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Prompt Me! #484 & #485

Renee Stevens


Hope everyone is having a great week! Did you remember to wear green yesterday? If not, did you get pinched a bunch? If you're wanting a break from what you're currently working on, or you're blocked, or maybe you want to start writing for the first time, then we have the perfect solution for you. Writing Prompts! Don't forget, prompt responses under 1,000 words need to be posted as part of a collection.


Prompt 484 -Creative
Tag – First Line
“Did anyone survive the accident?“

Prompt 485 – Creative
Tag – The Accident
It was a late night and you were driving home from work. You go to stop at the light, but your brakes fail, and slip through uncommon traffic and crash into the woods. What happened to you and what was the cause?

For this week, I decided to share both of the responses to Prompt #482

The door flew open with a loud bang, followed by a frantic Owen barging his way into the house. The garbage bag he was carrying snagged on the doorframe, ripping and spilling its contents all over the front hallway. He slammed the door shut and stood with his back against it, chest heaving. Sweat ran in rivulets down his pale face and his eyes were wide with fear.

I set down the lemon I’d been slicing and ran over to him. “What happened? What’s wrong?”

He pointed to our front yard shakily. “B…b…bees!” he managed to gasp out in between gulping breaths.

I raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“Bees! There are bees outside! Hundreds of them!”

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“Do you really have to go?” Sam whined, wide big brown eyes begging like a giant Labrador.

Colt readied his passport and his ticket to CDG to join the queue for the security check, bustling hectically like bees in a hive. “You’re much better now, big guy.” Colt tried to smile.

“If you call ‘not dying’ ‘better’ then yes, but we’ll miss you …”

Colt felt a warm glow in his chest. He still couldn’t believe somebody would actually miss him. He had never been missed. His absence might have been noticed, because some work hadn’t been done, or done sub-optimally, or some work had to be allocated to an unpopular nerd without any sex life, but he had never been missed; painfully missed.

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Recommended Comments

  • Site Administrator

That was my thought exactly, Tim!  lol


Thanks, Renee.  It's always nice to 'bee' featured :gikkle: 

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Should "did anyone survive the accident?" be the very first line or can it be within the first paragraph (or well, the first dialogue line after the paragraph)?

Deadline is D+7, right? :D

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  • Site Administrator


Should "did anyone survive the accident?" be the very first line or can it be within the first paragraph (or well, the first dialogue line after the paragraph)?

Deadline is D+7, right? :D

First line prompts are usually the very first line, but if you're inspired to write something I say go for it. ;)  Not sure what you mean by D+7, but there really isn't any deadline for the prompts unless you want to be considered for being featured in the blog.  In that case you would want to post before next Friday.  I look forward to reading what you come up with. :)

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Thanks for the information :) I started with the prompt as the very first line already, but it's good to know for next ones.

My apologizes, by D+7 I meant seven days after the prompt - so that makes next Friday as you said :P

And truth be told, I'm also looking forward to reading what I'll come up with :lol: More seriously, likewise!

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Also, in line with what Valkyrie already said, if you want to be considered for the featured prompt spot, you must post a link to your prompt response in the forum thread for that prompt.

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