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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Primal Park - 1. The King

“C’mon, guys! Just tell me where we’re going,” Lennox griped.

The rickety kaḯki ride across the choppy waters frightened the Cervidas. Even robed in his favorite, stretchy, knee-length tunic, Lennox felt uncomfortable. His friends’ cackles and snickering did not aid his nerves. Over the last few days, the Egaro twins plotted behind his back. Lennox knew this because of their devilish grins and swishing, amber tails. Hours ago, the tigers practically dragged him out of bed and onto the decrepit motorboat. No details were given, no matter how much he pleaded.

A turbulent wave rocked the wooden raft, sending Lennox to his ass. Frantically grabbing a support beam, he held it as if his life depended on it. Although he had padded coverings for added grip, his hooves slid across the slick wood. The rivers and oceans of Egara were considered both peaceful yet ravaging. This adventure rekindled his longing to return to Uisge, his home planet.

It irritated him to see Vander and Hestia braving the elements.

“Easy, Len,” Vander called out. “How about you head inside the cabin and buckle in?”

“N-nah! I can handle this.”

“That’s a load!” Hestia slapped the railing and pointed at the deer. Even as the kaḯki swayed, she maintained her balance. “You look like you’re about to piddle yourself. That’s why we’re taking a trip to Primal Park.”

Lennox gasped.

Primal Park, one of Egara’s finest destinations. Organized on a dormant volcanic island, the land was plentiful of varying biomes. Sandy beaches, lush forests, vast plains, and short cliffs worn by crashing waves. There were two reasons to pay for a ticket. You either go to hunt or be hunted. It was never actual hunting, but instead marketed as an experience. Anything and everything was a potential reality.

It was any grown Egaro’s wet dream come to life. The park was known for their extensive package offers, particularly if one wanted to be hunted. Lennox had frequented the business page via his com-pad over the last three years. Each of the park staff members were one of a kind. He had an infatuation with—

“Wait a minute,” Lennox mumbled to himself. Looking at the mischievous twins, Vander leaned against the cabin doorway, and Hestia grinned toothily at the Cervidas. “No way,” he whispered.


“We’ve been made,” mocked Vander.

Confliction rattled the deer. He knew they were going to the park, but the twins planned it. The last time they dragged him out of his bed was a social at the local creamery, where he was subjected to an aphrodisiac shake. That led to a four-night stand with a senior, red-furred Egaro with a potbelly in heat. It was insane! Passionate and overall pleasant, but insane, nonetheless.

No, they surely had something devious in mind. What it was, Lennox knew better than to guess.

The island came into view. Peeking above the treetops, Lennox could barely see the crater of the volcano. As they docked, he stepped onto the pier and abruptly tumbled to the wooden planks.

Hestia lifted him to his feet. "Easy there, Pirate Buck-Eye! You didn't get your sea-legs but forgot how to walk on land? We need to get you out more often."

"The exact opposite, Hessy. It's easy for you tigers to go on adventures and escapades, but I'm used to comfort and normality."

Vander ducked under Lennox's arm, helping him regain his balance as they walked toward the main office. "Better forget about that makeshift cuddle puddle you have at home. You're in for a workout."


Leaning closer to the deer's ear, Vander murmured, "Remember when we carried you home from the riverfront three months ago? You left your com-pad on."

Lennox's heartbeat took a nosedive. "You didn't…"

"You bet your thirteen points."

"Twelve," Lennox corrected.

"You're forgetting the one in your pants, Bucky. Anyway, we clicked on a few things and set you up on a gen-u-ine Primal Park experience.”

“For today?”

“It had to be today,” Vander said with a sly grin. “Because you know what today is?”

Hearing there was a specific date in mind, Lennox racked his brain. What could be so special about today in particular?

Hestia skipped in front of them, humming and singing, “It’s our anniversary! It’s our anniversary!”

“That’s right, bestie,” sang Vander. “Today’s the day we met you, four years ago. When we found you, you were dealing with old lady Eleni at the market. She was trying to buy all of the store’s posca for under cost, and you were about to crack. Lucky for us, we got in your line and raised the price.”

Lennox huffed as they reached the red, sandy beach. After removing his shoes, his hooves dug into the warmth. He parted from Vander’s hold and walked on his own. “Oh, that’s what you did? From where I stood, you two started an auction between yourselves. Arygyros was pretty upset when Eleni took her business elsewhere.”

“Details, details,” Hestia whined. “Let’s go, Lenny! The office is just ahead.”

The deer turned and saw the kaḯki set sail. Retreating was no longer an option. He recalled the majority of the available packages and options the park staff offered. Some were mild while others could be considered extreme. Snares, stunning weapons, and even some blade-play were all available for interested shoppers. The possibilities went on and on.

Lennox worried. Which ones did the twins choose for him?

“Hi, how can I help you?”

The chipper voice broke his concentration. Sitting behind a wide com-desk was another Cervidas. Her golden fur shone bright in the sunny room as her fingers flew across the luminescent tabletop. Text windows moved in sync with the lady’s commands. She looked up briefly, double taking when her gaze landed on Lennox. “Geia.”


“If I remember correctly…” the receptionist mumbled as she opened a new window. From what Lennox could see, it appeared to be a schedule. “The only reservation for this time of day is for Lennox. It says this was a gift package?”

Vander whipped a thumbs-up, nearly smacking the buck in the shoulder. “You betcha!”

“All right then. Allow me to provide a complete rundown of today’s experience.”

Lennox swallowed, making his mouth dry.

The receptionist flicked the desk, and a notification sounded from his pad. “Lennox, Cervidas… You’re submitted as the prey and have to contend with only one hunter. The entire island is selected, so the only out-of-bounds areas are the sea and the volcano’s summit. No lethal weapons, stun or bladed traps, or any tools that can cause physical harm shall be used. Time limit for the hunter to capture you is five hours. Looks like a fairly tame hunt you’ve been gifted.

“Oh,” chimed the lady, “I take that back.”

Just as Lennox’ confidence rose, it plummeted. From the receptionist’s description, he was in for a nice experience. That’s what he got for forgetting this was planned by the twins. “W-what’s wrong?”

“You have him as a hunter.”

Him? No name? No description? “Do I get to know who it is?”

“Yeah, it’s—”

“Hold on, miss!” Vander butted in and used his kitten eyes as he spoke softly. “You see, my sister and I paid for this so our friend could let loose a bit. He’s been working really hard lately, and he’s always wanted to come to the park. I think it would be more fun for him to not know who he’s up against.”

With his jaw dropped and cheek muscle twitching, Lennox could not believe his so-called friend just asked for him to be kept in the dark. “But I—”

Vander winked to the female Cervidas, furthering Lennox’ consternation.

She smiled and chuckled. “As much as I love the act, young Egaro, I’m required by Primal Park’s policies to inform gift package recipients of all experience information. Nothing can be left out due to legal issues, especially when it involves a pleasure detail.”

Relief flooded the buck. Thank the gods, all of them in the universe. At least he had an ally with the reception—

Pleasure detail.

Pleasure detail?

Lennox froze. Vander and Hestia… Of course they added a pleasure detail. It wouldn’t be a certified, Egaro twin getaway without a surprise within the surprise. Nevertheless, he needed to confirm what he heard. “Pleasure detail, miss?”

“Yep! You’ll be—”

A faint alarm came from the door behind her, then it unlatched. Lennox shivered as he recognized the man. Seeing the Egaro on a com-pad was one thing, in person was otherworldly.

The hunter-green and black furred tiger appeared to be a chiseled work of art. There were imperfections, but that added to the mystique. A patch concealed one of the man’s yellow eyes, and a chilling scar stretched from the man’s shoulder to his left pectoral. The man wore a white wrap that covered his lower body, and a thin, black harness across his chest. Lennox cursed to himself. The leather straps only hid the Egaro’s nipples.

Vasileios Aimiliodrakis. The King. The seasoned hunter was one of the most daring and successful among the staff members. He possessed a near-flawless record of seventy-two captures, thirty-six surrenders, and only two failures. From the site profile, the Egaro was a creature of stealth, tactics, and mind games. His fur blended into the night perfectly, and it was an uncommon color to be seen in public. He was fearsome and a genius hunter.

What confused Lennox was the massive smile on Vasileios’ face. The hulking tiger approached. “You my hunt this afternoon? Hey, I’m Vasil. Pleased to meet you… Lennis, right?”

Blinking rapidly at the offered hand, the buck shakily met it. The palm was massive, easily swallowing every one of Lennox’ fingers. “Y-yes. Wait, no! I’m Lennox.”

“Lennox, gotcha! I’ll make sure to remember that when I’m whispering your name in the forest later.”

The deer was struggling. Every muscle in his body wanted to turn to goo, but he was too scared to let it happen. The sexiest male on the planet was borderline-hitting on him and was the polar opposite of what Lennox expected. “You’re being nice,” he blurted. Instantly regretting his knee-jerk obliviousness, he stammered, “W-wait! That was rude. I’m sorry, King Aimiliodrakis!”

Vasileios waved his hands and grimaced. “Whoa, whoa! Easy there. Gotta get a few things straight. First, it’s Vasil when I’m not on the clock. Second, you’re not rude. You were right; I am being nice. You’re a first-time customer, plus a gift package recipient. Have you ever thought about taking part in a Primal Park experience?”

Tucking in his bottom lip, he glanced at the twins. Both were struggling to keep a straight face.

“I take that as a no,” said Vasil.

“No,” corrected Lennox, “I have. Just… I just wasn’t expecting to actually have the opportunity.”

“I see. I reviewed the package deets, and I’m assuming you want a tame time? As little violence as possible. No pain, right?”


Vasil rolled his eye. “No need to be so formal. We’re about to play a game, and with what’s going to follow, I’d like to earn your trust before we start. Let’s go talk for a bit, huh? Catriona, mind taking those two to the viewing room?”

The green tiger led him away as the receptionist took Vander and Hestia. Both were wishing Lennox luck and blowing kisses mockingly. Alone with the hunter, the buck felt oddly comfortable. They started sitting on opposing couches, but as they talked about their expectations for the game, Lennox found himself next to Vasil. The body heat coming from the half-naked tiger was intoxicating and practically begged for there to be contact between them. The Egaro was attentive, promising no harm would come to the Cervidas. The worst he offered was mention of a rope snare, and the deer thought it was fine.

Then came the big question. “Are you sure about the pleasure detail?”

Lennox licked his lips. “Y-yeah.”

“Don’t just say that. I need to see your conviction, because when we’re out there, I’m not this cuddly kitty you see. I won’t be Vasil. I’ll be King, and I’ll carry you over my shoulder all the way to my chambers. You understand that?”

“Chambers? We… We won’t do it out there?”

The man’s smirk was reassuring. “I don’t with first timers unless they specifically ask for it. Contrary to what a lot of people see both online and out in the park, I prefer taking my prey to a bed. With you… There’s something about you, Lennox. I really want to take you where no one will watch.”

Hearing Vasil’s insinuation, he felt an attachment to the Egaro. Despite being paid to hunt and please him, he cared for Lennox, in a way. “I think I want that too.”

“Excellent. Glad to have an agreement. It’s about time to start. You’ll get ten minutes with a map, then thirty as a head start into the park. After that, I’ll be released.” Vasil’s gentle nature vanished, and a sinister, toothy grin appeared on the tiger’s face. “And I will find you. I’ll toy with you for a bit, follow you around, make you think I’m chasing you. Then when you’ve just about had it, I’ll make you understand why I am king.”

Lennox swallowed. He should have worn his longer tunic. Scrunching it down, he tried to cover himself. A staff member came in and instructed the Cervidas to follow. Taking one more look at the hunter, Lennox saw Vasil flick his tongue out, wetting his lips.

When the staff pointed out their location on the map, the buck realized the clock was ticking. This was the game! He was to be given a basic bag, filled with the necessities for survival: nutrient-packed food bars, a water bottle, water-purification tablets, a length of rope, and a GPS bangle to strap to his ankle. He had thirty minutes. He figured Vasil might grab him soon after. Lennox knew nothing about living off the land.

“Time’s up. Your thirty minutes start now.” The park employee pointed at the screen door.

Hoisting his bag over a shoulder, Lennox opened it and took in the sights. There were forests to the north, and it seemed like the best biome to hide in. The plains were tempting since he could run without hindrance, but it would leave him wide open. From what he learned from watching previous videos on the park’s site, he abandoned the bag. Some of the hunters, Vasil included, had the fabric’s scent committed to memory. Not that it mattered anyway. He was being hunted by Primal Park’s king. The Egaro was sure to have every nook and cranny memorized. There was no way he saw himself lasting the five-hour time limit.

Before taking off, Lennox figured he would be doing a lot of running and sudden movements, so he shifted into his quadruped form. He could move faster and turn on a moment’s notice, but it restricted his speech and eliminated his opposable thumbs. The tunic stretched to envelop his chest and his front thighs.

“Fifteen minutes before hunter release,” blared a robotic voice. Lennox huffed and increased his speed. Just as he reached the wooded area, an alarm rang across the park. Vasil… No, King was now in the game.

The thought was frightening and exciting at the same time. With every passing tree, the Egaro could pop out and scare him. On the other side of the same coin, that meant he would be one step closer to being slung over the tiger’s shoulder and carried away. Should he try and win the game or get caught on purpose?

Lennox shook his head. Vander and Hestia may have forced him into this situation, but it was for a good reason. He knew he did not go out as much as a young Cervidas should. The last time he even cuddled with an actual person was the night with the elder Egaro. His synth pillows made do over the last few years, but the right one’s warming spots were malfunctioning, and the left pillow’s knee-shift feature went out the other day. Repairs were needed. Maybe it was a sign to change his views on meeting people. The task seemed daunting, considering he talked with countless faces every day at the market. He compared his feelings to how he felt currently.

Think I’d rather be hunted—

A twig snapped several yards away, demanding his attention. Listening intently, he waited for another noise.

“There’s a deer in my woods,” whispered King.

Lennox nearly jumped but stayed in place. The voice seemed off. His instincts were caught in a tug-of-war. “That’s not him,” he thought.

Replaying the statement inside his head, it seemed like a younger version of Vasil.

He remembered. If a prey wasn’t moving much, a game-master played specific recordings. What Lennox did not know was if there was a specific Cervidas line on any of the videos featuring King. No, it would make little sense for the Egaro to be here already. He was not that fast.

Still, it was smart to keep moving. Lennox cared little for his own performance, but for an unknown reason, he wanted to impress Vasil… King… both. The tiger was sweet to him in the prep room, and even when King came out for a few seconds, Lennox felt safe. He was being hunted, and he knew he was in good hands.

A rustle in the bushes disturbed him, and he took no chance. Lennox bolted away from the noise, and in the process, he saw a glimpse, the singular yellow eye between two trees. Pivoting, he took the trail he came from. He ran. The moment his hooves hit the grass, he used all of his strength to bound forward. His heart pounded, harder than it ever had before. Seeing the Egaro triggered something within his instincts he never dealt with before. Fear. Not the kind he felt whenever Vander and Hestia dragged him somewhere. This was the real deal. Gone were the senses of security and comfort. He was prey, and a predator was looking for a meal.

He needed to get out of the forest. It was a ridiculous spot to hide in. He should have known better. Even on Uisge residents were warned about their forested areas. Siminae lurked in the tree branches, waiting for unsuspecting Cervidae. The monkey people were considered civilized but barely. They could barter, speak, and hunt together. When other species come too close, all bets are off. With their sharp talons and mastery of throwing objects, they made for fearsome foes. Even the more combat-ready brocket and water-deer races had trouble fending for themselves against the Siminae.

Although Lennox never encountered one, he assumed it would be incredibly similar to what he was dealing with now. He felt King's glare, even as he darted between the trees and stepped out into the open plains. The tall grass was equally disturbing, short enough to see where he was going, but one could easily lurk underneath.

Maybe the forest was the better option.

A low, nearly silent snarl shook Lennox to his core. King was right beside him.

"Run, little deer. Or have you given up already? I haven't broken a sweat yet."

Lennox sprinted away. Distance. He needed distance between him and the hunter. There was no time to wonder about King's magical ability to maneuver across the island. Zigzagging through the plains, the Egaro's presence fizzled. Reaching the edge of the patch of grass, he looked left. There was one of the cliffs that led to certain death. To the right was another wooded area.

Just before he took another step, something warm laced his fur above a rear hoof and up his calf. Frozen in fear, Lennox analyzed the contact. It was similar to Vasil's, but the fingers used had a sinister touch. It did not last, and as it drifted away, the deer turned to see the unmoving field of grass. Did King sneak close just for a quick fondle? A tease? Yeah, that had to be a tease for him.

Lennox ran everywhere to elude the tiger's glare, but no matter where he hid, the Egaro's snarls, words, and growls would reach his ears. After a few hours, the recordings and actual speech blended together.

"Getting tired, little buck?"

"Lennox… Why try to escape, Lennox? You know I'll get you."

"Run, run as fast as you may. The King will always find his prey."

Stopping behind a girthy tree, Lennox tried to catch his breath. He wished for the abandoned bag near the start. Parched and peckish, the deer surveyed his surroundings. King seemed disinterested in the past thirty minutes. It meant he would be coming back soon.

"Lennox." The whisper was husky, soft, and close. "Do you understand?"

The voice was right behind him. Turning, the deer saw no one.

"Do you understand why my record's nearly spotless?"

Behind him again! Breathing heavily, Lennox had no strength or stamina remaining. He was exhausted, physically and mentally. Reverting to his bipedal form, he gasped and wiped his forehead. "Wh… Why?"

An ominous chuckle struck fear into his heart. "This is my island. No one knows it like I do. It's adorable to see those who believe they're skilled enough to evade me, and even more so who think they can put up a struggle.

"But you… Oh, you've been one of my favorites. There were times I should have pinned you, and times where you looked into my eye unknowingly. You're so innocent, Lennox. So, so innocent. Your animal instincts exist, but they're rusty. You look left when you should right. Not once did you bother to look up."

Lennox stood still and breathless. "No way," he whispered. His sight started at the trunk, then rose until he saw the perched tiger. The smirk was barely visible, as was his body. The green and black fur blended perfectly with the foliage.

Straddling a thick branch, the Egaro leered. "Do you resign, or do I need to come down there?"

He was defeated. The buck came into this game blindsided. In his state, the game would not last much longer. Lennox leaned against the tree, realizing how tired his body was. "Yeah, I'm done."

King slid down and towered over the Cervidas. "I want to hear you say it, little buck. Say, 'I surrender, King Aimiliodrakis’, and I'll carry you back without a single bump."

The request had traces of lust, and Lennox shuddered. "I-I surrender, King Amiliodrakis. You win."

The tiger grinned triumphantly. When King walked up, the Egaro's face softened as his hands landed on Lennox's hips. King was gone, and Vasileios returned. "So, now comes two difficult questions. First, front or back?"

Confused, Lennox guessed, "Front?"

Vasil bent a knee and stooped. Grabbing the buck, the tiger ducked his head as Lennox was lifted. He bleated in surprise as his back was cradled. He understood the request. He was staring at Vasil's torso. Beads of sweat were falling down the thin strands of fur. With his arms dangling down Vasil's chest, Lennox bit his lip as he tried to prevent an erection. As the tiger walked, there was no bounding movement. The ride was smoother than any kaḯki trip in his time on the planet.


"Vasil. I'm breaking my rules for today, so King is done for now."

"Vasil… You said you had two questions?"

Lifting himself, Lennox barely saw the smile on the Egaro's face. "I'll ask the second one when we get to my chambers."

Satisfied with the answer, the deer did his best to relax. Vasil pointed out several hiding spots many contestants typically choose on their first experience. Lennox was shocked to hear about a small alcove under one of the cliffs on the northern side of the island. That was discovered during Vasil's first failure. The tiger's second was a result of a nasty fall from a tree, forcing him to resign from the match.

"Is that the cause of your scars?"

Vasil laughed, jostling the buck slightly. "No, no! Those came from a late childhood injury. Maybe one day I'll tell you the story."

Arriving at a separate building from the main office, Vasil cleared his throat. "Second question’s coming up, so get ready."

The Egaro palmed the hand-scanner, causing the door to slide open. Lennox's nose was blasted by a cleaner version of Vasil's natural odor. He could not tell which he preferred. The studio home was small but housed everything a grown tiger needed. Centered against the back wall was a large bed. The wooden headrest was nearly covered by gray, white, and black pillows. The buck instantly thought it would make a phenomenal cuddle puddle base.

A tiny kitchenette showcased a dinky heating element and a dinkier sink. Lennox was puzzled how a grown man could cook a meal with such puny utilities. There was a lounge area with a couch, but it lacked a desire for comfort. A hallway was visible, and the Cervidas assumed it led to a washroom. "You live here?"

"No, I just crash here when I have a packed schedule."

"Or a pleasure detail?"

Vasil sat on the edge of the bed and patted the space next to him. As Lennox joined him, the tiger stayed still. "As a gift recipient, you have the right to say no to this part of the package. We have a few hours if you wanted to—"

The man silenced as the deer caressed the large thigh. The furs were damp from sweat, but the warmth of the skin underneath was enticing. "I think we should shower."

Laughing, Vasil rose and led him down the hallway. As he turned the water on, the Egaro gave Lennox a sultry look. He removed his white wrap, then fingered the hem of the Cervidas's tunic. "Second question. For the next few hours, would you prefer to be called my fawn, or my cub?"


Re-entering the park's office, Lennox saw Vander and Hestia's faces light up. Before he could say anything, they were off the couch and stumbling over each other.



"Spill it, Lenny. How many of your holes did King fill?"

Lennox rolled his eyes. "I'm not telling either of you a thing."

"Come on," Vander whined, "you told us about that time with the old man."

"And you've held it over my head ever since. My time with Vasil is too special.”

Hestia gasped. "Vandie, look! His fur is brighter."

Confused by the statement, Lennox examined his arm. It was true! What was once a pale tan coat, it now had a slight golden shine. Was this an effect of being outside more? Or was it the time spent in Vasil's quarters? Regardless, he felt refreshed and energized.

After checking out with the receptionist, the buck left with the twins in tow. They were relentless with their interrogation, but Lennox refused to give them anything. Waiting for the kaḯki to arrive, he glanced at his com-pad and responded to a few messages. When the boat docked, Hestia boarded while Vander guided Lennox across the slippery wood. A notification rang out, forcing them to stop.

Checking his cmm-pad, he read the new text. Before he could respond, he heard the jets of a motor coming from behind. "Sorry, Van. Got my own ride."

Parking the sea-scooter, Vasil stepped onto the pier. "Need a hand?"

"If you don't mind. My hooves don't work well on wood." When Vander gave him an incredulous stare, Lennox smirked. "Vasil's taking me to dinner tonight."

Taken by the hand, he was brought closer to the dock's edge. Vasil boarded first, then Lennox took the remaining space behind him. Holding onto the tiger's waist, he turned to see the twins with slack jaws. He managed to wave for a second before Vasil revved the engine and sped away.

Copyright © 2022 astone2292, Yeoldebard; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

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Chapter Comments

An Interesting beginning.  Animals that wear clothes, talk, and can body morph.  I feel like Dr. Doolittle eavesdropping on the animals being naughty.  Very enjoyable and I can't wait to continue so I can see what's next.  

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A very fun and whimsical start to the story.  I recognized @Yeoldebard's pawprints on this immediately. I take it from the comments, we have at least a few more chapters.  Looking forward to reading the rest.  Great job Aaron!  Kudos to Yeoldebard!  The collaboration works very well.

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2 hours ago, raven1 said:

A very fun and whimsical start to the story.  I recognized @Yeoldebard's pawprints on this immediately. I take it from the comments, we have at least a few more chapters.  Looking forward to reading the rest.  Great job Aaron!  Kudos to Yeoldebard!  The collaboration works very well.

I'll never be quiet about how fun it was to write in Ye's world. 

Lol. Pawprints.

Yes, yes. More chapters! Each one is special in its own way. Read on!

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  • Site Moderator
On 9/29/2022 at 11:06 AM, astone2292 said:

Thanks, doc! There's three more stories within our anthology to explore. 

I'll read your other chapter.

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6 hours ago, Carlos Hazday said:

Wow, that was a lot of new stuff to take in. Not sure I got it all. :)

Hope you enjoyed it, Carlos :)

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12 hours ago, astone2292 said:

Hope you enjoyed it, Carlos :)

Not done, still 3 to go and I need to read this one again. I got a flu shot at the end of the wee and spent the weekend in a fog thanks to the reaction. I've had the flu for 48 hours! Feeling a little better this morning, let's see if my brain decided to join my body in trying to function normally

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6 hours ago, Carlos Hazday said:

Not done, still 3 to go and I need to read this one again. I got a flu shot at the end of the wee and spent the weekend in a fog thanks to the reaction. I've had the flu for 48 hours! Feeling a little better this morning, let's see if my brain decided to join my body in trying to function normally

Ick! Keep your flu-ridden tushie away! I'm enjoying my last days of vacation. Don't need it ruined. 😷

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Wound up at the doctor this morning. Negative tests for flu and Covide, so we're going with the vaccine reaction. She said I should be back to normal in a day or so.

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6 minutes ago, Story Reader said:

I could see the looks on the twins faces as Vasil picked him up for dinner. I love this story already! Good job Aaron!

Thanks, SR! Yeoldebard and I collaborated with this, and each chapter is a different story set in the same place in different times. I'll come back to Lennox and Vasil at another time, but I hope you enjoy the rest of the stories! 

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Okay, still a bit lost, but less so. Fantasy Island meets The Island of Dr. Moreau. So, a cervida is a humanoid deer, eh?

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