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Featuring everything new and experienced authors need to develop creative and technical skills. Check out writing development articles, our Word of the Day, writing prompts, anthology opportunities and more!

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Staff Prompts #3 & #4

So that was a great Ask An Author from @Carlos Hazday! So, for this weeks Staff Prompts, why not reach out to someone, anyone, and ask them if you can do one of the prompts as a team? Could be interesting . May be even the start of something special 💓 Prompt #3 - Creative brought to you by @Cia Creative Dialogue: "What's in that bag and why are you hiding it there?" My already racing heart tried to leap out of my throat. I tried to say something, anything, but gibberish fell past


wildone in Prompts

Staff Prompts #1 & #2

Well, it is Halloween and I think we need to say the last rites for Guest Prompts 😢  But as one ideas dies, another springs forth, it is the circle of life  Today, is the first day of the Staff Prompts!!!! If you are a staff member and have any prompt ideas, sent them to @Renee Stevens and @wildone    Actually, if you want to suggest a guest prompt, you can submit too. We haven't shoveled in the dirt yet on the Guest prompts, yet   So with a bit of a Halloween theme, h


wildone in Prompts

Guest Prompts #14 & #15

What is that??? Why is there Guest Prompts again?? Well thanks to an upstanding gentleman (@Tom ) and a schmuck (@wildone)  So lets see what is up for grabs this week! Still looking for some more     Prompt #14 - Creative   Brought to you by @Tom 6 men, one habitation unit, ten matter converters (only one assembled). Setting: First days of the first colony on the moon Suggested Complication: Two female androids programed strictly for child care, and 10,000


wildone in Prompts

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