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Featuring everything new and experienced authors need to develop creative and technical skills. Check out writing development articles, our Word of the Day, writing prompts, anthology opportunities and more!

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Prompt 818 and Prompt 819

Boy, time flies when all you do is  work. We made it to another Friday, so, let's see if these new prompts appeal to you. Prompt 818 - Creative Tag - Money Woes This hasn't been your year. First there was there was the accident, where someone totaled your car, but they drove off afterwards and your insurance wouldn't pay for the hit and run. Then there was the hospital bill from your fall where you broke your arm. You have insurance but considering it is only February you hadn't b


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 816 and Prompt 817

Happy Valentine's Day. Will it be romantic or bloody? Let's look at the prompts and decide.  Prompt 816 - Creative Tag - Bloody Valentine. Being single for Valentine's day sucks! However, you got a strange card saying you should be cherished, followed by one saying you took my heart, and then a box with a bloody heart in it and note. The note reads 'Yours is next.' What is going on? Prompt 817 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a san


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 814 and Prompt 815

Welcome. Next Friday is Valentine's day and I have some new prompts to help create the mood. Prompt 814 - Creative Tag - Cupid's Beau When you left to go out this morning the last thing you expected to do was fall over a stunning young man. As you apologize profusely you hear him mention a "missed shot" and a "missing arrow." When he finally straightens up and looks you in the eyes you feel drawn to him. When he asks you out, what happens? Prompt 815 - Creative Tag - Fir


comicfan in Prompts

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