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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

You Can't Buy Love - 9. Chapter 9

Chapter 9

David followed Rob to his Dad’s house, and parked in front on the circular driveway. David got out of the truck and looked at the front door of the house seeing Heath standing there. Rob got out of his truck and walked over to David’s. “You still are doing ok?” Rob asked as he gave him a kiss.

“Ya, I’m fine babe.” David took hold of Rob’s hand. “Let’s get this over with.”

“Ok, come on.” Rob led the way to the front door.

“Hi, Dad,” Rob said stopping in front of his Dad.

“Morning Rob, David. You doing ok?” Heath asked David.

“Ya, I just need some answers about what is going on,” David said as he followed Heath and Rob into the house.

David and Rob went and sat on the couch beside each other. Rob laid his hand on David’s leg turning to give him a smile. Heath took one of the chairs facing the couch. “Eric should be here in a bit. David, I need to know if you know anything about Jack’s habit and if the police are going to find drugs in your room. I am not saying you are using, but if you think your brother would push any of this onto you, I need to know,” Heath said leaning forward putting his arms on his legs.

“Heath, I don’t know what Jack or any of my family would do anymore. I have never used drugs and there should not be any in my room. But you know what we found the other day and what is going on, so I don’t know what Jack would do. I guess if he wants not to get in trouble, then ya, I would not put it past him if they find anything to say it was mine. But I would demand a blood test and anything else to prove they are not mine,” David said, then got up and started pacing, thinking that he just wanted to go crawl under a rock and not come out. He couldn’t deal with going to jail for something he did not do. He did know when this shit was over his brother had better run and never stop.

Rob saw how David was getting mad again. He got up and went over to him pulling him into a hug. “Babe, I love you and I believe you. I know Dad does too. We will get through this together. You are not alone, and I’m not going anywhere.” Rob kissed David.

David hugged Rob a little tighter saying. “I know babe, I love you too. Just don’t leave me please. I don’t know what I would do if you did that.”

Rob was looking into David’s eyes. “I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”

The doorbell rang. Heath got up and answered it. “Hi, Eric come in. David and Rob are already here.”

Eric looked at Heath smiling. “Good and this is Detective Hanson,” Eric introduced the man standing next to him.

Heath shook the man’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Detective. Come in and have a seat.” Heath showed them to the living room where Rob and David was at, sitting back on the couch holding hands. “Rob, David, this is Detective Hanson and you both know the District Attorney. Have a seat gentleman. Would any of you like a cup of coffee or something to drink before we get underway with the questioning?” Heath asked looking at everybody in the room.

“I am fine Dad,” Rob said looking at David.

“No, I am fine Heath.”

“Heath, I had my share of coffee already this morning, thank’s” Eric said.

“I am fine too Mr. Jensen, thank you,” the detective replied.

“Ok, since we are all set, let me inform you that I will be representing Mr. Andrews as his lawyer,” Heath told the detective and Eric.

“That is fine, we just need to clear a few things up and then we will get on with what we have to do,” Detective Hansen said to Heath, who nodded to indicate it was ok.

“David did you know your brother was involved with drugs?” the detective asked. Since he was going to do all of the questioning, he started.

“No, I did not know,” David responded.

“Ok. Have you seen any weird comings and goings at the apartment you share with your brother?”

“No, I am not there that much. I go to work, come home, eat, then go to Rob’s apartment for the evening, then go back home and go to bed. I don’t even really pay a whole lot of attention if Jack is even home. He has his friends and I have mine.”

“Ok, do you know of this man or have you seen him around the apartment?” the detective handed David a mug shot of a male with brown shaggy hair and a tattoo of a spider web on the side of his neck.

David took it and looked at it shaking his head no. He looked at Rob and he was shaking his head no too. “No, I have never seen this man before. Who is this person?” David asked.

“That is one of the men your brother is connected with, a known drug dealer. He is a small timer but he is still a supplier in the area. We have been watching him for a long time and we have seen your brother associating with him.”

“How is this all connected with my grandparents wills? That is what we went to the D.A. for. Now drugs are involved. I am totally confused about all this.”

“Mr. Andrews, when the D.A. was running background checks on the people involved with your missing money, your brother’s name was linked to the case I have been working on. So I contacted the D.A. myself when I got a flag on my computer that someone was looking into his background. I needed to know why he was running a background check on your brother.”

“Ok I understand that part, but why would my brother be moving all his things and maybe my things out of the apartment now? Was he tipped off somehow? And how are my parents involved in this?”

“Your parents as of right now are not on the list of names I have. Maybe your brother just asked them to help him move his things out of the apartment, we don’t know why yet. That is why when Mr. Jensen called the D.A. and told him what your bother was doing. He called me. We wanted you to stay away from the apartment, so when the search warrant was served you were not there.”

“Is my name on your list?” David asked with his hands shaking.

“No your name is not on the list. The only connection we could find was your name being on the lease of the apartment with your brother. We have had your apartment under surveillance for over a week. I can tell you right now, I have a list of when you have been there and not been there at the apartment. We believe you have no connection with the drugs, but we needed you to talk to us and see if you could help. Maybe you saw something or heard something that could help us with this case.”

“I don’t think I can, maybe the guy I found Jack in bed with could but I don’t know anything. I stayed out of Jack’s business and he stayed out of mine.”

“Do you know who Jack was with? I have some more photos of the people going in and out of the apartment, if you will look at them for me and let me know if it is any of them.”

“Ya, I will look, but I didn’t get a good look at the man. The whole thing happened so fast and Jack got me out of the room pretty quick.”

The detective handed David a file with over a dozen photos in it. As David was going through them, Heath got up and went behind the couch to see the photos himself. David was handing each one to Rob after he looked at them. David stopped and looked at one really closely and put it off to the side. He ended up putting four of them off to the side when he was done looking at them all. He picked up the photos that were next to him and looked at Rob shaking his head. Rob looked at David then at the photos in David’s lap. Rob spread them out on the coffee table and pointed to one of them.

“When the hell was he there?” Rob looked at the detective waiting for an answer.

“Do you both know that man David?” the detective asked.

“No I don’t, but he looks familiar,” David said looking at Rob. “Rob do you know who that is?”

“Ya, I do, and I want to know why he was in the apartment and when?”

Detective Hansen turned the photo over and looked at the information on the back of it. “It says here that he was there at 0400 on Tuesday of last week. Now tell me how you know this man?”

Rob turned around and looked at his Dad. “Dad do you want to answer that or should I?”

“I can answer it,” Heath said. He looked at the detective. “That is my nephew, Danny. He is my brother’s son. Do you know why he would be there and will you tell me what his connection to all this is?”

“I can’t tell you all the details but, what I can tell you is that, he has been seen at the apartment and other places with Jack Andrews. He is being watched and that is all I can say, and I need it to not go out of this room that he is being watched.”

“Dad, how would he know Jack? I have known Jack for a long time maybe Danny has seen us at some of the bars we hung out at, but I have not been around Jack that much since David and I have been together. It has been almost a year now since I have been to a bar with Jack. I wonder if this has something to do with the business.”

“It could, but I have not heard anything myself. I will make some phone calls and find out,” Heath told Rob.

“David do you recognize any of the other men? You put these aside maybe you know them?” the detective asked looking at David.

“Ya, this one.” David picked up a photo handing it to the detective. “This is the one that was in Jack’s bed. Who is he?” David asked.

“His name is Andy and he has been with your brother a lot, we have seen them in numerous places together. He doesn’t have a criminal background, we think he is only a friend but we are still looking into it. Do you recognize the others?” the detective asked pointing to the other two photos.

“Ya, but not in the apartment, only outside getting into a vehicle at the complex. I thought they lived there or were visiting somebody. I never paid a whole lot of attention to it.”

“Ok, hang on.” the detective’s phone started ringing. He listened to whoever was on the other end, and then hung up. “That was an officer at your apartment. They have searched the place and your room was clean, but Jack’s car was not. They arrested him for “possession of a controlled substance” and he is being booked at the county jail. So what I am going to do is let you in your apartment and get what you need out while I have some officers stand by.”

“I was in the process of moving out this weekend. Could I just take everything that is in my room? That is all that is mine; everything else of mine is in a storage locker already. Jack was living there before me so when I moved in with him I only brought my bedroom things.”

“I don’t see why not as long as it doesn’t take too long to get it out, we can’t keep the officers from doing their job.”

“Do you think we can get it all out pretty fast Rob? I have my truck and yours but I don’t know if just the two of us can get it all out that fast,” David looked at Rob.

“Let me call the shop and see if I can get a couple of the guys to help.” Rob got his phone out and called the shop. “This is Rob, put Ryan on the phone please…Hey Ryan could you and Bill help me move somebody out of their apartment…ya like right now…I will leave you on the clock so you will still be paid and you won’t lose anytime at work…ok meet me at #### Cider Lane…Yep bring as many as you can find and grab one of the company trucks…ok see ya in a bit…wait in the truck if I am not there…ok thanks, bye.” Rob hung up. “All set, as long as the officers will wait long enough for us to get there,” Rob said looking at the detective.

The detective called the officer back and told them that David Andrews will be there in a bit to get his things out of the apartment and for them to stand by there. “Ok just get your things out. I am going back to the office to interview your brother. I don’t think I will need you any further in this but if I do, I will contact Mr. Jensen and let him know. Thank you for answering my questions.” The detective got up to leave. “I will be in contact later with you,” he said looking at the D.A.

“Ok, call me later and we can talk then,” Eric said.

Heath walked the detective to the door and thanked him for coming here instead of calling David into the office. They shook hands and Heath closed the door, walked back into the living before sitting back down looking at Eric. “Now can you tell us if you found out anything yet?”

“No nothing yet, I have two detectives looking into for me. I figure that I would give them till Monday and if I don’t hear anything by then I would call them then,” Eric said.

“Ok, so do you really think this detective was not looking in David’s direction or was he just fishing for information?” Heath asked.

“No, David is in the clear. I looked at all the reports and his name is not in them except for his name being linked to the apartment. This Hansen guy doesn’t go on fishing expeditions; he tells you how it is straight up.” Eric said and looked at David. “David you are in the clear with whatever your brother is involved with. You just need to get your things out of that apartment and stay away from it. Also get your name off the lease if you can.”

“I will talk to the managers and see what I can do, I might have to pay a penalty but that is doable if it needs to be done. Thanks, for all that you have done for me, and please let me know what you find out. I am trying to stay away from my parent’s house until you find something out for me. They haven’t called me which is not strange since, I might talk to them once a month, if that.” David said standing up. “Babe we need to go or your guys from work will be there before us and I want to know what is left in the apartment. Wonder what happened to the stuff I saw in my father’s truck. I bet they had to unload it, so it could be searched too, which is not going to set very well with my father.”

“Well he can lump it, I bet he knew Jack was up to something. Let’s just go to the apartment and get your stuff and take it to mine and then we can take what won’t be needed right away to your storage unit.” Rob said standing next to David. “Thanks for all the help Eric.” Rob shook Eric’s hand turning to his Dad. “I will call and let you know we got everything out with no problems.”

“Ok, Rob bring everything back here. I will move the car out of the garage and then you two can sort everything out and box it up the right way before taking it to storage. That way you won’t have to be walking all over it in your apartment. And David can see if anything is missing. With what went down David can make his brother pay for anything that was broken or missing.”

“Babe, it is up to you how you want to do this. I know you have your bed, dressers and desk that need to go into storage.” Rob said.

“It might be better with bringing everything here so we aren’t walking all over it. I am only leaving out my clothes and a few other things, but we need to pack it right so nothing gets broke.” David said, and looked at Heath. “If you think it would not be a problem, I will take you up on your offer for the use of the garage.”

“That is fine David. You have all weekend to get everything moved into the right place. You two get moving and I will see you in a couple hours.”

Rob and David walked out and got in their trucks heading to the apartment.





As the author, I take final responsibility for all parts of the story, including any errors.

Copyright © 2015 ShadowDancer; All Rights Reserved.
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