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The Tragedy of Yinx - 21. The Last Day of Sight


“Yinx you should at least nap on me while I am in my wolf form.” I say.

Yinx just laughs and shakes his head. “No because I will just slip off. I will be fine, Laneer.”

I frown.

We left the palace already but it has only just reached past midnight. After such a long day, Yinx should try and get some sleep.

I understand his parents are dying, but it will do us no good if he were to just pass out along the way.

“Would you like to get a camel again?” He asks with a smirk.

Oh gods. I really don’t want to, but maybe Yinx can somehow sleep on them? I know people who have slept while sitting on horses. Surely Yinx could do the same.

“I am not sure. Can you sleep on a camel?” I ask.

Yinx laughs and reaches for my hand. “Do you need me to carry you along the way?”

“It is not for me!” I bat at his hand, “You need to sleep, Yinx.”

Yinx smiles, “I see we have already reached the stage where we care for the other’s health.”

I raise an eyebrow, “I think I have been at that stage for quite awhile.”

He chuckles and leads me to the stables.

The stables sit near the edge of the city. As soon as we walk out, we will be transported to the pillar that sits in the middle of the desert.

That should then be about a five hour trip to the Drulai forest.

Yinx goes to rent a camel. I wait for him near the edge of the city.

I told the twins to stay and keep an eye on the King and Queen. Beatrix said she would stay with them because she does not want to be anywhere near the forest.

That is a shame. I tried to convince her to join us, but unfortunately, no such luck.

The state that Yinx’s parents are in is rather terrifying. I am surprised Yinx is so calm about it. He does not seem at all worried.

Maybe it is because we are so close to the forest. He knows exactly where the purple tree is, so we should the roots pretty quickly.

I just hope the Timeseeker is right. It would be a real shame if this was all for nothing.

The main thing I am worried about is if the Mother Goddess really gave the Timeseeker that vision. I would think that the one who gives life would want to keep us from harming anything, let alone a special purple tree.

Sadly, I am most likely wrong about all this. This is all territory that I am not at all familiar with. Magic, Gods, Angels, and Demons. Yeah, I have no experience whatsoever with any of these things.

Throw a sword and maybe some sprinkles on werewolf life, and then I may be able to help you.

“Meet Moshi.” Yinx smiles with a camel in tow.

I just give a uneasy grin.

“How about I lead this time.” I say.

Yinx raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

I nod. “I want you to sleep.”

He rolls his eyes and hands me the rope. “Fine.”

He pats the camel’s neck and say a word that makes the camel sit on its legs.

Once Yinx has gotten on the camel’s back, we immediately set off for the forest.

Yinx got us some extra clothing and wraps to cover us up. Beatrix was right, it is cold at night.

“I have something that can help.” Yinx says.

He digs into his bag and pulls out a lantern. He draws a small symbol over the candle inside and then a small flame comes to life.

Instantly, a strange warmth spreads around us.

“What is this?” I ask.

Yinx sets the lantern to hang with all our stuff and then he leans back into his seat.

“Just a circle of warmth enchantment. It makes night traveling here more comfortable.”

I nod. I think I have seen this magic in action before. Back at the small cabin.

I hold the map near the light. We just have to head straight south and we will get to the forest. This should not be so bad.

I am glad this is just a simple trip. We are pretty lucky that we are close to the forest. If we had to come from Avelin...damn. That would really be unfortunate.

Speaking of Avelin, I wonder how my Father is doing. I have not really thought of him much during this trip. I have had my mind on more important matters. Like Yinx.

I am pretty sure Yinx does not believe me when I say I will ditch my life in Avelin just to be with him. I know that I would without question. The question is, when would I be doing so?

I would imagine it would be soon. Sure, Yinx now has a home in Avelin, but he weirdly feels that he should stay here in the desert.

Would I mind staying in the desert? No, not really. However, I can already feel the years of sunburn just thinking about it.

It would probably be weird honestly. Here I am, a prince, who is in love with a prince of the Serendian Desert. I would not doubt there being questions asked.

What do people even think about people wanting to be with the same sex there? Are they more open to it? I know people in Avelin are not.

The more I think about Avelin, the Desert seems more open with things. They live with magic and work with demons. My questions on how they handle same sex marriage is probably considered stupid.

Yinx interrupts my thoughts.

“You know where you are going, yes?” He asks.

I just chuckle. “Yes, Yinx. I know how to read a map.”

“Ok.” He sounds unsure of my map skills. “I am putting my trust in you again. I can’t see a thing on this damned camel.”

“Oh no!” I frown, “I did not realize you would be blind during this ride. Do you want to get down? I can let you lead if you want.”

“No, no.” He waves his hands to stop me, “By all means, keep doing so. I like having you do things for me. I believe we should make you do things for me more often.”

I roll my eyes. “At your service, my princess.”

“Hey! I am not a princess.”

“Sure you aren’t.”

“Am not.”

“Whatever you say.”


After about an hour, I regret doing this.

My feet feel as if they are on fire and this is only from an hour? I walked an entire weeks worth across Thymestrys and yet sand is my weakness?

I guess I never really have walked on it before, but I know my feet did not start hurting this fast before.

How did Yinx even walk through this by himself for years? Sure he had the help of the Ancient Ones and he may have been born here, but this is just ridiculous.

I glance back and see Yinx’s head nodding off but he is trying to fight off the sleep.

With how much the camel moves, I am surprised Yinx can manage that without falling off.

Well, I guess this is pretty much what I wanted. Yinx to get some sleep.

Is there not some kind of spell that allows us to teleport wherever we want? I would love for that to be a thing. However, that might only be something you can get from Demons. They would probably try and make a contract and then you end up giving your soul away for one teleportation to the forest.

Yeah, maybe not a good idea. However, the price of offering my soul is starting to sound like it would be worth it.

“Do you need me to lead now?” Yinx yawns behind me.

I shake my head and glance back, “No, no. I am fine. I’ve got this.”

“Are you sure?” He says slowly.

Eh...not entirely.

“Absolutely!” I say instead.

Yinx does not respond so I turn back to keep walking.

Not even ten seconds later, I trip and fall. I end up rolling down a large sand dune.

I groan and wipe off any sand stuck to my face or hair.

“Laneer?” Yinx calls above me, “Are you alright?”

I close my eyes, “Couldn’t be any better.”

He laughs above me and then his pretty face can be seen over mine.

“Would you like me to walk us the rest of the way?” He smiles.

I sigh and nod.

“Yes please,” I grumble.

After Yinx helps me onto the camel, he says, “Aww, don’t be so hard on yourself. Everyone falls all the time.”

I just stay silent. He laughs at what little dignity I have left.

Who am I kidding? I lost all of it the moment I met him.

It is only when we are moving that I realize he is still wearing the same outfit from the battle. I panic for a small moment, but then I see he managed to find some sandals to wear.

I guess that is better than nothing.

“Yinx,” I say, “How are you so calm right now?”

He turns a bit to hear me better, “What do you mean?”

“All the things that have been happening to you. The Gods problem, living alone, meeting a handsome werewolf,” He smiles at that one, “and now your parents. They are marked by the Archangel and you just...keep walking on as if you are fine with it. As if this is normal.”

Yinx sighs to himself. “I...I am not sure. I just go with the punches I guess.”

I frown. Not exactly the answer I was expecting honestly.

“I know it is not normal at all,” He starts, “but nothing has ever been normal in my life. Sure, maybe things were considered a little bit more normal before I turned eight years old, but after that...I learned to just get on with it.

I guess to some people, seeing your parents die would be rather traumatic, but I have not seen them in years. I have held a hatred towards them for so long that I just don’t feel entirely obligated to care too much. If that makes sense?”

“Kind of. I think I see your point.” I say, “You have been without them for so long that you have lost that connection that most families have.”

“Exactly.” He nods, “I guess recent events have made me realize that my Mother is not entirely to blame for most of my broken childhood.”

I raise an eyebrow but I do not interrupt him.

“I know that she was jealous of me, but she got that jealousy because Morgoren had gotten into her mind. He waved an enticing gift that she would do anything for. Instead, when it clearly should have been her that was chosen, he chose me.

A God had brought this mess. He made my Mother do those horrible things. If he truly cared about his ‘chosen one’ he would have done something to protect me.

Instead, he let all that chaos happen in the palace. He let it get to the point that my brother died, and let it get to the point that I just had to run away.

A God let a twelve year old run off into the desert alone.

It is not just Morgoren however. All of them are the same. They all do things for themselves. I would not doubt that it was mostly for their enjoyment.”

This is a bit scary to listen to honestly. Someone casually speaking against the Gods.

The fact Yinx knows they are real and still speaks against them is scary. He could be smited down at any minute. Yet, for some reason, the Gods let him speak. They are interested in him, but for what reason?

What is attracting the Gods to Yinx?


We left the camels at the small town that sits in front of the desert. We don’t want the camel to get spooked by all the animals and stuff that goes on in the forest.

“She has a name.” Yinx pouts as we enter the edge of the Drulai forest.

I roll my eyes. “Fine, You can ride Moshi on the way back.”

He giggles, “Thank you, my Prince.”

“I must say,” I smile, “I like when you call me that.”

Yinx raises an eyebrow and smirks, “Oh really? I guess we can never get married then. That means I would have to call you ‘my King’ if we did.”

My eyes widen in surprise but I grin, “I think I like that even better.”

He chuckles and grabs my hand, “Yes, well, too bad we are never getting married.”

“Ah, yes. The joke of declining all my proposals have returned. Just in time from where they started.”

He smiles. “Would you like to go swimming?”

“Would we have the time?” I frown.

He shrugs, “I would think so. We got here in four hours so I think we can manage a few moments together.”

“Hmm,” I scratch the back of my head, “this seems rather ballsy don’t you think? Your parents are dying and we are going to risk playing around?”

“I would not exactly call it playing around.” Yinx presses his thumb into a white tree and then the magic begins to spread around just as before. “I would call it...opening our eyes.”

I roll my eyes. “Maybe for you.”

“Rude.” He grins, “but I do miss your face. If you do not want to get inside, that is fine by me.”

I reach my hand up and brush some hair off of his face. “Yeah, I am a bit too scared to stay here for long. I would not mind seeing you strip however.”

He gasps and swats at my chest, “Laneer! Where are those manners that they taught you at the prince school?”

“The same place you learned yours.”

“Ah, well. I am afraid I dropped out rather early.”

I laugh and lean down to kiss his cheek.

“Hey Yinx?” I say.


“What color was your hair before you were marked?”

His smile slips away for a moment. “It-It was black.”

I try to picture it. I would imagine it would be that shiny black. Sadly, I just can’t see it. Maybe it is because I have only seen the white, but I can’t really see him in any other color honestly.

Since it is night time still, the leaves are the pretty dark purple and the flower vines are all glowing.

The soft light looks especially nice on Yinx’s face.

I pull him gently to stop him from walking.

“What?” He asks.

Cupping both sides of his face, I lean down to kiss his lips. He smiles against mine and then returns the kiss.

I bend my knees a bit to grab the back of Yinx’s thighs. I lift him up and instantly he wraps his legs around me.

I pin him against a tree and then press my lips to his neck.

Yinx makes the cutest noises as I kiss up along his neck to the bottom of his ear. He trembles against me as my hands wander along his body.

“Laneer.” He breathes against my ear and I nibble along his jaw.

“Laneer, please.” He whispers, “I want to see you.”

Leaning back to look down at him, Yinx looks up at me with what I swear is love in his eyes.

Is that something you can see? I swear I see it right now and it is making my heart flip around in my chest.

Instead of letting him walk the rest of the way to the water, I carry him in my arms as if we had just gotten married.

Call me a fool all you want, but I would kill for this man. Maybe even die for him.

I smile as Yinx rests his head against my shoulder.

“I love you.” He says with a smile.

Ah gods, my heart!

“I love you more.” I whisper with a smirk.

He shakes his head. “No I do. I am the one who confessed first, therefore I love you more.”

I roll my eyes. “Sure, Princess.”

He pouts at the name but eventually smiles when I pepper his face with kisses.

Colorful wisps dance around us. I just love that they seem to change Yinx’s hair color. The white makes it easier for the light to change it.

“What is your favorite part here?” Yinx asks.

“You getting your eyes back.” I say.

He rolls his eyes, “I mean about the forest, not me you goof.”

I laugh and shrug. “Maybe the leaves. I like when they turn purple.”

He nods and closes his eyes. “Mine is the mushrooms that glow orange.”

“Is that because it is your favorite color?”

“Yup.” He pops the P.

The glowing water can be seen through the bushes and so I set Yinx down.

“Ah, finally! I can see where we are.” He wiggles his toes in his sandals. “I was worried you may have gotten lost honestly.”

“What? I would not get lost!” I cross my arms.

Yinx begins to strip from his clothes.

“I am surprised you did not.” He says.

Once he kicks his sandals off, he turns and dives headfirst into the water.

The purple tree can be seen from here so that is good. What are the odds that the tree is next to the magical water?

I wonder if Drulai did all this on purpose. Did she somehow know that one day a bunch of Angels would attack a Serendian City and that Yinx would come by to cut up some roots to bring back home?

It seems awfully nice of her to make two things that are needed by Yinx. Perhaps too nice?

Yinx’s head pops out of the water and instantly I am drawn to his pretty green eyes.

He laughs and reaches up to touch my freckles. “I love that you immediately made eye contact with me.”

I blush but smile. “How could I not?”

He brushes his thumbs against my cheeks and then leans up to kiss me.

Me being greedy, I pull him out of the water and onto my lap. I don’t really care that I am soaking wet now, I just want to see him better.

Yinx wraps one arm around my neck and uses his other hand to run across my face. He even pulls a bit on my beard.

We laugh and kiss. We stare and then kiss. We don’t really say much but we do kiss again. Just a lot of a kissing and enjoying each other’s company.

I must say, these are probably my favorite moments together.

A rustling comes up in the bushes next to us and we both instantly look up to see what is there. It couldn’t have been the animals. They are much too stealthy to be doing that.

“Can you see anything?” I whisper.

Yinx shakes his head. “No. I can only see like you now.”

Well. Never thought that the special sight would be wanted right now.

“Now!” A voice shouts.

Instantly, a bunch of soldiers run out of the bushes and run straight for the both of us.

Yinx pushes himself off me and snaps his fingers. The chained scythes appear in his hands but it is too late.

A soldier comes up behind him and grabs him, pulling him away. I jump up and run to push him off of Yinx.

Before I can get close, another soldier comes up behind me and I am being wrapped with chains.

“His hands are sparking!” The soldier holding onto Yinx shouts.

Bright orange sparks are running through Yinx’s fingers and he points at a soldier in front of him. A line of fire and lightning shoots from his hands and hits the soldier.

“Knock him out then!” A familiar voice booms.

I hear a thud and then the fighting near Yinx goes quiet.

“Him too.” The voice says.

I am whipped around and pushed onto my knees. I look up and I am shocked to find Andromel standing in front of me.

“Sorry, Laneer.” He says with a sigh. “I am afraid duty calls.”

Black fills my vision as I am knocked out by the hilt of a sword.

Copyright © 2018 JujuTheDruid; All Rights Reserved.
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