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Feature Story: Chosen Of Honorus



We're doing something a bit different this week. We were priviliged to have a great interview with Quonus10, both about his new Premium story Chosen of Honorus, as well as his experiences with getting published. I've broken his interview into two parts - today we give you his thoughts on his new story and tomorrow you'll have his thoughts on being published. We hope you enjoy this two parter!





Status: Premium, in progress
Word Count so far: 30,626




How did the idea for Chosen of Honorus come to you?


The beginnings of this series was about six years ago. Like most of my writing, it started with an image. I saw Farrell sitting outside the mountain. I still have that scene, but it is nothing what it ultimately evolved into. Once I fleshed out the original scene, I started to back fill and lay out the world, the players, the conflict, etc.


I know you went through an arduous editing process with an independent editor who really forced you to consider a lot of new information as you polished the story. Can you give us an idea of the process and what it taught you?


Once it was decided I would work on this for GA’s Premium Content section, I began to rewrite the story. Over six years I learned a few things about perspective, head hopping, tense, etc. The original story board changed a bit over time as well, meaning in future chapters I wanted to do things that conflicted with the beginning. After that, Anyta Sunday read it and made suggestions to each chapter. Only after all that did I send it to the independent editor. At the time I felt pretty good about it and thought it would sail through. Wrong. First I was told to go back and rewrite every chapter, eliminating wordy sections and replacing weak verbs. She – the editor – gave me guidelines to use as I self edited again. We also started a story guide where we put down all the ‘rules’ of the world. For instance, was it Grand Master Wizard or grand master wizard? High Priest or high priest? We referred to the guide often to be sure we kept things consistent. Finally, she started reviewing things like this scene needs work, or what was the purpose of this character? Oh, well then in that case you need to add more here. Those kind of comments and corrections.


When I was finished, I had a new appreciation for the difference between good writing and published quality writing. I’ve tried to incorporate those things going forward and it has actually slowed my writing down. But I’m hopeful it will reduce the amount of time editing and re-editing.


What’s next for you? Are you working on the next part of Miceral and Farrel’s story or something new?


Miceral and Farrell’s story is by no means complete. I have probably the next 3-4 books written, depending on how long they each are. Those need a major rewrite just as Chosen did, but I’ve started that process. In addition, Anyta and I are working on another story we hope Dreamspinner will want to publish and I’ve started a sequel to Second Shot. But doing all at once is too much to focus on at one time, so I’m going to work with Anyta on that book and work on revising the next book of The Champions of the Gods series. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I have the need to write about Harlin and Stefrem, the two characters featured in a Cold Rain. That one is on the back burner for the foreseeable future, but I’d really love to get that written one day as well.

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Recommended Comments

I really enjoyed reading this interview. Andy's an awesome writer, so what a treat it was for him to let us inside his mind (the relatively clean part) and see how he thinks. These sentences fascinated me:


The beginnings of this series was about six years ago. Like most of my writing, it started with an image. I saw Farrell sitting outside the mountain.


I contrasted that to how I usually visualize a story, and for me, I usually see an interaction, a dialog of sorts between two characters. It's great to see how other authors get their inspirations!

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I like Qtee for different reasons, I haven't read his stuff yet. I have my reasons, The first reason was a member going on and on about Second Shot, actually put me off. I assumed it was a sporty story and I dont do sport. The second is my list of "things to read" and I'm a slow reader. So I will get to you Qtee :)

He is a man I admire and respect, and have done from joining GA.

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I really enjoyed reading this interview. Andy's an awesome writer, so what a treat it was for him to let us inside his mind (the relatively clean part) and see how he thinks. These sentences fascinated me:




I contrasted that to how I usually visualize a story, and for me, I usually see an interaction, a dialog of sorts between two characters. It's great to see how other authors get their inspirations!


Thanks Mark - coming from someone I admire that meant a lot. After reading the part in bold it made me wonder how others get inspiration for stories. I mean, I understand the inspiration for sequels, but the original spark - where does it come from. Maybe I'll start a thread on the writers corner asking folks. But one question, do you see the characters having the dialogue or do you just imagine the conversation? The former is close to what happens for me, the later - well, I don't know what that feels like. :P


I like Qtee for different reasons, I haven't read his stuff yet. I have my reasons, The first reason was a member going on and on about Second Shot, actually put me off. I assumed it was a sporty story and I dont do sport. The second is my list of "things to read" and I'm a slow reader. So I will get to you Qtee smile.png

He is a man I admire and respect, and have done from joining GA.


Geez Mark, I wonder who that 'member' could be. :rolleyes:


You don't need to get to me, I'm not that way. If it's a choice between reading my books and speaking to you, I'd choose the later. But if you don't do sporty - read Purpose first, I think it's better written and more original than Second Shot anyway. Just don't tell that "member" I said that. :whistle:

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I loved Second Shot - yes, it has a little bit of sports, but not really. Just a great, well-crafted story.

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But one question, do you see the characters having the dialogue or do you just imagine the conversation? The former is close to what happens for me, the later - well, I don't know what that feels like. tongue.png



I see them doing it. It can be pretty vivid; like I'm there.

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