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Writing Prompts #384 & #385

Renee Stevens


Who's ready for a new set of prompts to get the wheels turning? Sometimes an author hits a road block that they just can't seem to make their way through. The weekly prompts are a great starting point to jump start some new ideas. Whether you're looking to just do a quick flash piece or maybe you want to do a bit longer story, why not give them a try!


Prompt 384 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“Since when do I have to tell you everything?”


Prompt 385 – Creative
Tag – The Minor
You have just finished the week from hell and just about crawl out of your car. You drag your work bag and some takeout food you picked up and schlep it toward your front door. As you reach for your keys you stop cold as you notice someone is curled up asleep on your front door step. It is obvious even from where you are standing that it is a child. Who is the minor and why are they sleeping on your door step?


This week, I decided to feature Cole Matthew's response to Prompt #382, enjoy!

The Butler Did It


When Donnie Malone first woke up to the sound, he could have sworn it was a crying child. He opened his eyes and then remembered he was alone in a cheap motel room with thin walls and it could be coming from any room nearby. He tried going back to sleep, but the cheap champagne had given him a pounding headache. It wouldn’t be stilled by the sandman so he slowly opened up the covers and rolled out of bed.


When he stepped down, he heard a crunch beneath his feet. After flicking on the lamp, he looked down and saw a pair of broken glasses, his cheaters twisted with shattered lenses. They looked as forlorn as he felt. It was New Year’s yet what promise could this new circuit of the earth around the sun mean for him? Donnie sighed and wrapped his threadbare robe around him, stretching his sore muscles and glancing toward the windows.


The tawdry, worn curtains were half open and outside there was a whirl of white slamming into the panes rattling them. He heard it again. It was the wind and not a wailing infant that greeted him this morning. The swirl of the rushing air filled the room with a screaming sound that hurt his ears. It was only a snow storm.


Read the rest, here.

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Prompt 384 is identical with prompt 356. Is that on purpose?

I had great fun using it for ch 3 of my story, and at least three other authors have used it as well.

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I was just about to agree with Tim. I remember that one because I was really happy with what I wrote for it when it first came out.

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I was just about to agree with Tim. I remember that one because I was really happy with what I wrote for it when it first came out.


I was happy with your teaser as well and am still waiting for the rest of that story. :lol:

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Prompt 384 is identical with prompt 356. Is that on purpose?

I had great fun using it for ch 3 of my story, and at least three other authors have used it as well.


I was just about to agree with Tim. I remember that one because I was really happy with what I wrote for it when it first came out.


You'd have to talk to Wayne (aka Comicfan), I just post the prompts I'm given.  He may have a reason for redoing this one or maybe he just forgot to cross it out that he'd already done it.

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I write things all in a note book and I guess I forgot to check it off. I have pages and pages of story ideas that become prompts if I don't get to them. Some are first line, some lists, and hell some just straight situations that I find interesting. I guess I goofed. Sorry gang.

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I write things all in a note book and I guess I forgot to check it off.

No worries, Wayne. You've given us a whole lot of enjoyment and exercise at writing with the prompts. 384 prompts and 1 repeat ... get outta here. Save the apologies for something big and important.

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I guess I goofed. Sorry gang.


No problem. It means I can use it as prompt again without having to put Roman numerals on the chapter, like I've been doing for other repeat uses. :lol:

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