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Being Back Among My College Past



At University of Delaware, there's this tradition that the graduating seniors jump into the water fountains on the last night, before graduation.


It's graduation weekend, and I'm spending my night at Kildare's. After getting a slice at Margherita's on Main Street, I walked back up to my parking space at the Trabant Parking Garage. I was ambling up Delaware, then I decided to walk on the pedestrian bridge at Gore to get to the quad between Ewing, Smith and Kirkbride. There's this water fountain there, and low and behold these kids were jumping around the water fountain. They implored me to join them, and a part of me really wanted to...


But the other part, the louder part, was telling me that I couldn't do this, because it wasn't my time anymore. Last year, I took part in the UD tradition by jumping around in the water fountain, with a bunch of other people, on South Green by the library. I had that experience. It's a much nicer, bigger fountain and there were at least 12 people in there. I pretended I was on the opening of Friends when we did that. It was a really fun experience, but doing it again would have been just another re-hash of my past. And it would have felt phony, in a way, because I'm not a UD senior, and to take part in the celebrations for the class of 2011 would have just felt wrong, in a way. I'm not even sure I can describe why that would feel wrong, but it just does. I mean no doubt when I graduate from IUP next year I'll be right with the people in celebrating, but to intrude on these seniors celebrating the end of college just didn't really feel right. Because I'm not one of them anymore.


It's been fun being back, going to my old college hangouts, but at the same time I just keep feeling like something's different. I thought things would be the same....and the places are, but the people are different, and I'm different. I was walking down Main Street and I ran into this notable party guy from college that I'll call Russ. Dude was BIG into partying, and he was about as close to a real-life Van Wilder as you can imagine. He'd graduated in '08 or '09 and he was still living in Newark when I was a senior, last year. When I chatted with Russ a little bit, he was telling me that he felt old as shit still going to the bars around here, and that this was his last year of still hanging around Newark. There's no real point in him coming out here anymore because of all his friends graduated and moved on. I'm not quite at that point yet, because I still have friends who are going to UD, but...it hit home with me.


I mean, I'm still going to go to Newark because I like Kildare's, Deer Park, and Homegrown, but...it's really lost its luster to me. I suppose at some point I'll need to start going to Trolley Square with the rest of the mid-20's to early 30's people. LOL.


You ever just have that experience of going back to a place that meant so much to you during a specific period in your life, but it just doesn't hold the same magic it used to hold for you? That's how I feel about University of Delaware right now. It's kinda weird.

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Is nostalgia the only thing you're capable of feeling?


Just saying....

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I would say it's the most consistent part of my personality, going back to my childhood and when I would express nostalgia for the 60's because I watched a lot of the Wonder Years and Forest Gump.

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