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Featured Story: Boystown



I want to thank Lisa for offering to do today's review - she had written us since she loved this story and wanted to bring it to more people's attention. I hope you enjoy it and check out JBlankeview1's story, Boystown!




Reviewed by Lisa
Word Count: 30,904
Status: In Process


Have you ever read an online story where every chapter ends with a cliffhanger and you just cannot wait until the next chapter comes out? Sort of a silly question since you’re reading this on GA. Now I know why a lot of readers like to wait until a story is completed before they begin reading it. But I’m already hooked on this story, so it’s too late for me.


“BOYSTOWN”, by JBlakeview1 is a prime example of what I’m talking about. I was just perusing the “Latest Story Update” section when I came across a story that was just added. I don’t know about you, but I’m very impulsive when I see a new story has been added. No matter what I was doing previously, I stop it and click on the new story. This particular story I clicked on was entitled “BOYSTOWN”, by JBlakeview1. I clicked on the story and read the summary. It sounded good. I never heard of the author before and I was excited to read something new.


Boy, was I glad I did. “BOYSTOWN” is a fast-paced story centering around a group of friends and relatives who live in the Chicago area. There are many plots going on simultaneously and it’s sort of like “Six Degrees of Separation” because the lives of each character are so interwoven with the other characters that when something happens to one character, other characters are affected. The reader will certainly feel anticipation (and anxiety!) as to what will happen next and who will be affected.


It’s definitely not your typical boy-meets-boy, boy-loses-boy or boy-gains-boy story. Plus there is a male/female married couple in there also, just to add to the mix. Except the male in that relationship isn’t so into his male/female marriage, unbeknownst to his ‘female’.


I have been reading the story since the first chapter was posted on June 24th. The chapter left me with some anxiety regarding one of the characters and this anxiety has carried me through all the chapters so far, with my trepidation focusing on a different character throughout each chapter.


“BOYSTOWN” is a very detail-oriented story. While reading the various chapters, I feel like I’m the one in Chicago (and in the little bit of Notre Dame that we have seen in the story), seeing everything from the perspective of the character. The dialogue flows and it is very believable. I can also relate almost every single character in the story through some of my own personal experiences in life. The story will make you laugh, it will make you cry, and it will make you feel anger towards some characters. But that’s what’s best about the story: it will make you FEEL.


There are a few chapters posted so far, but I am looking forward to devouring the remaining chapters of this wonderful, entertaining, and sometimes nail-biting story!

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Recommended Comments

Great review, Lisa!  I'm reading this story also, and it's riveting.  His characters are like a ball of yarn all knotted up, and we see it unweaving a little at a time, only to find another knot.  It's got all the elements that make a great story.  Thanks for this review. 

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You guys are killing me with all these great reading suggestions!! Now I'm really interested about this one! Thanks, Lisa.... grrrr. (lol)

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Thanks for this great review of my continuing drama BOYSTOWN.  I really appreciate it.


I hope everyone will encourage friends and colleagues to read BOYSTOWN and provide feedback.  I love hearing from readers.


Also, be sure to "like" BOYSTOWN on Facebook and follow us on Twitter: @BOYSTOWN_series

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