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Just a quick entry on me and mine.

Holidays are here so naturally I was waiting for the other shoe to fall. And it did, right on my foot. :lol:


I was having issues with my foot just before Black Friday. However with the massive hours I worked last weekend and the beginning of this week my foot swelled and it was hard to walk on. I finally got an appointment with the foot doctor. I was hoping for a planters wart but that isn't what I got. I have one heel spur on the back of my foot, another on the base of my foot and something called planter's fascia which is basically a problem with the muscle that runs from the base of the foot to the toes. Lucky me. I got a shot today, exercises to do, told not to work any more marathon hours, and to be back in his office in two weeks. He hopes to correct it with the exercises and a shoe insert. However if that doesn't work I might need surgery.


Dad has his eye surgery on the 13th of December.


I got all the Christmas Cards out. Packing up the gifts I have to send. I have a few to get done. I mean I have to get ones out to England, Germany, South Africa and a few to friends here in the states, plus my brother, and Godson. The only one I haven't even considered yet is my father. Great son, I know. :lol:


Oh well, the stuff I took just kicked in so I hope to be able to sleep.


Final comment before I forget, a dear friend has had some major set backs. Considering she is one of my normal team, that leaves me a bit short on help. If anyone can lend a hand see my post on the Forum. For those wondering who I am talking about see Renee Stevens' blog.


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Hi wayne;


Sounds like you are trying to get ready for the holidays and deal with real life.


Best of luck and hugs guy!

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Hey Unc, I have no idea what spurs are, and I don't Google :P


Your pressie has gone off please open it to fridge the choccies or eat them it's up to you :)



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Hang in there Wayne. I hope the treatment your doctor advised works and you can avoid surgery. Your are such an orgainized little bee! :P You know that you are a great son with or without a gift for your father becuase you, my good sir are a gift in it's self! :hug:

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Plantar fasciitis is really painful. I've had it once in each foot. I must say the shots work very well. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

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Exercises, stretches, and finding the right pair of shoes and inserts will help with the pf. It's no joke and is prone to flare up if it's not continually managed. Hope you're able to deal with your dad's issues and a busy work schedule okay in the meantime.

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Thanks guys. With one parent who was a diabetic and the other with gout, I just didn't feel like taking a chance when the pain began. Been doing the exercises he wants me to do, three times a day. He is talking inserts but as he said he has to wait for the swelling to go down because if he used them immediately I would be in more pain. He has already said my pain tolerance level is too high as it is.

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