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    Lee Wilson
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story is an original work of gay fiction. None of the people or events are real. While some of the town names used may be real, any other geographic references (school, events) are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. This story depicts sexual situations between adult males. If reading this is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, you are reading at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Lee R Wilson, and shall not be reproduced and/or re-posted without his permission. Story ©2024 Lee R Wilson.

Manny Needs a Nanny - 20. Everything Comes Together

Giving you a mostly upbeat chapter this time. Oh, massive happy tear tissue warning, I think.
Zuri’s input did not extend very far into the content itself. Most of what happens is on me. More on this when he comments, I'm sure.

When Manny got home, he found Bass to talk about the visit to the lawyer's office.

"So, what did the lawyer say?"

"A lot, but the key point was that if I start the adoption process, he'd be able to release a small advance. He indicated, it would cover the prosthesis and a chunk of the hospital bill."

"But he didn't say how much it would be."

"Well, he did after I filled out the adoption application."

"You're shitting me? You really started?"

"I did. Why is it a surprise? I’ve already come to love him. I told him the night he had his nightmare, he told me the same thing. I want this. I’d do it even without the money."

"Rocky's going to freak. Wait, do you plan on telling him right away?"

"I think, I should hold off. If I get at least a preliminary approval, that might be okay. But if I say something now and don't get approved… Well, you can guess what will happen."

"Shit. How are we going to keep that secret for however many months it'll take?"

"Brewster says, it could take as little as thirty to forty-five days for an uncontested adoption. There's nobody to chase down to give up any rights. Maybe only a couple weeks before we hear something."

"Wait, you said, he told you how much you'll get after you started the process. So?"

"It doesn’t matter, and I won't see it until the state at least accepts the application, but he figures, if the investments stay stable, approximately thirty-seven thousand dollars."

"That's one hell of a small advance."

"True. Even if it's as much as a quarter of the total, I'd be getting—which probably wouldn't be considered a small advance—that's like one hundred and forty-eight K. That’s probably a third of what I’d get selling the house. I asked Brewster to look into getting a realtor for me."

"Well, no counting chickens before they hatch. We don't want to jinx it and find a rotten egg."

"No. Definitely not."

The rotten egg made its appearance the following Monday with a call from Brewster James.



"Hello, Manny. Brewster James."

"Hi Brewster, what's up?"

"Bad news, I'm sorry to say."

"Oh, no. Go ahead, I can take it."

"The application was rejected."

"Damn. Did they say why?"

"While the idea of hired support helped, the question arose of what would happen if for some reason that support disappeared?"

"I suppose, telling them, they'll never get fired wouldn't work."

"No, I'm sure, it wouldn't."

"Fuck. In the meantime, let’s get rolling on selling my house. But is there anything we can do? Even leaving any money considerations out?"

"It has nothing to do with the money. And yes there is, but I'm not sure, you want to hear it."

"Good. I’d do this even if I didn’t get a penny. If it’s anything other than giving up, I will do it for Rocky’s sake."

"No, it's not giving up, but it isn't a solution that can be completed in a very short term. If you were legally married, there would be a green light."

"Married? Fuck. I don't want to marry a woman, even for this purpose."

"You missed one point. You don't necessarily have to be married to a woman. They said, in your case, because there's no direct relationship between you and Rocky's parents, two parents would be required."

"I see. So, we couldn't even say, their decision was prejudiced by me being gay."


"Okay. Let me do some thinking and I'll call you back. I'm not giving up yet."

"And I wouldn't expect you to, but this is a pretty high hurdle."

"I hear ya. I'll be in touch."

"Goodbye, Manny. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts."

Manny chortled, "Yeah, me too. Bye."

Manny needed a quiet place to think, somewhere he wouldn't be bothered. He headed for his bedroom, closed and locked the door. Twenty minutes later, he headed for the study. Once there, he messaged Bass to meet him there.

"Hey, Manny. What's up?"

"Close and lock the door, please."

"Um. Okay. Did I do something?"

"Oh, no. It's just that this is a for your ears only topic."

"Whew. I knew, I wasn't spying on you again, but I also couldn't think of anything else."

"Nothing like that. Go ahead, sit down. Do you want a shot of something?"

"You found Boris' stash?"

"It wasn't very well hidden."

"No, that's true. I don't need one."

Manny pulled out one of the bottles of bourbon Boris had in the bottom drawer of his desk.

"You will. Believe me."

"Pappy Van Winkle? Holy fuck, this is big. Don't pour it yet, though."

"I wasn't planning to. At least not until after I say what I need to say. Let me get through it before you ask any questions."

"Lips sealed, I'm listening."

"Brewster said, they rejected the adoption application. But there's something I could do to reverse that decision."

Manny took the cap off the bottle.

"The only way, I could think of, to make it work, concerns you."

Manny brought out two shot glasses.

"I'd be approved if I was married."

Manny poured, Bass reached for a glass and downed its contents. Manny drank his, then took out the bottle of Woodford Reserve and poured two more shots. After they both drank that, Manny capped Pappy, but left the Woodford open, so Bass could pour more if he wanted to.

"Manny. Wow. I don't know what to say."

"Well, not saying an immediate ‘no’ is promising."

"Yeah, I guess. But geez, we've only known each other for like two months. I mean, I like you, but…"

"I love Rocky. I'm willing to do almost anything to make it work. I'll go on gay-matches dot com if I have to."

"That would be a huge mistake with you possibly coming into a boatload of money. I need some time to think. I mean, I love Rocky too. I've known him since he was a baby."

"That's fair. But fuck the money, I know, this came out of the blue at you. But I'm not giving up, and this is the only solution I could think of. I'd like it to be you. I know, we could grow to love each other."

"Okay. Give me a few days and I'll let you know."

"Thanks. That's all I can ask right now."

Bass poured himself another shot, drank it, and stood up to leave. Manny heard a whispered, "Wow." as Bass left the room. Manny stayed in the study for nearly a half hour, staring at the open door. He finally put the bottles away and got up to leave. It was lunchtime and Manny was starving.


After spending much of the past forty-eight hours in his room, Bass finally came to a decision. He first sent a message to Patrick. Then, this time it was he who went to the study and messaged Manny.

"Hey Bass. What's up?"

"I've made a decision."

"Well, neither the cheap nor expensive bourbons are out, so there's nothing to give away which way you're leaning. Hit me with it."

"I messaged Patrick. He's completely confounded as to why, but he'll be driving us to the outlets in Commerce."

"I'm confounded too. What's there?"

"Zales Jewelry outlet. We need to buy rings."

"Oh, my God! Yes. Oh, Bass! Thank you, thank you! I will do everything under the sun to make this work. Holy shit! You’re sure? You’re doing this because you want to? I don’t want to force you to do anything.”

"Yes, I want to. I know it helps you control some of the money. If you think I want a piece of that, I’ll sign a prenuptial agreement. After the jewelry store, we'll stop at a store and get a couple bottles of champagne to celebrate. And sparkling grape juice for Rocky, because he'll wonder what we're celebrating, and we should tell him."

"Oh, God. Fuck the money. I could sell my house and have everything I need. This is about Rocky. Rocky and me. Let me call Brewster before we go and tell him a wedding is coming and resubmit the adoption papers. Wait, when?"

"Yesterday? As soon as we can. We need to get Rocky's future solidified as soon as possible."

"Awesome. Stay here."

“Hello, James and associates, attorneys at law, this is Barbara, how can we help you?”

“Hello Barbara, this is Manny Talbot. I’d like to speak with Brewster for just a minute if he's available.”

"He's in Pendergrass today, but I can see if he's available… His schedule is open right now. Let me call. Please hold."


A minute later, "Hello, Manny. What can I do for you?"

"Nothing at the moment, Brewster. Putting you on speaker; I want to give you a heads-up and maybe you can speak with the adoption board, or whatever it's called. I'm getting married."

"Whoa. That was fast. Rent-a-groom?"

"Hehe. No. I've been with someone for a couple months now. I explained the situation to him, he gave it some thought, and we just agreed to get married."

"Well, then let me be the first to say: Congratulations! Is he there with you now?"

"He is. Sebastian Blank, meet Brewster James."

"Hello, Brewster."

"Hi, Sebastian. I'm guessing, Manny is a very happy man right now."

"That he is. He’d be dancing if he wasn’t sitting in a chair.

"Well, congratulations to you too. I'll resubmit the application with a marital status of ‘engaged’ as soon as you guys can give me a date. From what I've been told, that should let it proceed to a successful end."

"We'll let you know that as soon as we do. Manny and I both agree, it should happen as soon as possible. You may be able to use ‘married’ as the status instead."

"Excellent, Sebastian. Just let me know."

"We will. Bye." "Bye Brewster."

"So long and good luck."

Bass made Patrick take a vow of secrecy, since he'd be driving them to the outlets and would know what was up. Patrick congratulated them multiple times on the trip and told them he knew of a shop to buy the champagne not too far from the outlets. He'll go and get the two bottles and sparkling grape juice while they were ring shopping.

When they got back, Manny sneaked into the kitchen and hid the champagne in one of the refrigerators, hoping Sandy wouldn't see them when she went to prepare dinner. As they all gathered for dinner, Manny and Bass took out the champagne and sparkling grape juice and six wine glasses. Everyone else was curious and started asking questions.

Manny tried to quell their curiosity. "You'll get your answers in a minute.”

Bass poured the drinks and stood next to Manny.

"Go ahead, Manny."

"Okay. Well, we won't make you wait any longer. This is actually two celebrations. First, Bass and I are going to get married."

A chorus of 'wow,' 'congratulations,' was heard, plus one 'really?'—that last from Rocky.

"Really, Rocky. That decision was made because we're going to have a child."

Confused looks from everyone.

"My being married is the last hurdle to clear in the plan to adopt… you, Rocky!"

"No fucking way. Oh, sorry. Really? You're going to adopt me, Manny. And Bass, I guess?"

"Yes, Rocky. In the short time since I've known you, I've come to love you and want to make sure, you're taken care of forever. Being your foster dad is nice, but I know, this is better."

Rocky jumped up and hugged Manny, then Bass, then pulled the two of them together, "I love you guys, too. Oh, my God. I can't believe this!"

Rocky was crying by this time, but they were happy tears.

Later, Manny and Bass looked into the marriage license process. The good news was, they could complete the application on-line, then go to the court within thirty days.

“This website says, we need two witnesses, Bass.”

“Let’s have four. We’ll let Rocky stay home tomorrow and we’ll all go.”

“Really? Tomorrow?”

Ass smiled, “Why not?

“Why not, indeed.”


They all piled into the Lexus and headed to the probate court in Gainesville. Manny and Bass decided they’d throw a party for all their friends in around two weeks. Bass wanted to invite his parents who would be coming from Alabama.

They had all the necessary paperwork, got the license printed, and after a short wait, had a simple civil ceremony. Then the license was signed. They got a couple copies made and submitted the signed license back to the court. The marriage certificate would come in the mail. The extra copies were so they could bring one to Brewster James and have one for themselves.

Thursday, September twenty-sixth, 2024, Manny and Bass were married. They wouldn’t be able to get the smiles from their, and Rocky’s faces without explosives.

All six of them went for a ride to Hoschton to leave a copy of the marriage license with Brewster James. They got lucky and he was in that office that day.

Manny made introductions, then Brewster arranged to get the adoption application re-submitted. He said, hopefully, they’ll get a fast response and could schedule a date in superior court.

Thursday night presented one problem that Manny and Bass discussed once they got into bed.

“Manny, would it bother you if we didn’t consummate the marriage right away? I’m not really sure, I’m ready to do that yet.”

“I understand, Bass. I feel the same way. We’ll do tonight what we’ve done before and take that step when we’re both ready.”

“That sounds like a good plan.”

Manny and Bass had oral sex that night. Twice.

Over the course of the next month and a half, Manny and Bass were busy with the process of adoption. Once all the steps were completed, their court date was scheduled for Tuesday, November twelfth.

“Superior court of Hall County, Georgia is now in session. The Honorable Judge Amos Canton presiding.”

“Who is representing the petitioners?”

“Brewster James, Your Honor.”

“Are the petitioners both present?”

“They are, Your Honor.”

“Is the minor child, Rockland Boris Tanner, present?”

“He is, Your Honor.”

“Do you have the final order of adoption, Mr. James?”

“Yes, Your Honor. Right here.”

Brewster handed the order to the bailiff and the judge reviewed it.

“Everything seems to be in order. Will the petitioner Truman David Talbot-Blank please stand?”

Manny stood.

“Will Sebastian Carlton Talbot-Blank please stand.”

Bass stood.

“Please answer each question ‘yes’, or ‘no’”.

“Are you legally married to each other?”

Manny and Bass answered ‘yes’.

“Are you prepared to rear and educate the child as your own?”

Manny and Bass once again answered ‘yes’.

“Do you understand that, once adopted, this child will have all the same inheritance rights as any child born to you?”

Another yes.

“Do you believe, it would be in the child’s best interest for you to adopt the child?”

Yes, again.

“Thank you both. Will Rockland Boris Tanner also stand?”

Rocky stood between Manny and Bass.

“What is your full name?”

“Rockland Boris Tanner, Your Honor.”

“How old are you?”

“Thirteen, Your Honor.”

“You may discontinue using ‘Your Honor’ in each answer. How long have you lived with Truman Talbot-Blank?”

“Approximately three- and one-half months.”

“How long have you lived with Sebastian Talbot-Blank?”

“Nearly my entire life.”

“Do you agree to these two men adopting you and becoming your legal parents?”


“Do you want your name to be changed?”


“To what?”

“Rockland Boris Talbot hyphen Blank.”

“It is so ordered by this court that henceforth you will be named Rockland Boris Talbot hyphen Blank. Truman David Talbot-Blank and Sebastian Carlton Talbot-Blank shall be your legal parents. The final documentation will be mailed to the address on record. This court is now adjourned. Congratulations gentlemen.”


Brewster James remained trustee for the bulk of Rocky’s one hundred- and twenty-million-dollar trust until Rocky turned twenty-one. Minus the five percent that went directly to Manny.

Manny sold his house in Braselton for another three hundred and ninety thousand dollars.

Saturday November sixteenth, Manny and Bass hosted a combination wedding reception-adoption celebration. The house staff were all there with guests. All of Manny’s friends from Charlie’s and their families were there. Bass’ parents came in from Alabama. Finally, six of Rocky’s friends and their families were able to make it. Kenny Baxter, Bobby Panner, Paul Bangor, Steve Kilger, and Mark Peeters were no surprises. Bruce Wilmer was a surprise, but shortly after the cafeteria fight aftermath, he joined the others at the lunch table formerly known as the fwuit table and became a good friend.

Neither of the other two boys Bruce molested ever came forward. Bart Packer's parents, like Jack Wilmer, were happy just to have the medical bills covered. Bart hadn't ever been an angel either.

In mid-January, Manny received his prosthesis. One year later, when he was very comfortable with his prosthetic arm, he took his name off the transplant list.

Rocky Talbot-Blank became a happy young man who controlled a tidy sum of two hundred million when he took over the trust at age twenty-one. He married his high school sweetheart two weeks after taking over that trust. He and his wife had two sons and a daughter.

Manny and Bass did fall in love and remain married to this day. They eventually consummated their marriage the night of the celebration. Twice.

The End

Once again, I hope you enjoyed reading Manny’s journey as much as I enjoyed writing it. See you next time with “Roadie in Love” in roughly two weeks. Vacation coming up.
Copyright © 2024 Lee Wilson; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

1 hour ago, centexhairysub said:

Really love how this was all finished up.  Rocky got what he wanted and more importantly needed.  Manny and Bass found what they needed in each other.  

I could have of course used a few more chapters; but then I never want the stories to really end but go on forever.  

Can't wait for your next one, enjoy your time away.  

Thanks much. If nothing else, I won't have to worry about work while I'm gone. I feel the more chapters emotion too, especially where I know no more are forthcoming even though the story is incomplete (RIP Comsie).

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59 minutes ago, BoyLove said:

I have to agree with you about wanting stories to never end! Just seems like there is always more that could happen. But, I too am looking forward to the next one.

True, but then there's always the possibility of a sequel. If I take the story to the point where all the characters die... Well, I suppose there'd be a lot of boring parts.

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1 hour ago, Anton_Cloche said:

I am reminded of some author's statements about editors (and a number of "famous" authors, past and present, went through numerous editors because of "differences" of opinion. Or as one late author publically remarked to their publisher, "They're entitled to an opinion no matter how wrong they are").

I can handle differences of opinion, and fortunately @Zuri is understanding enough when those differences mean some changes aren’t quite made the way he intended.

1 hour ago, Anton_Cloche said:

Did @Zuri feel this chapter by @Lee Wilson is rushin just to Put in a HEA? But then again, it is fiction and Lee's driving the bus. 

I think rushed endings is a pretty common trait in my stories. I think I get to where I’m seeing the end approach and new ideas tend to disappear. Call it my trademark. 😃

1 hour ago, Anton_Cloche said:

Could 'Associates' of Rocky's father, upset by not getting more (or all) of the "Bratva" (братва) mob money, have decided to kidnap Rocky? Possibly, but that's not what Lee wanted. 

No, but like Zuri said above, I wouldn’t have hated it. But it probably would have been another fiasco like the first ending in ‘Rocked to the Core.’ Not going there again, although I am toying with the idea of two alternate endings for the next one.

1 hour ago, Anton_Cloche said:

An epilogue is always encouraged.

Especially if ‘the end’ leaves too much unresolved.

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Posted (edited)

16 hours ago, Anton_Cloche said:

I am reminded of some author's statements about editors (and a number of "famous" authors, past and present, went through numerous editors because of "differences" of opinion.

Trust me, as an author, I had troubles finding an editor with whom I could work efficiently, just as well. You just need to find out how to "dance the dance" together, so to speak.

16 hours ago, Anton_Cloche said:

Did @Zuri feel this chapter by @Lee Wilson is rushin just to Put in a HEA? But then again, it is fiction and Lee's driving the bus. (каламбуры предназначены 😉.)

Yeah, well, fiction cannot be used as an excuse for every illogical writing (sure, the author can just claim it to be what they wanted), and with "illogical", I don't mean illogical by reality's standards but by the rules of the world they created. The story has to adhere to these rules specifically. And if the world is set to be in the real world and there's no exception for the specific illogicality, it's simply illogical in both the real world and the fantasy world.

14 hours ago, Lee Wilson said:

I can handle differences of opinion, and fortunately @Zuri is understanding enough when those differences mean some changes aren’t quite made the way he intended.

We got every chapter except the last one done together, and not just on this story—so the track record isn't that bad, I might say 😅 Even though, it sounds like grabbing into Lee's steering wheel, I'm aware of it being Lee's story and that's why we usually settle on a result after one or two iterations of a chapter with the changes that we have at that point 😉

Edited by Zuri
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11 minutes ago, Gyrefalcon said:

And just to add a little support, I understand Zuri’s comments

Thank you :)

12 minutes ago, Gyrefalcon said:

but Love and Marriage … […] They don’t have to be and seldom are one unit

Sure thing, characters can marry for any reason they want. BUT when the marriage is primarily a business transaction because you benefit from it medically, I wouldn't call that ending very romantic as is implied.

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1 hour ago, Gyrefalcon said:

Great story Lee.  And just to add a little support, I understand Zuri’s comments, but Love and Marriage … as the theme song states… goes along like a horse and carriage.  They don’t have to be and seldom are one unit.  You can ride the horse without hitching up the carriage. My husband and I were together for 16 years before it was legal to get married. The reason we decided to finally make it legal was because he wasn’t employed at the time and suddenly everyone was required to have Medical Insurance.  So it was a federal law that made our marriage happen.  Without it, we’d still be happily together wearing rings, with our finances legally entangled the old fashioned way Gay couples used to have to do it.

I can’t wait to see what you write next.

Thanks. Ss long as I keep having ideas, I’ll keep going. There are plenty of prompts I haven’t seen, so there are probably a few there too.

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Sorry for the late comment, but have been out of town having cataract surgery on my 2nd eye. This final chapter made me happy even if it was short. All smiles here and happy they all lived happily ever after!

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1 hour ago, Sherye Story Reader said:

Sorry for the late comment, but have been out of town having cataract surgery on my 2nd eye. This final chapter made me happy even if it was short. All smiles here and happy they all lived happily ever after!

HEAs are my M.O. for the time being.

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On 6/18/2024 at 3:58 PM, Lee Wilson said:
On 6/18/2024 at 12:41 PM, drsawzall said:

Thank you for taking the time to entertain us with your craft, it is very much appreciated!!

You're welcome. And thank you (all) for appreciating it. Truly, I never thought I would have had such positive reactions from my stories. Hell, until about fifteen months ago, I'd never even tried to write more than one, and it stalled quite early, although I have been adding to it more since I started writing here.

I for one think thank Lee’s decision to post on GA has been great.  His stories have much variety, they stretch and pull me out of my comfort zone of safe “gay sagas” and into a more edgy space.  Many thanks and I’m doubling back to see if I have more to catch up on.  Un abrazo 🤗 

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4 minutes ago, Gary L said:

I for one think thank Lee’s decision to post on GA has been great.  His stories have much variety, they stretch and pull me out of my comfort zone of safe “gay sagas” and into a more edgy space.  Many thanks and I’m doubling back to see if I have more to catch up on.  Un abrazo 🤗 

Thanks @Gary L. I appreciate your and everyone else’s feedback. One of the things I love most about GA.

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