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Max and Josh - 10. Undercover

Disclaimer: This story includes sexual and romantic situations between consenting individuals. Any allusion to illicit or illegal activity, sexual or otherwise, is used only for enhancement of the story line and not promotion thereof. Remember AIDS, HIV and other STDs are a very real threat, please always practice safe sex.

I can prove copyright on this story so please don't copy or remove this story for personal use without my permission.

Max and Josh 10: Undercover

Frank walked into the kitchen to find his dad with a cup of coffee in his hand and dark circles under his eyes.

"That better be unleaded." He said as he poured a bowl of cereal and sat down across from him.

"It is, not that it matters much. I can't get any sleep with all the sunlight pouring through my window." He dad replied sounding tired and angry.

Frank knew better than to get upset or worried over his dad's angry demeanor, he had long since learned that it had nothing to do with him.

"That’s why you’re going to sleep in my room,” he said as he raised his hand to stop his dad's protests.

"The window faces away from the sun and I'll tool around town for a few hours after school so you can get a full day of sleep and I'll do my homework after you go to work tonight."

"I'm not going to argue with you. Your smarter then I ever was so I would probably loose anyway." His dad said setting his mug down on the table.

Frank hated it when his dad insulted himself, even if he was only joking but he ignored the comment and finished eating while his dad stared blankly into his coffee cup.

"Come on." He said after putting his bowl in the sink.

"What?" his dad asked looking confused.

Frank walked over to his dad, took the coffee cup to the sink then went back, pulled him up from the table and dragged him down the hall to his room.

"What the hell are you doing boy?" His dad asked as he yanked his arm out of his son's iron like grip.

"Making sure you go to bed and don't sit up all day and be a zombie tonight." Frank replied with a suppressed smile at the confused look on his dad's face.

"And what makes you think that I won't get up as soon as you leave for school?" His dad asked, crossing his arms over his chest and looking a bit amused himself.

"Because I know you. Your eyes are dull, there are bags under them and you're moody, you'll be out the second your head hits the pillow." Frank said looking up at his dad's tired face.

Sam looked down at his short but stout son. They were so much alike, hard headed, and stubborn and the attitude of a tamed wildfire, and the way he looked reminded him of his mother. He just hoped his son didn't turn out like he did.

"Alright, alright you win," he finally conceded, "go to my room and grab the stuff I sleep in.” His dad said as he disappeared into Frank's room.

Frank walked down the short hall to his dad's room to retrieve his clothes. The thin, dark curtain over his widow did very little to block the sunlight pouring through. While he searched the floor for the gray t-shirt and pajama bottoms his dad wore he considered trying to talk his dad into changing rooms with him so he could sleep during the day, but as hard headed as he was the idea would hardly hold water.

After finding the clothes in a pile at the foot of the bed Frank went back to his room to find his dad sitting on the bed in only his boxers, his cover-alls crumpled on the floor.

"You need to find some time to hit the gym pops, your getting a little flabby." Frank said jokingly as he tossed the clothes to his dad.

Even though he was joking he couldn't deny the fact that over the years his dad had let himself go. He remembered seeing his dad walk around without his shirt on when he was a kid; he also remembered hoping that he had as many muscles as his dad when he got older.

Frank knew that the years had been hard on his dad; it was all he could do to take care of the two of them and make the bills. He had offered a dozen times that he could find a part time job to help out but his dad wouldn't hear of it. While his dad told him it was because he wanted him to focus on being a kid, Frank suspected it had more to do with his dad's pride than anything else.

His dad stood up and pulled on his clothes before falling back onto the bed, eyes closed.

"Sleep well Old man”, Frank said as he backed out of the room, "I'm going to the library to study so I won't be home till late."

"You better study. I want to see an improvement in your History grade from last year, and call me old man again and we'll see if your boxing lessons are paying off." His dad said with a tired smile, his eyes still closed.

"Yea right, see you tonight....Old Man." Frank said before turning and heading out the door quickly before his dad could get up.

Frank stopped by the front door to grab his backpack and check his reflection in the small mirror by the door. He took a few minutes to compare his features to his dads.

They looked a lot alike in the face except the fact that his dad kept a closely cut beard but body wise they could not be more different. His dad was at least a head taller than him. His hair was brown and he was leaner than him, but basically a taller, older, and leaner version of himself.

Frank wondered if he had inherited his height from his mom as he walked out the door. A high pitched horn drew his thoughts.

Kylies car parked in the drive way was a surprise.

"What are you doing here?" He asked coming up to the window of her car.

"I thought we could drive to school together." She said as she patted the seat next to her.

"I'd love to, but I normally ride with Josh." Frank said looking crestfallen.

"Well That’s OK I've got my cell, you can call him on the way, now get in." She replied before reaching into the backseat to grab her cell from her bag.

Frank got in and buckled the seat belt before Kylie laid her cell phone on his leg; he reached for it as she pulled out of the driveway and dialed Josh's number.

* * *

Max woke up to the sound of banging on his bedroom door. He groaned and looked over the back of Josh's head to see the clock, seven-thirty five, they had forgot to turn the alarm on.

He slid out of bed and stumbled groggily to the door.

"I'm coming." He yelled as he reached for the door knob.

He turned the knob to open the door but it was stuck, "Let go of the knob”, he said trying to pull the door open.

"Are you dressed?" His mom asked from the other side of the door, she sounded like she was close to laughing.

Max stopped trying to open the door and looked down at himself. He had dried cum on his chest and stomach, and his morning wood was pointing to the door.

"No." He mumbled through the door with a goofy smile on his face.

"Then don't open this door all the way, I'm sure Josh is in the same state as you, open it enough for me to hand you the phone, its Josh's mom."

Max opened the door just enough for his mom's hand to reach through and hand him the phone.

"And you boys better hurry up and get ready or else you are going to be late, there will be toast and butter on the counter for you." She said as Max shut the door.

Max walked over to the bed and shook Josh awake.

"Josh, Josh babe wake up, your mom is on the phone.” He said as he rolled him on to his back.

Josh sat up rubbing his eyes with his palms.

"Its who?" He asked as he reached for the phone.

"Your mom, now take this thing so I can get the shower started. We’re going to be late." He said as Josh took the phone.

After Josh finally took the phone, Max went to his bathroom and started the shower. He stepped in and let the hot water beat down on him for a few moments before lathering his hands with the soap and rubbing down his body.

"Frank called my house looking for me. Kylie picked him up for school so I don't have to get him." Josh said as he came into the bathroom to relieve himself.

"That’s cool because we are going to be late as is." Max said as he lathered and rinsed his hair.

"Yea, I guess in our excitement we forgot to turn on the alarm clock." Josh said as Max pulled back the shower curtain and stepped out.

Josh looked Max up and down taking in every detail, his smooth hairless chest, flat stomach, and his bulging arms, his thick muscular thighs and calves, and his perfectly proportioned package.

"I wish I had time to take care of that myself." Max said as he grabbed Josh's rock hard cock, successfully pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Me too." Josh replied as he wrapped his arms around Max’s waist and pulled him close to kiss him.

"Get in the shower; I'll get towels and clothes." Max said as he pushed Josh back.

"Why don't you get in with me? There a few hard spots I may need help with." Josh said with a sly smile as he slowly stroked his dick.

"As tempting as that is I know if I get in that shower with you we won't get to school today." Max said looking longingly at Josh's cock.

"So?" Josh said taking a step closer to Max. He was so close his cock was rubbing against Max thigh.

Max closed his eyes and tried to get a hold on his hormones.

"If we miss school, your parents won't be very happy will they? They may not let you stay the night anymore." he said after gaining some semi-balance of control.

Josh thought about it for a second but ultimately decided that a day of deep, passionate sex would not make up for the time that might get taken away from him if his parents got pissed.

"Go get me a towel." Josh said reluctantly as he stepped past Max and into the shower.

Max was dried enough to put on a pair of boxer briefs to restrain the hard cock Josh's advances had inspired, before running down the hall to get a towel for Josh.

When he got back to the bathroom Josh was standing in front of the shower shivering as if he had taken a bath in ice water.

"What happened baby boy?" Max asked tossing the towel around Josh.

"W...w. water turned cold suddenly n...nearly froze my balls off." He said his teeth chattering slightly.

Max pulled Josh's shivering body against his and rubbed his back and sides to warm him up. As he tried, Josh wrapped his arms around Max's waist and slid his hands under the waist band of Max's underwear and rubbed his chilled hands against the warm mounds of muscled flesh.

"OK you’re warm enough, time to get dressed." Max said pulling away from Josh when he felt his hands starting to migrate to a warmer crevice of his body.

"Come on, I’m still cold." Josh whined playfully. "I'll turn on the heat in the truck." Max said as he tossed Josh a pair of boxers.

Josh pretended to pout while he got dressed.

Max dressed in a pair of black jean shorts and a blue t-shirt with Kentucky wildcats across the chest in gold letters.

He turned around and saw Josh was wearing dark blue cargos and a white sleeveless shirt with black letters across the back saying, "Show Your true colors", with a rainbow arched under them.

"Do you know what that shirt says on the back of it?" Max asked picking up his back pack.

"No what does it say?" Josh asked trying to turn his head enough to see.

Max pulled Josh in front of the closet mirror to show him.

Josh read the words over his shoulder in the mirror, then with a furious blush turned back to Max.

"I'm going to kill her." Josh said as he picked up his bag and rummaged around inside it.

"Who?" Max asked motioning to the door.

"My Mom.” Josh said as he swung his back onto his shoulder and followed Max out of his room and down the stairs.

They each grabbed a couple pieces of toast off the counter then headed out the door.

"You want to take my truck or your car?" Max asked with a side long glance at Josh.

"Your truck, it's easier to cuddle.” Josh said with a smile.

As soon as they were in the truck and on their way Josh slid over next to Max and laid his head on his shoulder.

"So are you going to tell me why you are going to kill your mom?" Max asked at a stop light not far from school.

"I told her I was staying the night last night and riding to school with you today. She told me she would get my clothes for me because she needed me to bring a box up from the basement. Well, when I got back upstairs she had already put the stuff in my bag and her and my dad looked like they were about to crack up over something." Josh said thinking that he should have realized something was up.

"So you think she bought you the shirt?" Max asked as they turned on the road to the school.

"Yea I should have known something was up when I saw her on the computer last week. She must have ordered it from some site, because she would have to go out of town to get something like this." Josh said not bothering to move away from Max as they pulled into the student parking lot, which was unusually crowded.

"I see Kylie’s car, we can park next to her." Max said who was also puzzled as to why the parking lot was so full of students considering it was eight o'clock.

They pulled into the space next to Kylie’s car. When they got out they saw that Kylie and Frank were still sitting in the car.

"Why are you guys still out here, and why is everyone else for that matter?" Josh asked while adjusting his backpack to cover up his shirt logo.

"School might be closed for the day." Kylie said when she and Frank got out of the car.

"Why?" Max asked leaning against his truck next to Josh.

"Something about electrical problems in some of the classrooms, including the Gym. It was just after the warning bell that the principal came over the P.A. telling us to go back to the parking lot till it got sorted out, if it got sorted out." Frank said standing close to Kylie as he spoke.

"Well that’s cool I have no desire to sit through History hell, especially today." Josh said sliding his hand over Max's.

"OHHHH, so you guys are out now huh?" Kylie asked with a delighted smile on her face.

"Yea we had planed on it after we talked to Frank, beside, with Josh's shirt it would be pretty impossible not to." Max said with a wink at Josh.

"What does his shirt have to do with it?" Frank asked looking closer at Josh trying to figure out what Max meant.

"You won't find it on the front." Max said smiling

"Show us." Kylie said pulling the straps of Josh's back pack.

Josh took off his backpack and turned to show Kylie and Frank the shirt.

“Show your true colors." Kylie read tracing the rainbow.

Frank crossed his arms and looked very much like he was trying not to laugh.

"I like the shirt and I love the fact that you guys are open about your relationship, But don't you think that is just a little over the top?" Frank asked looking both concerned and amused.

"It wasn’t my idea. Apparently my folks thought they would give me a hand coming out. I told them about our plans so I guess this is just their way of been supportive. I just wished they had given me a little warning.” Josh said as he shrugged his pack back into place.

"Well their hearts are in the right place at least.” Kylie said looking a little worried herself.

"Kylie please don't look so worried, nothing is going to happen to me. I'm around friends all day, you, Max, Frank, Fay. If anything does happen I'll be fine." Josh said and Kylie hugged him tight for a few seconds.

"You better be,” she said as she let go, “I've gotten really attached to you guys and don't want to see anything bad happen." Kylie said but still looked really concerned.

"Attention Please!!!!! Attention." Mr. Stomps was standing in front of the School doors addressing the students through a bull horn flanked by Coach Mc’Cayhe and Mr. Fleet.

"As you are all aware we are having some difficulties with our electricity. The areas affected are the Gym, Mr. Fleet’s classroom, the teachers lounge, and Ms. Michael’s classroom.

Due to these difficulties we must unfortunately cancel these classes until further notice. The students who participate in theses classes will treat their absence as a free period, or study hall times. We apologize for this inconvenience and we hope to have this problem sorted out before the end of this week, again we apologize for the inconvenience. Normal classes will begin in twenty minutes." He said before returning to the school.

Both Fleet and Mc’Cayhe looked around at the assembled students with deep suspicion and resentment before turning to follow the principal.

"Who is Ms. Michael’s?" Kylie asked as she reached into the car to get her backpack.

"No clue." Max said.

"Sounds familiar but I don't know her.” Josh replied.

"It’s Jen, the creative writing teacher,” Frank replied pulling on his backpack, “She told us the first day of class." He added after seeing the stunned looks of his companions.

"That sucks, I love that class." Kylie said angrily as they walked to the school.

They hadn't noticed that Max and Josh were holding each others hands till someone cut them off at the steps leading into the school.

It was Tom and Robinson from Frank and Kylies Creative writing class.

"Mathews, I figured you were fag for Calvin here after that fight in the gym. Looks like I was right." Tom said looking down at Max and Josh's interlocked fingers.

"Wow Tom, you finally figured something out all on your own. You may even get your IQ level raised for this, maybe you'll get rated as a two instead of a one." Josh replied coolly.

"You better watch your mouth fag, unless you want something a little harder then your boyfriends’ dick shoved in it." Tom said and Robinson cracked his knuckles threateningly.

"Looks like Max and Josh aren't the only hook up around here. It looks like you and Robinson there are awful friendly.” Kylie piped up with a furious look on her face.

"Shut the hell up bitch, women should be seen, not heard." Robinson said turning his malicious eyes towards Kylie.

Before they could stop her Kylie crossed the short distance between her and Robinson and landed a backhand straight across the side of his face. Robinson staggered backward from the force of her hit, after he recovered he moved toward Kylie, but before he got more then a few steps, Max, Josh, and Frank had moved in front of her, shielding her.

"You think you three can stop me?" Robinson asked his voice full of hatred.

"Let him through, fool be picking himself up of the ground!" Kylie shouted trying to push through her guards.

"You want her, you go through us." Frank said taking a step towards Robinson.

Robinson looked at Frank for a second then turned as if to walk away before turning suddenly and swinging at his face. He dodged around Robinson and tripped him from behind, causing to fall towards Kylie and the others.

Kylie pushed Max and Josh out of the way and grabbed Robinson by the wrist as he fell. She twisted his arm up behind his back and pressed her middle finger into the hallow between his shoulder blade and neck on the opposite side, sufficiently immobilizing him.

Robinson fought against her hold but she squeezed harder on the pressure point and forced him to his knees.

As Kylie held Robinson in place, Frank, Max and Josh took up their places around her, warding off anyone coming to help him.

"What in Gods name is going on here?" A teacher yelled from the top of the stairs, or at least they thought it was a teacher. He was a well built young guy with Light brown hair and brown eyes. He walked with a slight limp and had a whistle hanging around his neck.

"Young Lady what are you doing to this boy?" he asked in a slight southern accent.

"I'm teaching this jerk a lesson in manners!” Kylie said furiously, not bothering to look up and see who she was addressing.

"May I ask what breach in etiquette deserves such harsh treatment." The Guy said crossing his large arms over his thick chest.

Kylie looked up from Robinson's pain stricken face to the guy surveying the scene.

"Him and his buddy in the black shirt insulted my friends and I," She said nodding in Toms direction," and this piece of trash threatened me and attacked my friend without provocation!" Kylie said as she lessened her grip on Robinson's shoulder. She didn't want to cause any permanent damage, just enough pain to get her point across.

"Well Miss I promise I'll help you file a complaint with the Principal and everything, but you need to let the boy go. I’m sure you don't want to hurt him on a permanent scale but the way you have him restrained can cause long lasting effects as I'm sure you know. Let him up and I'll escort you to the principal myself." He said spreading his hands out in front of him and walking forward.

Kylie released her grip on Robinson and backed away while the guy stepped forward and helped him to his feet.

"Can you feel this?" He asked as he pinched both of Robinson's arms.

"Yes." Robinson said rubbing his shoulder.

"Good, then we know there is circulation and probably no lasting damage. Well come on you three." He said looking to Robinson and Kylie then turning in Tom's direction, who had disappeared.

"Where did he go?" He asked a sudden gruffness to his voice.

No one answered.

"Damn, well it looks like it’s just us three, come on." He said in his normal tone.

"We're going with her." Max said stepping forward along with Josh and Frank.

"There’s no need for that young man she'll be just fine with me, anyhow I'm sure you three have a class to get to." He said as he gripped Robinson's shoulder, who had been inching further away from him.

"Our first classes are delayed because of the power problems." Josh said picking up Kylie’s bag. She had dropped it when she grabbed Robinson.

"And none of us are big on trusting people we don't know, and unfortunately we don't know you." Frank said stepping up to the larger man.

"Put simply, we go where she goes." Max said stepping up behind Frank.

He looked the three of them over. Determined expressions, defiant attitudes, and fierce loyalty to their friend. Near Perfect soldiers.

"Alright you three come on." He agreed and walked up the stairs, still holding on to Robinson’s shoulder with the other four in tow.

"Who the hell is this guy?" Josh whispered to the others as they followed behind the new arrival.

"I don't know; I've never seen him before." Frank said as quiet as Josh.

"I think he may be a new teacher," Max said surveying the man from behind. "I remember something about the coach bringing in help since the football team and weightlifting team are going on this year. I mean he can't do both, some of the away games are on the same dates as lifting competition. Plus he has his normal classes." Max finished as they turned the corner to the office.

"Alright you five, in." The man said opening the office door.

"Mr. Clark, What are you doing here with five students who should be in class at the moment?" Mrs. Mc’Cayhe asked irritably.

"This young lady wants to file a complaint against this young man,” he said indicating Kylie and Robinson, “and these three students insisted on coming with her, her friends I suppose." He said indicating the others.

"Alright well you two have a seat and Mr. Stomps will see you in a moment," she said pointing to two seats opposite her desk, "Mr. Stomps would like to see you immediately Mr. Clark," she said turning back to Mr. Clark, "and as for you three," She said turning to the guys, "go to class now." She finished before turning to a file cabinet to find some document.

"I'll hurry so you will have a chance to talk to him before your classes’ start." Mr. Clark said before limping down the short hall to Mr. Stomp’s office.

"Our first classes have been delayed because of the power problems, and we're not leaving Kylie alone with him." Max said taking a step closer to Mrs. Mc’Cayhe desk.

"Yea." Frank and Josh said in unison.

"You three will leave my office or face suspension and you will be lucky if Miss. Manasta does not join you for fighting,” she said in a threatening tone. “Yes, I know what happened; my window has a perfect view of the stairs out front." She shot at Kylie before sitting behind her desk with a self satisfied smile on her face.

Kylie got up from her seat and ushered the guys towards the door.

"Wait in the hall, I'll be fine,” She raised her hand to stop Josh and Frank from protesting, “but I wont be if you three get suspended,” She said seriously, “I mean who will protect me?” She added with a smile, “just go I won't be long."

"She's right.” Max said defeated. “If you need witnesses tell Stomps to talk to us." He added as he and the others stepped out into the hall.

Kylie turned around and saw that Robinson had taken the only other seat in the room, right next to hers.

"Sit down Miss. Manasta, the principal will see you in a moment." Mrs. Mc’Cayhe said without looking up from her papers.

"I'll stand." She said with an air of disgust as she watched Robinson pat the set next to him.

"You will sit or you will leave. I'll not have you standing around blocking the walk ways." Mrs. Mc’Cayhe said superiorly.

Kylie took the chair next to Robinson and moved it next to a plant that was standing by the door.

"What do you think you are doing?" Mrs. Mc’Cayhe asked looking up at Kylie.

"I am not sitting next to him." Kylie said heatedly. Her patience was wearing thin with Mrs. Mc’Cayhe.

"You know you are a stubborn, spoiled little brat. You think just because you have a rich father that the world revolves around you and your wants. That is not how things work in the real world missy, and certainly not in my office. Now put that chair back where it belongs and sit down or leave my office." Mrs. Mc’Cayhe said vehemently standing up behind her desk.

Kylie didn't say anything; she just picked up her bag and walked out with tears on her face.

"Aww the poor little rich girl got her feelings hurt." She heard Robinson call as she shut the door.

She wiped her eyes as she stepped out into the hall, noticing that it was fuller than when she went in.

"What’s wrong Kylie?" Frank asked stepping close to her so no one would hear him.

"Not. Nothing, I'm fine let’s go to the courtyard till class." She said plastering on a smile that could not conceal the tears in her eyes.

When they reached the courtyard Kylie collapsed onto one of the hard stone benches, Frank sat down next to her.

"Kylie tell us what’s wrong." Josh said kneeling down in front of her, his hand over hers.

"Nothing, nothing, I'm fine." She said plastering on the same unconvincing smile as before.

Max knelt down next to Josh and looked up into Kylies face, all the signs were there. Watery, slightly bloodshot eyes tear streaks down her cheeks, the wrinkled brow from fighting the tears.

"You're good, but not good enough." Max said as he brushed a lock of her hair back behind her ear.

Something in either Max's words or in his touch broke Kylies will. She wrapped her arms around Frank and cried on his shoulder.

Frank feeling both shocked and confused put his arm around her and patted her awkwardly on the shoulder.

After Kylie regained her composure she let go of Frank and wiped her eyes on her sleeve.

"I'm sorry. I don't normally act this way. It's just what she said to me." Kylie said looking around at them.

"Mrs. Mc’Cayhe? What did she say?" Frank asked concealing the anger in his voice.

Kylie explained what had transpired after the guys had left the office to wait for her.

"That bitch, where does she get off saying that crap to you?" Frank said standing up and striding toward the school.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, where are you going?" Josh said running up to Frank and blocking his path.

"I'm going to go tell the old bat off. She has no right talking to her like that." he said looking back at Kylie.

Her eyes locked with his for only a few moments, but in those few moments time she saw something in his eyes she had never seen in any other guy who she had ever been friends with, something she couldn't place but made her feel comforted.

She walked over and took Frank's hand and pulled him back to the bench.

"No,” She said sitting down and pulling him with her, “don't mess with her. So long as you guys don't think that about me I'm fine." She said still holding on to Frank’s hand.

"She shouldn't be allowed to talk to you like that and get away with it." Frank said looking into Kylie's eyes.

"She's just like her husband." Max said looking down at the pair and the chemistry that seemed to be around them.

"Yea, Coach is an ass to most of us. There is only a select few he lets off." Josh said wrapping his hand around Max's again.

Max smiled over at Josh and squeezed his hand.

"At least none of us have to deal with him today." Max said thinking of what a blessing it was about the electricity.

"Or Fleet. The way I see it, as teachers go, they are the biggest obstacle to you guys." Kylie said looking up at the pair.

"Yea not to mention Tom, Robinson, and whatever goons they're going to have backing them.” Frank said focusing his thoughts on them.

"What makes you think there is going to be anyone backing them?" Kylie asked as a bell went off inside the school.

"Classes are getting ready to start." Max said looking down at his watch.

"We can talk about it at lunch". Frank said remembering that his first class was English, on the other side of the school.

"What classes do we have?" Kylie asked as they made their way in to the school to swap books.

"You and I have chem. first thing." Josh said as they stopped at Kylie's and his lockers which were closest to the courtyard.

"I have English." Max asked Looking over to Frank as they walked toward his locker.

"Me too." Frank said remembering it was the only class the two of them shared alone.

"I guess we've been avoiding each other more then we realized. I don't even remember seeing you in that class the past few weeks." Max said glad that it was all over.

After they had finally got their books they split up at Frank's locker. Max and Frank to English and Josh and Kylie to Chem. "I'm worried about him today Josh." Kylie said as they half ran towards the Chemistry room.

"Frank or Max?" Josh asked as they turned the corner.

"Both." She said pausing outside the Chem. room to catch her breath.

"We'll be OK, all of us, including you." Josh said with a comforting smile before opening the door to the Chem. Class.

"You are just in time you two, take your seats and we will begin." Mr. Leech said from behind his beakers.

"Today we will be studying the corrosive effects of different forms of acid including Sulfuric, Phosphoric, and Hydrochloric."

* * *

As Josh, Kylie and the other members of their Chem. group tested small amounts of different acids on various substances Max and Frank had just barely made it to English class in time.

"Sorry we're late Ms. Wheets." Max said as he and Frank burst into the classroom.

"Take Your seats you two,” She said before turning to the rest of the class, “Alright class as I was saying before Mr.'s Thomas and Calvin busted in so exuberantly,” She said pinning both Max and Frank with a swift slightly irritated look, “I would like to share with you something my daughter and I saw the other day on our way to the store. We were on our way to pick up some groceries and we were sitting at a red light behind two young men on a yellow XLR motorized scooter. I'm sure many of you have seen them and those of you who have know that many of them have small grate like things on the back were you can anchor things with cord or strings, what have you. Well, anyone who has seen one of these up close knows that they are made of thin plastic and held on with only a few screws. One of these young men instead of holding on to his friends’ shoulders, waist, or sides had his hands behind his back holding on to this grate for support. Well I was happy to see that these young men were going to the same store as my daughter and I.

Now, I know many of you know my daughter and know that she is extremely opinionated and outspoken and she had commented to me on the way to the store how ignorant it was and when we got to the store she went up to these young men and asked why he was holding on to it instead of his friend. Can anyone guess what he told her?” She asked at the end of her story.

Several students raised there hands and gave different explanations, but Ms. Wheets rejected each explanation till Frank offered his suggestion. "Homophobia." He said when she called on him.

"Explain please." She said clasping her hands in front of her.

"He was afraid of looking gay, or that someone would see him holding onto another guy and think he was queer." He said looking over to Max as he spoke.

"You are correct Mr. Thomas. His exact words were that he didn't want to look like a queer, well he didn't use that word but I refuse to say the one he did."

The rest of the class was devoted to mini lectures on homophobia as well as students talking about their experiences with homophobia. Toward the end of the class Max was the only student who hadn't volunteered any experiences.

"Mr. Calvin do you not have an experience to share with the class?" Ms. Wheets asked toward the end of class.

Max thought about all the different things that he had experienced over the past few years before deciding on a reasonable topic.

"Yeah, it’s pretty personal but since the whole school knows I'm gay what could it hurt,” Max said with enough humor in his voice to cause everyone else to smile too, “I made the mistake of coming out at Christmas when I was fourteen. I figured you know it’s my family they'll understand and most of them did, but my Aunt and Uncle were two of them who didn’t. They left soon after I came out, they later told my mother that I wasn't allowed around my cousin Mark because they didn't want me to turn him gay, he was like my little brother." Max said thinking back to that year.

"Mr. Calvin I want to thank you for sharing such a personal memory with us. That, my class, is the worst kind of Homophobia, when it comes from inside your own family." Ms. Wheets said as she was taking a seat behind her desk.

"Your assignment class is to write me a two page essay on the cause's and impacts of homophobia in our society, to be handed in on Wednesday."

The class put away their things and began to file out.

Max and Frank were discussing the assignment on their way to meet Josh and Kylie at their lockers to swap out books and partners, when they bumped into a small guy wearing a dark gray hoodie with the hood pulled up.

"Why don't you watch where the fuck you’re walking?" He said reaching down to pick up his books. When he stood up his hood fell back. It was James.

"Sorry James, we were discussing an essay for English and weren't watching where we were going." Max said handing him a few papers he had caught when James dropped his books.

"Oh hey Max. Sorry bout swearing at you, I'm a bit sore." James said rubbing his upper arm, it was still sore from his new weightlifting regimen.

"It’s cool, I've heard worse, why are you sore?" Max asked looking over James profile, he looked bigger then he had last time he had seen him.

"I'm lifting weights, trying to bulk up a little, He said thinking of the drastic changes he was instituting. “Why haven't you called Mannie, he's been asking about you. We could have used your help with the operation." James said thinking of how difficult it was to get into the school before it was opened without leaving too many traces.

"It’s been kind of hectic with me for a few weeks.” Max said slightly puzzled over James' drastic personality change, “What operation?" He asked in after thought.

"I'm going to be late for class, meet me in study hall and we will talk more." James said before hurrying past Max and Frank.

"Come on, we are going to be late too." Frank said heading back on their original course.

Kylie and Josh were standing by their lockers when they finally met up with them.

"What took you guys so long?" Kylie asked as they headed off towards Max and Frank's lockers.

"We ran into James on the way here, he mentioned that group again and something about some operation they could have used my help with." Max said exchanging books.

"What kind of operation?" Josh asked scanning the hall, taking in each face that was looking their way.

"No clue but it sounded kind of shady." Max said stepping up to Josh and pushing him slightly.

"What was that for?" He asked turning to Max, who was smiling.

"I was just wondering what was so interesting that you weren't listing to us." Max asked taking Josh's hand.

"Nothing. I've just been getting lots of looks today, hearing whispers during class, not that I am complaining.

It's just getting to be a little annoying; you would think that these people had never seen a gay pride shirt." Josh said raising his voice during the last part.

"I doubt it’s just the shirt. Half the school was outside when we had our little altercation with Tom and Robinson.” Kylie said bending down to tie her shoe.

"So what classes do you guys have next?" Frank offered his hand to help her up.

"Well Kylie and I have history but since it’s canceled I guess we will just go to the library or something." Max said leaning against the lockers still holding Josh's hand.

"Yea, Josh and I have Social studies, which is unfortunately still on." Frank said with a grimace. He hated Mrs. Reeves.

"Cool, well you guys better get going. We'll meet you back here after your class." Max said before wrapping his arms around Josh's waist and pulling him close for a quick kiss.

A few people in the hall stopped to stare at the sight, some of them even cheered.

"How many people are looking at us?" Josh whispered his forehead still touching Max's.

"Enough to where if you charged five bucks from every person you could make a few hundred bucks." Fay called from down the short hall.

"What are you two doing since History is canceled?" Fay asked as Frank and Josh left for Social studies; Josh looking rather red.

"We don't know.” Kylie said tossing her arm around Max.

"Come to the court yard with me. I'm meeting a few people there whose classes are canceled and who have free periods."

Having nothing better to do they followed Fay out to the courtyard. Max saw a few people he knew. Fay's friends Mary and Jena came up and hugged Max, congratulating him on coming out and hooking up with Josh. James was sitting in a corner with his hood up; he must have been mistaken about being late for a class. Tucker came up and introduced him to Curtis. Max was taken back slightly by Curtis, they had talked a few times and Max had never had any inclination that he was gay.

"We heard you and Josh Mathews hooked up." Curtis said as he and Tucker sat down with Max when Kylie went to talk to Fay and her friends.

"God word travels fast in this school." Max said with a smile.

"So you guys did, when?" Tucker asked leaning against Curtis.

"Last week." Max said before launching into an explanation of how he and Josh had gotten together.

"Man you guys went through a lot of shit together." Curtis said wrapping his arm around Tucker.

"Yea and I don't think its going to get any easier. I suppose you guys heard about what happened this morning on the school steps?" Max asked looked over at James through the corner of his eye. Noting how rigid he looked.

"No, we saw it. We were at the bottom of the stairs when it happened." Tucker said watching Max's eyes and the way he was looking.

"You know the guy in the corner?" Tucker asked in a low voice.

"His name is James." Max said explaining how he knew him.

"Yea one of their "representatives" came up to us the other day too." Suspicion coloring Curtis's voice...

"What do you think of it?" Max asked.

"I think it's kind of cool, but Curtis is suspicious of it." Tucker said poking Curtis in the ribs.

"Why?" Max asked noting the way Curtis's eyes narrowed when he looked over towards James' corner.

"I don't really know myself; just something about it doesn’t seem right." Curtis said scratching his head.

"I get what you mean. I ran into James in the hall earlier, he mentioned that the group could have used my help on some project they did." Max replied starting to feel a little suspicious himself.

"You guys will never believe what I just heard." Kylie said running over to Max.

"Hi Kylie." Tucker said politely.

"Hey Tucker, hi Curtis." Kylie said shaking their hands.

"What did you hear Kylie?" Curtis asked wrapping his arm around Tucker again.

"I heard from one of Fay's friends who work in the office during her morning free period that the rooms where the power is out were sabotaged." Kylie said in a low voice.

"What do you mean sabotaged?" Tucker asked raising his head off Curtis's shoulder.

"She heard Stomps talking to some electricians. They told him that the power cables running the power to those rooms from the basement had been deliberately cut." Kylie said her voice even lower.

"How is that possible? To do that you would have to have not only the school blue prints but the electrical guides too." Curtis said disbelieving. He knew what he was talking about, his dad having been an Architect and Electrician.

"I don't know but it sounds like someone wanted to send a message to someone having just cut the wires to those rooms instead of to the whole place."

Max was silent as Tucker, Curtis and Kylie discussed the event. He was thinking of what James had said about the project.

"Max, what do you think?" Tucker asked pulling Max out of his thoughts.

"I think I know what happened. I'll be right back." Max said standing up and going over to James corner and pulling him into the school.

Max half drug James to an empty bathroom down the hall.

"What the hell are you doing?" James said yanking his arm away from Max with more force than Max had thought he was capable of.

"Did your little project have anything to do with the power outages in the classrooms?" Max asked surveying James with a mix of anger and curiosity. This wasn't the same James who he had talked to weeks before.

"Yea it did. Me and a few others snuck in last night and cut the cables. All we meant to do was the

Gym and Fleets classroom, the others were accidents." James said pulling his hood back and looking very happy.

"How, why?" Max asked incredulously.

"Why? We wanted to send a message to those two bigots, that’s why. As to how, that is privileged information to only those of us who were involved." James said balling one hand into a fist and sliding the other into the pouch of his hoodie.

Max was tempted to move towards James, intimidating him into talking, but something about the way James held himself was different from the last time they met, like a wild animal backed into a corner. Max stayed where he was.

"Come on you can tell me, I won’t tell anyone." Max said changing tactics.

"Don't try that buddy up shit on me Max, or your intimidation tactics. They don't work, not anymore." James said an angry tone in his voice.

Max's eyes strayed to the pouch of James' hoodie. He could tell that James had his fist clamped around something, a hard line extended from the bulge as it pressed against the fabric. He didn't want to take the chance of James having something he decided to reverse.

"Fine, you ain't got to tell me, I'll find out eventually though James. I'll find who was with you and how you did it. And I would keep what ever you have in that pocket to yourself, unless you want it used on you." Max said pulling on his darker demeanor.

Max turned and left the bathroom before James could say anything else. Half way down the hall he ran into Kylie, Curtis and Tucker.

"Where did you drag James off to?" Kylie asked handing Max his bag.

Max pulled the three of them down into a huddle before relating what had happened in the bathroom.

"Go to Stomps.” Tucker said immediately.

"It would be my word against his. Besides I'm not one of Stomps favorite students, not after the hell that got raised over Fleet." Max said as they pulled apart.

"Then I will." Curtis offered.

"Same problem your word against his. James has changed too; when I first met him he was scared of me.

Now it’s almost like he wanted me to attack him. If he found out who snitched..."Max let his sentence trail off.

"Then I'll go. I'm not afraid of him." Kylie said turning and starting off towards the principal’s office.

"Oh, no you don't,” Max said blocking her path while Curtis and Tucker came up behind her, “You're not saying anything. Even without all the other stuff, how would you tell him you found out about it without telling your source?" Max said redirecting her.

"Fine, but I think its time we keep an eye on him and the goings on here at the school." Kylie said crossing her arms over her chest.

"I think she's right,” Curtis said looking at his watch, “anyway our classes start soon we need to get going."

Max looked at his watch too and said the same thing.

The pairs separated after making plans to meet for lunch in the courtyard.

"This place is just full of secrets isn’t it?" Kylie said sarcastically when they reached Max's locker.

"Yea, all we need is a few hidden passages and we'll be set." Max commented scanning the halls for Frank and Josh.

"There they are." Kylie said excitedly pointing down the hall.

"Hey baby how was your free time?" Josh asked taking Max's hand as he came up to him.

"Interesting." Kylie answered for him seeing as how Josh had kissed Max before he could answer.

"How so?" Frank asked leaning against the wall next to Kylie, letting Max and Josh have their moment.

Kylie explained in a low voice what had happened during their break.

"You’re serious?" Josh asked breaking his kiss with Max.

"Wow, I am surprised you could hear me over all the slurping." Kylie said with a laugh that was cut short.

"What do you two think you are doing?" Fleet had come up to them his eyes furious and his crucifix swinging madly.

"Which two are you are you talking to, as you can see there are four of us here." Franks said sarcastically.

"Shut up boy,” Fleet said coldly before turning on Max and Josh. “This is a place of learning, not a sinners den, to the principals’ office both of you!" He said loudly enough for several people in the hall to stop.

"Unfortunately Mr. Fleets you have no authority to make them go to the office." Kylie said stepping between Fleet and Max and Josh.

"I have every authority needed young lady. These students are blatantly flaunting their blasphemous actions in the corridors." He said savagely.

"One, According to the School Guide Lines you are not allowed to pass judgment either religious or moral on any student due to color, creed, or sexual orientation. And two, there are no rules in the guide lines that prohibit public displays of affection between students of any orientation short of full-on sexual intercourse on school grounds. So unless you want max to file ANOTHER compliant against you to the School Board I suggest you back up." Kylie said furiously.

Fleet stood in shock at the audacity Kylie had exhibited before walking off looking as though someone had fed him sour cabbage.

After he had cleared the hall everyone who had stopped to watch busted out in applause and cheering Kylie.

"Does it really say all that in the School Guide Lines?" Frank asked in shock himself.

"It sure does, it also says that Fleet can report me for insubordination during school hours, but I hope he doesn’t know that.” She said with a loud laugh.

"You are amazing." Max said kissing Kylie hard on the cheek.

"I knew becoming friends with you would be a good thing.” Josh said as the four of them made their way to class.



Thanks to Rush for assisting in editing my story.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, more to follow soon. If you have any comments, suggestions or criticisms or just want to talk I would love to hear it lol, you can email me at allenarcane88@yahoo.comor leave a PM via my profile page.

Copyright © 2014 NightOwl88; All Rights Reserved.
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Recommended Comments

Chapter Comments

This nice little story is suddenly taking a rather darker tone.


Fleet's a total a-hole but he seems to be getting more nasty as the year goes on. That can't be good.


James looks like a roid case - and a tad unstable at that.


Robinson and Tom look like they are gunning for the boys, and while they have Frank for help and Kylie, that doesn't bode well if they find themselves even more out numbered.


All in all the happy parts are being tamped down by the hints of danger you are weaving through this.

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On 04/10/2011 07:38 AM, Andrew_Q_Gordon said:
This nice little story is suddenly taking a rather darker tone.


Fleet's a total a-hole but he seems to be getting more nasty as the year goes on. That can't be good.


James looks like a roid case - and a tad unstable at that.


Robinson and Tom look like they are gunning for the boys, and while they have Frank for help and Kylie, that doesn't bode well if they find themselves even more out numbered.


All in all the happy parts are being tamped down by the hints of danger you are weaving through this.

YO ANDY BRAH!!!!! lol hey. A hint of darkness can be fun...but it has to be kept in check lol. Fleet...hmm yes the history professor is a problem, one wonders how much so? James, he is a unique one for me to write...and a bit difficult as well. Robbinson and Tom, who didn't know that those two would join forces lol. Things there will get interesting. Best,Owl
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Uh oh i smell trouble. I'm glad Max and Josh have Frank and Kylie in their corner. ugh didn't like how the coach's wife treated Kylie . love that Frank wanted to tell her off for it lol. James scares me...i don't trust him and i'm glad Max and curtis are suspicious too. Max confronting James was good. They need to be careful. and the insight on Frank was great as well, i hope Josh is able to talk to his dad about interviewing Frank's dad. can't wait to read further and see what lurks in the darkness for the boys

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On 07/31/2012 05:01 PM, Jammi said:
Uh oh i smell trouble. I'm glad Max and Josh have Frank and Kylie in their corner. ugh didn't like how the coach's wife treated Kylie . love that Frank wanted to tell her off for it lol. James scares me...i don't trust him and i'm glad Max and curtis are suspicious too. Max confronting James was good. They need to be careful. and the insight on Frank was great as well, i hope Josh is able to talk to his dad about interviewing Frank's dad. can't wait to read further and see what lurks in the darkness for the boys
Hey Fleeting, good to see you again,


Of course you do, have you not read my work before lol.


Max, Josh, Frank, and Kylie are a good little quartet; I thik they might be one of the best groups that I've put together.


Kylie has to have a few growing pains, new girl in a new area after all; assumptions have to be made. I wrote James to be scary so I'm glad it's working, like I said; we'll see more of him.


It took me longer to bring Frank's life into the story that I first thought it would but other plot's needed to be addressed first. I'm glad that you've enjoyed it though.




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On 07/31/2012 05:01 PM, Jammi said:
Uh oh i smell trouble. I'm glad Max and Josh have Frank and Kylie in their corner. ugh didn't like how the coach's wife treated Kylie . love that Frank wanted to tell her off for it lol. James scares me...i don't trust him and i'm glad Max and curtis are suspicious too. Max confronting James was good. They need to be careful. and the insight on Frank was great as well, i hope Josh is able to talk to his dad about interviewing Frank's dad. can't wait to read further and see what lurks in the darkness for the boys
Hey Fleeting, good to see you again,


Of course you do, have you not read my work before lol.


Max, Josh, Frank, and Kylie are a good little quartet; I thik they might be one of the best groups that I've put together.


Kylie has to have a few growing pains, new girl in a new area after all; assumptions have to be made. I wrote James to be scary so I'm glad it's working, like I said; we'll see more of him.


It took me longer to bring Frank's life into the story that I first thought it would but other plot's needed to be addressed first. I'm glad that you've enjoyed it though.




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Interesting how the students seem to know more about the rules and codes of conducts in that school than the teachers and principal does. So how big is the explosion going to be when all the bigotry from staff and students finally build up a big enough head of steam. Why was Mr. Clark limping if he's the new asst. Coach probably doesnt look good him limping around. Also I don't think I want to physically go up against Kylie I don't think she is your typical girlie girl lol.

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On 08/03/2013 04:15 PM, Daithi said:
Interesting how the students seem to know more about the rules and codes of conducts in that school than the teachers and principal does. So how big is the explosion going to be when all the bigotry from staff and students finally build up a big enough head of steam. Why was Mr. Clark limping if he's the new asst. Coach probably doesnt look good him limping around. Also I don't think I want to physically go up against Kylie I don't think she is your typical girlie girl lol.
Hello Daithi, always a pleasure to see you.


I don't think it's that they know more, the students are just more willing to use them properly. I may not have written it clearly enough but folks like Fleet don't set much store by the rules. They tend to think their presence and righteousness alone will keep people from questioning them.


The explosion is still in the works but I assure when it does happen, it will be fun.


Mr. Clark's limp will be explained in the future so i hope you're patient. Kylie isn't a good person to mess with, she can be rather brash when she wants to be.




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