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Ask An Author #25

Renee Stevens


I've heard countless times how much everyone loves the Ask An Author feature and want to give a big Thank You to Dark for taking the time to contact all the authors and compile these wonderful Wednesday pieces. Don't forget, if you have a question you'd like to "Ask an Author" all you need to do is send Dark a PM!! Hope you enjoy!!!

Ask an Author #25


Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!


In AtA #24, we had questions for authors Andrew Q. Gordon, Andy78, and Sasha Distan.


In AtA #25, we hear from Aditus, Nephylim, and Stephanie L. Danielson.


For their protection, the members who asked these questions shall remain nameless (unless they choose to reveal themselves). :lol: Please note that all author replies are copied as is, spelling errors and grammar eccentricities original to the individual.


First up today is scientist turned teacher, Author Aditus. He comes to us from the Canis lupus species of familia Canidae and is a secret vampire fan, so would that be Team Edward or Team Jacob? He’s also a Scorpio, and if you believe in Astrology, that means our dear friend is secretive, passionate, resolute, insensitive, steadfast, painstaking, and stubborn, which doesn’t seem to bode well for that secret vampiric lover. Unless you’re a character in Blade, of course. Or Twilight. ;) Oh, and have you had a chance to chase down Red Running Shoes? The characters will drag you in and the drama will make your roll your eyes, but the well-designed plot will keep you coming back for more!


To Aditus: What prompted you to write stories in the vampire genre?

The early vampires were usually a mixture between a mummy and a zombie and variations of the concept can be found in most cultures. Although they always interested me historically, I never wanted to write a story about them. The modern concept of vampires brought into life e.g. by John Polidori and Bram Stoker however, always fascinated me. They are tragic and lonesome creatures, dead but immortal. To live they have to drink one of the essences of life, blood. To get it they have to hunt humans. Due to their immortality, they lost their family and all their friends. A great background to spin emotional stories…that and they don't need condoms.


The sweet but dark angel Signature Author Nephylim needs little introduction, but did you know that she’s been collaborating with fellow Author Stephanie Danielson? It’s true! Check out their series Upstaged, two stories (so far) about grunge band The Von. They’re both completed, so the only question remaining, is what’s next? And when’s the next collaborative effort coming out?


To Nephylim: In Recovery, a great deal of detail goes into the medical procedures, symptoms and progression that poor Kei and Alex suffer through. Is this based on a real life experience, a TON of research or a huge collaboration of the two?

The medical procedures themselves are down to research and asking people who know more about it than I do. The waiting I know a lot about because I did a LOT of waiting when my father had a heart attack when I was 24. In the end we lost him but the waiting was the same. My mother was the one who set up the food/drinks/practical stuff station for everyone else. There were three families and we got to be quite good friends whilst we were there but never saw them again after. It was a strange and surreal experience which I have never forgot.


As mentioned above, our next Author Stephanie Danielson has co-written two stories for GA with fellow author Nephylim. 2014 was a tumultuous year for Stephanie, with her first solo work getting published and what great timing, too! It was like there was a Winter Olympics or something, when Ice Fairy first entered the scene. You may not know that Stephanie is a key stakeholder in Romance First Publishing and slaves her day away as the servant to two cats. Perhaps it is their influence that has resulted in 12 published works? Or was that Nephylim cracking the whip?


To Stephanie Danielson: What made you decide to publish your story as a book and was it easy to find a publisher?

Hi! No problem...I guess my first question is which story? LOL. I've done dozens. As for finding a publisher, in the early days I found one, but it was the wrong one. After that grievous error, I decided to self-publish some of the stories. I found other publishers through friends and networking and gave them a try. A website called Preditors and Editors helped too in weeding out some of the bad ones. (right now I have a series and another book (all co-authored) that are through other houses; which were found by word of mouth and just subbing them and crossing our fingers.


But in 2011, I started my own small press and along with self-publishing, I have a few of my stories run through there.

As for my first ever, ever story...it's kinda described above. But I'd rather talk about my first story after that, a tale called "Love by the Numbers".


LBTN is a tale about a jock and a brain; Jared and Scott. These two get together by means of the teacher pushing them together so Jared's math grade can go up. It develops from there. This was a story I wrote in a fairly short period of time and fell in love the boys from second one. I decided to self-publish it after it was turned down from a couple of publishers; but I wanted the story out there. It ended up becoming one of my biggest early hits!


Through that same networking, I found sites to sell the book and get exposure and make the start of a name for myself.


That’s it for now! For more info on these authors, go check out their stories, post in their forums, and/or catch them in chat!


See you next time, with authors Carringtonjr, Joann414, and Mark Arbour (omg, yes, again, lol).


Want to ask your favorite author a question? Simply PM me (Dark).
Until next time!

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Thank you, Dark! Great feature, only I'm Sagittarius: Great sense of humor, idealistic, generous. Will say anything no matter how undiplomatic,can be impatient to the point of rudeness.Open and interested. Or so they say. :P Take your pick or ask the secret vampire lover...not of the Twilight variety, cough.

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Aditus likes vampires and have a Zombie editor ;) 


I'm always lookin forward to read "ask an author" Thank you so much, Dark :)

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Oops, Addy, my apologies.  Thought I'd figured out your birthday properly!  :P

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