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I Have Been Wondering - How nice is too nice?



Okay... so I have dipped a toe into the world of blogging because I have been genuinely confused about something and I thought that by sharing the confusion sense might appear as it sometimes does.


I have been told three times in the last two days that I am 'too nice'. So what the hell is 'too nice'? I have always thought that this was what it was all about... to be as nice as possible, as often as possible to as many people as possible. Being nice makes me happy, being niced on makes them happy... win win situation.


So how do you quantify too nice? Does it mean that somehow you go through the middle of nice and come out in the nasty spectrum beyond. By being too nice do you actually hurt or offend people? Or does it mean that people don't like you being nice, that they can only cope with just so much niceness from any one person?


And then comes the problem... how do you limit your niceness? Are you only nice on Thursdays? Maybe ration it out over the week and have a rest on the weekend being a complete bitch to everyone who crosses your path.


Or perhaps you should only be nice to people who are nice to you. But then is that really nice at all...being nice only when you receive niceness back? And how do you know if they are going to be nice to you? Do people get a grace period. You're nice to them for a few hours/days/weeks until they pass the niceness test. After that if they pass you carry on being nice and if not they get to meet queen bitch.


Maybe you should limit the places where you are nice. Only be nice at work... or outside work... or on the internet. What if I'm only nice on the forum and a bitch in chat?


Perhaps you should only be nice to your family... or your friends... or some other priviledged category.


Or perhaps rather than limiting the places you are nice you should spread it thinner, be less nice to everyone all the time.


It all seems pretty absurd to me. I think that I shall stick to my tried and tested mantra... and this above all unto thine own self be true. And I will be as nice as I please to whomever I please, wherever I please, as often as I please. And if that's too nice, or not nice enough or even not nice at all... well... I'm too nice to tell you where to shove it ;)


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To be honest nephy, "too nice" depends entirely on the situation, and in context - but usually I would say that being "too nice" reflects the insecurities of the accuser rather than a shortcoming of the accused.


What "too nice" really means is "nicer than I would have been" or "Nicer than I am". It reveals that the person who directs the comment to you reconises that you are - at least in this way - the better person. And they try to change a positive quallity into a negative trait.


Ignore it



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I like being nice, but sometimes, when people are nice to me, I get insecure and think they could be mocking me. That's that only thing I can think of.



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It all seems pretty absurd to me. I think that I shall stick to mytried and tested mantra... and this above all unto thine own self betrue. And I will be as nice as I please to whomever I please, whereverI please, as often as I please. And if that's too nice, or not niceenough or even not nice at all... well... I'm too nice to tell youwhere to shove it ;)

I can't see how it's ever possible to be too nice. I agree with you that the idea itself is absurd. Any attempt to argue that you can be too nice would be an example of a reductio ad absurdum.

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Lacey... get used to it. It should be the law that EVERYONE has to be nice to you :)





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Nephy! *sob*

It's breaking my heart that you would even give that question a thought! The four people up *there*^ are totally correct. (well, except for that thingie that MikeL said at the end. p ) wth?

You just keep being Nephy and that helps us to be better boys.

Stop listening to the :devil: , ok?


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I'm not sure how to address that. West gives some insight into what the other people are saying. I'd have probably told those people who said you were too nice to f**k off. Maybe that's why nobody tells me I'm too nice.biggrin.gif


Seriously though, I hope you don't let any of this BS change the way you are. You're a very caring and loving person. It's like you work your dark side out through your stories. I know that if I ever need a kind word or a pat on the back or a shoulder to cry on, you'll help me out. I'm not sure if that's being too nice; I rather think it's called being a good friend.

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Eh, combination of things make a person "too nice"


- You are too nice if the person accusing you of being too nice isn't willing to go to the same effort you are. This generally ends up with them looking the fool.


- You are too nice if you lose your personal "boundaries" by being nice. Being nice to a houseguest generally means a good bed, some decent meals and maybe some conversation. If you write your houseguest a cheque, you're being too nice.

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I don't let what anyone says change the way I am... good or bad. My philosphy to everything is listen politely, take what I want and do what I bloody well please. I do work some of my dark side out through my writing but my humour is pretty dark too and I have my moments before the altar :) I wasn't really complaining about what people have said, it just puzzled me.


You can be absolutely sure of two things Hoskins. If you come to my house you will be not so much fed and forcibly stuffed with food (in the non sexual sense unless you're a really good boy)( and I like to think they would be good means you would enjoy... tailored to your likes and my budget and skills :( ) made to listen to conversation whether you want to or not, and to participate too *gasp* But you will never, ever be given a cheque. Although maybe I would for a laugh just to get you to try and cash it and see how high it can bounce :)

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Well, I thought those were some very nice sentiments, very nicely put. All nice and concisely presented.

In fact, I couldn't have put it nicer.


I just thought I would comment in a nice kind of way.


In short, nicely put.


But what I would like to know, asking it nicely of course, is this. Is being too nice the same as being too kind?



You're a "nice" friend.

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i read this yesterday and couldn't think of a thing to say because i first needed to think about if i was a nice guy.

that's scary, because i'm not always nice. so i'd be wary of you in that i don't think anyone can always be nice.

it's like you work out your dark side in your writing. so you have a dark side.


so i think when someone says you're too nice it means the following.

if you're nice all the time, it's not a great nice experience.

where as i'm not always nice.

so when i am nice, it is a really special nice because i don't do nice for anyone.

does this make any sense.

your nice isn't rare, where as mine is.

so you're too nice.

if i knew you in real life i wouldn't think we were really friends

until i saw what the dark side of you could be.

if you were always nice to me

it would mean you didn't want me to know the real you.

nobody is always nice.


all these words are of course my very own opinion and are pure fiction

and are all copy righted etc. etc. by me. so you can't take me to court.


just me...

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That is very insightful and I can completely see where you're coming from. As I have commented before... to much sweetness can rot your teeth.


Hmm... I so completely have a dark side... I own it and cherish it but yes, I do work it out through my writing I suppose. And yes, i suppose my niceness is too much even for me sometimes. I am quite sickening and, particularly when I was younger, I had a fear of being boring and bland. I don't think I am but I have a tendency to be somewhat... nice :)

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thought i was going to get yelled at.

everybody else was so ass licking nice,

i figured i would get jumped on in some nice alley way.

i can see we're becoming real friends now.

i just knew you were hiding a real person under all that nice.


you do know it's the americans who are doing this to the world.

they started it all with their famous "have a nice day" ....

and american nice is taking over the world. XD

just me (no longer needing to be nice to Nephy)


all these words are of course my very own opinion and are pure fiction

and are all copy righted etc. etc. by me. so you can't take me to court.

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