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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Make sure you read the first Twinks in Space book!

Twinks in Space: Fantastic Voyage - Part Two - 54. Chapter 54 - Blood

Dealing with the dead.

The streets of Boullia Bay were in total disarray. Rubble was strewn everywhere, and the massive bodies of the dead godstrolls lay among the destruction. Injured citizens were given aid, and those who were killed by the monsters were treated with honor.

Stawren pulled Lyoth to one side and asked under her breath, “What about the blood?”

“I don’t know,” he replied quietly. “The people have just gone through so much. I can’t imagine traumatizing them more by messing with the corpses and trying to collect their blood.”

Stawren nodded. “It just feels like such a waste.”

“Maybe we should haul their bodies somewhere outside of town, or even to another one of the islands,” Lyoth suggested. “Once we’ve got them together and away from anyone who might see, we’ll be able to collect whatever blood is left in them.”

Stawren shrugged. “There’s an area outside of town that’s marshy where people don’t like to go, maybe we can bring their bodies there, and then just leave them in the swamp after we’re done.”

Captain Suoki rounded a corner and came up to Lyoth and Stawren. “The Galaxy Surfer is docked. What happened?!”

Lyoth put up his hand to Captain Suoki and approached the stunned citizens. He stepped onto a large chunk of broken masonry and addressed everyone. “Good people of Boullia Bay! Ladies and Gentlemen!” he called. The people of the city turned from to him with their grateful attention. “You are some of the most resilient, strongest, most defiant, proudest people I have ever met!” A small cheer rang out as Lyoth continued. “We need to clear the streets and get the city back to normal. I understand there are marshes outside of town. That’s where I recommend we bring the monsters. If you have a vehicle that’s up to the task, please let one of us know. Even if you don’t feel capable of dealing with their bodies, but you’ve got a vehicle that could help, please tell us. We want to get the godstrolls out of the city as quickly as possible. Everyone else, please keep helping the injured, and begin to move any debris from the main streets that you can. Thank you all for your resilience and courage.”

Lyoth climbed down as several people stepped up to him and offered their vehicles or their assistance with the enormous remains.

The next several hours were spent moving rubble and the giant corpses from the streets. Much of the debris was shifted to the sides, giving the city the opportunity to return to a semblance of normal, while allowing the people to deal with the rubble later.

It was evening by the time all the godstrolls and their body parts had been brought to the marsh, and Lyoth, Stawren, and Captain Suoki set about the task of extracting however much blood they could. Much of it had already congealed, and they were not able to collect more than twenty liters from all the dead and the pieces. It was dark when they finished, and they added what they were able to get, to the small amount Captain Suoki had collected from the slain godstrolls Lyoth killed with the farming tool.

“Twenty-six liters,” Stawren stated flatly.

“We’ve got a ways to go,” Lyoth replied.

Captain Suoki sighed. “I need a shower.”

Stawren perked up and said, “Why don’t we take a dip in the star pool?!” They did not know what that was, and despite being covered in godstroll slime, she laughed in delight.

The trio dropped off the blood at the Galaxy Surfer, and Stawren led the men to the edge of the island and away from the city. A massive protrusion of granite was before them, thrusting up toward the dark sky like a tiny mountain at the edge of the sea. The natural rock formation was only a few stories high, but silhouetted the thing looked like it stretched above all.

As they approached, Stawren ran ahead and disappeared into a hole in the stone. The two men followed her into the darkness, and they heard her cry out in glee before a large splash rang out through the quiet. A faint illumination in front of them drew the men near, and they saw Stawren in a calm inlet. Bioluminescence was shining up from the algae she disturbed on the surface.

“Welcome to the star pool!” she declared. “Hop in, fellas!”

They obeyed and joined her in the brine glow. The trio scrubbed the blood and slime from their bodies and clothes, and once they were somewhat clean, they each stripped off everything they were wearing. They laid their garments on the rocks and returned to the water.

“My dad and I used to come here a lot when I was a kid,” Stawren said with a sigh.

“Thank you for sharing it with us,” Captain Suoki replied.

The trio floated together for a while, but eventually decided to call it a night, and they headed back into Boullia Bay. Stawren led Lyoth and Captain Suoki to Her Majesty’s Hole, where her father Jintrin was waiting for them with Phentrom and the others.

“Where’ve you been?” Jintrin asked as they entered. “And why are you soaked?”

Stawren smiled, stepped up to him, and ran one hand over the dampness of her other forearm. A faint glow appeared where she rubbed her skin.

“You went swimming in the star pool?”

“We were covered in grossness from dealing with the bodies.” She nodded to Lyoth and Captain Suoki. “We all still need showers, but we got the worst of it off us. I had slime in my hair.”

Phentrom stepped up to Lyoth and the two men kissed.

The following four long days were spent cleaning up the mess made by the godstrolls, and on that fourth afternoon, the city’s queens did what they do best to help lift the people’s spirits. An all-day extravaganza was going to be kicking off at Her Majesty’s Hole a few hours before it normally opened.

“Hurry up!” Captain Suoki urged to Lyoth. “We’re gonna miss the beginning!”

Lyoth laughed. “Go on ahead! We’ll catch up or meet you there.”

Phentrom made a guilty face at Lyoth. “Do you mind if I go too? It’s going to be so cute!

Lyoth let out a cackle. He was standing in front of a full-length mirror, partially dressed. “Get out of here, you two! We’ll be along in a flash.”

“See ya!” Captain Suoki called as he rushed out the door and into the sunshine.

Phentrom gave Lyoth a peck on the cheek and followed the big bearded man.

“Be careful in those!” Lyoth called after them.

Captain Suoki and Phentrom were both wearing high heels, long dresses, and elaborate wigs.

Lyoth was lacing up a corset he was wearing. He liked the way he looked.

“Dammit!” Stawren’s muffled voice called from inside a closet. “I can’t find it!”

Lyoth stuck his head in the cramped little room. “I don’t mind wearing whatever you’ve got.”

Stawren looked up from a pile of clothes. “We have other options for you, but I swear that dress is in here somewhere.”

Lyoth did not know what dress she meant, but she had said he would look sexy in it. “I can wear something else. We still have to get you ready also.”

“That just means the party’ll be in full swing by the time we arrive and we can make an entrance! Here, try this one.” She handed him a garment and grabbed a few others for herself.

Ten minutes later, Lyoth and Stawren were also on their way through the streets of Boullia Bay to the event.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done,” Lyoth said to her.

Stawren could tell that his words were in regard to the events of the past week, and she looked over at him. “We’re quite a team, you and I, and we’ve been through a lot.” She let out a little chuckle. “But how could I not help you, after all you’ve done for my people and this city?”

Lyoth smiled at her.

“And we’ve still got more ahead of us,” Stawren added, “but we’re in this together.”

A low thumping beat distracted them, and the pair turned in the direction of Her Majesty’s Hole.

On to a three-chapter long drag show!
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Thank you so much for diving into the second book in my sci-fi series, and I hope you enjoy it!
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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The star pool was an ideal way to clean up an unwind after dealing with the nasty godstrolls. Twenty six liters of blood is a lot. How much more do they need?

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Posted (edited)

The inhabitants pulled together to clean up the town. It seems 26 liters of blood may not be enough--oh no!

But for now, they are going to attend a drag show celebraton--wowi

Edited by akascrubber
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They should contact the folks who gave them the list of ingredients and find out if they have enough blood...

While the party goes on, and I am not opposed, the I.C.U.A. still needs to be dealt with is the most slow, painful way possible... 

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4 hours ago, drpaladin said:

The star pool was an ideal way to clean up an unwind after dealing with the nasty godstrolls. Twenty six liters of blood is a lot. How much more do they need?

I am too tired to go back and read; but did they not need like 100 liters?

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40 minutes ago, centexhairysub said:

I am too tired to go back and read; but did they not need like 100 liters?

Well remembered!

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They need to find a way to get a Godstroll without having it loose so much blood. Maybe with the new sword Lyoth can make cleaner kills?

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