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Need input - Trials and Tribulations

I'm looking for feed-back here concerning a scene in chapter 12. The scene takes place in church. Without giving too much away, the pastor is giving his Sunday morning service sermon. The whole sermon is NOT quoted, but a couple of verses and a small story is a part of the dialogue. The message is positive towards gays and a positive stance is take by some.


My question is this: Is this too much religion, even though it will play an important part in later chapters?


I really need your opinion on this.




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Nothing is too much if it's essential. If you need to make religion important to all or part of a story then you need to put it in, simple as.


Now, how much you put in is another matter.


If you are showing someone being swayed or affected by what is being said then you need to put a fair amount in, because it is reflected in the thought processes of the characters.


Also, if you need to put in certain dialogue to clearly show the position of the speaker then, again necessary.


If it's setting up a scene later on, or you need a certain amount of set up for the scene you're writing, again necessary.


What you need to ask about each particular reading, verse, dialogue etc is whether it's necessary. If it is leave it in, if it's not consider whether it adds anything else to things such as flow, scene setting etc and if it does leave it in, if it doesn't shave it out.

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Thank you Nephylim. Your advice is dead on as always. *hug*

Johnathan Colourfield


if its setting something up thats important to the plot then do it :D


I'm sure your readers won't mind a bit of preaching, especially if it sthe good kind :)


Remember not to head hop though. Focus the sermon from your characters point of view and don't let plot bunnies slip in :P


Hope this helps :)

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Thanks Johnny :hug:

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