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Weekly Wrap Up!



Spring has sprung and it seems like everyone's mood is picking up after which has been a long hard winter for some areas in the Northern Hemisphere. Other areas in Southern Hemisphere are, I am hoping, heading into a mild winter.


One of the things about Spring is that they always seem to bring the dreaded Spring Cold. Renee is sidelined with one right now so I have stepped in to ensure she is taking her meds, hot baths, and getting as much rest as possible. Join me in wishing Renee a speedy recovery :)


Reminder to stop into the Blog tomorrow and check out this months story that will be the focus of the CSR!


Monday was the CSR Discussion Day for Roommates by Krista for the month of March. Cia started off asking some pointed questions we all needed to know, like do you make you bed in the morning. One question had Krista saying I may be her current mentor. I think she needs to look up the word mentor :P Then the best thing about CSR Discussion Day, Krista made herself available to answer the questions that you the Members had for her.


Tuesday had us all learning our Month of April's Signature Author as well as getting the Signature Background to download! This month we are focusing in on Andy78's Magic in the Air . Knowing some of Andy's writing I am definitely going to check this one out, one sadly I haven't read yet.


April Fool's day had us tuning in for a feature that we all look for, and definitely not for anyone who could be mistaken for a fool. Dark took over the blog and graced us with this month's installment of Ask an Author. The 26th installment had questions for Carringtonrj, Joann414 and Mark Arbour.


Friday rolled in to end the work week for some and hopefully some of you have a long weekend depending on where you are in the world for the Easter Long Weekend. Prompt Me guru ComicFan provided us with two new prompts for the weekend. First was using the following words in a story; rain coat, patch of ice, steak, blue fuzzy slippers and a Greek Statue.

Waking up on Saturday morning I shuffled into the kitchen in my usual morning wardrobe of boxers and blue fluffy slippers, matching of course. Pulling out some steaks for dinner tonight I looked outside to the light drizzle coming down. I threw on a rain coat to go retrieve the morning paper from the mailbox. Halfway down the walk I slipped on a patch of ice and ended up sliding on my butt down the walk until I hit the Greek statue in the middle of the split walk near the street. Thank gosh for Discovolus of Myron or I might have ended up in the street.

Does that work? Okay, I can take a hint, I should not think I'm an author and move on :)


The second prompt was creative one of The Clown. This one looks like it could be fun and I won't subject you all to my idea for that one 0:)


Finally Delores Esteban's prompt from the previous week was featured in the blog.


Anthology Announcements:


***NOTE: All Deadlines (except Poetry) are for submission to the Anthology Proof Team***

  • 2015 Poetry Anthology: Remember - Due April 15th (Poetry Anthology is exempt from the Anthology Proof Team)
  • 2015 Summer Anthology: Road Trip - Due June 3rd

In Premium


Pretty Little Thing by Nephylim


By our Signature Authors:


GA Writing Prompts by Dolores Esteban


The Strange Life of Jonas Marks by Comicfan


Dribbles by Cia


Global Explorer II by David McLeod


Force of Nature by Krista


Sword of Kings: Tested by Adversity by Bill W


A prompt a week by Comicfan


Leopard Spots by Graeme; Book 2 of The Lilydale Leopards


Streak by Mark Arbour; Book 15 of Chronicles Of An Academic Predator (CAP)


Jessie-101: Online Celebrity by Comicality


Cosmic Inception by Cia


By our Promising Authors:


London and Love by Carringtonrj


The Lonely Heart Club – a prompt story by Aditus


The English Year by Jwolf


The Hollow Hills by Valkyrie


Sanctuary by Sasha Distan


Poems by Carringtonrj


Don't forget.... Read, Write, and REVIEW!!!

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Recommended Comments

  • Site Administrator

That prompt response shows promise. Exactly what it's promising I haven't worked out, but keep trying! :D

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Um, Jessie-101 is listed twice, for Carrington as well as Comsie. May need to fix that!

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And the prize for spotting Steve's deliberate mistake in the Weekly Wrap Up (a like from me) goes to Stellar :lol:

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  • Site Administrator

Um, Jessie-101 is listed twice, for Carrington as well as Comsie. May need to fix that!

Oops, that happens when you are pasting without looking at what you copied 0:)


Apologies to both Comsie the RJ for my mistake :(


Thanks Stellar for catching it, do you want to be my editor/beta going forward? ;)

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Oops, that happens when you are pasting without looking at what you copied 0:)


Apologies to both Comsie the RJ for my mistake :(


Thanks Stellar for catching it, do you want to be my editor/beta going forward? ;)


Hey, I'm always happy to lend a hand, though I've got enough extreme procrastination going on with writing things without having to beta the week-in-review too! :pinch:

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