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Csr Discussion Day: The Degan Incident By Rob Colton



Welcome to the CSR Discussion Day for July! This month we featured The Degan Incident by Rob Colton. His first story here on GA was immensely popular and we were lucky enough to get him to share a little about himself, his thoughts regarding his story, and his upcoming story as well for our discussion! I hope you enjoy this interview with Rob Colton!


*Staff note for those who like to favorite stories and chapters: We've increased your daily likes, so now you can show your appreciation even more!






As I always like to start … time to share all about you. Or just one or two things. No need for an autobiography, but tell the readers a few things they might not know.


I grew up in Michigan, so many of my early stories are set there. I got married to my partner in June of this year, on the day of our ten year anniversary.


Do you eat your fruits and vegetables?


I love fruits, but I have to admit, I’m not big on vegetables. (At least the ones that are good for you.)


Chocolate or Vanilla?


Chocolate, definitely!


When did you first consider yourself a writer?


I think it really hit me when I received the contract for my first novella, "The Ranch Foreman." It is to be published by Dreamspinner Press this fall.


How did you get inspired for the foray into sci-fi after your many contemporary stories?


I love Sci-Fi! It’s one of my favorite genres of movie/TV.
Even though this story is sci-fi, it still incorporates elements that make it a "RobCub/Rob Colton" story.


How did you come up with your title?


The original working filename was “Space Beast”. Obviously, that wasn’t a very good title!
When Dashel arrives to rescue Devin, he says something about causing an interstellar incident. As soon as I wrote that line, it clicked and I immediately knew the title. I think the title has a very "sci-fi" feel to it.


What’s your favorite part of The Degan Incident?


I think my favorite parts are the scenes with Devin and Bastian's father, Dashel. I also have a fondness for Bastian's pet banti, Mishu.


You received a lot of feedback for the story; was there any one review you really treasured?


I love all of the feedback I get. My favorites are the ones where people who normally wouldn't read a story like this (sci-fi, m/m, mpreg, etc.) gave it a shot and were pulled in and ended up enjoying it.


I know you’ve went on to write a second story in this series that we get to share here on GA with our Premium supporters. How about a short blurb to whet their appetites for more?


"The Cassini Mission" features a character from "The Degan Incident", exobiologist Aron Adler. Not strictly a sequel, "Cassini" features new characters and builds on the events from the first book.


Dr. Aron Adler is ordered to take part in a rescue mission to a research colony located on an uninhabited planet in the outer rim. He is to immediately report to the U.S.C. Cassini, which will take Aron, two other scientists, and a unit of Union Marines to the colony. Once there, they are to assess the situation and retrieve any data or specimens.


Formerly a scientist in the Union Navy, Aron was dishonorably discharged following a court-martial for failing to obey orders. Stepping foot on the Cassini brings up old feelings he would rather forget. Shunned by the crew of the Cassini, Aron finds comfort in the arms—and bed—of Marine sergeant Kane Robertson.


Upon reaching the colony, it becomes apparent that not everything is as it seems. Once again, Aron is faced with a difficult decision: follow orders or follow his heart.


Okay, final question … you are planning on writing a third story in this series, right?


The epilogue of “The Cassini Mission” sets up a third story quite nicely, don't you think?
I already have a title in mind and I’ve also outlined the plot… Now I just need lots of extra time to write it all down!


I do think the epilogue sets up the next story quite well! Having had the privilege of reading both stories, I know I cannot wait to find out what else you have to share! And congratulations on your upcoming published eBook and marriage; those are both wonderful events to celebrate! Thank you so much for participating in this month's CSR event and for taking the time to share a bit of yourself with our readers!


Okay everyone, now let's hear from you! What did you think of the The Degan Incident? What are you hoping to see in the next story?




Don't forget to suggest a story you'd like to see featured for August!

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really enjoyed it. If it was fast paced, totally different from anything I usually read. It was actually the first story I had read where there was more in it which in itself was unique.  The main characters Devin and Bastian grabbed my attention right from the start. And I loved the ending it was perfect for the story. I can't wait to read the next story he Cassinni Mission.  I will Definetly be on the lookout for that one as well.

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I really enjoyed reading this. I found Rob's work a while ago and paired up with a few other writers, I finally got the urge to write my own stories and wound up here on GA. Thanks!!


It was nice to see the development of the way you handle characters. The smaller guy didn't cry at the drop of a hat and grew quite a backbone. Bastian's disappearance from the story for several chapters worked extremely well and created a great anticipation when his shuttle was finally discovered. I'll be reading the Cassini Mission as soon as I can get my hands on it.


I wonder sometimes how much you can read into an author by the way he/she writes. How much of their private (or not so private) wishes end up on the page. Don't think I haven't noticed the prevalence of uncircumcised men in your stories. Not complaining.


Can't wait for the next story to come along! :D

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I too first found you on Lit and have really enjoyed your stories. Thank you for sharing your talent. Please don't stop. Do you plan to release any of your other stories in ebook format on GA?

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The next story and ebook to go up here will be "My Handyman". I'm still working on the re-edit. It will be free like the others.

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I enjoyed this story as much as I have all of Rob's work.  Normally I shy away from amateur sci-fi because of all the little details that don't add up about the society created for the story.  Robs attention to detail made it worth the gamble.  I love that in all his stories.

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I just wanted to add my thanks for the story and that I look forward to The Cassini Mission as well.   Congratulations on the upcoming publication!  

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A huge fan of Rob's since the literotica days. Registered here to support his work, can't wait to see more! Thank you Rob and thank you GA! <3

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Rob is the reason I joined this site. Huge fan of his stories, followed them on literotica. Can't wait for more!

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 Seems a lot of us first read Rob on Literotica and followed him here to GA. I'm very happy I followed him and as a result am happily addicted to GA

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First: Omedetto (Congratulations! First  in your marriage with your partner... wishing you all the happiness and all the best; 2nd for one of your novels being published)


I've first read your stories in the other site and followed here in GA...


I just hope that there will stories abou the other characters in Degan Incident like Perry... and hoping that it will be published in paperbacks...


Good luck and more power to your future novels...

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Thanks everybody for your support. It means a lot to me!


Keep an eye on my Twitter, Facebook or my blog for status updates on the coming release of the "The Cassini Mission". And look for "The Ranch Foreman" from Dreamspinner Press on August 14th.




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I can't believe as much as I am reading that now I'm determined to check this out.  Have read some of his other writings.  That's a good thing thought!

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Always loved Rob's work, been reading him since Literotica. I didn't know he had work that will be released in the premium authors section, I was considering buying premium the other day and I think I'll go do it as soon as Cassini comes out.

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