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Featured Story: Nothing More Awesome Than This

Renee Stevens


Last week, I asked for some help with reviews. The response was astounding and many great reviews were offered up. One of which was a review that Ieshwar did for the story "Nothing More Awesome Than This" by xTony. This review certainly piqued my interest and I now have this story on my list of to reads. Enjoy!

By xTony

Reviewer: Ieshwar
Status: In Process
Current Word Count: 33,789




There are some stories that the moment you read the first few paragraphs, you know that you have no choice and you have to read it till the end. ‘Nothing More Awesome Than This’ is one of those stories. That’s how I found myself reading it at 2 am in my room, laughing like a crazy, mere hours before my final exams. And I don’t regret it one bit.


With a nice change from the usual scenes of highschools and colleges, ‘Nothing More Awesome Than This’ is about interoffice dating. It’s about Tristan who is completely put off by his routine office work and keeps hoping for the day he will finally get the courage to quit. That’s until he meets Cameron, his colleague from another department. And then it’s a real roller-coaster with a desperate Tristan, an utterly oblivious Cameron, two loyal friends, a sexy rival and of course, the most dramatic gay cousin ever as Tristan tries to tell Cameron about his feelings.


What makes this story special is the journey with the characters. You can’t help but feel for Tristan as he tries to hint Cameron about his feelings but keeps failing. Cameron is downright adorable, oblivious to the whole drama around him. Each character has its own quirk, quality and flaw. Another highlight of the story is the comic timing. Trying to impress his new crush, Tristan keeps making new plans. But things never go as planned. Expect his brain to be reduced to goo, hot rival to arrive unexpectedly, wardrobe crisis, bickering best friends…


There are so much more I could say about this story but the most important that I can say is “Read it.” It’s funny, it’s adorable, and it’s worthwhile. Believe me, there’s nothing more awesome than this.

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Howwwwwwwwww interesting! Reminds me of a music video I have been watching these days. Thanks Ieshwar for reviewing, I'll be checking this out.

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I agree with everything that Ieshwar has to say about this story. I made the following comments as the story unfolded, and truthfully.  Tristan and Cameron's characterization is mindblowing. I have this thing see, it happens when I fall in love with a character, I start referring to them in my comments, instead of directing my comments to the author.  Tristan and Cameron do this to me.


Part 1

Wow! I looooooooved this. Its fresh N hilarious and like seriously maybe I'm into suits. The story had me laughing and giggling like a horny giggling girty. Well Tristan, you know what they say, call me. Except now that Cameron has your attention you will probably pass me up. Cameron, you are so unassuming. Who would have thought that you would have called Tristan just as he was leaving. Good timing my man. Hey, I bet you waited and watched for him to leave the building right? Wrong, you say. Come on Cameron (can I call you cam)? I wasnt born yesterday to see a planned coincidence. You devil. You have the hots for Tristan. You.

Cant wait for the next chapter. Just love this.


Part 3

Laughter is not the word. Hysterical. I read this twice at gym today. A girlfriend approached and wanted to know "Wha...?" I told her and she wanted to laugh too. She had a bad hair day. So I read it to her and we both laughed again. Oh. My. Word. This is just So. Oh. Good. I love every line. You just don't let up, do you. I loved Rebecca. I loved Alexis. Mark is special. You have brought such a deep richness to your characters. Cameron, I think I wanna stalk you. Tristan can stalk me. I can stalk both of you.
The writing is solid, and you are so comfortable in this genre that it makes me jealous. However...but...
Here's the thing...
You know what really got to me?
Not only was I in hysterics, but I was also moved.

Tristan's Craiglist thingy was heartfelt. His true colour came out. He's just a lonely guy with normal feelings and he wants to be loved
I cried


Part 4

Oh wow Tristan, you are wild! I love the coffee scene and the words on the coffee cup. You're a romantic genius you are. You should continue with Tommy's advice. You never know what's waiting for you in the next chapter. Oh, wait. You do? This is your story, ag I forgot.
Cameron came to visit me after he left the bar. Yup. That's right. He dropped Justin off and came to me. I'm not a slut, Tristan, but if you can't get it together with Cam (I love that name Cam), then, I will have to show him the ropes.
Just kidding. Well, he did visit me. We just chatted. This and that. Is he gay? Oh, you'll have to wait and see.
But you carry on the way you are going and I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Cameron, how could you arrive with Justin? You're crazy. And those deep stares between you and Tristan tug at my heartstrings.
I think I will be pleasantly surprised. I love the dialogue. Tristan reminds me of a friend from a couple of years back. I guess that's what makes him so human. Gentle. Caring and kind.
Way to go bro. Loving every minute of this.


The writer promised his readers that he would deliver two more parts.  This hasn't happened.  I'm sure he has his reasons, but I wanted to read right to the end.  I hope this will still happen. 


xTony, I want my Tristan and Cameron chapters please!

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Thanks for featuring the review, Renee.


This is a great story. I'm sure you guys won't be disappointed. While writing this review, I was on the story page and before I know it, I was reading it and laughing like some loon at 2 a.m again. LOL.




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I couldn't agree more w/leshwar and Louis. The story is hysterical; I don't think I've laughed as hard reading something in such a long time. The pictures alone that he throws in during the chapter are hysterical! The Starbucks coffee cup still makes me crack up, months after seeing it. My only gripe is that Tony doesn't update often enough.


I also want to mention that Tony is a fantastic author who writes more than just comedy. He has a few stories on this site that you should check out. (Even if some are set in high school) ;)

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Oh my god. I'm blown away by these fantastic comments. All of you are fantastic and just so sweet and nice. It's some of the kindest feedback I've ever gotten. So thanks to ALL of you. I wish wish wish I could update more and conclude this wild ride, but work is kicking my butt and I just don't have time to get cracking on this. I have definitely not given up and there's stil the final 2 parts coming as soon as I get a stretch of free time to get busy. I can't leave it off with Tristan pining and Cameron being oblivious! Again thanks to all you lovely people for reading and reviewing!

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