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Please Bear This In Mind...



GayAuthors is a GLOBAL web site. There are people here from everywhere, except for Antarctica. Who knows- we might even have a penguin or two.


We literally have people from New York and New Delhi. Philly and the Philippines. Mississippi and Manitoba. Alberta and Albuquerque. I could go on but my onomatopoeia/geography skills only go so far.


It would be an absolute miracle if we didn't have any culture clashes. I know that I've been guilty of that myself from time to time. Anyone that has been here for a while has seen me mellow out from a hot-headed red-neck to... just a red neck. :rolleyes:


Please practice tolerance. I know it's easy to get mad and fly off the handle. Goodness knows I'm as guilty of that as the next guy.


We've got a pretty special community here. It's another not-so-small miracle that we get along as well as we do.


Young, old, whatever race, whatever country- we all have a lot more in common than we have differences.


There are more than enough people that will go out of their way to be unkind to us. It benefits us all to be good to each other.


Look past those differences because we need that community. For many isolated GLBTi people in unfriendly places, it is their lifeline. It is their view of a larger more inclusive world.



[this post copied to blog to keep it from aging off]

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You get a 'like' just because of the Bugs Bunny clip. I wish I could give you two for what you said. :D 

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Over in Gary's forum we have come up with a fix for not being able to like something twice or running out of likes.



:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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