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Just say no to Extremism

A few days ago President Trump made a statement condemning violence on both sides of the Charlottesville Charlie-Foxtrot.


A lot of people were indignant that he might call out anyone on the left. So... let's compare and contrast:



These sweethearts are Antifa. 

  • they wear masks
  • they throw riots
  • set things on fire
  • carry weapons
  • attack people
  • accomplish nothing positive
  • only create resentment
  • they deny the rights of others




For comparison purposes I give you the KKK- the evil, racist boogeymen that live in trailer parks.

Guess what they do?

  • they wear masks
  • they throw riots
  • set things on fire
  • carry weapons
  • attack people
  • accomplish nothing positive
  • only create resentment
  • they deny the rights of others



No one acting under a mask is up to any good.


On the extreme ends of both the left and right exist a bunch of dangerous nut cases. All we need are some candied fruit and we can make a fruitcake.


It is up to the sane people in the middle to JUST SAY NO TO EXTREMISTS OF EITHER STRIPE.


Take care that in your zeal for a cause that you don't become what you despise.


Those war memorials that so enrage some are not political statements. They are a warning from the past about the pain and loss of war.


If we forget the lessons of the past, we are doomed to repeat them.

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Well said.

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For a great example of keeping history alive and close, I would suggest people go to Berlin. I've never been to a place where history felt quite as present as it does there. Not just from WW2 but all of their history. A striking blend of celebrating triumph and cautionary tale. The momunents still standing are debated and they try to get new monuments to reflect curent day Germany without losing sight of the past.  

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Your blog and Quora page are very informative (and funny). I've learned a lot, thank you :)

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