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When Skunks Attack

Last night, I wasn't in the best place.  Introverted, still sort of spinning.  But, wildlife doesn't care about my moods.

Our chickens were restless.  It was dusk, and we went out to investigate.  I spied a little skunk - small enough to squeeze between the wire that made up the chicken run trying to hide in the darkness of the run.  So we're out there, trying to get this little confused, scared critter out of our chicken run AND avoid getting sprayed.  Kevin grabs a wire door, to block off part of the run we don't want it to scamper through.

Well, he tripped.  He smacked on the concrete walkway, cracking a rib.  But, worse... he really slammed his toe into the side of the walkway.

When my husband takes a tumble, he does it right.  I'm watching his ribs, to make sure the bruise there doesn't grow.  But there's nothing to be done for a broken toe other than tape it up and let it heal.  It's sad to say, but a baby skunk really did a number on Kevin.

Oh.  Don't fret.  The skunk is fine.  We saw it again tonight... the little bugger.

Kevin's Poor Toe.jpg

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Posted (edited)

the only thing that came to mind was


Edited by mollyhousemouse
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