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Max and Josh

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Max is gay, but hasn't told his firends yet. He's also in love with his friend Josh, who loves him too. What happens when Max's friends find out his secret? Will Josh be brave enough to tell Max how he feels? Will they be able to make the transition between friends and lovers? Their story won't be the only one told. Enemies turn out to be friends, and family turn's out to be enemies. All the while secrets buried in Max's past complicate his future.

Copyright © 2014 NightOwl88; All Rights Reserved.

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Ok, something weird just happened Night. You posted a chapter 24 and I clicked on it, but there was no writing, no chapter, so I hit the review button and told you the chapter wasn't there.


Then I get a notification from you that you responded to my "review", but there's no "review". I guess it got deleted, and when I clicked on the chapter in the lastest story updates, it said an error has occurred and the story isn't there....I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. :(

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On 02/09/2012 03:00 PM, Lisa said:
Ok, something weird just happened Night. You posted a chapter 24 and I clicked on it, but there was no writing, no chapter, so I hit the review button and told you the chapter wasn't there.


Then I get a notification from you that you responded to my "review", but there's no "review". I guess it got deleted, and when I clicked on the chapter in the lastest story updates, it said an error has occurred and the story isn't there....I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. :(

It's ok Lisa, if you are in the zone than so am I. If you want to take a look I think the chapter is there, don't thank me though, it was Lugh's doing, he got it to work lol
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I was a bit hesitant to read this since it dwells on a very common theme used here in GA BUT decided to give it a go anyway. I'm so so glad I did oh my goodness! Non stop reading, no joke, well I read every chance I had lol. I absolutely love your characters, and I'm glad that you delve into each one, regardless of how minor they are, especially Toms. That Tom was "Danny" surprised me and I screamed like a school girl itching to read and learn more about him. Although I had to say that that remark Josh had made to him in that little tiff they hadc in the gym certainly made me think. I absolutely love their story! One thing I'd say is that there needs to be a bit more light shed on Fay, what her upbringing and history is like. If I missed it somehow my apologies. Regardless, please please pleeeeeease keep writing, us fans are on our knees begging you to continue!! I realize you have your own life, but if there is time throughout your schedule to continue, please seize it. This thing with Tom and Mark is awesome, DEF popular I'd say. You could always add a character who tries to ruin Max's relationship by having the character try to get with either one of them, that always spices things up! Just a friendly suggestion, good for thought is all :) Of course you can do whatever the heck you want with it xD Point being? Don't quit!!! Lol. You're just too good a writer, def up there at the top of the GA list I dare say :)

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On 07/15/2013 05:02 PM, vanilla_open_sky10 said:
I was a bit hesitant to read this since it dwells on a very common theme used here in GA BUT decided to give it a go anyway. I'm so so glad I did oh my goodness! Non stop reading, no joke, well I read every chance I had lol. I absolutely love your characters, and I'm glad that you delve into each one, regardless of how minor they are, especially Toms. That Tom was "Danny" surprised me and I screamed like a school girl itching to read and learn more about him. Although I had to say that that remark Josh had made to him in that little tiff they hadc in the gym certainly made me think. I absolutely love their story! One thing I'd say is that there needs to be a bit more light shed on Fay, what her upbringing and history is like. If I missed it somehow my apologies. Regardless, please please pleeeeeease keep writing, us fans are on our knees begging you to continue!! I realize you have your own life, but if there is time throughout your schedule to continue, please seize it. This thing with Tom and Mark is awesome, DEF popular I'd say. You could always add a character who tries to ruin Max's relationship by having the character try to get with either one of them, that always spices things up! Just a friendly suggestion, good for thought is all :) Of course you can do whatever the heck you want with it xD Point being? Don't quit!!! Lol. You're just too good a writer, def up there at the top of the GA list I dare say :)
Hello, Sky10 (If you don't like the abbreviation please let me know)Thanks for reviewing, I always appreciate feedback. I just want to take a moment to apologize for it having taken me so long to reply, things had been crazy lately.


You're right, Teen romance is a popular here at GA and I want to thank you for taking a chance on my work.


I can't tell you how much it means to me that you enjoy my work with my characters. I strive to make them seem real and alive.

As to Tom's character I've admitted this before but he has always been my most developed character. The fact that he was Danny I think got a lot of people.


On Fay I have to admit that I have let her fall to the wayside somewhat. I do have plans for her in the future, I'm just hoping that it doesn't seem to far out of left field. I assure that I am still writing and will do so until this story is finished, and hopefully after.


Tom and Mark is an excellent companion story, if I can say so myself. i have to admit that I'm looking forward to developing it more.


A home wrecker is something I hadn't considered, I'll keep it in mind.


It means so much to me that you think so highly of my work. I honestly can't put it into words. Thank you.


I hope to hear from you again.




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