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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Farm Boys - 5. Chapter 5

Chapter 5

“Why hasn't he come over yet?” Billy asked his dad for what had to have been the hundredth time Sunday morning, and it was only just after nine am.

“I don't know baby, maybe he had to do stuff for his dad.” John answered back in the same way for about the same many times.

“I'm getting worried though.”

“I know, but he's a big boy and he can handle himself.”

“No, I don't think he could. He's scared of his dad.”

“We can't do anything baby, to do so will only make it more difficult in the end.”

“I want to go over there and make sure he's alright!”

“No baby, you can't.”

“Why not?”

“Because, you don't belong there. Trust me, everything will be just fine.” John said softly.

Just as they finished, the phone rang. John went and grabbed it. As soon as he said hello, he just smiled and passed the phone over to Billy.

“Hello.” Billy answered.

“Hi Billy, it's Jeremy, sorry, I can't come over today.”

“Oh, it's so good to hear from you. I was starting to get worried and I was gonna come over there and make sure you were alright.”

“No, don't come here, my dad's freaking out, making me do all sorts of shit around here. I had to sneak in the house to call you, saying that I had to go to the bathroom, so I can't talk long. He was pretty pissed when he saw that I was wearing one of your diapers and wanted to know where I got it from. I lied and said I had gotten it as a free sample from an online store, it was better that way. Unfortunately that means that I won't be able to wear your diapers home any more, or he'll know I was lying if he catches me again. I'll try and come over tomorrow morning as soon as the asshole goes to work, okay, but I gotta go.”

“Okay, see you tomorrow.” Billy said, sounding very relieved, and then they hung up.

“Told you everything would be okay. So, what's happening?”

Billy relayed the phone call to his dad, and they sat there for a bit talking about it.

“Well, speaking of getting stuff done around the house, we should probably do the same. Come on, housework first, since it'll be nice and quick, and then we really should get out and try and get the yard somewhat cleaned up. It'll take us a few weekends to complete I'm sure, but it has to be done, I don't want to live in a messy yard.”

“Oh goody, yard work. That's about the only bad thing about having such a nice big yard, it needs to be maintained.” Billy grinned.

“Once we get it all trimmed back and looking good, then it won't be so hard. The next few weekends though will be more difficult because it was left to grow wild for so long. At least there's no real gardens to worry about, so most of it can just be mowed down and raked up. Come on, the sooner we get started, the sooner we can get done.” John said, and they proceeded to clean up the house.

They spent not even an hour in the house, and then headed outside to get started on the yard work. It was quite a large yard, nearly an acre that was fenced in, and the house sat approximately in the center of it. The previous owners had not lived in the house for quite some time, so the weeds had pretty much overgrown the lawn, and the grass that was there was tall and wild, so it would take a lot of work to get it back to normal. Had he have had a tractor and a tiller for it, John would have just tilled the entire damn thing and started from scratch, but he did not, so they had to do it the hard way. Billy grabbed the trimmer and got it gassed up and started, and then started trimming. They both decided that Billy would get the bulk of the height of grass and weeds with the trimmer, and then John would work behind him with the mower and clean the rest up. It was a bagging mower, so it would fill up very quickly with as much as he was going to be pushing it through, and he would more than likely move a lot slower than Billy would be. By the time that they were both very ready for lunch and a good long cold drink, they had barely made a dent in what was the front yard. You could tell they had been working, but it was not a lot.

“Well kiddo, let's get some lunch and a much needed drink. You're diaper is also starting to really show through your sweat pants, which means it's likely to be very full, so you might want to get a change.”

“Yeah, it'll start leaking soon if I don't get a change, but I wasn't all that worried about it. Lunch and a drink though sounds very good, as long as you don't expect it to be in that order, because I need a drink first.” Billy smiled.

“Me too. Come on.”

They headed into the house, and Billy got to the sink first, but instead of grabbing a glass, he just turned the tap on, grabbed the sprayer attachment and put it in his mouth and drank for a full minute. Neither of them had had anything to drink while they were outside, and they had been out there for almost two hours, so they should have. John just laughed, but when Billy did finally finish, he just did the same thing and drank good and long. As John was getting his drink, Billy excused himself and ran up to his bedroom, where he stripped and changed his diaper and then got redressed. He met his dad back in the kitchen a few minutes later and they made a quick lunch of sandwiches and soup. Before they left, they each grabbed another good long drink, and then headed back out into the nice warm weather and continued where they had left off.

After lunch, John made sure to make them both drink something at least every hour, and they were out there until dinner time, so for another five hours. By the time dinner time rolled around, they were both extremely sweaty, even more tired and sore, and Billy had started to leak, and they were both starving. Even with spending a good seven hours on it, they managed to only get what for the most part was the front yard completed. It still needed a lot of work to become a lawn again, but this was the biggest step, John would have to go and buy more than a few bags of grass seed and a few other things to get it back to lawn status, because right now it was more just trimmed weeds.

“Well baby, I think we've done more than enough for today, I'm tired, hungry, sweaty and sore, and I bet that you're even more so, not to mention leaking, so let's get in the house for the night and relax.”

“You certainly won't hear me complaining.” Billy said with a large yawn.

“Nor me. Come on.”

They headed into the house, and after a nice long drink, Billy went up to his room, stripped and just stayed naked for the time being. Not only did he figure that his skin could use the fresh air, but after dinner he was going to come back up and have a nice long hot bath, so he felt there was little point in putting on a diaper just to take it back off in half an hour. He went downstairs, and his dad took one look at him and was shocked.

“You're naked!”

“Yeah, so!”

“Well, you haven't traipsed around the house naked in a long time, it's just a surprise. You've grown lots since you last walked around naked.”

“You've seen me naked when I changed my diapers, and besides, you see me in diapers, naked can't be any worse.”

“No, I don't normally look, I just let you have your privacy.”

“Why, we're both boys, I don't care, so why should you?” Billy asked in shock, he had never noticed that his dad always turned away.

“Well, I guess I shouldn't. Haven't you started growing pubic hair yet? With as big as you're getting, I would've thought you were.”

“Yeah, but I shave it off. That razor you got me comes in handy. I haven't had to start shaving my face yet, but I don't want any hair down there either, because everyone says it only gets in the way if you wear diapers.”

“Everyone who?”

“The guys at the diaper club, and more than a few people online. You don't mind do you?”

“No, of course not. Just a bit of a surprise. If that's what you want though, I'd never say anything against it, even if I didn't like it, of which I have no reason to dislike it.”

“Cool. Thanks. So, what are we having for dinner then?”

“I threw that frozen lasagna that we bought yesterday in the oven, I'd taken it out of the freezer earlier, so it was mostly defrosted already, so it should be ready in less than half an hour. Why are you naked anyway?”

“That sounds good, but I didn't feel like putting another diaper on right now, because after dinner I'm going up for a nice long hot bath to help relax a bit, and I felt that some fresh air on my skin might not be so bad, because I'm starting to get a bit of a diaper rash.”

“Ah, that's a good idea. We had to have you walk around naked a lot when you were a toddler because of that. Have you been using the diaper rash cream we bought you?”

“Yeah, with almost every change, but working like we were today made it a bit worse, so fresh air for a bit, clean up real good, and then a nice dry diaper with lots of cream will be all I need.”

“Yep, same method as when you were a baby. Just try not to pee on the floor like you always did when you were a baby!” John grinned.

“I make no promises, since I don't always realize when I'm peeing, but I'll try.” Billy grinned back.

“Are you already starting to lose control?”

“A bit yeah.”

“And you're okay with that?”

“Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I mean I love diapers and want to stay wearing them all the time, so I knew it would happen eventually.”

“Okay, just so long as you're okay with it. Most teenagers would be aghast at having to wear diapers, and losing control would be horrible at best.”

“Actually, from the research I've done, I'd say that there's a lot more boys and teens out there that would love to be in diapers than you realize. I mean, we live on the outskirts of a fairly small town in the grand scheme of things, and I go to a group with twelve boy and teen diaper lovers. Imagine how many are in the larger towns or cities, and I bet there's more than a few more in this town as well.”

“Yeah, I guess you're right.” John mused.

“So, are you excited about going to work tomorrow?”

“Not really. To tell you the truth, I've sorta enjoyed the past couple weeks just getting to spend time with you.”


“What are you gonna do tomorrow?”

“Don't know. I can't really go anywhere. Not only have I got a delivery coming tomorrow, but I have no way to get anywhere even if I did want to go anywhere.”

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that. You'll have to remember to be dressed when they get here, you wouldn't want to shock anyone.” John grinned.

“Don't worry, I'll remember.”

“What are you and Jeremy gonna do tomorrow then?”

“Don't know, we'll figure something out I'm sure.”

“Just don't be going and getting into any trouble.”

“Um, I don't know if you've noticed this or not, but we live like twenty minutes from town, and a little more than an hour from the city, there's exactly two houses on the entire road, so what kind of trouble could I possibly get into? Not to mention, when was the last time I got in trouble for anything?”

“Good points, but to a teenager, trouble sometimes just comes naturally, so don't start now.” John grinned, having to admit that Billy had never been in any real trouble before.

“Yeah, well I'm not your typical teenager, now am I?”

“That you most certainly are not.”

“I hope you meant that in a good way?”

“Take it how you like, but most normal teens would never walk around their house in diapers or naked.”

“True, but their loss if they don't or can't.”

For the next twenty minutes as they waited for their dinner to cook, they sat at the kitchen counter just continuing their talk, laughing a lot as they did so. Finally dinner was ready, and the supposed to feed four lasagna did not make it out alive, they polished off the entire thing, as well as a salad and a few pieces of garlic toast each.

“For a store bought lasagna, that was pretty good. Nowhere near as good as moms was, but it sure hit the spot.” Billy sighed after releasing a rather loud and long belch, mere seconds after John had done the same.

“Yeah, I agree. You go ahead and head up for your bath, I'll clean this up, and then I think I'm gonna go slip into a nice hot bath as well.”

“No, I'll help you clean up, then we can both go have baths.”

“Thanks.” John smiled, and they both helped to clean up.

As soon as they were done, they both headed to their bedrooms and their bathrooms to get nice hot baths started. Billy grabbed the bubble bath that he still had, and poured a healthy dose of it into the water, and then grabbed his cloth and towel, and slipped into the hot bubbly water with a deep sigh. For more than twenty minutes, Billy just laid there relaxing, enjoying the hot soothing water, it felt really good on his aching body. Finally though he grabbed the cloth and gave himself a good scrub down, gave himself a quick shave of any hair that was on his body that he did not want, and then washed his hair. As he was washing his hair, he pulled the plug in the bath so that it could start draining, because he would have a quick shower to truly wash off. He always felt that to bath in your own dirt never got you truly clean, so he always had a bath and a good scrub, but then also washed in a shower. As soon as the water was down to just the tops of his feet, he started the shower and washed his hair once again and then conditioned it, and then gave his body another quick wash down, this time more gentle.

Billy hopped out of the tub and dried himself off fully, and then went to the sink and brushed his teeth and hair. He then grabbed his diaper supplies and laid on his bed and proceeded to diaper himself up nice and thick, with a good healthy dose of diaper rash cream and powder to help keep him more dry. As soon as he was finished, he headed downstairs to see if his dad was done yet.

“Hey there, feel any better?” John asked when Billy walked in the room.

“Yeah, lots better, and you?”

“Yeah, lots. I'm gonna make some popcorn and juice and sit back and watch a movie. Care to join me?”

“Sure, that sounds good.” Billy smiled.

They both helped to make the juice and popcorn, and then before too long, they were both sitting back on the couch relaxing, and they started a good movie. As soon as the movie ended almost two hours later, Billy excused himself with a goodnight to his dad and went up to bed. Just as Billy was about to pass out, he realized that not once during the entire day had he jacked off and or cum, it was a record, since he was ten he had not gone one full day without cumming at least once. He passed out right away though and slept right through until morning without once stirring.

“Good of you to finally come down and join me baby. I didn't want to come up and wake you, but I was gonna have to, because I have to leave for work real soon.”

“Oh sorry, I didn't even look at the clock, what time is it?”

“Little after seven, and if I want to be to work for eight, I have to leave pretty quick here.”

“Wow, I haven't slept that late in a while. Musta been real tired last night for some strange reason.” Billy yawned.

“Know how you feel, I woke to the alarm clock, and I rarely ever need it. We did a lot of work yesterday though, so that was why. So, how did you sleep last night then?”

“Real good, I don't even remember moving once. How about you?”

“About the same, except the two times I had to get up to go pee during the night.”

“If you'd just wear diapers you wouldn't have to worry about that.” Billy giggled.

“No thanks, I'll leave that to you diaper lovers, I wouldn't appreciate them like you do. Well, I should probably get gone right now baby, so you go ahead and get yourself some breakfast, then go get that diaper changed before it springs a leak.”

“Yeah, I should, and so should you daddy, so bye bye, have fun at your first day back to work.”

“I'll try, love you.”

“Love you too.” Billy said, and John headed out right away.

Billy grabbed himself some breakfast and sat down to eat it, and when he was done he cleaned up the mess and then headed up to his room to get out of his very wet diaper so that he could grab a nice hot shower. Billy stayed in the shower for a good fifteen to twenty minutes, just enjoying the nice soothing shower that was helping his still very sore muscles. Once he felt that he was as clean as he could be and had no more excuse to waste hot water, he hopped out, dried off, brushed his teeth and hair, put on his deodorant, and then headed to his bedroom. He almost yelped when he realized he was not alone.

“Jeremy, you startled me.” Billy said, clapping his hand to his chest in shock. He had not suspected that anyone would be there.

“Sorry. I knocked on your bathroom door, but I guess you didn't hear me. You didn't answer the door, and your dad wasn't home, so I figured you were still asleep or in the shower, so I tried the door and it was open, so I came in. I didn't think you'd mind.”

“No, I don't mind at all, in fact I'm happy you just came in, I would've said you could anyway, you just startled me. Normally I would've been up for at least a couple hours already, I normally don't sleep past six, but this morning I slept in until after seven, we worked pretty hard on the yard yesterday, so I was tired.”

“Yeah, I noticed that you got a lot of work done on the front yard yesterday, I had to do yard work yesterday too. Difference is that you probably enjoyed working with your dad, whereas I hated every second of it. Would you like me to put you into a nice thick warm diaper?”

“Yes please, and then I suppose you want me to do the same for you too?”

“Oh yeah, you bet. I've so missed diapers after getting to wear them more often like we have been. I actually thought of wearing my cloth diaper under my clothes yesterday, but I knew my dad would notice, because he often checks, but he usually spanks pretty hard to check, and if I'm too thick in the bottom, he spanks even harder yet, but doesn't stop for at least five minutes.”

“Then I really suggest you don't wear diapers while at home except to bed, but you can certainly wear them as much as you like here.”

“Yeah, I've sorta come to the same conclusion.” Jeremy grinned.

Billy went and grabbed the diaper supplies and set them on the bed and then laid down.

“Now, I started getting a bit of a rash yesterday from letting my diaper go for too long and then working so hard, so put lots of cream on and add lots of powder too please.”

“Yeah, it looks a bit red down there. You should let it air out a bit. I had to do that at grandmas a lot, she'd just tell me to run around naked after getting good and clean and stay naked for at least a couple hours. The last time I had to do that though I was almost eight.”

“I did last night. Actually shocked my dad when I came downstairs naked. But like I told him, he sees me in diapers and we're both guys, so what difference does it make.”

“Yeah, but I'd never do that at home, my dad would really belt my bare ass for sure.”

“Yeah, but he's a supreme asshole.”

“Too true.” Jeremy said, and then proceeded to really cream Billy up nice and thick, because he had already had the diaper positioned by then.

With as horny as Billy was, and with as long as it had been since his last orgasm, he was not surprised how much he reacted to Jeremy creaming him up, granted, Jeremy was doing a fair bit more playing than was generally necessary, and Billy was grunting and groaning from it. After at most forty five seconds it became too much though and Billy sprayed a good sized load straight up into the air. Most of the load landed right back on Billy's groin, but a fair bit ended up on Jeremy's hand as well. He just grinned and wiped his hand of diaper cream and boy cream into the front of the diaper, and then pulled it up and taped Billy up nice and snug.

“There you go, I bet that feels lots better.” Jeremy grinned.

“Oh god yeah, so much better.” Billy sighed a few seconds later when he finally worked out what Jeremy had actually said.

“Good, now it's my turn. I didn't get to cum yesterday at all, and by the sounds you were making, I don't think you did either.”

“No, and I'd be happy to make you cum now.” Billy grinned brightly and got up. His legs were still a bit shaky for a few seconds, but that did not stop him from stripping his boyfriend and making him very naked and ready for what was to come, or cum as it was to be.

As soon as Jeremy was totally naked, even though really he did not have to be, he laid down on the bed and spread his legs. With as hard as his young pulsing erection was, you would think that he was expecting something. Well, Billy was not about to disappoint him. He slipped the diaper underneath his beautiful boyfriend and grabbed the cream. Jeremy was not getting a rash, but that did not stop Billy from rubbing in more than enough cream to help clear a rash anyway. Same as Jeremy had done, Billy was really rubbing the cream in, a lot more than was strictly necessary, but he was not just rubbing cream in, he was trying to rub cream out, even though he doubted that Jeremy was even a year from doing so yet, but that did not stop him.

In less time than it had taken for Billy to cum, Jeremy started squeaking and squealing in ecstasy, his entire body was vibrating, but it was nothing in comparison to his dick, which was pulsing madly, attempting to spew forth a load. Even though he did not spray a load, it was still just as good for him as it had been for Billy though, and as soon as his massive orgasm let him go, he slumped down, and Billy taped him up.

“There you go, all set.” Billy smiled warmly.

“Thanks.” Jeremy sighed a few minutes later.

“Ready to get up yet?”

“I'm not sure I'll be ready to get up by tomorrow, that was awesome.”

“Glad you liked it.” Billy smiled.

“Oh yeah. Well, I guess I should at least try and get up.” Jeremy said, and then climbed out of bed, his legs still shaking, but he did it.

As soon as Jeremy was standing up, Billy almost made his knees buckle again, because he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and laid on him a kiss that drained him of all his oxygen. They stood there kissing for at least three minutes, until they both realized they were getting light headed, and it was not because of the kiss, they were forgetting to breath. They broke apart and took a deep breath, and then dove in and continued for another couple minutes.

“Wow, what a kiss.” Jeremy sighed a few moments after the kiss finally ended.

“It's what you do to me. I've never kissed anyone before, at least not like I kiss you, I just love to kiss you because you're so beautiful and perfect.”

“I'm not beautiful.” Jeremy said shyly.

“Yes you are, even my dad says so, everyone does. You really are so very good looking, you have no idea. When we were at the mall the other day, everyone turned and looked at you whenever you passed; men, women, children, but most especially the gay boys. I tell you, you really are beautiful. I know though that you're beauty is more than just skin deep, you really are beautiful right to the core, even with going through all the crap you have in the past couple years.” Billy said very heart felt.

“Well, I think you're beautiful too.” Jeremy blushed.

“Thanks. I know I'm pretty good looking, and that's not just vanity or my dad speaking. You though surpass me by a wide margin. You probably haven't been told that enough, especially recently, so I want you to know that.”

“Thanks.” Jeremy blushed more.

“So, what would you like to do today?” Billy asked, seeing that he should not say more to the already embarrassed boy.

“No idea. Want to go out to the old barn in the back yard and explore in there?”

“Sure, I haven't even gone in there yet. My dad said I probably shouldn't until he knows if it's safe or not.”

“Oh, it'll be safe, it's not all that old. Come on, let's just do it anyway.”

“You have a real little defiant streak in you, don't you?” Billy laughed.

“If I didn't, would I be here against my dads wishes wearing diapers and having a boyfriend?” Jeremy giggled.

“Thank god for your defiant streak. Sure, come on, let's go.”

“Cool.” Jeremy said, and they headed out of the bedroom, not bothering to get dressed any more than they were.

As they passed the front door, they slipped on sandals, which was all Jeremy had worn on his feet anyway, and then they headed out to the old barn. It was set back a ways from the house, so it was a good five minute walk to get there, but the entire way there, the boys held hands, not even saying anything.

“It's a pretty big barn, isn't it?” Billy noted as they came up to it. He had only seen it from a distance, never really going anywhere near it.

“Nowhere near as big as the barns at my place, even the smallest is quite a bit bigger than this.”

“How many barns do you have there?”

“Three. I guess when grandma and grandpa built the new house and barns, he went all out and built what he had always wanted. One barn is capable of holding three hundred milking cows, there's a five hundred milking goat barn, and a five thousand chicken egg barn. Then there's a few smaller storage sheds for tractors and the likes, because he did grain and hay on the rest of the property. Your property here from what I remember used to grow a lot of corn or other vegetables, but most of those fields have grown over, same as the ones at my place.”

“Really is a shame to have all this great farming land here and not being used though.”

“Yeah, considering we're in the midst of the best farming land in the country, and when I get older and I get this property, because I will, I'm gonna farm it.”

“That'd be cool. We could join properties and farm both of them together, and really do it right.” Billy smiled warmly.

“Yeah, we could for sure. Come on, let's go see if there's anything useful in here.” Jeremy smiled back.

They opened the door, which by the feel of the hinges, had not been opened in more than a few years. They opened it up though and went inside, and in there they found a rather large surplus of farm machinery and tools.

“Holy crap, who would've left all this machinery and tools here, there's gotta be thousands and thousands of dollars worth of stuff in here?” Billy asked in awe.

“Don't know. By the feel of the door hinges, I doubt anyone had been in here for years, so my guess is someone died and the stuff out here just sorta got forgotten. Wonder if the lights still work in here, or where the light switches even are?”

“Yeah, it's pretty dark in here, and it smells pretty old and musty. We should open all the doors for a couple days and let it air out too.”

“Definitely, and we'll have to clean all the hay and crap outta here, so that there's no mice and rats, they're the last thing you want in a barn.”

“Good idea. Will you help me with all that?”

“Definitely. We should probably go get pants and shirts on though, just in case.”

“Probably not a bad idea. I'll go get our clothes if you want to try and get the doors open and the lights on.”

“Okay.” Jeremy said, and Billy nodded and took off.

As soon as Billy was gone, Jeremy went about seeing if he could find a light switch or two, strangely it was not near to the door. He finally found what looked like a breaker panel, so went to it and opened the cover, there he found half a dozen breakers that were not turned on, so he switched them on. Four of the breakers did something as he turned them on, they lit lights, whereas two of them blew right away, telling Jeremy that there were problems with them somewhere, whether they were lights or something else he did not know. With the lights on now though, he was able to see better in the now lit space, so went and opened the two large doors, one at either end of the hundred and twenty foot long barn. He was still working on the second, the one closest to the house when Billy came back. The back door had been very large and heavy, as well as obviously unused to being opened, so it had been hard for poor little Jeremy who really was not all that strong. He did manage though, after first unlocking it, and then went to the front door.

“Ah, found the light switches did you?”

“Yeah, in the breaker box, they were just shut off. I'm not sure that's proper, so you might want to have someone fix that for you guys. Also, two of the breakers blew right away when I turned them on, so something's not quite right there, so you'll need to get them fixed as well. Can you help with this door, it's bloody heavy, and I was barely able to get the other one by myself?”

“Of course.” Billy said, and then with the added muscle power of the bigger boy, they got the large barn door opened up in just a few seconds.

“Feels like this door was less used than the man door was, man did it squeal a lot.” Billy commented.

“Yeah, the other one was just as bad. What took you so long?”

“Phone was ringing when I walked in.”

“Oh, was it your dad?”

“No, it was Shawn, but I called my dad as soon as we finished talking.”

“Oh, what did Shawn want?”

“Nothing much.”

“You're not telling me something, why?”

“It'll be a surprise, that's why.” Billy Grinned. “Come on, let's go check out all this cool stuff.”

“We should get dressed first, I've already heard lots of squeaking and a couple mice scattered as I walked past. I'm glad you grabbed socks and shoes, I forgot to mention them.”

“Yeah, I thought if we were getting dressed to prevent mouse bites, that shoes would be a really good idea. No point in putting pants on if your feet are bare.”

“Good thinking.”

“Yeah, my daddy didn't raise no bone head.” Billy grinned.

“Yeah, mine neither, oh wait, he was too much of a pussy to raise a child.” Jeremy laughed.

“That's for sure. You turned out better without his help if you ask me.”

“You're more than likely correct.”

“Come on, let's get dressed.” Billy said, handing Jeremy his clothes and shoes, obviously lending him a pair of socks and shoes. The shoes were his old ones, so he hoped that they would at least somewhat fit. They both got dressed right away and then put on their shoes.

“How do the shoes fit, they're a pair of my old ones, so I wasn't sure if they'd even fit or not?”

“Not bad, a bit big still, but I'm used to that, I always get shoes that I'll grow into, and these are the nicest shoes I've had in two years at least.”

“Good, keep them then.”

“Thanks. So, do you want to explore first, or should we just start cleaning?”

“Explore first for sure.”

“There's lots of stuff in here, I even saw a few four wheelers in the back corner over there.” Jeremy said while pointing in the rough direction.

“Really, that'd be cool to get them running. I wonder if we even can.”

“Who knows. They look pretty old and the seats looked as if they'd had the stuffing pulled right out, so you'll need new seats. I know nothing about fixing anything mechanical though, so I won't be any help at all.”

“Me neither, but we can learn can't we?”

“Sure, why not. A good portion of the equipment is gonna need fixing I'm betting, and given that your dad works at a parts place that I know carries all sorts of parts for farm equipment, I'm sure he can get anything we need for cheap.”

“Very true. He's pretty good with fixing things, so we can probably ask him questions. He does all the work on our vehicles and my bike, he likes to fix things.”


They then went about searching out everything and taking somewhat of an inventory of all the old stuff in there. There were three different tractors in there, a few different farm implements, three four wheelers and one three wheeler, two trailers for the tractors and three trailers for the ATV's, two different snow plows, one smaller one for the four wheelers and one larger one for the tractors. Then there was a large tool box at the end of a nice large work bench, and it appeared to be full of tools, and most of them looked to be good still, if not a bit dirty and tarnished from lack of use. All they would need was a good cleaning and oiling, and they would probably be just fine again. There were two different welders and three torch setups and all sorts of welding gear. There were also all sorts of different hand gardening tools hanging on hooks near one of the doors, as well as a few smaller powered tools for gardening. They then headed upstairs to the hay loft and found nothing but a lot of old bales of hay, most of which were well past good and near to rotting out. In there they found a lot of mice.

“Wow, there's lots of really cool stuff in here, and I want to for sure fix up the ATV's, they'll be a lot of fun, as well as very useful.” Billy said.

“Yeah, I agree, and I'll help you out as best I can for sure.”

“Together I'm sure that we'll get it all done.”

“Well, I guess we start cleaning up the hay loft first, there's a door at the end, and the easiest way will be just to push everything out there.”

“That's just what I was thinking. Pitch forks or snow shovels?”

“Grab both and see which works best. We'll probably use both. We should put some gloves on, I saw some good leather ones in the tool box, hopefully they'll still be good.”

“They should be, they still looked good, if not a bit dusty and dirty.” Billy smiled, and they headed back downstairs to get them on and grab their tools.

As soon as they got what they needed, they headed back upstairs, opened up the hay door and started working to get it cleared out. They worked in near silence for a good few hours, sweating a lot in the heat of the high loft, but they managed to get a lot done. They found that the pitch forks worked best to start, but then as they got the bulk of it out, they found the shovels worked well. As they worked, they also found a lot of mouse nests in amongst the hay, and they just tossed them as well and shooed the mice away. They scattered everywhere, including a lot of babies. It was long and tiring work, but had not been all that hard, since the hay was so old and light, as well none of it was really bundled together anymore.

“There, not bad, I thought that that would take a lot longer than it did.” Billy said once the hay loft was all clear.

“Same, but there had to have been a few hundred mice and their babies up here. We're lucky none of them tried to bite us, they just ran once we destroyed their homes.”

“Mice are more scared of us than most people are of them, it's rats we had to worry about, but I haven't seen any yet, thankfully. I hate rats.” Billy said, a full body quiver going through him as he said so.

“Can't say as I care for them much either, but they don't really bother me. Now snakes, I hate snakes.” Jeremy said, with the same reaction.

“Snakes are okay, as long as they're not too big or poisonous, then I don't like them either.” Billy smiled.

“Thank god we don't have either around here.”

“No kidding. So, downstairs now I guess, but it'll be a lot harder, because there's lots more places for the mice to hide down there, and it's really messy.”

“Yeah, but it's not like we have to get it done today either.”

“No, but we may as well get as much done as we can.”

“Okay, let's do it then, but only after we go to the house and get a good drink, some lunch, and a much needed diaper change, because if you're only half as wet as me, you're needing a change as well.”

“Okay.” Jeremy said brightly, and then they headed to the house.

They clasped hands once again and headed to the house, where they both grabbed a nice long drink of water, and then headed upstairs for a diaper change. As soon as they were both clean and dry, of which amazingly enough did not involve either boy cumming this time, they headed back down to get lunch. Just as they were coming down, Billy heard a truck coming up the drive, and he looked out and was surprised to see the delivery truck, he had completely forgot about that.

“Crap, I forgot about the washer and dryer coming. Quick, go up to my room and make sure there's no diapers lying around please while I go meet the guys?” Billy asked. Jeremy just nodded and took off.

Billy went out and met the guys and told them where it was that the washer and dryer were going, and that he was going to be making lunch while they did their work, and they were okay with that. Jeremy came down a few seconds later and joined Billy with a nod just as the guys were opening up the truck. As they were doing this, the boys went and made lunch. Just as lunch was finished cooking, the delivery guys came down after hooking up the final item and told the boys they were done. Billy gave them each a twenty from his wallet, and as they left, the boys sat down to eat.

As soon as they finished their lunch, they headed back out to the barn and got started on the lower level cleaning.

“Crap, we should've closed this door, half the hay we threw out from upstairs blew back into here.” Jeremy laughed.

“Oh well, not like it added too terribly much to the mess down here, you can barely tell.” Billy laughed as well, not really believing that neither of them thought of that.

“Too true.” Jeremy said.

“So, how should we do this then?”

“Not a freaking clue. I guess start at the other end and just work our way this way. We may as well collect all the garbage at this end, no point in having two piles.”

“Good idea. Want to each take a side and work towards the center, or just work side by side?”

“Given how tight it is in places, it'd probably be faster and easier to each take a side, but I'd rather just stay right next to you.”

“Same here, but let's take sides then and see how much we can get done in three hours or less, so that you can get home in plenty of time.”

“Okay.” Jeremy said, and then they started working, each of them heading to one side.

For the next three hours, they worked at cleaning up in there, but really only made a small dent in the work, but at least it was a good dent. They had almost a quarter of the lower level done and clean. All the soft seats of all the equipment had been chewed apart, in fact a couple of the seats had nests inside them, so they were taken off and thrown away, and all the garbage strewn all over the floor was just pushed into the center, all the mice scattering as they did so.

“Well, we got a lot of work done today, thanks. But let's go in and get a good drink and then get cleaned up, because you should get going soon, and I should get dinner started.”

“Yeah, I'd better.”

“Why don't you try asking your dad if you can spend a couple days at a friends house, you don't have to say who, just a friend from your group, maybe he'll say yes? If he wants to talk to my dad, give him our number, and my dad 'll talk to him. What have you got to lose?”

“I don't know. I just know he'll say no, just because he knows it's what I really want to do, not to mention he'll ask about my bed wetting, and then I'll have to tell him you already know.”

“Just lie and say you'll hide your diapers so that I won't even know.”

“Yeah, but I still feel he'll say no, but I'll ask, I promise.”

“That's all I can ask. Well, let's get you changed out of that very soggy baby diaper and into these horrible big boy underwear and get you dressed, so that you don't get in any trouble for having a life.”

“No kidding. That's why I think he'll say no.”

“Probably, but you never know unless you ask right.” Billy said, and then proceeded to strip his boyfriend out of his clothes and wet diaper, and then proceeded to help him into his underwear and clothes, after cleaning him up well of course.

“Do you want me to change your diaper?” Jeremy asked once he was done.

“No thanks, it's not full yet, and there's no point in taking it off until it is. I wouldn't mind you stripping me down to just my diaper though.” Billy said, giving Jeremy that, because he knew that Jeremy just wanted to see him naked, but down to just his diaper would more than likely suffice.

“Oh, okay, that'll have to do then.” Jeremy grinned, they both had known what the other was thinking.

Jeremy made slow work of stripping Billy though, taking his time, touching him in ways that made Billy moan softly. Soon he was down to only his nice soggy diaper, and Jeremy gave it a gentle pat to the front, and then reached up for a nice tender kiss, something that Billy was only more than willing to share in. For almost five minutes they stood there kissing, swaying softly together as they did.

“I guess I'd better get going.” Jeremy sighed sadly.

“Yeah, you'd better, but you'll be over tomorrow morning right?”

“You better believe it.” Jeremy smiled warmly, and they grasped hands together and went downstairs to the door. Jeremy put his new shoes back on and took his sandals with him, and after one final short kiss goodbye, he headed out.

Billy headed to the kitchen and grabbed the meat that he had taken out while he was making breakfast and got started on making some pasta sauce for their dinner. A little more than an hour later John walked into the house to find dinner just being set onto the table, ready for him as soon as he sat down.

“Mmm, smells good in here baby.”

“Thanks daddy. How was your day?”

“Not too bad at all. How about you?”

“Pretty good I guess. Jeremy and I went out to the barn and checked it out, and before you say anything, I know you wanted to check it out first to see if it was safe, but Jeremy said that the barn wasn't all that old. His grandparents built it probably only twenty years or so ago, so it would still be in good condition. We found lots of cool things out there though, and I need some help in how to fix things and I need some parts. We also cleaned up the hay loft and got started on cleaning the main floor as well.”

“Actually Billy, the reason I wanted to see if it was safe was to make sure that there had been nothing nasty that had moved in. I could tell that it wasn't all that old.”

“Oh, I never thought you meant safe in that way, sorry. All we found though were a whole crap load of mice, not even any rats. We didn't even see any bats or owls in there, but bats could easily have hidden deep in the shadows I suppose. We also got dressed in long pants and shirts as well as shoes to work out there, just in case, that way we were safer. We also found that the only way to turn on the lights in there is to use the actual breakers, but Jeremy said when he turned them on that there were two breakers that blew right away, so he said you'd probably want to get that looked into.”

“Well, I'm glad that you protected yourself, but had you have ran into rats, it wouldn't have been enough, but I'm glad you didn't. I really don't like it when people wire lights only to breakers like that, so I'll have to go out and rewire that, not a huge deal, just a pain in the ass. As for two breakers popping right away like that, more than likely it's just two circuits that were no longer used, and to protect against accidentally powering up lines that could be touched they more than likely just tied the wires together to automatically blow the breakers, which is the safest way to do it.”

“If you can fix it, that would be good, I really don't like going into breaker panels unless I have to, they make me nervous.”

“There's nothing to be nervous about them, as long as you don't go and do something stupid, like stand in a puddle of water and go and touch the wrong places, but I know you're smarter than that. This is really good baby.” John had said, because as they were talking they had dished up ad had taken their first bites.

“Thanks. I know, I still just don't like them. We also opened up all the doors in the barn to let some good fresh air in there, because it smelled pretty stale and musty in there, and all the doors were hard to open, so no one had been in there in a long time.”

“Considering the person that we had bought the place from was widowed not long after they originally bought the place, that's not too big a surprise. From the papers the Realtor had, it looked like they had bought the place near on twenty years ago, but the place had sat pretty much empty for the past fifteen. That's why it was so dirty and dusty everywhere and the yard looks as bad as it does.”

“Yeah, I sorta wondered if that might not have been something like that. You never told me that though. Did the guy die here do you think?”

“No idea, and I don't really care one way or the other, but he probably didn't.”

“Nah, I don't care either. Do you know anything about repairing ATV's?”

“Not really, but most of the stuff isn't going to be all that much different than cars. I have at work some repair manuals on ATV's and motorbikes, I could bring some home for you tomorrow if you'd like. I take it there's one in the barn that you want to fix up?”

“Four actually, and yes, I'd love to, so that'd be awesome. If you could get me some gas as well, so that I can run them would also be appreciated. By the way, did you stop at the medical supply store to pick up the diapers I asked you to grab?”

“Yeah, they're in a box by the door. Is that why your diaper is nearing capacity?”

“Yeah, I wanted to test one out to see how well they worked. Shawn said they work great, but that he prefers the disposables himself, so I figured I'd try one. How much do I owe you for them?”


“What, Shawn's mom didn't charge me for them?”

“Yeah, she did, she's not in business to lose money, I'm not charging you or Jeremy for them though.”

“Thanks daddy, but you don't have to do that.”

“I know.” John smiled warmly.

“Thanks. Oh, and there's a whole bunch of tools in a tool box, it's like totally full, way more than you have in the garage, all mechanics like tools, same as you have.”

“That's cool, that way you don't have to use my tools, you can just use those. I won't say you can have them, but you can certainly use them, since you found them, and you want to fix things, so you can certainly make good use of them.”

“Cool, thanks. We can share them. There were air tools in there, but there isn't a compressor, could we take your compressor to the barn and use it in there once we get it all cleaned up?”

“Sure, but I doubt you'll be able to move it, it's pretty heavy.”

“It's on wheels, I'm sure Jeremy and I can handle it, and we can take breaks, so we'll be fine.”

“Okay, just don't drop it, it's expensive. You know, I'll just take it down tonight after dinner for you and check out what all you found.”

“Okay, I'll stay here and clean up after dinner, because I don't feel like getting dressed again, and I want to try one of the new diapers.”

“Okay, that works. By the way, did the new washer and dryer come and did you test them out yet?”

“Yeah, they came, but I haven't tested them out quite yet. I will after dinner, because I'll wash the new diapers as well as what little laundry I have already.”

“Sounds good.”

For the rest of their dinner they continued talking as they enjoyed their great meal. As soon as they were done, John went to the garage and took the compressor to the barn and checked it all out and what the boys had done. He was impressed with how clean they had already gotten it, considering just how messy the rest of it was in comparison. He made a quick check of the breaker panel, and found the two circuits, and like he suspected, they had been wired to not allow them to go active again. He checked out the tractors and the ATV's and noticed that they all needed new seats, so grabbed his notepad and pen from his pocket and wrote down what he would need to bring them home tomorrow as well for the boys, since he was certain that eventually they would get to the tractors as well. He knew that Billy had always loved growing things, and having such nice land would be too tempting not to grow things on, and having tractors would make that easier. He would have the whole winter to get at least one of them ready before he needed any of them, so he would have plenty of time.

Billy had first went to the front door and grabbed the box of diapers and rushed upstairs with them. He had told his dad that he was going to wash them, but he figured wearing one before it was washed would not hurt it any at all, so quickly opened the box and pulled the diapers out. He found the one in his size, stripped off his soggy diaper and slipped it on, and then put on his plastic pants. He was pleased with how soft and thick and comfortable they were, and smiled because of it. He knew Jeremy would be very pleased, and this made him happier still. He took the rest and put them in the washer and got them and his towels started.

Billy headed downstairs and got the kitchen and dining room all cleaned up once again and the dishwasher started, and then sat back and watched TV until his dad came back in the house, which was nearly half an hour later.

“So, how do the new diapers feel?”

“Not bad actually. A little hotter and bulkier than the disposables, but not at all bad. So, what did you think of the barn?”

“Really nice actually. It'd make a great work shop once it's all cleaned up good. It's well sealed and has its own heat, so that's good. The blown breakers were because of wires that were tied together to prevent accidental shocks as I suspected, so we'll leave them as is. I plugged the compressor in and all you'll have to do is turn it on, I trust you remember how to?”

“Cool, thanks dad, and yeah, I remember. I've used it enough with you to know by now, at least I hope.” Billy grinned.

“Good. So, got the new diapers and the rest of your laundry into the new washer already?”

“Yeah, I do. I'll put them into the dryer before bed.”

“Good. They'll be ready when Jeremy gets here then.”

“Yeah. Speaking of whom, he's gonna try and stay a day or two here and spend the night, so you might get a call from his dad if he bothers to say yes or call. Just try and be vague at best about diaper wearing with him.”

“Okay, and don't worry about me, I won't slip up and ruin it for you two. I hope he's able to, he needs it.”

“Yeah, I know. Hopefully soon he won't have to worry about his father any more, but until then, we have to try and keep him as safe as possible.”

“He'll be fine.” Just then the phone rang, and John picked it up, expecting it to be Jeremy's father, but it was not.

“Hey there John, hows it goin man?” Jim asked.

“Great Jim, and you?” John asked, Billy perked right up.

“Pretty good. So, I found some stuff out about Jeremy and his father Stu, and I thought I would call you and tell you how everything is going.”

“Oh yeah, good, bad, or indifferent?”

“Depends on how you look at it I suppose. Good for you, not so good for him, but more than likely great for Jeremy.”

“Oh really, do tell?” John asked, sitting up straighter now.

“Well, it seems that Stu's mom didn't trust him, so all the money and four houses are all in Jeremy's name, but in trust under Stu until Jeremy is nineteen. More than likely the only reason that Stu has kept Jeremy around is due to the fact that without him he doesn't get his living allowance, and there was even a stipulation in the will that very clearly stated that if for some reason Jeremy were to die, all the money and property would either go to his heir, should he have one at that time, or would all be donated to charity. He was allowed to stay in the farm house, I guess he lived there for quite some time, but that's all he was allowed, until Jeremy moved in. His father gets a thousand dollars a month living allowance, but has to send proof that the money goes towards Jeremy to his trust adviser, which was his grandmothers lawyer. I talked to the guy, seems like a pretty nice guy, told him what all was happening and what Jeremy wanted to do, and for some reason he seemed really interested to know all about this abuse. There's also a clause that says that there is to be no abuse. What I can't tell though is how or why Jeremy even went to his mother, because from everything that I could tell, he was supposed to go only to his father, and the lawyer was not even sure how that came about. My guess is though that the father said no, would have rather lived without the money maybe, but I doubt he'll ever tell. I asked the lawyer to not say or do anything at this time until we have all our ducks in a row though, because the last thing we want to do is to spook the father and have him do something rash.”

“Interesting, that makes things a hell of a lot easier for Jeremy then, doesn't it. You said four houses though, where are they and how are they being managed?”

“Now, there's a rather interesting thing, they're all being rented out, and while that's allowed, the money from the rentals is all supposed to go directly into Jeremy's trust fund and it's not. All maintenance for the properties is coming out of the trust fund as it's supposed to, but somehow the money is being paid directly to Jeremy's father instead, so he's getting an extra few thousand a month. There's the house in the city, as well as a ski chalet in Whistler, a rather pricey one at that, and then there's a pretty nice house on the east coast on ocean front property. The lawyer was not aware that the money was being funneled away from the trust fund, he's not even sure how that happened without his knowledge, but he's looking discreetly at the property management company that was to handle all that to see how they let it happen, or if it was done on purpose.”

“Ah, some nice places. What are you planning for his father then?”

“That depends a lot on what Jeremy wants to do once he knows all the information. I'll suggest though that he doesn't press charges, just lets it go, because as best I can tell, his father has really only made maybe thirty or forty thousand dollars from Jeremy, but has been largely unable to even touch the trust fund, his mom and the lawyer made it quite airtight. Once we have all the information we need, it should be a very simple act to have Stu sign Jeremy over to you uncontested if he walks away, and I say to make it nice and easy and to remove some of the bad feelings that could be caused, as well as to just get him very far away, that Jeremy give him the house on the east coast free of rent or taxes and pay to fly him there. With the lets say forty thousand he might already have, that should be a fair settlement to someone who probably believes that he was royally robbed. I can even understand how he might feel like that, but by all accounts, it's his own damn fault. I couldn't access his juvenile records for obvious reasons, but once he left childhood, he had a spat of not so nice things put on his record, and I did find records saying he spent a fair bit of time in juvenile detention.”

“You know, I think that's a good idea as well, and I'll urge Jeremy to do the same, he might even wish to do more, but I don't think he will or should. Jeremy will hopefully be here tomorrow, so if you can make it here, come over for dinner, and we'll all have a nice long chat. In fact, my other line is ringing right now, so could you hold a minute please?”


“Hello.” John said.

“Hi, is this John?” John was asked bruskly.

“Yes it is, who may I ask is calling?” John asked politely, knowing who it was.

“My name's Stu, I have a son named Jeremy that says he was invited to come spend a couple nights at your house.”

“Oh yes, my son Billy asked for him to come spend a couple days here. They became quite good friends at their home school companion group. We'd love to have him and I could pick him up tomorrow morning, I have the next couple days off.” John said pleasantly.

“Well, after you find out that he wets the bed, you probably won't want him, not to mention I believe the boy's a little fairy fagot.”

“Oh, he already whispered to me that he was a bed wetter, and I promised him that it wasn't a problem here. I understand all too well the joys of bed wetting and how he must feel about it. I've met Jeremy a couple times though, and considering just how much of a boyish mischievous streak he has in him that I doubt that he's gay. He's right around the age where many boys are so confused. He's probably starting puberty and everything is in a real whirlwind for him. I still remember all that well, I'm surprised you don't, Jeremy said you were younger than me.” John chuckled.

“Yeah, I suppose that's true.” Stu actually chuckled too, remembering that age, losing himself for a moment there.

“Yeah. Anyway, we'd love to have Jeremy come over, so if you're good with it, I'll come and pick him up at about eleven tomorrow morning.”

“I'll be at work tomorrow, but you should know that he seems to think he likes diapers and wants to wear them.” He added, trying one final time to sabotage his sons chances of going for a sleepover.

“Hmm, not exactly normal, but not unheard of either. I have a friend who's a diaper lover, nice guy, but chances are Jeremy isn't like that, he's just become accustomed to wearing diapers. More than likely he'll grow out of that, but then again, maybe not. I find with my son it's best to let him indulge in the things that don't harm him, but set limits as to how, where and when. That sort of thing. I'm sure that you must do the same for Jeremy, he seems like a nice polite, well balanced kid, so you must treat him good. Granted, he's hardly said anything about you, he doesn't really talk much.” John said, sounding so perfectly convincing that Billy was having a hard time holding in his laughter. His dad was doing a damn good job of totally lying through his teeth.

“Oh. Well, like I said, I'll be at work, I have to pay for the kid somehow, but I'll tell him he's allowed and that you'll be here to pick him up in the late morning.” Stu said, and then just hung up.

“Well, that was interesting.” John laughed, and then switched over to the other line again. “Hey Jim, you still there?”

“Yeah, it took you long enough dammit. You know these long distance phone calls cost a bloody fortune right?” Jim growled.

“Yeah shut it, you make so much money you can afford the whole three dollars it'll cost you, especially with that long distance calling plan you have.”

“Nah, it'll probably cost me only a buck, if that, and besides, you know how much of a tight ass I am.”

“Ain't that the truth. Feed you a lump of coal and a week later you'll shit out a diamond.” John laughed, and Jim burst out laughing.

“Yeah, don't you wish. So, was that the dick head then?”

“For sure, but yeah, it was. Jeremy will be coming here to spend the night and a couple days for sure, so if you can make it tomorrow night and lay everything on the line for Jeremy, we can get everything all signed up and make it all legal. Then you can get a police escort to help you serve the papers to him and make him see how it would be best to sign them nice and quiet like.”

“Sounds like a plan to me, and I've wanted to come see this new house you bought way out in the sticks. I can't believe you'd want to move to the country. Like honestly, there's like nothing to do out there, so boring.”

“Yeah, but I always hated the hustle and bustle of the big cities, I grew up in the country and it's what I like. You were hatched in a city, it's all you know, you like the sirens, granted you chase them now, they soothe you. You could never live out here where the only sounds we hear at night are the crickets and the coyotes.”

“Oh, how primitive, it sounds so dull.” Jim said animatedly.

“Yeah, I know, it's great. So come around dinner time and we can all sit down to dinner and have a good meal and talk. You can stay the night in the guest room and head back home in the morning after a good breakfast.”

“Okay, but I doubt I'll sleep. I might just have to get a city sounds recording, because the silence will drive me nuts.”

“You probably should.” John laughed.

“Yeah, I probably should, because I'm serious.” He said, seriously.

“I know. So, we'll see you tomorrow night then?”

“You got it.”

“Thanks Jim, a lot.”

“You're welcome, have a good night.”

“You too.” John finished, and they hung up.

“So, what was said?” Billy asked the very millisecond that the phone was hung up.

“I'll tell you, but I don't want for Jeremy to know any of this until he finds out from Jim tomorrow night. If you can't promise me right here and now that you won't breath a word of any of it, I won't tell you any more than you'll have figured out from hearing my side of the conversation.”

“I promise. By the way, good lying there, you could have made a most excellent lawyer.” Billy grinned.

“I know, your mom used to tell me the same thing.” John grinned, and then told Billy everything.

“Wow, I bet Jeremy takes you guys' suggestion just to get rid of his dad. I'll even tell him he should as well if he starts to say no. It'll make things a whole lot easier if he just does that instead of charging his dad, it'd take way longer to get everything done. And from the sounds of it, the tiny amount of money that that'll cost him in comparison to the rest of the money won't mean anything.”

“Exactly why Jim would have thought of it. I think Jeremy's smart enough to do it that way as well, we just have to hope that his dad is too. Then again, with the threat of going on trial for abuse, neglect, theft, and anything else the lawyers can come up with hanging over his head, he'd be bloody stupid not to take the offer gladly.”

“Somehow I doubt he's quite that stupid, I don't think anyone really is.”

“No, I've met a few people that just might be, but he didn't sound that stupid, so we should be fine. If all goes well, Jeremy will come over tomorrow and never have to leave again. How do you feel about gaining a brother?”

“Bring on the hot gay incestuous love affair.” Billy grinned huge, and John choked on his spit and started laughing as well.

“You're horrible.” John said, still laughing.

“Thanks daddy. Let's watch TV for a bit, I'm getting tired, but it's too early yet to go to bed.”

“Okay.” John smiled to his baby, and they turned on the TV.

They watched TV for only forty five minutes before John realized that Billy had passed out next to him. He felt Billy's diaper to make sure he would last until morning, and he felt that he would be fine, and then picked him up and carried him upstairs to bed. He went and checked out the new washer and dryer, and then switched it over to dry the load, and then he too headed to bed. They both slept peacefully until the next morning, when they woke at their normal time of about six.

This story belongs to Erich, please do not post anywhere without asking me first
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