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Writing Prompts #448 & #449



Hello again. If I am the one here you know it is Friday again! Friday, Friday, Friday ... drats. Someday I will get that song out of my head. Oh well.


Since it is that day of the week I get to challenge you all to a new set of prompts. One of them might finally convince you to sit down and write, or decide it is time for a break from your usual story and try something new and different. Either way, I hope one of these two prompts grabs your attention and makes you want to write. Just remember, if your work is under 1,000 words you have to place into a collection. Now to show you what I have up my sleeves this week.


Prompt 448 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“What did he just say?”


Prompt 449 – Creative
Tag – The Class
You decide it is time to improve your education. You are unsure exactly what you should take, but you figure you need something to do besides work and watch television. You flip through the course catalogue and spot something that really appeals to you. What is the class?


Now the authors here at GA are never idle. Although I wish I could say both prompts last week had takers, it would be a lie. However we did have two talented authors take a crack at prompt 446.


First was JohnAR with his continuing Metaverse.

“I hate flying,” she said trying to lift her tiny blood-red roll-on into the overhead compartment.
“Can I help you?” he asked chivalrously, putting his notebook away in that he had been capturing some last minute thoughts.
“That’s so kind of you,” she tried to smile regally, while the sturdy gentleman lifted her small luggage with ease.
He gallantly looked away when she straightened her too tight black skirt to shuffle past his aisle seat. When she had finally sat down ladylike, he nodded with courtesy and took his seat as well, allowing the passengers behind them to board the plane.
“I’m Olaf,” he introduced himself politely.
“Oh, that sounds Swedish,” she smiled exposing her perfect teeth.
“Actually, I’m more like Danish,” he corrected, wondering how long this woman took in the morning to be ready to face the world.

Wondering where he was going to take the story? Follow it here - https://www.gayauthors.org/story/johnar/metaprompts/36


Then we also had Craftingmom give her take on this idea.

Avery stared at the notebook, the pen clutched between his fingers. This was so hard. Why the hell was his therapist asking him to do this?
"Avery, repressing your memories and anger completely isn't healthy. It allows them to fester inside of you, to control you. Using this notebook to write down or draw out your feelings when they overwhelm you will allow you to start to purge them. They'll never be gone, they are a part of you. But they are a part of your past, not your future. Taking control of them will help make you stronger."
Remembering her words helped him fight through the urge to just curl back up in the bed each time a memory threatened to devour him. He knew, deep down, he'd feel better afterwards—he always did, eventually—but fighting through writing or talking about any of his past was torture.
Of course, it wasn't as bad as living through it the first time, but still...

Yes she has returned to let us see Avery and Matt again. Curious where it goes. Read it here - https://www.gayauthors.org/story/craftingmom/averymattshorts/5


However last week also seen two attempts at the poetry prompt from April on Quatrains.


First up was Puppilull.

Though the sun is still warm upon our skin
The leaves are speaking about something new
For something is changing from deep within
Against the clearest sky of vibrant blue


Proving it is never too late to attempt a prompt Headstall also did a Quatrain.

Wonder what else his Quatrain had to say? Read the rest here - https://www.gayauthors.org/story/puppilull/puppilullspoetryprompts/11


Headstall also decided to try his hand at this poetic form.

How can such beauty instigate sadness
Lush life showing last vestiges of will
I love all the colors I must confess
But mourn what it means as I drink my fill

Curious what else was said in this wonderful poetry form. Read it here - https://www.gayauthors.org/story/headstall/headstallspoetryprompts/13


So that is all for this week. If you find you enjoyed one of these pieces, please, let the author know. Remember to read, review, and like as you go through these or any story on the site. Until next time, be safe and be well.

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Thanks, Comicfan. It is so nice to have another one of my poems featured in 'Prompt Me'. I want to thank AC Benus for the poetry prompt. I really enjoyed the Quatrain form.

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I am almost done with a response to Prompt 447.  I just didn't finish it in time to be featured. I should have it done this weekend.  :)

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Thank you for the feature!.  I'm so glad you do these prompts.  I love seeing what everyone does with them.  


The 'what did he just say?' prompt is calling me--maybe to Kayden again...or maybe I'll finally get around to writing some actual shorts that aren't related to longer stories, like the anthology piece. :)

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I wrote a story for prompt 447 but being somewhat newish and clueless often didnt ask what to do with it. It's here if you like:



Hey there! The prompts are great fun. Once you post it, copy the url. Then you can add a post under the right prompt number, saying something like 'here's my attempt', and the add the link back to your posted story. That way we know you tried the prompt and where to go to check it out.


It took me some time to figure out how to do it too.

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Hey there! The prompts are great fun. Once you post it, copy the url. Then you can add a post under the right prompt number, saying something like 'here's my attempt', and the add the link back to your posted story. That way we know you tried the prompt and where to go to check it out.


It took me some time to figure out how to do it too.


okay thank you!!  I'll do that for next time.

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Hi Mikiesboy. Glad you got your answer. By connecting your post we know where to look. There are a lot of people who enjoy reading just the prompts so you will find new comments,and likes when you attach them. Welcome to the site.

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