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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Clayton Roberts is just a stuntman and body double in the lower ranking B-Movie industry, or is he? Following an accident on the set of another minor movie he has undergoes awakening. An awakening where he realises his place in this world and the universe.

Hiding in Plain Sight - 1. Chapter 1


He flew through the air, spinning around to lead with his right foot. Coming to the ground on the ball of his foot, he bent his leg at his ankle and knee to lessen the jarring effect of landing. While taking his first step toward the tree to take cover, he reached inside his jacket, pulled out his pistol and flicked the safety catch off, ready for action. The tree's bark felt rough as he moved behind it to avoid the oncoming assault. Then he heard the bellowing voice of the director as the tree fell.

"Cut...cut! What the hell is going on here! The damned tree is not supposed to fall over! What fucking clutz forgot to secure it!" Simon, the director, was livid as he approached the props guys with his face almost glowing red.

While the director and props guys became embroiled in an argument that quickly became a slanging match, Clay stepped away from the tree to speak to Zach, the lead actor for whom Clay was body double and stuntman. Unfortunately, he did not notice that a sharp edge on the fake tree had caught on the hem of his trousers, causing him to trip and fall over the tree, crashing head-first into concrete slabs surrounding the pool. Then everything went black.

When Clay came around thirty minutes later, he was lying on a trolley in the accident and emergency department with a walnut-sized lump in the hairline of his forehead and dried blood on the side of his face. If that wasn't bad enough, the headache he was experiencing felt like someone banging a sledgehammer inside his head to break out of his skull. He wasn't surprised to discover he was on his own, such is the hard-hearted, cut-throat nature of making B-movies in the UK. Everybody only looked out for themselves, trying to make it big on the silver screen. Not for the first time, Clay felt that maybe it was time to look for a safer career.


Five days later, Clay was home in the small two-up, two-down house he had bought in Tyseley, Birmingham, over one hundred miles away from the film studio in Camberwell, which he was happy about. Clay's house was nothing special but was comfortable, reasonably furnished, and paid for from his earnings as a stuntman, leaving him mortgage-free. What he liked most about the house was that it was close to Yardley Cemetery, where his parents lay, and next door to his father's brother, Uncle Sebastian, or Seb, as he preferred to be called. He didn't miss working on the film or regret losing the contract. He had been paid well for his work, and they paid him a good amount in compensation for the accident to avoid any legal action, so he was not hurting financially.

While Clay stood in the kitchen making himself a mug of tea and a sandwich, he heard the backdoor open and close behind him. Knowing who it was, he spoke, "Hi, Seb, Fancy a cuppa? I'm making myself one."

"You really should keep your door locked. You never know who may be coming in, and yes, I'll have a cuppa. Thank you." Taking a seat at the breakfast bar, Seb reached out for the biscuit barrel. When he found it was empty, he replaced it. "There's no fig rolls in here. Haven't you done any proper shopping since you got home?" Seb loved teasing his nephew. It was in his nature and fun for both of them.

"Not yet, you old bugger, I only got out of the hospital two days ago, remember, and I was told to take it easy till the headaches pass. Can't you settle for the digestives in the cupboard, or would you prefer a sandwich? The ham is fresh from the local deli. I bought it this morning when I went to buy bread and milk." Clay smiled, comfortable in the knowledge that nothing had changed with Seb while he had been away.

Seb looked across at the sandwich ingredients, and with a twinkle in his eye, he smiled. "You've bought that nice fresh baked bread again. I'll have a sandwich since you insist, thank you. And less of the old, I'm still young enough to whip your butt if I had a mind to." He then leaned back against the backrest of the bar stool.

Clay reached into the cupboard for an extra mug and plate, then set about pouring the tea and finishing making the sandwiches. "I suppose you want mustard on your sandwich?" Seb nodded and slowly shook his head while watching Clay complete his task. "I swear, sometimes you only want me to go shopping so that you don't have to buy food. You spend more time eating here than in your own house."

"Only when you're home or to stop fresh food going off while you're away. Besides, I like the company of my wealthy young nephew," Seb laughed.

Placing the mugs of tea and plates of sandwiches on the breakfast bar, Clay sat opposite Seb. "I'm not wealthy, just comfortable. My work doesn't pay that much." This was an often repeated conversation for them. Clay sipped his tea before taking a bite of his sandwich, waiting for Seb's usual reply.

"Well, you would be if you accessed the trust fund you're parents left you. What was it? Half a million quid, if I remember correctly, and that was ten years ago. With the interest and dividends it's accumulated, it's got to be worth a lot more now, maybe closer to three-quarters of a million, and that's not counting the cottages or the income from them." Seb had no ulterior motive all he wanted was for Clay to enjoy his life, maybe meet a nice girl, settle down and have a family, although Seb suspected Clay's inclinations went in a different direction. Most of all, Seb wanted him to give up his dangerous job, this latest accident was just one of many.

Clay chewed on his sandwich while looking out the window at the immaculate garden that Seb tended to. His thoughts drifted to the row of neatly tended terraced cottages and the old rectory his parents had bought in The Lake District. If Clay ever considered counting their value and adding it to the cash in the trust fund, he would realise his wealth was somewhere in the millions. He just left it to the accountant and solicitor to administer. The accountant also looked after his tax affairs from his earnings, Clay never thought about it. He didn't even think about the regular payment of two and a half thousand a month the accountant paid into his regular account, even though that was accumulating as he never spent all of it.

Clay swallowed the last of his sandwich and glanced at Seb, who had been quiet while they ate. "Maybe it's time."

"Time? Time for what?" Seb enquired.

"Time for me to take some time off and maybe look at the bigger picture. I'm 28 now, so I've only got what, about ten or twelve years left before work starts tailing off, and that's provided I don't have a serious accident before then. Besides, I'm already not enjoying my work like I used to, so maybe I need to rethink and make plans." Clay remained thoughtful.

"I think that's a good idea. You know I'll be there for you no matter what you decide, don't you?" Seb reached over and gave Clay's arm a comforting squeeze.

"Thanks." Clay smiled half-heartedly at Seb. "Maybe...maybe... it's time I spent some time...at The Old Rectory."

"Are you sure?" Seb asked.

Clay nodded. "Yes...yes, I'm sure. I've been thinking about it a lot lately, I don't know why. It's as if I'm feeling drawn to it like it holds a secret or something. Can you contact the agents for me and find out when it's free? I'd like to go as soon as possible and spend as much time there as I can. Would...would you come with me? I've not been there since mum and dad died, and I'm not sure I can do it alone."

"You know I will. Do you mind if I bring Max?" At six years old, obedient and well trained, the jet-black, long-haired German Shepherd Dog was loyal to both Seb and Clay.

"You can't leave the mutt home alone, and I think he'll enjoy the countryside." Clay couldn't resist the 'tongue in cheek' dig, knowing that Seb would defend his dog.

"You cheeky whipper-snapper, I'll have you know his pedigree is first class." Seb did not really care about the pedigree. Max was the runt of the litter who Seb bought for a song, but he had grown into a magnificent dog.

"So, are you going to call the agents?" Clay questioned.

"No need to, call it intuition if you like, but I had a feeling you would want to go up there this summer. I spoke to them in January and had them keep it free this year. They weren't happy until I guaranteed they would still get their fees for the season. It's ready whenever you want to go there and for as long as you want." Seb never let on that he kept a case packed and ready, switching out clothes as needed to match the weather.

When Clay got over the initial shock of Seb's announcement, he decided now was as good a time as any, before he got cold feet and backed out. "Well, they reckon the weather will be good for the next week, maybe more. How about we leave tomorrow and come back when we've had enough."

"Tomorrow? Drive up there on a Thursday? Why not wait till the weekend?" Seb was surprised at the sudden decision.

"Why not? If we go tomorrow, we miss the weekend traffic."

Seb looked him in the eye, "Okay, smart arse, I'm already packed, I'll be ready."

Clay looked back at Seb, raising his right eyebrow. “I'm the smart arse when you're the one already packed?” Clay questioned snappishly and smiled. “You've got thirty minutes to get your case, Max and his gear in the Rover. Here's the keys.” Clay tossed the keys to his Land Rover Discovery Sport to Seb, who fumbled when catching them.

“You're not being serious, are you?” Seb wasn't complaining, he knew they were needed at the old rectory and was looking forward to seeing the woman who married his friend and captured his heart many years ago. He often regretted not taking their friendship further when he had the chance.

“Yep. I'll be packed and have the house locked up in less than half an hour. Come on, get your lazy arse moving! This is called being spontaneous.” With that, Clay ran up the stairs to pack, leaving Seb to run next door.

An hour later, at 11:35 a.m., Wednesday, July 6th, 2022, to be precise, they were on the M6 driving north. Their suitcases were in the boot, along with a case of Pedigree Chum, a sack of dog biscuits, and Max's feed bowls. Max was sat in the back seat panting, with his nose up at the slightly open window.

Due to roadworks, heavy traffic, stops for refreshments, and the need to stretch out, they arrived at the agent's office in Windermere at 5:20 p.m. Clay, and Seb entered the office at the same moment as a young man, probably in his early twenties, was taping a notice in the front window.

On hearing them enter, the young man spoke up. “Good afternoon, gentlemen. I'm sorry we are about to close, but if there is anything I can help you with quickly, I'll do my best.”

“We're here to see Rachel Pearson. She is expecting us...” Seb was quickly cut off by the young man.

"I'm sorry she had to dash off to attend to a family emergency about an hour ago. It must have slipped her mind to call you back." That was when the young man turned around, first catching sight of Clay. There was something about him that seemed familiar, but Jack put that out of his mind, thinking, 'Phew, he's hot' and feeling a stirring in his groin, he quickly sat behind his desk. "If...if you c...can c...come back in the m...morning, I'm sure she will see you then." He stuttered.

Clay was tired from the journey, having driven over two hundred miles from Birmingham and being stuck in traffic for hours. He did not feel he could speak without losing his temper, so he left it to Seb.

“Is there a phone number we can reach her on? We do need to see her tonight.” Seb was firm but polite.

“I'm sorry, sir, I'm not allowed to give that number out. It's company policy.” Seeing how annoyed Clay and Seb were, the tingling in his groin soon went, and his trousers felt more comfortable.

“Well, has she left any keys for us, or can you call her? It is important.” The annoyance clearly showed in Seb's voice.

Then something registered with the young man. “Keys, what keys might they be, sir?”

Clay stepped forward and produced his driving licence. “The keys for The Old Rectory off Rayrigg Rise. I'm the owner of the property. My name is Clayton Roberts.”

Instantly recognising the name and now the grown-up face of his childhood crush, the young man almost jumped out of his seat and reached out his hand. “I'm sorry Cl...err Mr Roberts, I didn't recognise you, it's been a long time since we last met, it was at..., well, you don't recognise me either, do you, anyway my mom was in the rectory earlier, to get it ready for you after you called. She said if you need anything, call her and she will help you. She has your keys.”

Clay and Seb glanced at each other and then looked quizzically at the young man. Clay cleared his throat before speaking. “Your mom said... What's your mom's name?”

“Margaret Smith, you may remember her as Mags.”

Recognising the name, Clay's face lit up. “Of course, I remember Mags. She has beautiful blond hair and stunning blue eyes. You...you must be...Jack, now I remember you.” Seb was grinning as he watched Clay brush the offered hand aside to pull Jack into a hug. “I'm sorry I didn't recognise you, Jack. You've grown, and your hair is darker, and where are your glasses? Mags is still cleaning at the big house? I can't wait to see her.”

Releasing Jack from the hug, Clay looked at him again. Jack had grown into an attractive young man. Gone was the puppy fat, braces on his teeth and glasses. Then Clay felt a stirring. He was attracted to the grown-up Jack. When they pulled apart, Clay noticed Jack giving him a quick look over, with his eyes lingering over Clay's groin. Clay looked closer and saw the bulge in Jack's trousers, which made him smile inwardly. What bothered him was that although Jack’s clothes were impeccably clean, they were worn and had seen better days.

“If you guys want to go up to the rectory, I'll call my mom. She will meet you there with the keys. I need to lock up here and go home.” Jack needed to remove the notice in the window as there was no need for it now, and hiding his display of attraction was important to him.

“How about we wait for you, and you can follow us up there in your car. It would be good to have a catch-up.” Clay suddenly sounded very upbeat.

“I'm sure you would rather rest than spend time with me. Besides, I don't have a car, and it will take me about half an hour to cycle up there.” Jack appeared embarrassed.

“All the more reason for us to wait,” Seb interjected. “While you lock up, I'll go to the Co-op to get something to drink, and since I see Vinegar Jones is still open, I'll get fish and chips for us all, so tell your mom to bring her appetite. Your bike will fit in the back of the car, and I'll hear no arguments. I'll meet you back at the car. And Clay, don't forget about Max!” With a spring in his step, Seb was out of the door and on his way.

Hearing the name Max, Jack came to the wrong conclusion, and his mood slumped. After removing the notice from the window and calling his mom, Jack locked the office and retrieved his bike from the enclosed backyard before meeting Clay in the car park. Jack's first meeting with Max took him by surprise. When Jack arrived at the car park, Clay stood next to his car with the rear door open, talking to someone sitting in the back seat. Jack sauntered over and spoke as he got close. Standing at twenty-nine inches at his withers, Max was a large German Shepherd, his long jet-black hair made him look even bigger. Max jumped out of the car, causing Jack to freeze. The massive wolf-like appearance of Max terrified Jack. It took Max two strides to reach Jack, where he slammed his nose between Jack's legs and up to his perineum, taking a huge sniff. Max backed off, and with his tail wagging, he stood on his hind legs and steadied himself with his paws on Jack's shoulders. This caused them both to topple over, and Max excitedly licked Jack's face as if he were saying hello to a long-lost friend. Clay stood watching, laughing hysterically, and that is how Seb found them on his return.

Calling Max off, giving Jack the chance to get up, Seb approached Clay. “You cruel bugger, did you have to let Max maul the poor lad like that.”

“I'm sorry, Max was too fast for me.” Clay was trying to get his laughter under control.

"It's not me you should be saying sorry to you should say sorry to Jack, and by the look of it, his clothes are now a mess. You," Seb emphasised, "need to do some grovelling. It's my guess he can't afford to replace those clothes and may not have another change at home. After what I've just heard from Jonesy in the chip shop, I think a few questions need answering." Seb returned Max to the car and slid into the back seat beside him. "Hurry up, you two, I want to eat my fish and chips while they are still hot."

Suitably subdued after being chastised, Clay apologised to Jack and helped him put his bike in the back of the car. Jack took the front passenger seat, and Clay drove to the old rectory. When Clay turned onto Rayrigg Rise, he noticed an old caravan among the trees behind the cottages. When Clay mentioned it, Jack looked down at his feet, and his face coloured up. Noticing Jack's reaction, Clay didn't mention it again, but he wondered what Jack knew and what his reaction was hiding. Was this what Seb meant by questions that need answering?

Pulling up on the gravel drive of the old rectory, Clay saw the old ratty-looking bike propped against the garage, but what held his attention was the happy, smiling face of the woman on the doorstep. With happy tears in his eyes, Clay applied the handbrake and shut off the engine. Although his vision was obscured, he ran into the open arms of Mags, the woman who had been like a second mother to him as he grew up. Clay did not need to see where he was going. Instinct was all he needed to take him there.

Clay was overcome with emotion that had been hidden for years and fiercely hugged Mags. “Mags, please forgive me for not keeping in touch, I love you, and I've missed you so much.”

“There's nothing to forgive. I've never doubted you. You have been hurting, and now it's time to start healing. Welcome home, Clay, welcome home.” Mags hugged Clay just as fiercely. The boy who had grown into this handsome man was like a son to her and a big brother to Jack. She would always be there for him.

Neither of them heard the other car pull up on the drive. They did hear the slamming of a car door and the determined steps of someone marching across the gravel as Max growled protectively.

"What's going on here? I've told you before about taking liberties, and who are these people? Get rid of them at once, and get rid of that damned dog! I'm expecting a very important client." The chubby, stern-looking woman with her hair pulled so tight in a bun it almost flattened the wrinkles in her face was arrogant and rude to Mags.

Before Clay could respond, Seb held Clay's arm. "Leave this to me." Seb turned to address the woman, who Seb presumed to be Rachel Pearson. "You're rather rude, aren't you? So, would you like to tell me who the hell you are?"

"That is no concern of yours. Now leave before I call the police! You can start looking for a new job, Smith, both of you!" Ruth was so determined to assert her authority that she forgot the old saying, 'Please put your brain into gear before engaging the mouth'. Jack looked shocked, and Mags looked ready to split her sides laughing, which only added fuel to the fire.

Seb chuckled to himself while Max was ready to pounce. "That could be interesting. Would you be Rachel Pearson by any chance?"

Suddenly, Rachel appeared somewhat subdued as the reality of the situation slowly dawned on her, but she tried to maintain appearances. "Yes, I am."

"When did you last talk to your boss, Bert?" Seb was enjoying this.

"Not that it is your concern, but I spoke to him last week. His health is failing; that's why I run the agency now, and I'll be taking it over when Bert passes away." Rachel's voice was sharp, like a knife, when she spoke.

"Now that's cold, Bert isn't even dead yet. But for your information, Bert has never owned the agency. He only managed it for the owner. Before you say anything more, let me introduce you to 'your very important client', owner of this house and owner of the agency, Mr Clay Roberts." Seb pointed directly at Clay, whose expression was dark, like thunder. "Would you like to take over now, Clay?"

Rachel's face had gone white as she stuttered. "But...but..."

"There are no buts, Ms Pearson." Clay remained calm, but the anger was evident in his tone. "As of now, you are suspended without pay or benefits. I will see you Monday morning at 10:00 am in the office. Until then, you will not attempt to set foot in the office, so I will take your keys, now, please." Emphasising the last two words, Clay held out his hand for the keys that Rachel fumbled to retrieve. "And I believe that is a company car, so I'll have the keys for that, too."

"You...you can't do this." Rachel protested.

"Oh, you will find that I can." Clay kept his hand held out. "Or do I call the police?"

"But...but how am I expected to get home?" Rachel had the keys in her hand.

Clay took the keys, scowling at the outraged woman. "That's not my problem. Try calling a taxi. I'm sure you can afford it."

Clay locked the agency car as Rachel fumbled in her handbag for her mobile phone. Clay and Mags entered The Rectory, followed by Jack and Seb, carrying the food and drink bags. After a last growl and bark, Max followed them. A lot of catching up took place in The Rectory, where they sat at the kitchen table and enjoyed eating fish and chips out of the wrapper. Seb insisted they tasted better that way. Besides, it also saved on washing up. But Clay had the distinct feeling, or was it intuition, that something was being held back. Max wolfed down all of the leftover scraps as well as a whole tin of dog food and biscuits.

Apart from a casual glance out of the window, nobody noticed when a taxi arrived to take Rachel away. When the taxi left, Jack offered to help Clay bring the luggage in from Clay's car. Clay happily accepted the offer and surprised Jack by handing him the keys to the Mercedes A180 that blocked the drive and asking him to park it next to his Land Rover.

After taking Seb's case to his room, Jack handed Clay a laptop case. "I think this is Rachel's work laptop; it was on the back seat of her car. While I think about it, I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I think her mobile phone is agency property, too."

"Thanks, Jack, that's appreciated, I'll look into matters fully in the morning." Clay noticed Jack holding out the keys for the Mercedes. "Oh, don't give them to me; give them to your mom; she's going to need them." Clay turned to Mags as Jack handed her the keys, "Congratulations on becoming the new manager of the agency, Mags. I'll talk to you tomorrow about your remuneration package." Clay sat down, giggling like a child at Jack's and Mag's looks of surprise.

When Clay got over his giggling fit, he took the laptop out of the case and fired it up. "Well, since it's here, I'll have a quick look at it. I get the feeling that Rachel hasn't been the best person to look after the agency in Bert's absence, so I may as well find out what she's been up to. I also get the impression that you two no longer live above the garage, so while I'm checking this, you had better fill me in on what you know and what's been going on."

Jack and Mags began to tell Clay of their suspicions about how Rachel ran the agency and how she had forced them to leave the garage apartment. Clay had guessed right earlier when he thought Jack knew more about the half-hidden caravan. Jack and Mags were currently living there. When the laptop came on, Clay discovered it was password-protected. Fortunately, Jack knew the password, although Rachel had been unaware of that fact. Clay found a lot that he wasn't happy about. Two spreadsheets appeared showing the bookings for the cottages, the rectory and the garage apartment. One which Rachel declared to Bert and another which she seemed to keep to herself. Rachel had clearly been 'cooking the books' and skimming a nice tidy profit for herself, including charging Mags an exorbitant rent for the caravan. The laptop also had a spreadsheet for staff wages, which, if it was to be believed, the staff team was more significant than Mags told him. Clay soon concluded that he needed to be more hands-on and acknowledge his inheritance.

When Clay had heard all he could for one night, he decided to let Max outside for a run and do what dogs need to do after eating. Clay wanted and needed to calm down, and walking Max would help him do that. When Max began barking, Clay put it down to a reaction to local wildlife. He did not notice the very brief glimmer of a slither of light and took Max back inside.

Over the following days, Clay learned more about what Rachel had been up to and made changes at the agency. Mags and Jack returned to living in the garage apartment where Jack had been brought up. Jack's words said it all, 'it's good to be home'. The staff team was back to full strength after Mags contacted them and asked them to return to the agency. Knowing that Rachel was no longer involved at the agency and they all needed the work as few jobs were available in the area made their decision easy.

The most welcome change for Mags and Seb wasn't at the agency, it was watching the re-emerging closeness between Clay and Jack. They often went for long walks in the surrounding woodland, taking Max with them. This brought about a long-forgotten conversation that started when Clay and Jack were younger. It was along the lines of 'Are they? Aren't they? If they are, will they end up together? If they watched a little closer, they would see that all Clay and Jack needed was a gentle nudge in the right direction. At the same time, Clay and Jack could see Mags and Seb slowly getting closer to each other and raising the same set of questions.

Clay increased Jack's pay level to an appropriate rate for his job. Mags also saw her pay increase dramatically, commensurate with her new responsibilities. Both of them also received a handsome bonus to compensate them for Rachel's unfair treatment. They chose to celebrate by going on a spending spree in Preston to replenish their wardrobes, which was long overdue. The staff who had been re-engaged also received bonuses as compensation for lost earnings.

At Clay's request, his accountants worked through the weekend performing a forensic audit using the records kept in the office and the separate records on Rachel's laptop. A private investigator recommended by the accountants was also called in to perform as thorough a background check as possible in the short time available. Clay insisted that the investigator hire as many people as needed to help regardless of the cost, and no questions asked. What was discovered by the accountants and private investigators was very revealing. The reports they produced created a thick and damning folder which was handed to Clay.

One of the most disturbing reports in the file was about the plot of land next to the rectory. Clay's parents purchased it and the derelict manor house on it many years ago. For reasons that Clay was unaware of, they chose to leave it as it was and not disturb it. Rachel was trying to get the deeds transferred into her name to sell it. After reading this, Clay was determined to see Rachel prosecuted and get back every penny she had swindled.

Monday morning at 9:50, Rachel Pearson and a smartly dressed man carrying a briefcase entered the agency. Her attempt to pass the front desk was stopped by Jack. "I'm sorry, Ms Pearson. I'm instructed that you are to wait in the seats out here until you are called." Jack's deadpan expression hid his delight in having the upper hand for a change.

Immediately, Rachel raised her voice, turning on Jack. "Don't you dare speak to me like that! I am the Manager, and I will go to my office!"

On hearing the sound of the office door opening, Jack and Rachel turned to face it. Mags was very smartly dressed as she strode to the outer office and stood directly in front of Rachel. "First, let's get one thing straight, you do not speak to my son or any other staff member in that manner unless you want me to add it to your disciplinary record and hearing. For your information, I have been appointed as Manager and going by your employment contract, you are described as the office supervisor." All of Rachel's attempts to argue were ignored. "As you are currently suspended, you will do as asked and wait until Mr Roberts is ready for you, NOW SIT." Mags turned to go back to the office and winked at Jack.

Rachel and her companion were left to wait in the outer office, where they had a whispered conversation that Jack could not decipher. Just as the office door clicked shut, a plain-clothes detective and two uniformed officers entered the agency. After speaking with Jack, the detective nodded to the uniformed officers, indicating they were to follow previously given instructions. Jack locked the front door and posted a notice announcing that the agency was closed and would re-open after lunch. The detective was then led into the back office.

The ten minutes before Rachel was summoned into the office flew by. When she entered the office, she identified her companion as her solicitor. The next forty-five minutes had Jack wondering what was taking place in the closed office. He passed the time by dealing with phone enquiries, taking messages where needed and chatting with the uniformed officers. Occasionally, raised voices could be heard in the office, but no one could determine what was being said. At one point, Jack heard a thud against the wall, which sounded like something breaking. Jack discovered later that Rachel had thrown her mobile phone at the wall rather than handing it over. When the detective opened the office door and beckoned for the uniformed officers to enter, Jack looked at the clock. It was ten-fifty.

Ten minutes later, Rachel was led out of the office in handcuffs. Jack overheard Rachel's solicitor say to her. "Paying some of the money back now will go in your favour in court, as will offering to repay the remainder. I can try to strike a deal with Mr Roberts if you want me to, or you can leave that to the court. But I must warn you that the court may seize all your assets, leaving you with nothing." That was all Jack heard as they exited the agency.

About an hour later, Clay left the agency fuming. He intended to return to the rectory, pack and go back home to Birmingham. Clay was not thinking clearly because of his anger. Jack went to speak to Clay as he passed through the office, but when he saw the expression on Clay's face, he decided against it. When Clay arrived at the rectory, tiredness got the better of him, Clay had hardly slept over the last few days, and it was taking its toll on him. Seb was waiting for Clay at the rectory and watched with concern as Clay downed a hefty pour of Johnny Walkers and then staggered up to his bedroom. Along with the tiredness, the alcohol took effect, and Clay flopped onto the bed, falling asleep.

While Clay slept, Seb and Mags, who had followed Clay, entered the bedroom with another man, a being with an ethereal appearance, almost shimmering. Three discs were placed on Clay's head, one on the temples on either side of his face and one on the centre of his forehead.

Using mind speak, a form of telepathy, Seb asked the shimmering being. "Glaric, will he be okay?"

"Yes, he will. He's exhausted, and I'm not surprised. He should have been brought here earlier, and I should have been informed when he had the injury to his head, and now he has this stress to deal with. Medicine here is so far behind ours it's almost primitive, but I believe it will catch up in time. Leave him to rest for a while. The probes will have him back to normal in less than thirty Earth minutes. I think we should talk while we wait," Glaric replied using the same link.


Clay could feel himself moving. He wasn't walking. It was more he glided above the ground. It felt strange yet familiar. Gliding through the undergrowth, he came to a stop in a small copse; there, he saw a young boy about four or five years old. The boy was laughing and talking to a man who appeared to look real, but he wasn't. There was an opaqueness to him as faint shadows of the trees and undergrowth could be seen through him. Clay thought the boy should be scared, but the boy appeared to feel safe and protected.

When the boy turned to look at Clay, he looked familiar but couldn't understand why, when the boy spoke it was in a beautiful, childish, melodic tone. "I knew you would come. I was told by the graphic man, no, the o..olographic, no, that's not right either." The boy closed his eyes and spoke again. "The hol-o-gra-phic man, I call him Glac; that's not his name, but it's easier for me to say." The boy opened his eyes and continued. "Glac will look after you and make you better."

As the boy spoke, he was changing and coming closer, like he was growing up in front of Clay's eyes. Clay wondered how could that happen. The boy became a man, and Clay felt like he was looking into a mirror, staring into his own eyes. The boy, now a man, continued to speak to him, this time as a mature man. Clay felt a degree of fear. "Clay, don't be afraid; there is nothing to fear here; there is only the truth. Glaric is repairing your brain. It hasn't fully healed from your accident. The stress you have suffered the last few days has caused it to have a minor bleed, but it is healing and will be repaired by the time you wake up."

Clay struggled slightly as he spoke. "How...how do you know this? Who are you? How do you know me?"

"Shush now, you must rest and let the healing happen. When you wake up, it will be dark but don't worry. It means your brain has had time to heal. After you have eaten, Glaric would like to speak with you. You will need to come here. You will know where to go, and you must bring Jack with you. Glaric needs to speak with you both, you are important and have a very important task to perform. Glaric will explain everything to you." Then the man, a mirror image of Clay, faded, and Clay felt like he was gliding across the ground again, floating back toward the rectory.


The dull glow of the bedside lamp cast a dim light over the bedroom as Clay slowly opened his eyes and woke up with vague, dreamlike memories that soon faded. He felt refreshed and better than he had for a long time. Clay felt energised as he got up from the bed. Looking at the creased clothes he had fallen asleep in, Clay decided to shower and dress in clean clothes so he could look and smell as refreshed as he felt.

It was just after ten at night, and the last vestiges of daylight had gone. It was dark outside as night had descended. Clay almost bounced down the stairs full of energy, expecting to see Seb, but the house was empty. After reading the note Seb left for him, Clay knew that Seb was out with Mags and had taken Max with him. Clay helped himself to the plate of sandwiches left for him in the fridge. Feeling satisfied after eating the plateful of sandwiches and guzzling a whole carton of milk, Clay put a hand on his stomach as he burped loudly.

Clay glanced at the photographs proudly displayed on the family wall with mixed emotions as he walked through the hall to the lounge. One stood out, causing him to look closer. It was of a four or five-year-old boy sitting in a clearing among trees. He appeared to be looking up at someone, but nobody was there. When Clay looked closer, he noticed the photo was fully focused, crisp and clear, except for the area where the boy was looking. Clay felt familiar with the photo and then realised he was looking at himself as a child. That was when Clay felt the urge to go for a walk, wanting the company of his childhood friend, Jack.

Leaving the house by the back door, Clay was halfway across the drive when he saw Jack walking toward him. "Hi Jack, I was just coming over to see you. It's a warm night tonight, and I feel like going for a walk. Do you fancy coming with me?"

"I was just coming to ask you the same thing." Jack sniggered. "I guess you feel it too like something is drawing or calling out to you."

"Yeah, something like that. I s'pose you could say it's the call of the wild." Clay grinned.

Side by side and in companionable silence, the two friends walked to the top of the drive and turned left along Rayrigg Rise. After a hundred yards, they turned into the drive of the next plot along the road and continued past the ruins until they entered a small copse of trees, the moon lighting their way from a cloudless sky.

They had only gone a few steps into the trees when they heard the sound of muffled voices. Neither Clay nor Jack could make out what was being said, but they could recognise the voices of Mags and Seb. Although they detected a familiarity in a third voice, they did not recognise it. Within a few steps, they saw Mags and Seb sitting on a fallen tree with Max lying at their feet in the clearing. They appeared to be talking to someone, but all Clay and Jack could see was a shadowlike shape of someone partially bent over. Then, the snap of a dry twig under Jack's foot echoed through the night. The voices ahead went silent, and Max sat up, looking in their direction.

Mags and Seb turned toward the sound, but it was the third voice that was heard. "Is that you, Jack. You have never been as quiet on your feet as Clay. Has he Clay? Come and join us. We have been waiting for you."

Clay and Jack glanced at each other before stepping into the clearing. The closer they got to Mags and Seb, the shadowy figure appeared to take more form as detail could be seen. The figure was almost see-through as the shadow of the trees and bushes beyond could be seen through it.

"Come and sit next to us." Mags invited Clay and Jack, patting the tree trunk on her free side. "You should be part of this conversation."

"Part of what conversation?" Jack asked, not knowing if he could believe his eyes or ears as he and Clay sat.

"Glaric is telling us about a problem he needs some help with. You might be able to help." There was a note of despair in Seb's voice.

Clay looked startled as if something had shocked him. "Yo...your Glac, Glaric?" Clay looked as the shadowy figure nodded, and something fell into place in Clay's mind. “But you're not the Glaric I remember. Glaric isn't a shadowy figure. Glaric is a real man, solid like we are." Clay was definite in his tone, distrusting the figure and standing as if to challenge him.

"Clay, please." It was as if Seb was pleading with Clay. "He may not look quite the same, but this is the Glaric you appear to remember. If you sit down and listen to him, you will understand, I promise you. Glaric needs our help. If you listen with an open mind, you will soon understand."

Clay returned to sit next to Jack. "This better be good." Clay spat out.

"Thank you, Clay." The relief and appreciation were evident in Glaric's voice. "You are right. The Glaric you remember had more substance about him, but that was when my power cells were much stronger and performed better. Then they could give me more substance. Unfortunately, they are worn out and don't hold their power like they used to. I am not the only hologram to have this problem. Three more in other parts of the planet have the same issues. Sadly, two others were cut off from their counterparts on Earth and perished as a result.”

The counterpart in China was arrested after being reported for suspicious behaviour. After extreme torture, he gave the authorities enough detail for them to get one of their small bombs through the portal to blow up our pod. We all felt and heard the screams from the pod as life in it ended. The counterpart in Africa got caught up in a battle between two villages, tribal warfare, they call it. The guardian opened the portal to help him escape, and as he came through, he was followed. Those that followed continued to fight, firing guns in all directions. In our last contact, the guardian informed us that our counterpart was gone. A bullet had hit him in the head. The guardian informed us he was trying to activate the drone defence before everything went silent. We haven't heard anything from the pod since, and all attempts to open the portal have failed. No protective barrier had been activated, as we didn't think it was needed.

We thought being inside the portal was enough protection. We hope to open the portal and investigate further when our power cell problem is resolved. Our pod in Russia was discovered by unfriendly forces, but the guardian was able to relocate that pod and his counterparts to Canada before it was compromised. The remaining pods are in England, British Columbia in Canada, Florida in America and New South Wales in Australia. The holograms, the guardians, from the other pods are having similar conversations with their counterparts simultaneously to this discussion. I am the only one to have four counterparts. The others have two each. Soon, we will link up, but to conserve energy and protect our power cells, we cannot transmit projections from our locations."

Clay was deep in thought, remembering his childhood and details that he had discounted as childish dreams to be forgotten as he grew. Dreams that he had never shared with anyone, afraid of being laughed at.

"This all sounds too far-fetched to me, but what can we do about it even if it is true?" To Jack, it all sounded incredulous.

"I am sorry you feel that way, Jack. If we can resolve this problem with our power cells, I will be able to tell you more and show you the evidence you require. It will benefit all of us and save the lives of the remaining souls we care for." Glaric's image began to flicker as he spoke.

"What's happening, Glaric? Why are you flickering?" Mags was worried and wanted to know.

"The power cells in my emitter are running down and must be charged. Please wait while I change emitters, I will be back shortly."

The portal opened behind Glaric. A narrow beam of light, no wider than a pencil, was the entrance to the portal. When Glaric passed through, it closed, and he disappeared. Jack looked stunned at what happened right in front of his eyes. After a few minutes, the portal re-opened, and Glaric reappeared. He looked more solid, and his speech was clear.

"I'm sorry, Glaric, I shouldn't have doubted you. What can we do to help?" Any doubt was gone from Jack, but there was still a lot that he wanted to know, and now he was eager to help.

"It sounds simple, but I don't think it will be as simple as it sounds. When we left our planet we were limited on what we could carry. With the planet dying, we prioritised saving souls and were limited on what supplies we could carry. Many of the tools and materials needed for creating and storing power were left behind in our hurry to leave. We hoped we would not need them as our time was running out. When we realised we were wrong, it was too late to do anything about it, and we did not think our mission would take this long. When we realised we needed help to recharge our power cells, your father, Jack, came up with the idea of solar panels. By modifying the idea so that we could hide the panels, we were able to make it work. Clay, your father helped us to obtain the materials we needed. The panels and circuits are working as well as the day we built them, but the power cells are now worn out. That is the problem." Glaric put a finger to his ear and appeared to be listening to something nobody else could hear from a device in his ear.

"One of the Canadian counterparts has suggested that we simply replace our power cells with large earth batteries. I wish we could, but there are differences between them and our power cells. They may not be compatible with our systems and could be dangerous." The look of hope Glaric had while listening was gone.

"Hold it there. Have you tried it?" Clay questioned.

"No, but..."

"No! Don't ignore the idea just because you haven't tried it." Glaric's dismissal of the idea annoyed Clay.

"But it could cost the souls of our people!" The thought horrified Glaric as he remembered the screams of those dying in the pod in China. He never wanted to hear those screams again.

"Then try it out on something not critical to life." Clay's statement brought a smile to Glaric's face.

"You are right. We should have thought of that." Glaric nodded, acknowledging the validity of Clay's logic. Knowing Clay's standing, Glaric was respectful when he addressed him.

"You bet I am. What have you got that isn't life-critical we can try this idea on?" Clay was still determining what he could do, but if it needed financing, he could do that.

Glaric thought for a moment. "I have four holo-emitters. I could manage with three. Do you think that would be good enough?"

"It could be. I have the means to buy materials, but I don't have the know-how. What do the others think?" Clay hoped someone had enough knowledge to try.

Glaric held his finger to his ear again, listening to the small device in his ear. When he lowered his hand, he spoke. "One of the American counterparts, Travis, is a physicist in Thermodynamics." Glaric listened again. "And one of the Australian counterparts, Beth, is an electrical engineer. They have both expressed a willingness to help, but we are too far apart. It would be better if they were both here. Then, I could work with them as I did with Jack's father. It was he and I who worked on the solar panels."

Jack looked puzzled. "That's the second time you have mentioned solar panels, but I don't see any. Where are they?"

"They are here. They are disguised and why you do not recognise them." Glaric pointed to the trees and bushes. "Part of the work your father and I worked on was to design artificial trees and shrubs with leaves that are miniature solar panels in disguise. Almost half of these around us are generating that power."

Clay and Jack looked around in awe. They could not tell which trees were§ real and which were not. The power-generating trees and shrubs were that good. Clay smiled as the answer came to him: It could work if he brought them over here.

"Then they need to come here where we can work together. You just need to tell me what you need, and I'll arrange it." Clay turned to Mags, "Can you get the spare rooms at the rectory for guests?"

"Just tell me when, and I'll do it." Mags was positive in her reply.

Glaric sighed as he passed on the comments from the other pods. "There is a problem. They cannot get here as they do not have the available finances, and none of our pods are capable of flying that distance."

"Easily sorted." Clay was determined. "Tell them to send me the flight details and their personal details to get here. If they have passports, I'll pay for their flights and send enough cash to cover any other expenses and then some."

An hour later, Clay, Jack, Mags, and Seb all went to their separate beds to rest. It was agreed that Beth and Travis would travel to England from their homes in America and Australia. Clay made sure they had his email address and phone number to send him the needed information. All he could do now was wait for their information to finalise the arrangements.

The following morning, Clay checked his email to find the requested information. After making the promised arrangements, Clay forwarded the flight information for Beth and Travis to collect their tickets and made the cash transfers. Costing almost one thousand six hundred pounds, Beth's flight from Australia would take twenty-four hours. Starting at Sydney and ending in Manchester, changing planes in Dubai with a three-hour layover the flight was due to land at noon in one week, with Mags and Seb agreeing to meet her flight. Travis' eight-and-a-half-hour direct flight from Orlando to Manchester cost six hundred pounds and was due to land at seven in the morning in three days. Clay and Jack agreed to meet his flight after staying overnight in a hotel at the airport.

Travis started preparatory work the day after landing and drew up plans with Glaric while they waited for Beth to arrive. The day after Beth's arrival, Glaric and Travis showed Beth the plans and what limited work they had done. Although it did not look like much, Beth agreed that they had made progress. When Beth read through their notes, she discounted some of the plans as they could lead to further complications, but two plans had merit, and Beth thought if they could tweak them, there was a chance of success.

The first idea they tried nearly burnt the circuit board; luckily, they disconnected the power before any damage was caused, and that idea was discarded. The second idea was to manufacture a new circuit board by incorporating parts they had asked Clay to order and spare parts that Glaric salvaged from redundant systems aboard the pod. They tried to power it using alkaline batteries bought locally, but they were not stable enough for the power to last. After three more attempts, Beth and Travis gave up and went to the rectory to grab a coffee and rethink. Work on the holo-emitter was slow. It had taken them over a week to get this far.

When Jack jokingly said they needed something more like a mobile phone battery, Travis almost shouted, "You're a genius." Then Beth and Travis jumped up and rushed back to the pod.

After making some adjustments, including replacing wires with ones that could carry a slightly higher voltage, Beth and Travis returned to the rectory and, after giving Clay the specifications, asked him to order at least four mobile phone lithium-ion batteries. Jack suggested they could drive to Preston and buy them there quicker than ordering them. Clay and Jack took Travis with them. Travis knew which batteries would be the best for what they needed. After visiting five mobile phone repair shops, they returned with four batteries, three charging ports and three chargers. Travis wanted to include charging ports for the emitters to make recharging the batteries easier and more efficient.

When Clay, Jack and Travis arrived back at the rectory Beth checked over the purchases and agreed with Travis' choice of battery. Then Beth queried about the charging ports. Travis explained his idea, and Beth decided that it made sense and would increase the lifespan of the batteries. Because of the time and knowing it would need careful work to make the adjustments, Beth and Travis decided to put off completing the job until the following day.

The following morning Travis awoke to find Beth had already eaten breakfast and was working on the emitter at the pod. When Travis arrived at the clearing, Glaric was there waiting for him to let him through. It never ceased to amaze Travis how the pencil-thin portal to another dimension moulded around him as he entered, yet to anyone watching Travis entering from the outside, it appeared that Travis was sucked in and becoming pencil thin to get through.

Travis walked over to Beth, who was working on a table outside the pod. "Morning Beth, have you made any progress?"

"Not much. I wanted to wait for you. We've worked on this together from the start, so it wouldn't feel right to finish it without you. I think this is going to work, and if I'm right, it means we can start to figure out how to improve the power supply to the pod." Beth was both hopeful and excited. "Come on, let's get this done. Then, we will know if we've been successful."

Travis approached the table, and between them, they made the alterations to the holo-emitter. The battery housing was enlarged to fit the battery, and the charge port was added to the circuit board. Lastly, the casing was altered to allow access to the charge port but remain sealed to protect it from external dust and moisture. Nearly three hours later, they finished work on the holo-emitter and were ready to test it.

Beth and Travis found Glaric checking the power cells that fed power to the pod. Glaric's look of concern was not missed. They had questions for Glaric but knew now was not the time. When Glaric was told the holo-emitter was ready for testing, he quickly went to the workbench. There, he was presented with the holo-emitter, now larger than before the work started. Travis disconnected the charging cable while Beth explained they had created a new circuit board, which now included a charging circuit and changed the power cells for lithium-ion batteries.

Cautiously, Glaric strapped the holo-emitter to his arm and pressed the power button. Glaric's appearance immediately changed as he gained more substance, became solid and gained strength; he no longer looked like a ghostly shadow. The real test came when he turned off the holo-emitter he was already wearing. Glaric's substance was unchanged, and he was able to lift and move items on the bench easier than he could previously. What Glaric, Beth and Travis needed to do now was monitor it for a few days to check how it performed.

The first task for Glaric was to pass the news to the other pods, letting them know of their success. If the tests were successful, all of the holo-emitters could be converted to the new configuration. As part of the tests, Glaric followed Beth and Travis through the portal to check the range of communication with the pod. Glaric reported that the connection was stronger than it had ever been.

Seb was in the rectory kitchen preparing a light lunch for everyone when he felt a surge of energy. Although he couldn't see Glaric, he could feel his presence and, using mind speak, communicated with his friend. When Glaric, Beth and Travis entered the kitchen, the conversation was excited and hopeful. Clay wondered what the excitement was in the kitchen and decided to check. Feeling what he could only describe as an energy in the air that became stronger the closer he got to the kitchen, Clay was ready for anything, or so he thought.

As Clay entered the kitchen, he heard Travis ask, "Glaric, how can you be here and in the other pods simultaneously and not know what is happening at all the pods? Do you travel between them somehow?"

"But I'm not at all of the pods. I'm only here in England," Glaric stated.

Beth could not accept that. "No, I saw you in Australia. I spoke to you there and left you there when I came here. When I arrived, I was surprised to find you here. Travis told me you were also in America, and we can only guess that you have been to the pod in Canada, too."

"I'm sorry, but you are wrong. I understand why you think what you do, so I'll explain." Glaric looked at the doorway to see Clay standing there, listening. "Please come in, Clay, while I explain this mystery." Clay entered and sat down to listen.

"You all call me Glaric, which you believe is my name, but you are only partially right; Glaric is what is known as an acronym. If you spell it, it is G.L.A.R.I.C. and stands for Guardian Looking After Rescued Incubated Children. You must remember I am not real like you. I am a hologram, and each pod has a G.L.A.R.I.C., a guardian, or as you call us, Glaric. We are identical as we run on identical computer programs installed in each pod's computer mainframe. So you haven't seen me. What you have seen is another Guardian."

"You said lives depend on us sorting out the power problem. What lives? And what does Guardian Looking After Res..." Travis' voice tailed off as the enormity of the task dawned on him.

"Travis, I think you have just realised what it means." Glaric was solemn in his reply. "Each pod has a laboratory that contains incubated embryos that are waiting for the final strands of D.N.A. before they can be born. They are held in stasis to protect them. These embryos are the last of our people. You, they, were evacuated before the final moments of our planet.

The G.L.A.R.I.C.'s purpose is to integrate them into the population of Earth and nurture them where needed. As we are physically identical to the people here, Earth was selected. The only difference between us and the people here is that we are more advanced technologically. We have unlocked and used parts of our brains that the people here have yet to unlock. This gives us some enhanced abilities, mind speak, or telepathy, as you would call it, is one of them.

At that point, Mags and Jack arrived back at the rectory after working at the agency all day. Before anyone else spoke, Mags addressed Glaric. "I sensed what happened today. It's good news. I also heard you telling everyone about the pod and the home planet, I've told Jack as much as you have told everyone here, so there is no need to go over anything again. Please continue, Glaric." Jack sat at the table while Mags went to stand next to Seb.

"Thank you, Mags." Glaric glanced at everyone there before continuing. "I can tell you that the same conversation is being held at the other pods at this time. Before I go any further, do any of you have any questions?"

While Jack had been accepting of Glaric and his explanations he still held some doubts and asked, "So what is your planet called?"

"Our planet was called Thera, which is ironic as it is identical in many ways to Earth, although slightly different in others, and each is an anagram of the other."

As if she were in school, Beth raised her hand and spoke. "I still don't understand why we are involved. Don't get me wrong; I'm happy to help you and to save lives. But why us?"

"When you spoke with your families, they encouraged you to come here to work on a special project, did they not?" Beth and Travis nodded. "That is because they know the importance of the task you are performing. Your parents are the first generation of Therans on Earth, all of you young ones here and the siblings you have are the second generation. Some of you were nurtured in the laboratory others were conceived naturally. That is why you are involved. Your youth and young brains are needed to help resolve our situation as you are better educated than us G.L.A.R.I.C. in Earth's current technology and materials."

Clay stood and paced up and down the length of the kitchen, giving thought to what he wanted to say. "What are these enhanced abilities that Therans have, and if we really are Therans, why haven't we got these enhanced abilities?"

"All of you really are Therans, but that does not mean you are different from the people on Earth. Our D.N.A. and genetics are identical; we can only assume that at some point in the distant past, we were as one but became separated and flourished on different planets, advancing at a different pace. We have no records of a separation, so we were very fortunate to discover Earth and its people when we did. It is a shame they do not have a peaceful society like we had on Thera. They have different 'social norms' and appear to embrace conflict on Earth. You," Glaric indicated to the four young people, "and they do have enhanced abilities; the reason you cannot use them is that they have not been unlocked. Therans are usually assessed as they mature, and when they are deemed ready, they can choose to undergo a procedure to unlock their abilities; some do not want to and are left as they are to continue their lives.

Telekinesis is a useful ability, especially when used with physical strength as it has limitations, although some can use it better than others. Telepathy is another ability, but again, it is stronger in some than others; mind speak, or telepathic communication only works if both parties engage, and it does not mean we can read someone's mind against their will. Therans can also heal faster than people on Earth, which you, Clay, have benefited from in your career as a stuntman. If there is a strong emotional connection, we can help speed up someone else's healing, too, but Therans are not invincible and can still be seriously hurt or worse. If you think of the Earth T.V. program Star Trek and the telepathic abilities of Spock and Commander Troi, it is something like that.

One of our medical advances is using technology to promote healing by repairing bones and tissue. Again, think of Star Trek and the technology used by Dr McCoy or the medical hologram from Voyager, it is very similar. Before you ask, Gene Roddenberry was not Theran, but I do know his second wife's name, Majel, is the same as a scout pilot who we sent ahead on our journey through space and went missing while searching this galaxy for a suitable planet. If they are the same person, it is possible she imparted information intending to prepare Earth for our arrival, but we do not know and never will."

Seb nodded at Mags and asked the question they both wanted answered. "Glaric, would it be possible for Beth, Clay, Jack, and Travis to be assessed for the procedure? I think it would benefit the work we need to do if they are ready."

"They are ready, but we need more power for the computer mainframe before it can be performed. For now, I need all the available power for the laboratory and the stasis capsules." Seb and Mags knew that Glaric was holding back on the full extent of the abilities that could be unlocked but said nothing. Glaric also held back one other important piece of information; it would be revealed to Clay when the time was considered right.

"Beth and I have an idea. It may take more development, but I can tell you the basics if you want me to." Glaric nodded, giving his consent. "It's very similar to what we have done to the emitter. We can try to reconfigure the circuit boards between the power cells and the pod and replace the current cells with lithium-ion batteries, the same type used to store power from solar panels for domestic and sometimes industrial use. One on its own would not be enough; it would need a bank of these batteries to be a viable option, and they are expensive. We can possibly use some of the adapted boards being used now, you know, the ones adapted here by Jack's dad. But I want to monitor our work on the holo-emitter before I commit us to doing that."

"That sounds logical and could work. I'll need to consult with the other guardians to check their thoughts about testing it. We have to protect the embryos and keep them safe." Although Glaric's programming had allowed him to develop, become self-aware and think for himself, the cautionary part of Glaric's programming was kicking in.

The conversation then revolved around Beth and Travis' idea of using the larger lithium-ion batteries and obtaining sufficient supplies until Glaric returned to the pod. After checking that everything was in order, Glaric put his program on a two-hour timed shutdown to conserve power. Seb helped Mags prepare and cook the evening meal in the rectory kitchen.

Over the next week, the experimental holo-emitter was tested several times, including the effective working distance from and connection to the computer mainframe and the length of useful power time. The tests were successful, so Glaric's remaining holo-emitters were reconfigured, and plans were made to reconfigure the holo-emitters of the other G.L.A.R.I.C.

Encouraged by their success Beth and Travis began work on resolving the power issues for the pods by drawing up plans for new circuit boards. The G.L.A.R.I.C. also worked diligently to create the opportunity for Beth and Travis to test the new circuit boards when they were ready. The pod in Florida held the lowest number of embryos, and its power cells were still in reasonably good condition, making it the only pod capable of extended flight. Under cover of night, it exited the portal and flew to the Canadian pod in British Columbia after engaging a cloaking device. After transferring its occupied stasis tubes to the Canadian pod and unloading all unnecessary equipment it was also able to transfer a healthy power cell. With a lower payload, it could operate with fewer power cells; still under cover of night and the cloaking device, it relocated to Northwest England near Lake Windermere, where it entered the portal and linked the two pods together. With the hour and a half it took to complete the transfers in Canada, the operation took almost two and a half hours. If Beth and Travis were successful, the Canadian pod would be relocated due to the harsh weather conditions in the winter.

Amid all the activity, nobody, except Clay and Jack, noticed Mags and Seb spending more time together, growing ever closer. But Mags and Seb had noticed how tired Clay and Jack appeared and the looks passing between them while the other wasn't looking. Although they had resumed their close friendship, Clay and Jack were oblivious to each other's inner feelings. They could be happier and less tired if they spoke to each other instead of lying awake at night worrying about what the other would think. Seb decided it wouldn't be meddling if he asked Glaric for a bit of help.

Together, the G.L.A.R.I.C. made preparations by swapping the power cells between the pods; this meant the laboratories were now stable and less worrying. The G.L.A.R.I.C. were also able to combine their programming, enabling them to draw on each other's knowledge and experience. Due to the program that created them, they were identical, like identical twins. This caused confusion, and at the suggestion of Mags, they altered the imaging and self-recognition sub-routines of the American G.L.A.R.I.C.. The American G.L.A.R.I.C.'s new look had blond hair and blue eyes and began using the name Ric. Their English G.L.A.R.I.C. still looked the same with dark hair and brown eyes, but answered to the name Gari, ending the confusion until the other two pods transferred to the U.K.

With the strongest power cells installed in the U.K. pod, only the link remained to be severed while the Florida pod waited to be equipped with lithium-ion batteries ready for testing to start. When the original batteries arrived, they quickly realised they would not store enough power to fire up the hyperdrive engines. Jack's quick thinking came to the rescue again when he suggested electric vehicle batteries, specifically the ones used to power forty-ton trucks. When the new batteries were delivered, they were charged, and a bank of eight fully charged batteries, leaving two spare, were installed in the pod, and the link was severed. When the day for testing arrived, Travis checked the new circuit board, and after re-soldering one of the connections, he was ready to go. The first attempt to power up the pod failed, and two wires burned out; the burnt-out wires were replaced with upgraded wires and the test was restarted. The second test failed as insufficient power was getting to the engines; when Gari checked the pod's engines, he noticed one of the relays had not been connected. The third test occurred with everyone except Gari and Ric keeping their fingers crossed. Gari and Ric did not understand this human custom. At first, the engines gave out a strained groan, so the power was disconnected. Then the power was reconnected and the switch thrown again; this time, the engines sprang to life, and a soft hum could be heard as all systems came online. The power readings showed that the pod was receiving enough power from the bank of eight batteries to become self-sufficient again, with enough reserves to support life on board and stable flight. The in-built onboard solar panels would keep the batteries charged when the pod was outside the portal.

The initial atmosphere of relief was quickly replaced by one of immense joy, sparking a spontaneous celebration of the success. Amid the cheers and whistles of delight, Jack turned to Clay, drawing him into a hug, which progressed to a full-on kiss on the lips. Clay and Jack were in a world of their own and oblivious to everyone until Travis clapped them on their backs, saying, "Way to go, guys."

Clay and Jack quickly parted with Jack muttering, "Sorry," As he tried to turn and run.

Clay grabbed at Jack's arm pulling him back. "Where do you think you are going? And why are you sorry?"

Jack looked like a deer caught in headlights. "I need to go, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I know you're not..."

Clay silenced Jack by placing his index finger on Jack's lips. "You don't need to go anywhere, and you shouldn't be sorry, and more importantly, you know nothing." Clay pulled Jack into his arms and passionately kissed the shocked young man, to everyone's delight.

Seb placed an arm around Mags. "Thank god for that. It's about time they sorted out their feelings for each other." Mags smiled in reply, and Seb continued. "Can we now concentrate on us now?"

Seb got his reply when Mags pulled him into an embrace and kissed him. "Yes, please." And the kissing continued.

A shrill chirruping sound from inside the pod brought the celebrations to an abrupt end. Simultaneously, both of the G.L.A.R.I.C. touched the device in their ear and appeared to be listening. Ric moved back into the pod and, unseen by the others, began making preparations for flight.

Gari's hand dropped from the gadget as he addressed Seb. "The alert we just received is from the pod in Canada. We have a situation there that calls for urgent attention. Ric will be attending to the situation as soon as he can free his pod from the portal; for safety, everyone must enter my pod while he departs." Gari led everyone into the pod before continuing with mind speak. “Seb, we need to speak privately; it is of the utmost importance."

Seb nodded to Gari, indicating his consent and their conversation commenced. "What's the problem, Gari?"

"The security of the Canadian pod has been compromised. Apparently, hunters stumbled upon it while the Canadian and American counterparts were exiting the portal there. One of the hunters fired at them, and the American sustained a serious injury, endangering his life. He is now receiving treatment to stabilise his condition."

"I know there is more, so continue," Seb instructed.

"The pod has sustained damage, preventing it from closing the portal; as you are aware, this is a serious matter. The guardian has automatically activated level two defences. The drones have captured the hunters and rendered them harmless; they are alive and well in stasis. Before we can continue, we need authorisation and instruction on how you wish us to proceed. Only you or Clay, after processing, have the required security level."

The low humming sound of pod engines could be heard from outside as Ric left the portal. With the cloaking device engaged, the pod became invisible as it began the flight to Canada.

"The drones are to locate the hunter's camp and transfer their possessions inside the portal. After that, all signs of the camp must be removed; any other decisions can be made later, so keep the hunters in stasis for now. Ric's pod should be able to secure the portal when it arrives." Seb was concerned and hoped his next decision was the right one. "Prepare the processing room, we must process all of our young. Clay must undergo the full process first. He should then be able to make the decisions, as he rightly should." Gari acknowledged the instruction and went to prepare the processing room. Mags had been allowed to 'listen in' on the conversation; in acknowledgement of Seb's instructions, she encouraged Jack, Beth and Travis to exit the portal, leaving Seb to speak with Clay alone.

It did not take much for Clay to realise that something important was happening or that he was alone with Seb. "Seb, what's going on?"

Seb's tone held Clay's attention. "You heard what Gari said about a situation in Canada. It needs to be dealt with as a matter of urgency. That being said, if you feel that you are ready, it is time for you, Jack, Beth and Travis to undergo the process to awaken your latent abilities, and you should be the first."

"Yes, I do feel ready, but why now? I don't understand why I should go first; surely it should be Beth and Travis, given the work they are doing." Clay was curious, but he trusted his uncle Seb.

"Everything will become clear very soon, and we must be prepared. Undergoing the process will help you understand and better prepare you. Gari is getting everything ready."

"Okay, let's not keep Gari waiting. Lead the way." Clay followed Seb through the pod to the laboratory.

Clay entered the laboratory and got onto a couch placed at a forty-five-degree angle as instructed. Part standing and part laying down, he put on what looked like a virtual reality headset that Gari handed him. Then Gari positioned neural transmitters on Clay's forehead, causing him to lose consciousness, although to Clay, he felt no different. Gari then placed four neural probes in a diamond-shaped configuration on Clay's head. The probes activated parts of Clay's brain that previously lay almost dormant. The increased activity unlocked abilities and increased the brain's electrical activity. The headset that Clay wore started showing what appeared to be a movie. In reality, it was educating Clay how to use his newfound abilities, including ones he had not been told about. It continued and taught Clay about Thera's history and societal development over millennia. It concluded with Clay learning that he is the last direct descendent of the ruling house, The First House of Thera. Clay learned that he was The First Lord of Thera, the leader of Thera's people, and Seb had taken the role of Regent and would only hold it until Clay's awakening.

Clay regained consciousness after what felt like many hours to find Gari had removed the neural transmitters, probes, and headset. Clay felt no different physically, although initially, he was slightly dizzy, which soon passed. However, Clay felt different emotionally and intellectually. The truth was he felt stronger, calmer and more level-headed than he had ever felt. Clay was then astonished to learn the process had taken little more than an hour. When Clay stepped away from the couch, Seb noticed the difference. Clay's stance and demeanour portrayed confidence and commanded respect.

Clay nodded at Seb and communicated using mind-speak: "Thank you, Seb. I am grateful for all you have done for me and for our people. We will be forever in your debt."

"I have only done my duty and what is expected of me; it has been an honour to serve Thera and The Family, and it will be an honour to serve you, My Lord." Seb bowed his head after communicating with Clay.

"You are my uncle. Please address me by my given name as you have always done, not as My Lord." Clay held out both arms to hug his uncle.

"As you wish, Clay." Seb accepted Clay's warm embrace with humility.

Standing apart, Clay spoke. "Telepathy and mind speak will take some getting used to, as will my other newfound abilities. I'm sure the others will feel the same. I hope you and Mags will be patient with us and guide us."

Seb spoke to Clay in return. "That goes without saying, My L...Clay, we will always be there for you. I don't want to push you but there are decisions to be made, not least about the hunters in Canada."

Stepping forward, Gari addressed Clay. "My Lo..."

Clay cut Gari off mid-sentence. "Gari, unless protocol demands otherwise, I want everyone to address me by my given name. Formalities are to be reserved for formal occasions only."

"Very well, Clay." Surprisingly, for a hologram, Gari appeared to be embarrassed. "Do you have any instructions for me at this time?"

"Yes, if Jack agrees I want to take him as my Consort, so please process him at the same level as myself. I think Beth and Travis have proved themselves and I would like them as Advisors and Confidants. Can you process them at an appropriate level, please?" Gari nodded in acknowledgement. "Seb can update me on the Canadian situation, and then I'll decide what we should do there." Gari nodded again and left to carry out his instructions.

After bringing Clay up to date with the situation in Canada, Seb gave good counsel. Now, knowing more of Theran capabilities, Clay gave instructions for Gari to pass on. Then Clay waited for Jack to emerge from the process. He wanted to explore the possibilities of their emerging relationship. While Clay waited, Seb sought out Mags, intending to do the same.

While Clay was undergoing the process, Ric had flown to Canada under cover of the cloaking device; with the pod's engines, the journey took less than thirty minutes. When he arrived, Ric flew his pod through the portal; after isolating damaged circuits in the Canadian pod, he was able to link both pods and close the portal. He reported to Gari that the drones had seized the hunters and placed them in stasis unharmed, all traces of their camp had been removed, and all their possessions were safely hidden inside the portal. The American counterpart was not as severely injured as first thought and was healing when Ric arrived, but the added power of Ric's pod allowed them to speed up the healing process.

The American counterpart's flesh wound was almost healed when new instructions from Clay were received. Under Clay's instructions and with the help of the drones, the Canadian counterparts hunted and shot a deer. Using images previously captured by the drones, the hunter's camp was re-instated exactly where and as it had been before the encounter. Using neural probes, the memory of the hunt was copied from the counterpart's memories, and after some manipulation, they were ingrained into the memories of the hunters. The sleeping hunters were then returned to their camp during the night and left to wake in the morning with altered memories of what had happened. They now believed they had hunted and shot the young buck the day before, processed the meat and retired to their tents for the night. The stripped carcass was in sealed bags to be disposed of, and the cuts of meat were stored in the hunters' oversized cool box. On waking, the hunters returned to their homes after a 'successful hunt'.

After completing a successful repair to the Canadian pod, Ric was told to give the Canadian counterparts instructions to rejoin their families and continue their human lives until they were contacted and given further instructions. Ric's task was to fly the combined pods to England with the American counterpart as a passenger. After sealing the portal until needed again, Ric engaged the cloaking device and started the journey. The whole operation had taken two days, and safety and security had been re-established without causing harm or attracting unwanted attention, which was what Clay wanted.

Ric's arrival in England went unseen, except for Gari, Clay and Seb, who stayed in the pod and waited for Ric's arrival. Gari opened the portal, allowing Ric to disengage the cloaking device and fly through where he linked with Gari's pod; seeing three pods linked together was an impressive sight. Clay and Seb went to meet their American counterpart and introduce themselves. Pete, the American counterpart, was excited to have flown in the pod and be in England; when Pete introduced himself, he asked where his brother Travis was. Seb was quick to point out that it was the middle of the night and Travis was sleeping; Pete calmed down, accepting that he would have to wait until morning, and gratefully accepted the offer of a bed in the rectory, though he did not sleep much due to the time difference and excitement.

The following morning everyone was witness to the two brothers' excited reunion when Pete entered the kitchen. "Bro, how...but..what are you doing here?" Travis hugged his brother, happy to see him.

"I flew in last night. It was a blast." Pete was having trouble containing his excitement.

"If I'd known, I would have met you at the airport. How was the flight? Was it good?" Travis was puzzled when Clay and Seb almost choked laughing at his comment.

"Comfortable and very fast, we skipped customs and passport control. I don't think the Brits would have liked the pod landing at any of their airports, so we landed close." Pete laughed at Travis' stunned 'I should have known' expression.

Everyone was in good spirits watching the playful banter and fake punches passing between the brothers. This was a welcome distraction after the hard work and tensions of the last few weeks. Clay used this to spend time alone with Jack, leading him into the private study. Their growing relationship meant a lot to Clay. Unfortunately, events had restricted what time they did have, and they were yet to take it to its ultimate level.

Closing the door behind them, Clay embraced Jack and kissed him. "I'm sorry we haven't had much time the last few days, I promise it won't always be like this."

"It's okay." Jack sighed. "I'll take what I can get until things change. When you choose your Consort, I hope you choose wisely and find someone who can make you happy." Jack held back his emotions, hiding his tears and love for Clay.

Clay picked up on Jack's meaning and felt the time was right. "Well, I hope you can take a lot more. I know who I want as my Consort. I'm hoping they will accept when I ask them."

Knowing only a small number of Therans, Jack came to the wrong conclusion as he pulled away. "My Lord, I wish you and Beth a long and happy future." As Jack turned to leave, he felt a hand on his arm, turning him back.

Clay looked into Jack's tear-filled eyes. "You don't get it, do you? I may be the first Lord of Thera to do this, but Therans accepted same-sex couplings hundreds of years ago." Clay kissed the lids of each tear-filled eye, then kissed Jack's soft, moist lips before he continued. "Jack, will you be my Consort? Will you marry me?" Clay could feel his heart beating and a lump in his throat as he waited for Jack's answer.

Jack wanted to believe what he heard, but would it cause problems? "But...but what about children? You must have an heir."

"And I will, we will. There is more than one way to have children. Surrogacy is one option, but I'd prefer to give life to the embryos that the G.L.A.R.I.C. care for; they can be impregnated with our genes and D.N.A., making them as much ours as possible, Gari has assured me it is a viable option. Or we can adopt; if we do that, I'd prefer to adopt a Theran child from our labs." Clay was almost pleading with his eyes. "Please, Jack, say yes."

Jack was over the moon, but being mischievous, saw an opportunity for a bit of fun. "On one condition."

Clay gulped, thinking, I hope I don't regret this. "Anything, just say yes."

It was not easy, but Jack kept a straight face. "I will not be called, My Lady!" Laughing, Jack fell into Clay's arms.

Clay caught Jack and held him up to look in his eyes. "You little fucker." Then, they both collapsed, laughing in each other's arms.

After a lengthy make-out session, Clay and Jack rejoined the others. The excitement had passed, and everyone was simply enjoying some downtime for a change. Clay asked Gari to unlock Pete's Theran abilities and then decided that a full day of rest was in order. There was a lot to do; everyone needed to rest and be ready for what lay ahead. Clay announced his and Jack's intention to marry and make Jack his Consort; the announcement was the start of a celebration, a day of fun and merriment. Mags and Seb were the first to congratulate them, and the G.L.A.R.I.C. nodded in approval.

Following the example of self-awareness set by the guardians from America and the U.K., the Canadian guardian announced his intention to change. Clay smiled and gave his approval when the guardian told of his intention to change gender and be known as Larc due to self-identifying as female. The program changes created a beautiful woman with soft brown hair, golden brown skin and intense, dark brown eyes. Larc had exotic looks that blended many different heritages. Clay wondered whether this meant the G.L.A.R.I.C. might start differentiating in different ways.

The following day, Clay informed the group that he had a clear idea of what he wanted to do to unite the Therans living on Earth and was formulating his plans. Over the following weeks, they set about work creating enough new circuit boards for the emitters, this enabled the G.L.A.R.I.C. to work more efficiently when the lithium-ion batteries were installed. Beth suggested sourcing the larger lithium-ion batteries for the pods in Australia where they were more widely used and readily available. This would also attract less attention. Next was the new circuit boards for the pods.

Sourcing the batteries in Australia also meant regular pod flights, which meant the G.L.A.R.I.C. quickly updated the Australian pod and guardian, making them more secure and self-sufficient. Clay instructed the Australian contingent to contact Theran's resident in Australia and unlock the Theran abilities of those who were ready. Clay asked Beth's parents and the parents of Jamie, the second Australian counterpart, to be part of the Theran counsel which they accepted. They had been living on Earth for a long time and were about the same age as Clay's parents would be if they were alive. After learning of the approval, freedom and support given the G.L.A.R.I.C. by The First Lord, the Australian guardian presented herself as a stunningly beautiful woman, Alic, pronounced Alice. Alic was also creative and looked as exotic as Larc but with a more Asian blend of heritages.

With regular visits to the original locations of all the pods, Therans living in those countries were contacted and assessed for their abilities to be unlocked. Some Therans residing in Africa, China and Russia were returned to their lives without Theran abilities and with their memories of contact eradicated. They were deemed to be a threat due to being too ingrained and influenced by the societies they lived in. Counsel members in those areas were charged with the responsibility of monitoring these Therans and their families in the hope of welcoming them into the Theran community in the future. Some were elevated to the Theran Counsel, they would be invaluable to help integrate Theran children born from the embryos into Earth's society.

The visits revealed that some Therans had migrated to other countries worldwide, creating new Theran communities. Some had coupled with people from Earth and taken them as their partners in opposite and same-sex couplings. This was like music to Clay's ears; it was confirmation that Therans' plans to settle and integrate on Earth are more than a good idea; they are working. Clay decided that if any human partners of Therans were deemed suitable, they, too, could undergo the procedure to unlock their abilities.

Due to the summer months, the activity at the rectory went unnoticed. Seb and Clay went to speak with Bert, the first person on Earth who knew of the Theran's presence and the original Manager of the agency. As a humane gesture of appreciation and in recognition of his essential role in helping the Therans, they offered Theran help to treat Bert's illness. The cancer in his lungs was at an advanced level, so Bert decided he had nothing to lose and took them up on their offer.

When Ric examined Bert, he was optimistic. "I'm positive that I can treat the cancer, but you must be aware that you are in the advanced stages, and that is why your Earth physicians have given up hope. To paraphrase something I heard from a nineteen-seventies Earth T.V. program, 'I have the technology, I can rebuild you,' but it will take time. Which is a good thing, as we don't want Earth doctors to ask too many questions."

Within days, Bert's treatment started killing cancer cells and promoting regeneration of the lung tissue, although it would be more than a week before Bert felt any improvement. Clay planned to offer Bert an honorary position on the Theran counsel after a full recovery. While Bert underwent treatment, Mags was busy running the agency and employed more help in the office, with Jack spending most of his time with Clay. With help from the G.L.A.R.I.C., Seb guided and advised the young Therans as they became more accustomed to their abilities. Max revelled in the extra attention from everyone and often accompanied Beth and Travis on their evening walks. Most evenings, Mags and Seb spent time with Clay and Jack, giving counsel on Theran's affairs.

It was during one of these sessions in the study Jack raised his concerns about climate change and the extreme effects it was having on the weather in Australia. "Is there anything we can do to help reverse or at least lessen, the effects of climate change? The danger to the pod in Australia is getting worse each year. I'm concerned for us, but if Earth is to remain our home we should help the people of Earth too, I feel that we have a duty and responsibility to them."

"I understand your feelings, Jack, but we are limited as to what we can do," cautioned Mags.

Seb thought carefully before he spoke. "Theran technology could be of some help, but it would be limited and not solve the issue. If we did take any action, it could expose us and possibly create other dangers for us. As well as that, the people of Earth must learn their lessons and develop naturally, we could do more harm than good if we interfere. I think it best we don't get too involved, if at all."

Clay had remained quiet, keeping his own counsel, listening to Jack, Mags and Seb before making any decisions. "My first and only consideration should be for Theran's, but I agree with Jack. We should do something for the good of us and the people of Earth. I also agree with you, Seb. We must be careful and not endanger Therans in the process." Clay paused to collect his thoughts. "The pod in Australia will be relocated and linked with the pods already here. We don't need to have pods spread around the planet. We can use the pods to transport embryos whenever it is needed. The counterparts here in England must return to their countries of origin and by the same means they came here; that way, we won't attract unwanted attention due to people being in places they are not expected to be. If any Theran wants to come here, we will help and support them according to the laws and systems on Earth, so we need to develop ideas and plans for them to learn, earn and support themselves." Clay paused again, sipping water from the glass in his hand. "What we can do which will help, is make sure we have Therans in key positions. In politics, they can push 'The Green Agenda'; those already doing it could do with more support. The nonpolitical activists would also benefit from extra support and there is a minority of them who could benefit from some moderation and guidance. And finally, we could put people in place to help and support the scientists working on solutions to the problem and advising the politicians. Those working with the scientists may have opportunities to influence developments without attracting unwanted attention. If we can do this in as many countries as possible in the free world, we can make a difference.

Seb wiped a tear from his cheek. "Jack, your compassion is commendable. I can see from your mother's expression that she is proud to have you as her son." Seb then spoke directly to Clay. "Your decision is wise and worthy of my brother, your father. He would be as proud of you as I am."

"Thank you for your support, Seb, and thank you for your counsel; it is invaluable. We will start making plans tomorrow. I would like to begin putting them into action before the end of the week." Clay stood and took Jack by the hand indicating the end of the meeting, and left the study.

Before the end of that summer, the Australian pod, along with Alic, was relocated to Bowness-on-Windermere in England. A few Therans had also relocated with financial help from Clay. Some were still in the process of deciding. Most Therans remained where they currently lived. It was a life they knew and were happy with. Travis and Beth were among those to relocate. Now a married couple, they occupied what had previously been the maid's quarters in the rectory. Many Therans and their friends and neighbours contributed to their local communities. Plans were made to recover anything salvageable from the pod in China that had been destroyed and permanently seal the portal leading to it. Then, investigations into the demise of the African pod would commence. Plans to place Therans in key positions would take time to achieve success, but they had started and were progressing.

Saturday, the 10th of September 2022, Clay and Jack were married in Windermere Hydro Hotel. Their four-week honeymoon was a whirlwind world tour to meet members of the Theran Counsel, their families and members of Theran communities worldwide, allowing them to meet their First Lord and his Consort. On their return to Bowness-on-Wndermere, Clay and Jack were shown the vaults on the pods. They contained vast amounts of precious gems and metals that had previously existed on Thera in abundance but were rare and valuable on Earth. Discreet, well-timed sales of small quantities would be used to fund the support of Theran communities and other germane projects worldwide.

Clay decided to embark on an ambitious project and renovate the derelict manor house on the plot next to the rectory. As ambitious as it was, the work took only seven months to be completed. A largely Theran workforce, under the guidance of carefully chosen local builders and tradesmen, had performed a minor miracle. The 1st of May 2023, a week before the coronation of King Charles the Third, was a memorable day for several reasons. Clay and Jack moved into the Manor House, Seb had already moved in with Mags, but they had not set a date to marry. Beth and Travis moved from the maid's quarters into the main part of the rectory. Travis was convinced the move started Beth's labour pains that day; their first child, Stella, was born at 9:38pm. Naturally, this was followed by loud and lively celebrations.

The following week, amid the celebrations of King Charles the Third's coronation in the UK, Ric brought to Clay's attention the pressing need for their own Theran coronation celebration. Clay had yet to be officially recognised as The First Lord of Thera, and Ric insisted Therans needed their own celebration. Clay watched King Charles riding in The Gold State Coach, being drawn by six Windsor Grey horses and led by two more, knowing and thankful that his coronation or inauguration, as he preferred to call it, would not be surrounded by a public display of pomp and ceremony.

With Bert back running the agency, Mags, with help from the G.L.A.R.I.C., arranged for a toned-down but memorable ceremony. At Clay's request, the ceremony took place in The Manor House on the 1st of January, 2024. He felt celebrating a new First Lord and a new year at the same time would be fitting. The short ceremony was transmitted to all Theran communities across the world and preceded many celebrations that included many varying local customs.

After that, time passed quietly for the small but growing Theran community. That was until Beth, acting as a surrogate and carrying fraternal twins, went into labour four weeks early. Born at 5:48am and 6:07am on the 1st of June 2024, four weeks early, the twins were of a healthy weight and needed no specialist care. The following morning, the mother and babies were discharged from the hospital and picked up by the excited expectant fathers, who could not stop thanking Beth for the gift of their children, and Seb. By Theran custom, Beth and Travis received a gift from Clay and Jack. Since Clay and Jack were now resident in The Manor House they were gifted The Old Rectory. With Beth being the 'Mother' of the heir of The First House, Beth and Travis were also elevated in position within the Theran Community.

At 3:00 p.m. that afternoon, the proud fathers, Clay and Jack, proudly presented their children to the small Theran community in Bowness-on-Windermere. Beth and Mags oversaw the gathering that was transmitted to Theran communities worldwide. Clay and Jack gave a lot of thought to the names of both of their babies and chose names with meaning. With a smile that reached his eyes, Clay presented Harry Edward, firstborn twin and firstborn son of the house of Roberts-Smith, of The First House of Thera. With a smile to match Clay's, Jack presented Sophie Alice, second-born twin and firstborn daughter of the house of Roberts-Smith, of The First House of Thera. Seb and Max stood as the Honour Guard throughout the proceedings.

Life for Therans on Earth continues in peace and is thriving, and many hope it will continue to do so for many years to come. Maybe one day, they will identify themselves and form an alliance with the people of Earth.

Some may ask, "How can we know who is a Theran? And, where are they?" The answer is, you can't know unless we identify ourselves; we all look the same, and we are here; we live among you, hiding in plain sight.

(Harry Edward. Harry = is of Germanic origin, meaning leader. Edward = is of Old English origin meaning guardian of wealth.

Sophie Alice. Sophie = is of Greek origin meaning wisdom. Alice = is of Germanic origin meaning noble.)

Copyright © 2024 Secret Author; All Rights Reserved.
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I don't know if any of you remember this, but it happened after Cllay dismissed Rachel. 

When Clay had heard all he could for one night, he decided to let Max outside for a run and do what dogs need to do after eating. Clay wanted and needed to calm down, and walking Max would help him do that. When Max began barking, Clay put it down to a reaction to local wildlife. He did not notice the very brief glimmer of a slither of light and took Max back inside.

When I read this part about the "glimmer of a slither of light", I was thinking it was from a cell/mobile phone and Rachel had come back to get revenge.  Now I know it was from the opening of a portal, but I was still waiting for Rachel to do something nasty before she returned with her solicitor.  

I enjoyed this story, but I was surprised it was taking Jack and Clay so long to figure things out, but I'm glad they final did and it turned out well.  I'm glad Mags and Seb worked things out as well and all the Therans are safe and happy.  I also hope Clay's idea about helping the planet fix the climate crisis works, not only in the story but with the planet now.  I didn't think I'd be this hot until after I died.  :devil: The devil made me say that! 

Congratulations, Secret Author, on an enjoyable tale, but as someone else recomment, it needs a follow up to let us know how things are working out.  

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This was a really enjoyable story in a genre that I truly enjoy and find that many don't try enough to develop.  The characters were truly interesting and well developed.  The story flowed really well, and the writing was first rate.

This might well be my wish for the world, that something like this was truly possible.  That said, I think any little green men that came near Earth would spend about two hours viewing the mess we have made and run for their lives.

Agree with @Bill W that this more than some of the others almost demands a follow up.

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I tried to get through this but it's just not my groove. Sorry secret author. 

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This genre is not an emediate choice of mine. However, I enjoyed this authors creativity along with an ability to endear these characters to this reader. This SA's time and effort is greatly appreciated. 

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On 8/2/2024 at 10:05 AM, Gary L said:

An interesting idea, which will work really well for the fans of sci fi.


There is a duplicated paragraph midway:

At that point, Mags and Jack arrived back at the rectory after working at the agency all day. Before anyone else spoke, Mags addressed Glaric. "I sensed what happened today. It's good news. I also heard you telling everyone about the pod and the home planet, I've told Jack as much as you have told everyone here, so there is no need to go over anything again. Please continue, Glaric." Jack sat at the table while Mags went to stand next to Seb.

At that point, Mags and Jack arrived back at the rectory after working at the agency all day. Before anyone else spoke, Mags addressed Glaric. "I sensed what happened today. It's good news. I also heard you telling everyone about the pod and the home planet, I've told Jack as much as you have told everyone here, so there is no need to go over anything again. Please continue, Glaric." Jack sat at the table while Mags went to stand next to Seb.

Thanks for commenting @Gary L, I hope you can be tempted to read more Sci-Fi. This is my first attempt at writing for the genre so I'm happy that you found it interesting.

Thanks for pointing out the duplicated paragraph, it has now been corrected.

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On 8/2/2024 at 12:17 PM, chris191070 said:

An amazing story. Interesting and enthralling concept. I love a good sci-fi story and this really kept my attention. We could do with some Theran on earth.

Thank you for the great comments. I may write another Sci-Fi story in the future. Are you sure there are no Therans already here?

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On 8/2/2024 at 2:20 PM, Mikiesboy said:

I enjoyed the 'people' portion; all the pod/more techie stuff isn't my thing. I'm sure Sci-fi-fans will love it. Thanks, Secret Author.

Thanks for the comment @Mikiesboy. I'm happy that you gave the story a try and found something positive in it. I understand that Sci-Fi is not for everyone.

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On 8/2/2024 at 3:45 PM, kbois said:

Not my usual genre but the SA did a fine job with their story. I tend to get a little lost and glassy-eyed with a lot of technical information so the battery stuff went in my brain, and in turn my noggin noped out. I did like how everything turned out well in the end.

Thanks for your story SA!


Thanks for commenting @kbois. This is my first attempt at writing Sci-fi so I'm happy that you think I did a good job. I hope your noggin is back to normal, or as normal as it ever can be for you, lol, and I hope you are no longer glassy eyed. :gikkle:

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On 8/2/2024 at 6:32 PM, BentedWreath said:

This was definitely written with the theme 'hidden' in mind. But, I feel that not everything had to be so very hidden at the beginning. I would have liked a few more hints of Clay's Theran heritage shown from the start...like how he could heal a bit faster and better than other stunt doubles. Then, I would have preferred something bigger to have happened to leave him injured enough to then bring GLARIC in, lest their current liege die without being fully awakened. I did like that there were hints of good leadership in Clay when he came to take over at his parents' lands and kicked Rachel out. But, there were many opportunities to show even more hints without it being obvious to us readers that aliens were involved (I did catch the times when Clay felt watched, but for example, a scene where Clay took a good look at the woods and wondered why it felt like there were more trees and shrubbery than he remembered in his early childhood...or something along those lines to hint at his parents having set up hidden solar panels before that was mentioned). I felt that Clay changing his demeanor and way of speaking after having been awakened felt a bit sudden and even unnecessary. He was already a leader before all of that. This was a good read and I'm sure with more time you may have been able to flesh out more scenes instead of summarizing them towards the end. I was still very much entertained.



@BentedWreath, thank you for the valuable comments. This was written with the theme very much in mind and I'm happy that found it entertaining, that was my goal.

I appreciate the constructive comments, I'll be taking those on board for future reference. I can only add that it was not easy to include so much in a short, or maybe not so short, story.

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On 8/2/2024 at 11:06 PM, Thirdly said:

Oh- ho ho ho ho, my goodness. It was almost scary how as I read this story it reminded me of my own writing style. So many moving parts, so many plot elements to try to balance. Well-freaking-done, whoever this writer is, for sharing such a big story. I know how hard it is to nail good transitions and flow from start to finish, and you've done far better than I did not a few years ago. Keep going! I want to see more of what you can do. 

Thank you @Thirdly for the complimentary comments. I have to acknowledge the invaluable help I received from @raven1 who edited and beta-read for me, this would not have been possible without his help. I need to make sure he is properly acknowledged for his role.

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On 8/2/2024 at 11:19 PM, drsawzall said:

As an ardent lover of the Sci-Fi genre I thought this story rocked! I hope this isn't the last of it, either thru prequels or sequels!!!

Thank you SA!!!!

Thank you @drsawzall, your comments make me happy. I'm undecided about writing more to this story, but, never say never, I may surprise you. @raven1's help with beta reading and editing was invaluable.

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On 8/3/2024 at 1:28 AM, Lee Wilson said:

It took a little while to get into the story, but it finally hooked me. Very enjoyable. 

I do have one nit-picky item. It’s Counselor Troi, not Troy. You never want to tick off a Trekker. We’ll sic the Klingons on you. 😄

Thanks for your comments @Lee Wilson, I'm glad I got you hooked. But please, don't sic the Klingons on me, I promise to correct the spelling error, honest. 

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On 8/3/2024 at 1:52 AM, Freemantleman said:


A fantastic read would love to see it expanded to a full length trilogy.  The end of Thera. New world. The exploration to come.



Thank you for your fantastic comment @Freemantleman. I'm unsure about adding to this, but anything is possible in the future.

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On 8/3/2024 at 3:26 AM, Bill W said:

I don't know if any of you remember this, but it happened after Cllay dismissed Rachel. 

When Clay had heard all he could for one night, he decided to let Max outside for a run and do what dogs need to do after eating. Clay wanted and needed to calm down, and walking Max would help him do that. When Max began barking, Clay put it down to a reaction to local wildlife. He did not notice the very brief glimmer of a slither of light and took Max back inside.

When I read this part about the "glimmer of a slither of light", I was thinking it was from a cell/mobile phone and Rachel had come back to get revenge.  Now I know it was from the opening of a portal, but I was still waiting for Rachel to do something nasty before she returned with her solicitor.  

I enjoyed this story, but I was surprised it was taking Jack and Clay so long to figure things out, but I'm glad they final did and it turned out well.  I'm glad Mags and Seb worked things out as well and all the Therans are safe and happy.  I also hope Clay's idea about helping the planet fix the climate crisis works, not only in the story but with the planet now.  I didn't think I'd be this hot until after I died.  :devil: The devil made me say that! 

Congratulations, Secret Author, on an enjoyable tale, but as someone else recomment, it needs a follow up to let us know how things are working out.  

Thanks for the comments @Bill W, they are appreciated. I did consider the possibility of Rachel trying something sinister but thought it would be too much to fit in the story due to the word limit. I'm undecided about adding to the story but there appears to be a few of you wanting more, I'm not promising but I will consider it.

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On 8/3/2024 at 4:43 AM, centexhairysub said:

This was a really enjoyable story in a genre that I truly enjoy and find that many don't try enough to develop.  The characters were truly interesting and well developed.  The story flowed really well, and the writing was first rate.

This might well be my wish for the world, that something like this was truly possible.  That said, I think any little green men that came near Earth would spend about two hours viewing the mess we have made and run for their lives.

Agree with @Bill W that this more than some of the others almost demands a follow up.

@centexhairysub, thank you for the complimentary comments they are very much appreciated. I tend to agree with you about the little green men, with the mess we have made of our planet who would want to stay here when they have a choice?

I'll think about a follow-up, but I making no promises.

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