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Writing Prompts Second Chance Prompts!

Renee Stevens


I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Years Eve and a great start to 2015! I was in the prompt forum the other day, and I noticed some prompts over the last year didn't get any responses. Now, I know there could be a number of reasons for this, but I thought it might be nice to give some of them a second chance to be noticed! On the last day of the year, no less. So for this week's Wednesday post, that's what I'm doing! Here's a list of 10 prompts that for one reason or another, didn't receive any prompt responses. I've included links to each topic as well so you can post your prompt responses (or links to them) in the forums. Have fun!!


Prompt #375 - Creative

Every year you have a small get together of your friends near the holidays. Your place is all decorated, your food is ready, and you have dressed comfortably to entertain. After your first few guests have arrived and gotten comfortable, there is a knock at the door and you find someone you never expected to be standing on your door step. Who is your surprise guest?


Prompt #361 - Creative


Every year the local county throws a fair. It is always a lot of food, crafts, and things to buy. This year a carnival has been added to the fair and the whole mood has changed. People seem to be attracted to the dark tents, loud noises, and wild rides. Is this just a new addition or has something sinister come to the local fair this year?


Prompt #359 - Creative


The dog arrived in the middle of night with a note on his collar telling you to keep him and he will help you with your problems. You thought whoever left the dog had to be crazy. However, after a week the dog seemed to sense you needed things and for some odd reason would nearly drag you on your attempts to walk him right into the middle of some problem that ended up solving one you were having. What do you do with your mutt now?


Prompt #351 - Creative


Your family believes it lives under a curse. They say everyone leads a charmed life until the fall in love for the first time and have their heart broken. You just had a very messy break up. Is there a curse and what happens?


Prompt #346 - Word List


Use the following in a story – the beach, a blanket, a deer, a torn pair of shorts, and an ice cream cone.


Prompt #341 - Creative


With the passing of your last relative, a collection of rings has been handed down to you. At first you look at the old rings and figure you might be able to sell them. As you begin going through them you notice there is something different about them. What is it?


Prompt #339 - Creative


No one ever suspected the changes that would come to the world after such an epidemic. The original outbreaks occurred along the warmer waters. The whole thing spread from Georgia in the United States to Uruguay in South America, from Portugal in Europe to South Africa in Africa, and Southern China in Asia to the Northern parts of Australia, as quickly as it appeared there soon were deaths on grand scales. It took almost a third of the world’s total population in less than three months. It soon became like the history books about the black plague and people were bringing out their dead for massive cremations. It was only with the few scientists from all over the world sharing information that humanity survived and found a cure. In this new world borders aren’t what they once were. Life is looked at much differently now. What is the world like?


Prompt #337 - Creative


Every year you see on television the announcement of the local fair. You say you are going to go every year, but something always comes up. This year you manage to make it and find out just what makes this fair so memorable. Tell us about it.


Prompt #326 - Creative


Family get togethers were never your thing. However you found yourself without an excuse to miss this one. Once you are there however you are in for a major surprise. There is a big family announcement. What is it?


Prompt #302 - Creative


You have been chosen to take part in one of the deep space missions to Mars. This mission is only possible by sending people up with their mates knowing they will be spending the next twenty years in deep space there and back with this person. Your are arrive at the training station in three months, giving you time to pack up and say your goodbyes to friends and family. There is only one problem for you though, what is it?
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  • Site Administrator

I had ideas for some of these prompts, but no time to write them. I guess I'll have to revisit them.  :)

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This is a great idea.  I only recently discovered the prompts in late November and really enjoy the challenge.  Unfortunately, so far, I've had a hard time trying to come up with something for the scenario ones.  Give  me a list of words or first line anytime!  Maybe once I get the current story out of my head, it'll be free to think more about these!!!

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I could swear I have read several stories that sound like they could have stemmed from some of these prompts!

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I love this! The prompts no one wanted. You know I'll have to give one a home. I'm a softie that way. ;)


BTW, I'm claiming #359 with the dog! Talk about a perfect 1550 Loring Lane set up. :)

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