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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Farm Boys - 10. Chapter 10

Chapter 10

“Good morning boys, you're sure coming down late, it's after seven already. Did you just wake up?” John asked as the bleary eyed boys stumbled into the kitchen.

“Yeah, and we didn't even stay up late last night, only a few minutes. I guess we were pretty tired.” Jeremy mumbled.

“It was a pretty long day, that's for sure. I only just woke up a few minutes ago myself, I just started on my first cup of coffee in fact.” John admitted.

“Oh good. What's for breakfast, we're hungry?” Billy asked.

“Don't know, haven't even thought about it yet.” John shrugged.

“Then we'll get it, you go ahead and drink your horrible morning tar and we'll take care of everything.” Billy grinned.

“It's an acquired taste.”

“Well, I for one don't care to acquire it.” Billy laughed.

“Me neither.” Jeremy added.

Billy went to the freezer and dug around and found a pack of bacon, so took it out and threw it in the microwave to defrost. While he was doing that, Jeremy grabbed the potatoes and got started on cutting them up into cubes. When Billy was finished, he got a couple frying pans out and started them to heating up, and then grabbed some onions and peppers and started dicing them up as well. As soon as everything was cut and ready to go, they both dumped them into the one pan and started them cooking, both adding different seasonings until they were both satisfied. John just sat there and watched the two boys work together, not even saying a word, although they did look to each other often and smile warmly. He almost laughed a few times, because he could tell how much they were in love with each other and how much it showed. He felt it was a good thing that neither boy would be going to school together, because the other kids would notice the looks very quickly and put two and two together and come up with the boys were gay within one day at the longest.

Once the potatoes were about half way done, the bacon was put on to cook as well, and while Jeremy tended to the potatoes, Billy handled the bacon. Once the bacon was done, and the potatoes nearly were, Billy got started on eggs for all of them, two each, done to over easy, just how they all liked them, although Billy had no idea how he knew that Jeremy would like his like that, he just figured he would, and he did too. As soon as everything was good and done, they served it, and then without hardly a word more, they ate.

“Thanks boys, that was very good. Why don't you head on up and change out of those diapers and get dressed, and since you cooked, I'll clean up.”

“Thanks, we're about to start leaking, so maybe we should. We'll meet you down in the barn.”

“Okay, sounds good.” John smiled, and the boys took off.

Once the boys were dressed and ready to go, they headed to the barn and got the doors all opened and then the tractors started to warm up. As they were waiting, they decided to spend the time kissing, so they wrapped each other in a nice tender hug, and started an even more nice and tender kiss. They were interrupted a few minutes later when John entered the barn, carrying the radios and headsets with him. He had remembered to put them on the charger when they had gotten in the house the night before, so they would be good and ready to go.

“Hey there boys, break apart before I have to get the hose out and spray you two down. Let's get these radios all set up and working so that we can test them out and be able to easily communicate while we're working today.” John laughed.

“If you insist.” Billy sighed as they pulled apart, John just grinned.

They got the radios all set up and hooked up, got them onto a good channel, and then tried them out. They were satisfied with how they worked, so they hopped onto their tractors and got going.

“So boys, seeing as how I have the blade, I won't be able to do too much yet, and Billy, you have the tiller, so that means that Jeremy should start, and then you follow behind him to really mix up the soil well. As soon as you guys get a good start, then I'll come behind you and grade the area as best I can. Don't go any closer than about five feet from the house and the trees though.”

“Okay.” Both boys said together.

The boys got started right away, and at first they were a little clumsy, but within just a few minutes they had the hang of it quite well, and they were able to move quite quickly to get the front yard cleaned and cleared properly. Once the boys were well out of the way, John went about grading the front yard as best he could to make it more flat and even. There had been a rather sizable mound in the center, so he worked out from there, and three times the boys had to come back and till that area again so that he could easily work. Within at most two hours, they were done what was the front yard though, and it looked pretty good.

“Okay guys, go ahead and get the side yards next, they should be pretty quick and easy though, just give them a good tilling, and I'll finish up up here.”

“Okay.” Both boys said, and then headed to the left side of the house first.

John joined them a few minutes later and started grading the side yard properly, so that all water would drain away from the house, instead of into it as it had been. The boys were of course done first an hour later, so they headed over to the other side to get started there, and because this side was larger, it was going to take more time. They managed to finish just a little passed lunch time though, but John still had not come anywhere close to finishing yet.

“We're gonna head in and get started on lunch after changing our diapers.” Jeremy said.

“Okay, see you boys in a few. This side's better than the other side was, so there's less work to do here.”

“Good, we'll call when lunch is ready though.”

The boys went in and headed straight to their room to get changed, thinking to take off their radios and turning them off while they changed each other, because that was not the only thing on their minds, and they both felt John would not want to hear that. A few minutes later they were cleaned up and ready to go, so they headed back down to the kitchen and got started on lunch. Less than half an hour later, John was called in and they ate. John headed back out while the boys cleaned up, and by the time they made it back outside, John was finished the side yard.

“Well boys, looks like all that's left to do is the back yard, and it's the largest of all.”

“Yeah, but it has the least amount of work to be done to it. I don't think that you'll even have to grade it any at all, so why not go attach the seed spreader and the roller to your tractor and get started on that!” Billy suggested.

“You're right, it doesn't look as if it needs it at all does it?”

“No. We can handle this though, so go ahead.”

“Will do.” John said, and they all took off.

It took them all every bit of four hours to do the rest of the yard, and just as the boys finished their work, John was finishing up as well, because he had been able to go a lot faster than the boys had been able to. The yard was now completely tilled, graded, seeded and rolled.

“Well, now all we need is some rain so that the grass seeds can take hold and grow.” John said.

“I don't know if you've seen the weather forecast or not, but they're not only calling for no rain, but for record high temperatures over the next week or so, so what now?” Billy asked.

“I saw a bunch of hoses and sprinklers in the storage shed on the other property, we could always go and get them.” Jeremy suggested.

“Actually, I hadn't checked the forecast in forever, so if we're gonna get that kinda heat, we should definitely go and do that.”

“Why don't you stay here and get dinner started, Jeremy and I can hook up the trailers to our quads and head over there and load up anything we can use and bring it back. And before you say anything, we'll be really careful, don't worry.” Billy suggested.

“Um, I don't know. You only just learned how to ride them.”

“Yeah, but we've been driving all day and we've done fine, and we'll have our radios with us, so you'll know the second anything happens, should anything go wrong.” Jeremy added.

“Yeah, and you need to learn to trust us Dad, we can do this.” Billy added softly.

“Fine, just be careful.” John said as he dismounted his tractor, they had been talking as they had been driving into the barn and shutting down their machines.

“We will, don't worry.” Billy smiled, happy to get to try it on his own.

The boys quickly grabbed two trailers for the ATV's and hitched them up, and then carefully backed them out of position, having to learn the hard way how to back something up with a trailer, because John had already left, and after their first three failed attempts, he laughingly told them how to over the radio. They finally managed it though and were on their way. They both had to admit that it was far faster and easier to get there on the quads, and when they got to the storage shed, they went in and found everything that they would need to water the entire lawn easily. They loaded all that, as well as a few other things onto their trailers, and then headed back to the other house.

As soon as they made it back, they decided to just go ahead and start hooking it all up, because dinner was about a half an hour away from being done. They had all been talking the entire time over the radios, so they knew exactly what was happening at all times. The boys managed to get the front and one of the side lawns done before dinner time was called, so they headed in to eat something, because they were very hungry. As soon as they finished though, they headed back out to continue where they left off. John joined them a few minutes later, after cleaning up the dinner dishes, and helped them to complete the chore, so an hour after dinner, they were done. They set up the automatic timers the boys had grabbed to start watering at just before first light, and they set it to do so every day for the foreseeable future.

“There we go boys, that wasn't actually so bad. We did less work today to do this than we did last weekend, and we got about a thousand times more done. Good work on the tractors.”

“Thanks, and it wasn't even all that hard, and the tractors were real easy to fix.” Jeremy smiled.

“Thank goodness.” Billy added.

“Let's get all this put away and go sit back and relax forth rest of the night, what's left of it anyway. We only have an hour or so before bedtime.”

“Sounds good to me, but I'm not sure I'll make it another hour.” Jeremy said with a big yawn.

Even with the tractors doing a majority of the work, it had still been a long and tiring day for all, so they were getting tired.

“Same here, and unless you want to stay up Jeremy, I think I might just head right up to bed and read for a bit.”

“That sounds good to me, and besides, I could really use a diaper change.”

“I think I might just do the same then.”

“What, change your diaper and lay down and read?” Billy asked innocently.

“You wish. Come on brat, let's get this cleaned up.” John smiled, and they all cleaned up what was left, got everything stored in the barn, got it all shut down and closed up, and then headed into the house for the night.

“Well boys, have a good sleep, see you in the morning. Do you want me to wake you up if you're not up by six?”

“Goodnight, love you, and yes please.”

“Goodnight, same.” Jeremy added.

“Okay, will do, love you boys.” John smiled, and they headed to their bedrooms for the night.

The boys stripped each other down completely, washed each other with a couple cloths, diapered each other snugly, and then curled up in their bed and read. They had not said goodnight I love you to each other, because neither had been planning on going to sleep, but half an hour later, with the light still on, they both passed out cold, and slept soundly until just a few minutes until six the next morning when John came up to wake them.

This story belongs to Erich, please do not post anywhere without asking me first
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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