Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Incandescence - 12. Mistake
*Slight mental health issues
My fingers dug into the dirt as I tried to breathe. My endurance had slowly improved over the past few days, but there didn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. My hands shifted as I balled them into fists against the ground. I had lost count and sweat dripped to the dirt underneath me. I flattened my hands again, palms down. Some pebbles and harder chunks of dirt dug into my palms as I lowered myself down and pressed back up again. I started over counting. I didn’t stop. The mindless motions helped me clear my head from the normal mess it was. The mess it had been since Suman decided to finally tell us the sky was falling. My mind was blank now. There was only my legs straight out behind me, arms bent as I lowered and then partially extended as I pressed up. Up, down, up, down, up and down. I didn’t stop until my arms gave out.
Sitting in the dirt on my backside, legs bent in front of me, I wiped sweat from my brow and looked up at the night sky. I was in a clearing not far from town. It was the same clearing we’d found the horses in when we’d set off to save Talon. I was worn out. The only way I slept now was if I exhausted myself. I don’t know why I started training in secret. I don’t know why I was keeping it from anyone. It wasn’t a source of shame and Talon could probably help. He had never stopped working out. In fact, he seemed to have done even more work since I’d forced him to leave the Verseckt. He was in the best shape he’d ever been in. Why wasn’t I using him as I resource?
I didn’t have an answer.
I didn’t struggle to come up with one either. This was personal for some reason. It was just for me. There wasn’t anyone here to measure my progress but myself. I was harder on myself than others might’ve been. It was never enough. The end of the month was fast approaching. It was like watching a great wave build up offshore and then roll at you. There was nothing you could do to stop it. You simply had to watch it come barreling forward. There was no running. It was too fast and I was too small in comparison. It wouldn’t delay the inevitable. Maybe that’s why I had stopped running.
By day, there was much to plan. Nyx was rolling out his antidote as fast as he could. School alumni were still trickling back into the city. More had come than we could’ve ever imagined. There were 50 as of this morning and I had volunteered to make arrangements for them and make sure they were cared for. There was a monetary incentive, but many came simply because Hanja, Tyren, and the other teachers called for them. The school had been shut down for the time being. Hanja and Tyren were terrified that it would be a repeat of the Anders ordeal. They were scared that there would be no way to get all the students out if Syrin was attacked. Sending them home also provided room for the returning graduated students. The old training ground was full of people dusting off skills they hadn’t used since their school days. It was encouraging. Eon had even reported that their efforts to recruit more had been going better than anticipated. Also, encouraging.
Amaris had taken over Wyn’s training. She had an unlikely helper. Suman had thrown himself into teaching my child with perhaps a little more excitement than I was comfortable with. I shouldn’t have been surprised. Suman and Amaris worked around each other, the tension between them was still stretched taut. But, despite my doubts, they were making it work. Wyn didn’t seem to enjoy the amount of physical activity he was forced to do, but part of him was hesitantly starting to lean into it.
All of this seemed to reduce the size of the impending wave headed for me in my mind. I shifted forward and pushed myself up to stand. Sweat slid down my back and I stretched my arms above my head, linking my fingers and reaching until my shoulders popped. There was a week left in this month. I had more work to do, and I would do it. I may not be at one hundred percent when the fighting started, but to be honest, I didn’t need to be. I could feel myself hitting against that barrier over and over with my power. I hit it harder every time and I was getting frustrated that I couldn’t break through yet. It was my Magik. Why didn’t I have access to all of it?
Sighing as my head began to fill with invasive thoughts, I began the walk home. The only time Syrin was still and quiet was in the wee hours of the night. It was peaceful, beautiful. Everything my thoughts weren’t. I smiled ruefully as I walked, the gate coming into view. I slowly came to a stop, still far enough that no one on the wall would be able to see me. I felt something. An inkling in the back of my head. Something was wrong. There was a lot going on that was wrong, but this was different. My brain was signaling a warning.
Something bad had happened. Or was happening. Or would? A shot of pain stabbed through my stomach and I winced, resting a hand on it as I looked around. Seeing nothing, I straightened and kept my wits about me, listening and keeping my eyes open. By the time I reached the gate, I had nothing to show for my body and mind’s paranoia. I made myself walk all the way home and decided to write it off as my normal worrying as I bathed and crawled into bed.
Scooting my back up to Talon’s to steal warmth, I rubbed at my already sore shoulders. The bed shifted and arms wrapped around me. He rested his face in my neck and I relaxed into his hold. This was even warmer and I chose to ignore the protests my shoulders were giving at being bunched up. A nose nuzzled a line from my neck down to my shoulder and Talon let out a sigh.
“Exhausting yourself might be counterproductive.” He whispered, holding me even tighter as if I might run away. It was my turn to sigh and I let my eyes slide closed. He was right. I hated when Talon was right.
“It’s the only way I can sleep.”
“If you need physical activity to sleep, I would be more than happy to help.”
Lips pressed to my shoulder, but Talon didn’t push farther. He pulled the blanket up to my chin and hummed softly. I snuggled more into him and the bed. My thoughts bubbled back up again, “I’m scared that I won’t be enough when the time comes.”
Talon chuckled softly, “Kalian, your powers are godlike. You’ll be okay. Plus, you have me. What more do you need?”
He tickled my sides and I squirmed, laughing and trying to push his hands away, “Fine. Fine! You’re right!”
“Mm, say it again. Slower.” He whispered in my ear before dipping his tongue inside. I squawked and shoved his face away. Talon laughed and I rolled over to scowl at him. He didn’t seem intimidated and merely opened his arms so that I could snuggle against him again. Shaking my head, I scooted closer. A content noise left me as his arms looped back around my waist.
I played with his hair, brushing it away from his face and tilting my head back when he pressed a kiss to my lips. His palm rubbed my lower back and then he pulled me even closer. Talon continued to hum softly. I ran my fingertips gently over his face, tracing his handsome features. When I finished, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he adjusted so I could do so more comfortably. His hands roamed and I let my face fall into his neck as I leaned into the gentle caresses. They began to slow and part of me felt guilty for wishing he wasn’t tired. We rarely spent time together like this now. We were both busy and Wyn would have a fit. He hated when we were too affectionate. Lips kissed over my neck and then my forehead. I curled more against him, trying to hold onto the contentment.
Talon kissed the side of my head and readjusted again, but still held me tight. After a few minutes, he fell back to sleep. I listened to his even breathing, slow and calm. I squeezed my eyes together, willing myself to follow his lead. Talon was right. We were a force together and separately. I had immeasurable power. All these things were true, but none of them made me feel better. We barely knew what we were up against. Perhaps, when Loren and Wren returned along with the other Verseckt, we’d get more answers and my constant panic would calm.
I could only hope so.
Eon was irritated. He stood behind his desk with his palms resting flat on its surface. He scanned papers and maps in front of him and a shadow passed over his face. I crossed one leg over the other and caught Lyme’s nervous glance my way out of the corner of my eye. His brown eyes snapped back to Eon when the other man straightened to his full height. Eon rubbed a hand over his face and sighed. I waited for him to speak, knowing that he was collecting his thoughts.
“The Verseckt members I sent out are on their way back.”
“The ones you sent. Not Wren, Loren, and the ones that went with them?” I said. Eon’s shoulders tensed more somehow, dark blue eyes slipping closed.
“No. Not Wren and Loren. I’ve no idea where they are.” He sighed, hands raising to rub down his face, “Our numbers have increased a fair amount, but even with the additional soldiers and Magik users, we can’t take on three armies.”
“Surely, there’s something we can do.” Lyme stood, rounding the desk and pulling one of my brother’s maps free. Eon glanced down at him and raised an eyebrow. Lyme shrunk under his gaze but spread the map out. He made quick marks with a pencil he found buried in the chaos of Eon’s desk and began marking things down. Eon’s brow furrowed and he frowned down as Lyme continued to mark up his map.
“We’re being attacked from most sides except for the North and obviously the mountains. The Verseckt are limited because your partner is too picky. We have added to our numbers with new recruits and alumni, but we would still be hopelessly outnumbered.” Lyme rambled.
“Gods when you line it all up like that, it’s a little daunting, hm?” Suman cooed from his position leaning against the back wall.
“Keep your mouth shut. I don’t have time for you.” Eon’s eyes fixed somewhere behind my head. I assumed on the prince.
“Anyway, should we survive this, there’s a lot of we can learn from this situation. If the monster is willing to let his Verseckt’s numbers diminish so dramatically, perhaps he should not be totally in charge. The military is also in a vulnerable position. Sure, we aren’t recruiting as much and we’ve stopped outright forcing Dimian’s subjects to fight, but still. We’ve been handicapped in two places. By you and your partner.”
Eon’s eyes narrowed and Lyme rushed on, “Considering we started from the very foundation after Anders, we could be doing worse. We could also be doing much better. Anyway, my point was, we have our back against a wall.”
Eon crossed his arms over his chest, eyebrow raising again as he pointedly took in Lyme’s slight form, “What would you have done then?”
“I m-may not be a fighter, but I have years of different battle strategies up here.” Lyme touched fingers to his temple and continued, “From multiple countries as well. You sent the Verseckt to gather information. I think you should’ve gone farther. It is hard for countries to band together and mount an offense when they lose their leaders. Kings in this case.”
“You think…we should kill Sumerion and whoever takes control in Illiath?” I asked, staring at the man as he stood next to Eon.
“I’m on board.” Suman said. I heard wood creak and then he was standing beside my chair, smile bright and wide. Lyme shot him an uneasy look and I hid a grin behind my hand as he subconsciously inched closer to Eon.
My brother sighed, fingers running over the map, “The Council will lose their mind.”
“Your Council is a cobbled together group of people who should have never been gathered. Your dukes-other than Kalian-are relics from the previous shit monarchy. They should’ve lost power and you know it.” Suman snapped, mirth disappearing for a moment.
“We needed their help to rebuild. Having their cooperation made the transition easier on us and the people.” Eon leaned forward to rest his hands on the desk again. Lyme scooted away when there was no longer room next to the bigger man, “We were trying to avoid more conflict. I know you’re pro-anarchy, but it will not happen here.”
“It would be better if the anarchy did not take place on home soil.” Lyme nodded in agreement as he took his chair again. He moved it a little farther from Suman who grinned down at him and rested his hand on Lyme’s chair. My old, timid classmate lifted his chin, meeting Suman’s gaze unflinchingly.
“Leave him alone Suman.” I warned, glaring.
The prince held up his hands and smiled from me to Lyme, “Aw, I thought we were making friends. Weren’t we little scholar?”
“D-did you know if you clap your hands together over someone’s ears you can rupture the tympanum? It’s painful and can make you dizzy, or even make you lose consciousness. It’s said to be a very unpleasant sensation.” Suman blinked and Eon smirked.
“Did you know that I can break your neck in about thirty seconds?” Suman smiled ferally, leaning down to get in Lyme’s face. He managed to hold Suman’s eye contact and I was a little impressed. Even as I watched him hide shaking hands between his knees.
“He is more valuable to us than you are Suman. You’ll hit the ground before you even decide to go after him, understand?” Eon said, face going terribly blank.
“Stop it. All of you. Lyme, what do you think we should do then? If there were no rules or repercussions.” I sighed, eyes flicking between the two men standing. Suman’s grin was now on Eon. Eon’s face was impassive. They were making me nervous.
“The Illiathian king is going to die. By month’s end. I’ve done research on all of his children. They seem to all possess cruel streaks. Well, save for one. The safest bet would be to eliminate the threat before it even takes power.”
“With their infighting, we have no way of knowing which heir will end up on the throne.” I said, frowning.
“There is one way we can be totally sure.” Lyme shrugged. I stared at him in confusion and then my eyes widened. Suman barked a laugh and Eon blinked slowly.
“You would kill them all?” Suman practically giggled, clapping his hands together, “Oh, I’ve decided, I like this one.”
“Not all of them,” Lyme frowned, nose scrunching in distaste as he looked at Suman, “Just the six oldest.”
My hands were limp in my lap as I continued to stare at my old classmate. He cleared his throat and Eon scrubbed a hand over his beard, “You’d have Loren take the throne?”
“He’s outright said he doesn’t want it.” I ran fingers through my hair. Never, in all my knowing him, had Loren ever mentioned wanting the crown. In fact, it had taken him a fair amount of time to settle into the emissary position. I shook my head, “We cannot make that decision for him.”
“It would strike off one enemy and gain us an ally at the same time.” Suman shrugged.
“You would do the same in Dleth?” I asked, linking my fingers to distract myself.
“Dleth would be easy. I’m told you already have someone willing to take the throne there, correct?” Lyme’s head tilted to the side, messy hair brushing his shoulder.
“Lyrah would be an excellent ruler, however,” Eon sighed, “It is not just the king that has prejudice. The people and current officials may take issue with her having Magik.”
“They seem to be pretty taken with Talon. He’s a Magik user.” I interjected.
“Dlethians hold strength above all else. Talon is strong. It’s a well-known fact. Rah is more of a mystery.” I turned as Tyren spoke, strolling into the room. Hanja trailed after him. Tyren smiled at me and then Lyme. Hanja looked like he was already annoyed with all of us.
“I was unaware that on Mondays we discuss overthrowing governments.” Hanja let out a long-suffering sigh and Lyme shot up and scurried to stand on the other side of me. Eon and I watched in confusion. Hanja nodded once and settled gracefully into the vacated chair. Tyren rolled his eyes and played with the hair at Hanja’s nape as he came to stand behind him. Lyme looked at Hanja with big eyes. They were filled with a combination of awe and fear.
“It would…make us look terrible.” Tyran smoothed his fingers down Hanja’s braid as he thought, “We overthrew not only our government, but that of two others? No one would ally with us.”
“Dleth and Illiath would.” Suman smirked. Eon met my eyes and I wished I knew what my brother was thinking. He’d withdrawn into himself, all emotion gone.
“This plan is dangerous.” Hanja shook his head.
“We could get in a lot of trouble if we’re found out.” Tyren added.
“May I interject?” I blinked at Suman. He grinned, “Would it make the decision easier for anyone if I told you Sumerion knew about the plot to take little Wynnie?”
The room was suddenly very quiet. I gripped the arms of my chair as my thoughts dove headfirst into chaos. My eyes snapped to Suman and he flinched at the attention, “How do you know that? Do you have any proof?”
He shrugged, avoiding my eyes, “I have my sources. I’ve already told you that.”
Eon calmly walked around his desk. He moved too fast for any of us to react. His arm shot out and he hauled Suman to him, slamming him into the bookshelves on the nearest wall. Suman’s feet dangled, toes scraping uselessly over the wood floor. Eon pulled him away from the shelves only to smash him into them hard enough that Suman’s head jerked forward and back.
“I am tired of you playing games. Your cousin is barely my family. You mean nothing to me. Nothing. You seem to underestimate what I will do to protect those closest to me. If you keep spoon feeding us information, I do not care that Talon put you under his protection. I will burn your secrets out of you.” The ends of Eon’s fingers ignited in blue flame and the color reflected in Suman’s wide eyes.
“Eon…” I warned. The last thing I needed was a dead prince and to be stuck in the middle of my brother and husband, “We can’t do this. We can’t act this way.”
“We are not doing anything Kalian. You and Talon have let him push and push the limits. I am done. How do we know that in the end he’s not going to stab us in the back?” Eon’s grip tightened on Suman’s neck and his feet scraped a little more frantically at the floor, “One of the most annoying creatures in the world is out risking his life to protect us and here you are still withholding information until the last minute. He eats people and he has more humanity than you do.”
“Well now, this looks fun.” Everyone except Eon turned to where Talon leaned against the door frame. He was deceptively relaxed looking, but I could feel his anger starting to break through the walls he kept between our minds. Suman gasped and I whipped my head back around. His eyes were on the ceiling and his feet were kicking now.
Talon strolled into the room, “Eon, I really don’t want to have to fight you. Your brother would not be happy with me.”
“We don’t have to fight. Give it a few more minutes and the current issue between us will be resolved.” Eon’s fingers tightened on Suman’s throat again and his short nails scratched at my brother’s wrists.
“Let him go. Now. I will drop you.” Talon’s voice had taken on a dangerous edge. He stared at Eon with a look that made my stomach begin twisting in horrendous shapes. It made me feel sick. It sent my nerves on end.
Eon didn’t stop. He didn’t move an inch.
“Fine.” Talon’s hands were lost in swirling shadows and I finally made myself leave my chair.
“Stop it! Both of you!”
“Kalian. Move. Now.” Talon growled.
Eon’s chin tilted up slightly, his eyes stayed on Talon and his fingers tightened on Suman’s neck. The prince’s eyes had rolled back and he was choking loudly.
“Kalian. Now.” Talon barked as he took a step forward, eyes now pools of black.
“Eon stop. Put him down! Talon, I’m not going to let you attack my brother!” I was desperate. The two men currently at odds were the most stubborn I knew. I didn’t have much hope that they’d listen and Suman was running out of time.
As if echoing my thoughts, a horrible tiny smile pulled at Eon’s lips, “Like I said, give it a bit longer and we’ll have nothing to fight over.”
The whole world slowed down.
Talon surged forward, shoving me roughly out of his way. Blue flames lit the room, flared, and claws made of shadow descended on my brother in answer.
Something inside snapped. I saw red and my hands moved seemingly on their own. Light whipped around Talon, throwing him against the far wall. Tendrils of Magik wrapped around Eon then. They shone brighter, heating his arm until he dropped Suman. He glared at me and I threw my wrist to the side. Eon’s hip connected with his desk first. Then he tumbled over to land behind it. Suman hit the ground with a loud thud and didn’t move. I was panting, adrenaline coursing through my veins and slowly twisting into shame and guilt. I’d just attacked my husband and brother. I turned. Talon was pushing himself to stand. His thoughts were chaos. Rage and betrayal mixing into something that physically hurt my chest. Then, he simply cut everything off. His walls rose impossibly high. As high as they’d been when he’d first put them up. I felt nothing from his mind anymore. He stared me down and then looked behind me when Eon hauled himself to his feet.
The others wore matching shocked expressions and Hanja let his head drop into his hands for a moment. Tyren’s face was crestfallen as he looked between all of us. Lyme stared at the floor, mouth open as he tried to process.
“I-I said stop.” I stammered.
“Well, you sure made us, huh?” Talon glared across the room at me from where he still stood near the corner. His voice was low and rough. There was wood shelving broken behind him. My heart stopped. If he’d been thrown any further to the side…he would’ve hit Eon’s wall of weapons on display.
I could’ve killed him.
He moved forward and stepped around me. His proximity stole my breath and I struggled to return it to normal while my chest ached. Normally, having him in my space filled me with love and calmed my raging emotions. Not now, though. Talon lifted Suman’s arm over his shoulders and hoisted him up, heading for the door. He refused to look at me as I watched.
“Talon, wait…” I rushed forward and gripped the back of his shirt. I flinched when he twisted, ripping the fabric from my grip. Irises dyed completely black slid over my face. His lips were curled in a snarl and he turned away again.
“No.” I watched him leave, staring at his back and cringing away as I heard gasping choking breaths. At least I knew Suman was alive. I reached out, pressing against his walls, slamming against them.
Please. Talon, please.
He didn’t answer and I watched him turn around a wall and leave my sight. My hands balled into fists, breaths loud in my own ears as they added to the dull roar that filled my head. Fingers curled around my wrist and I snatched my hand away, whirling on Tyren who looked at me sadly. Pity. I didn’t need it. I couldn’t handle it. I was settling nicely into self-loathing and pain when my brain jumped back to something it had forgotten in the scuffle.
“Did…Did he say Sumerion knew about the attack on Wyn?” My voice was empty and foreign to me.
“Kalian, let’s not be rash. You know how Suman is. There could very well be a piece of the puzzle missing. We can’t lose our heads” Tyren reasoned, reaching for me again.
“Even if he did. There’s not much we can do about it right now. Your husband is the only one he considers worthy. For some reason. I suppose monsters recognizing their own. It’s not like he’d share his plans when he’s allied against us.” Eon said and my head whipped in his direction.
He held my gaze and leaned forward, resting his palms on his desk again. I stepped around Tyren and stalked partway into the room.
“You will not talk about Talon that way.” It was still that strange tone of voice. It was as if I’d been separated from myself. Like I was floating nearby, watching my body operate on its own. It wasn’t me staring Eon down with my fists clenched and disrupting the power around as both of us prepared for…something.
“I will do as I like Kalian. Your husband has attacked me before. He almost killed me. And Wren. Also, you. As much as I would love to get the image of his hands around your neck out of my mind, it’s lingered over these years.”
“Get. Over. It.” I seethed, nails biting into my palms.
“I would if he would stop making it a habit. Are you going to attack me again? Let Suman of all people drive a wedge between us?” Eon’s head tipped to the side a bit, his face stone.
“The only one driving a wedge between us is you Eon. You knew Talon would be livid and you put me in the middle. You. Suman didn’t do that. He didn’t start the violence.”
A younger me would’ve been petrified of my brother right now. Intimidated by the absence of emotion on his face and knowledge that Eon was powerful. The present me knew that no matter who was in the room, I was stronger. If something happened, no one would’ve been able to stop me. They probably wouldn’t have even if they all attacked together. Pain clenched tighter in my chest. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to cry, to throw a fit, to break something. I hated that Talon had shut me out. It used to be a common occurrence, but it hadn’t happened in years. It hurt more now. We were a unit, a team.
Instead of breaking down, I lifted my hand and felt a stab of disgusting satisfaction when the entire room flinched. Light sparked and I dropped down in a different place. My knees hit dirt and I let my fingers curl into the tightly packed material as my head spun.
I’d attacked Eon and Talon. I’d been ready to fight Eon again. I’d blamed him for everything. He’d blamed Suman and Talon for it all. What was happening? I held my hands over my ears as the dull roar rose and rose, overtaking any bright spot in my mind. I couldn’t breathe. Half breaths were all I was able to manage and my chest kept getting tighter. I clutched at my tunic, gasping as the fingers on my other hand scraped over the dirt again. I had a small moment of horror when I saw red under my nails.
My memory flashed back to a sea of blood, blond hair, and the sensation of drowning. A lingering nightmare that hadn’t dragged me down for years. I closed my eyes. No, I wasn’t dreaming. I was awake. The dirt under my hands. That’s what had gathered under my nails. Red dirt. I looked up. Dleth. I’d jumped to Dleth. The pain and heartache subsided as I pushed clumsily to my feet.
The two emotions fell by the wayside as I stumbled forward. I made it ten feet before light spun around me and I tripped forward onto my knees. There were gasps, someone even cried out. I stayed on my knees, not quite trusting my limbs yet. They didn’t want to obey. My self-control was too scattered. Like my mind.
“Well, what an unpleasant surprise.” The voice was smug. I stared down at my hands. Nails. Red under my nails. Red. Dark red. I couldn’t breathe. Everything was wrong. My mouth filled with something unpleasant and I choked on words as I tried to get them out.
“D-did you know about Wyn?” My voice was strained, weak.
“Have you gone mad? Of course, I know about your whelp. Simply another way you’ve trapped my grandson.” My eyes lifted from their study of my nails. Sumerion was smirking, looking around his court as the whispering began. He chuckled, looking down on me like I was nothing. An insect beneath his foot. I felt so far away. How had I gotten here? What was I doing?
“Did you know?” Light slashed through the black spikes of his throne that rose above his head. They fell away, narrowly missing his hands and feet as they bashed against the floor.
“Know what?” He shouted, eyes wide as they darted to his sides.
“That they were going to try to take him from us!” I was unhinged. The words came out as a desperate scream and light slashed out again. Right above his head. The points of his crown fell into his lap and more of his throne collapsed to the ground. Men were creeping closer to me and I slammed my hands down. Light tore through the ground around me and extended up and around the throne. I spread my arms and there was a great groan. The walls shook as I forced the room away from us. Deep grooves stretched between Sumerion’s soldiers, the court, and the two of us. Without Magik, there was no way for anyone to reach us as I grit my teeth and pushed it all farther away. There was screaming, shouts, and the sound of stone and glass cracking. Sumerion’s face was twisted in shock.
“You’ve lost your mind!” Sumerion cried as he pointed at me.
“You knew they were going to take your grandchild’s son! You knew! Tell me you didn’t! Say it! Spit out more of your lies!” I shouted, light slashing across his arms and even his cheek.
“Get out! Get out! You’re not welcome here! I will see your country topple for this! He’s no family of mine! Neither of you are! Talon was your only redeeming quality!” He screamed back.
“You’re a fucking monster!” Light hit his leg and another slash knocked the crown from his head.
He carefully schooled his features and rose, “You come into my palace and use your filthy, cursed Magik to destroy it and attack me. Your end is coming and your child will die like the rest of you.”
He drew the sword from his cane. The one he’d stabbed Talon with. I heard shouting. I felt strong Magik behind me. I didn’t care. More shouting. I strode forward. I dodged the first slash of the thin blade. I jerked my palm up, coated with my power, and gripped the sword. The weapon melted in the middle and the end half fell to the ground.
“Did you know?” I gripped his collar, hauling him to me. I registered pain somewhere, but again, I wasn’t in control. My body and mind weren’t one now. I needed to hear him say it. I needed to know.
“Yes. I knew. I hope they exterminate you.” Sumerion smiled around a cruel laugh and I tilted my head in confusion.
His teeth were covered in blood.
I loosened my grip and jerked away when he coughed said blood into my face. I let go and stumbled back, wiping at my cheeks and mouth. My hand lowered slowly as I descended steadily into horror. There was a hole in his chest. I could see clean through him to the other side. He fell forward and I raised my hands as I backed up. I froze. My right arm was covered in blood. My cream-colored sleeve soaked in crimson up to my elbow. More red. Under my nails. There was so much now. It wasn’t just dirt anymore. A hysterical little laugh bubbled up from my chest and I raised my hands to grip at my hair.
“He killed the king! The king is dead!”
“Monster! Oh Gods save us, he’s a monster!”
I shook my head, tugging painfully at my hair as I did, “No, no. I didn’t mean to. I didn’t mean…”
Arms wrapped around my waist and I almost struck out. Then grey and black eyes filled my vision and shadows swirled around, blocking my view of the terrified faces of the Dlethian court and Sumerion’s body crumpled in a heap on the ground. I squeezed my eyes shut. Hands held my face and then brushed over my body. Someone was talking-swearing-but I was fading. Tired. I was tired. Hands gripped my wrists and I felt myself being shaken. I tried pulling away, struggled to break free from the iron-clad hold.
I twisted my wrists in the grip, gasping as my eyes popped open. Talon was still there. His face was pulled tight in fear and worry, but I couldn’t focus. Everything was blurring as something inside me cracked. I sagged and felt arms tighten around me. There were more voices, more shouting, and I thought I heard Talon’s voice break.
Fingers griped my cheeks, squeezing them and a voice that wasn’t mine spoke frantically in my head. I was tired, though, so I kept my eyes closed and let myself fade completely.
I'm still not entirely over my writer's block, but I'm hoping to resume regular chapter updates.🤞
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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