn, and then the pigs and how fat and fine they looked. From there it moved to the view and sounds of the river and how much Will liked the cabin and where it sat. What started out as tense and uncertain, had turned into a real satisfying visit. Boone was about to burst with pride at how much Will liked their place. He’d seen Red Apple Farm before, but only when the house was half-ways built, and there was just the first section of barn standing.

“I’d say this was long overdue,” Will said as he set his plate down. “Can’t say when I had a better supper in a nicer spot. Living in town ain’t so bad, but I could get used to a place like this.”

“Enjoyed the company, Will, and we’d be happy to see more of you,” Boone said.

“Appears you’ve had your share of company lately.”

“You meaning Mitch? Yep, we’re thankful he came to see us. He’s played an important part in our lives… even in us being where we are today. He’s a damn good man, and a damn good friend.”

“Always been a good one, to a fault, and he gave me courage when I needed it. Truth is, I thought I was over missing the man, but now I miss him more than I ever did. Last night I felt that need again… the ache to have him next to me… to hear his breathing.”

A lump rose in Boone’s throat, remembering how he physically ached for Coy after he’d left Red Bluff. It had been a morning-till-night thing. “I expect you do. Know for a fact the love I feel for Coy won’t never go away, even if we got separated like you two have.”

“Them’s powerful words, Boone,” Coy said in a teasing tone. “Couldn’t have said it better myself, though. Not something you give up on once you find it.”

Will was staring at the two of them, his gaze going back and forth. “Not thinking about giving up, but it takes two. I just want to grab hold of that man and never let him go, but how do I do that when he won’t even stick around long enough to talk?”

Coy sighed. “Won’t speak for him, but I reckon he’s done nothing but think of you since he saw your sign in town.”

“Plenty of time has passed since he rode into Larkspur,” Will said with noticeable bitterness.

“Might be, but he’s dealing with such….”

“You gonna finish that? He’s dealing with what, Coy?”

Coy fidgeted with the emptied plates, stacking them together. “Just saying it’s been a long time, and he built up some anger….”

That gaze that was so like the sheriff’s was now pinning Coy down. “That anger’s been around for more than twenty years, so I know there’s something else you ain’t telling me… something that happened to him he don’t want to talk about. Is he in trouble?”

“No… no… like I told you, I just can’t speak for the man.”

Will’s posture relaxed as he sighed. “And I won’t ask you no more, but I will ask Mitchell. At some point he’s gonna talk to me, come hell or high water.”

He left about an hour later—after a walk around some of the land—with the promise to visit more often. Arm in arm, they walked back up the lane after watching the man mount and ride off. Will hadn’t said anything more about Mitch. In fact, he hadn’t said much of anything after supper. Boone could see he was a man stuck as bad as Mitch was, and feeling powerless. It’s a hard thing to find hope and then lose it.

They knew the routine, and set about putting the mare and foals away after they put the dirty dishes in the washtub and banked the fire. The foals led easily, showing calmness and patience. Closing up the barn and pens was the best time of night, when all the stock were taken care of and nothing else needed doing till morn. After a dip and a good scrub in the river, they made their way naked to the cabin, with only their boots on. Side by side on the porch they cleaned their teeth with salted water and fresh branches whose ends were separated into bristles, surveying the land and buildings before them as they brushed, same as they did every night.

The interior of the cabin had been cooled by the evening air, and was now a pleasant temperature. The moon was full, and provided enough light through the open windows to illuminate their way as they walked to the bedroom. It was lit with the same silvery light.

Coy closed the door on the rest of the world as Boone stood close, waiting for him. Their lips met, and he could taste the slight tang of salt left on the surface, and even more as his tongue probed inside. Gently, he was maneuvered backwards by Coy’s strong body until his knees buckled and his back settled into the mattress, instantly regretting the separation of their lips. Coy, making good on his earlier promise, knelt between Boone’s spread thighs, long, calloused fingers caressing his inner thighs in the way he knew drove him loco. He whimpered as those fingers wrapped around his cock and pulled it up and away from his body, and the gentling began.

He was already hard as an oak branch, and Coy wasted no time taking him into his mouth. His upper body rose when his lover’s tongue uncovered his head and sucked hard, but he was pushed firmly back down by Coy’s other hand. Boone didn’t mind. Coy had become an expert at lovemaking, no matter what they were doing, and Boone reckoned he knew his body and what he wanted better than he did.

Not long after, he grunted as Coy’s big cock pushed into him, easing its way along until it could go no further, and the long low moan that followed was from Boone’s contentment. It continued as Coy’s lips met and ground into his, his need to take Boone from both ends almost savage. There was no reason for quiet with Mitch gone, so he wasn’t. It was just the beginning of the sounds they made that night, and when their lovemaking was finally done, Coy faced an exhausted but happy Boone and they talked about the farm and the animals and plans for the next day. It was just as it should be, and Mitch wasn’t mentioned at all. When sleep finally came, Coy’s head rested in the crook of Boone’s neck, just the way he liked it.




Thanks for reading. Please be so kind as to leave a story like and a recommendation if you haven't already, and as always I would love hearing your thoughts on this chapter and the story itself. Cheers!
Copyright © 2021 Headstall; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

6 minutes ago, centexhairysub said:

I do think that Mitch will be back in a day or two; maybe a side trip to see the doctor; where no one was looking over his shoulder?  Only Mitch and Will can decide when and where they are going to to cover what needs to be said and decide if what they fill is enough to try and make something work.

Coy and Boone are good friends to both; and I do think even Coy has realized that Mitch and Will have to make their own way.  

Love the little things about this chapter.  Turning the hay, weeding the garden, working with the younger animals; it is the small things that keep you going and moving and working toward something.  

Just so well written...

Thanks, centex! I so appreciate hearing that, and I agree about the small things. Whether in real life or on the page, they are the glue, and give us subtle insights into people, both ourselves and others. While I always used to worry about writing something 'boring', I have learned including those moments in a story makes writing more enjoyable for me and the readers. Some might choose to skip over such seemingly trivial parts, but I'm of the opinion they might miss something important in their reading experience. Oh Lord, I'm rambling again.:) 

Mitch is a man of his word, so yes, if he says he'll be back, then he'll be back. Sometimes, after experiencing something traumatic, like seeing Will again, we need time to regroup emotionally, so I understand Mitch wanting to be alone for a spell. I thought it was very considerate of him to put Coy's mind at ease before he went.

Has the lightbulb gone on for Coy? The thing about Coy is, as stubborn as he is, he learns, so yeah, I think he realizes Mitch and Will will have to make their own decisions about what happens next. :unsure2: 

Thanks, buddy, for another awesome comment... Cheers! :hug:  


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26 minutes ago, Headstall said:

Lol. I mow a little under two acres when I include my horse paddock (which I mow about every third time). The rest is beautiful mature woods, and I do a lot of tree trimming in my back forty. It isn't as noticeable when I put it off.  :P  I bought and used a scythe one time, when I bought my first farm... and I never used it again. Man, that was rough, frustrating work. 

I have a machete used exactly the same amount of time!

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41 minutes ago, CincyKris said:

I have a machete used exactly the same amount of time!

We both learn fast. :P 

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25 minutes ago, Albert1434 said:

God I love Red Apple Ranch such a nice place and nice people! I love this chapter with it's well written dialog flows so smoothly and believable. I look forward to Monday's to get my Gary magic fix:yes::rofl: I can see the farm clearly in my minds eye and that fills me with joy:yes:

Thanks Gary:worship::worship::2thumbs::thankyou:💖 

I love Red Apple Farm too, Albert. I can picture the entire property too, and it's beautiful and private, and I'm so glad that comes across to readers. I've always considered location to be a character in its own right. Thanks for commenting on the dialogue. I think it works because I know these characters so well in my head that I hear their actual voices... and no, I'm not crazy. :P  

Thanks, buddy... not long before Monday rolls around again. Cheers! G. :hug: 

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