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Csr: Discussion Day For Reach By Cassie Q!



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Thank you, and now back to Can't Stop Reading Discussion Day for Reach, by Cassie Q!


Has everyone read the story for this month? I hope so, because it was really good! Cassie's Reach is worth the effort to untangle the wicked weave of the twisted plot she wrote.


Do you know arousal?" To make his intentions more clear, Chad stepped forward, trapping the teen against the wall and blatantly invading his personal space.


... So much of this story revolved around sex and procreation ... which totally ignored love. I love dystopian style stories, or ones where people are forced to struggle to live, but Cassie's story took a tack I don't see that often. I loved what she did with the scenes between Chad and Tibial in the beginning.


It was a rough read though. So much of had me twisting inside, squirming in my chair. Grand passion, drama, love triangles ... babies! Then... the ending. Whew. I soooo needed that ending! Tibial's journey from awkward boy who only knew how to do what he was told to strong adult who went after what he wanted was a great transition.


So, what were your thoughts on Cassie's story?


P.S. A few notes. Don't forget to suggest a favorite story or author for next month's CSR! Anywhere from 20 to 90k stories, by any author group, are open for selection.

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Chad and Tib  have a special place in my heart, I truly loved reading this story.  Ultimately, their relationship wasn't ever going to be accepted in their society, too many traditions and beliefs.  There was no crusade to change the laws, just two people who believed in their love even though it led them to the hangman's noose.



There was also the complication of Mia who ended up being Tib's wife.  Hard thing for him to reconcile, but he ended up doing so, because of the kids they got together.  I was upset when Chad decided to leave Tib, abandoning him after they escaped, but it was probably the best solution.  Tib grew up, became his own man, one who knew what he wanted out of life, and that was a lovely transition to read.


I had many highs and lows reading this story, but that was the best thing about  Reach.  I anticipated every chapter that was posted, even now, I can still go back and read it from start to finish.  That's what makes it a classic.

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The thing I liked most about Reach was the characters.  Each and every one of them were amazing characters.  Not just in the way that "Oh I really like this guy!  He's heroic and obviously the good guy!"  I mean that they were deep and genuine and ultimately real.  They had flaws and acted on those flaws, they grew, they developed, just like any real human, not bound to a page.  Cassie exploited these characters to the fullest of their abilities and to the fullest of their lack of abilities.  


To be honest, when I started reading, I was sure that there wouldn't be a happy ending because of how real and lifelike the story was.  I was convinced that nothing happy could come from such a demented society that Tibial and Chad were desperate to escape.  The fact that she could make a happy ending - or at least a 'working-toward-a-happy-ending' - really goes to show how real these characters are.  That they're willing to work for something that they want.  It's really remarkable.


Great read, for so many reasons.

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This is one of my favorite stories.  I got so wrapped up with Cassie’s posting each chapter, begging for more.  It was an original idea that Cassie came up with Tibal and Chad. 


Chad requested to be Tibal’s mentor due to his past relationship/friendship with his sister.  Men are to learn to what women experience physically during sex by learning to be penetrated.  It’s supposed to be the last rite of passage into manhood, but Tibal ends up falling for Chad.  It is a matriarchal society where homosexuality is strictly prohibited.


Tibal finds himself torn between his girlfriend, soon to be his wife and mother of his children and his secret relationship with Chad.   The love story is bittersweet.  There was so many times I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens.  Cassie did a great job with this story.

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Tibal stole my heart.  He was so genuine, but confused.  The ending of this story made my heart hurt, Cassie wrote it so beautifully.  I actually had the privilege of reading "Reach" after it was completed, and I read, and read, and read.  Couldn't quit reading.  If you have not read it, you have missed a great story

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It makes me so happy to read about so many people that enjoyed my characters and my story  :)  Thank you!!

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This is a story that pulls at the heart strings. You want so much for Tib and Chad to be together and be happy, yet it seems an impossibility.


There is a sour taste left by the ensuing separation, and you can't help but wonder if it will ever happen. Hurt feelings, a sense of resentment, anger and to a degree bitterness. Things that we can all relate to, and have more than likely felt ourselves, so it is easy to relate to what the characters feel, how they react and respond to each other, and in that Cassie found a great way to create realism within the story.


The suspense at times is ridiculous, and it keeps you reading. It is one of those stories where I found I had to get to the end. I had to find out if happiness dawned for the young couple. Loved it, through and through.

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