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Birthdays and such

Hi y'all-thanks for wishing me a happy birthday


Jon slept over from sat to just nowish when my dad and I brought him home.


Materialistically-I got an iPod, a new fan, a pen (its a thing between my parents and me-milestone=pen), and iPod accessories


Mentally-My dad has realized he's been kinda distant and is attempting to fix that (I came out to him--apparently he "thought" he was gay when he was my age--so i had a helluva time explaining that one :D


Overall, considering that I've been woefully depressed lately, today was nice :D


Thanks for reading,



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Too bad Jon's not gay .......... :(



Hey Adam! Woo Hoo I'm go glad you had a good birthday; that's awesome! :D:2thumbs: Perhaps it's just the beginning of a fantastic year to come :) (Yeah I know that's cheesey, but hey it may be ;) )



Too bad Jon's not gay .......... :(

I wouldn't necessarily agree with that. I mean one I'm glad for Jon and his sexuality; I'm sure he enjoys it. I mean I wouldn't want to be straight so I could date one of my female friends. And two, and more importanly, I'd say that its a good thing that he's straight because it's a real life example of a straight guy who's accepting of his gay friends; this is very important when you're a gay teen gay ;) . They'll be plenty of chances for Adam to find some great boyfriend (I mean that BTW Adam :D ), but a true friendship based on mutual acceptance is a rare and beautiful gift. ....so now that we've both probably managed to embarrass Jon (but good for you, Jon! :thumbup: ) I'll conclude by again wishing Adam all the best this year :)


Take care and have a great day!




heheh--eh its not too bad, i dont really have the common, "i want my best friend" syndrome (thank god) :D


and thanks Kevin :D



oh--and LittleBuddha--i liked ur new story :D



Hi Adam-


I've been remiss is saying hello to you but let me remedy that now. I've been trying to get my paper out the door and I've been pretty busy lately. :blink:


First- happy brithday! :king:


Second- about the depression and suicide thing, I've been there. I had some people that got their jollies by making my life miserable. Well, they pissed me off. I decided that I couldn't visit misery upon my enemies dead so suicide was in conflict with my long term goals.


Sure being too mean to die isn't the nicest way to survive, but it worked for me. :devil:


Surviving a lot of pain and conflict: expensive. :(


Living to see your enemies living as toothless hicks in a trailer park: priceless. B)






Thanks, Adam. I hope, like Nicky, you will find your way through your angst and despair and realize that life really can be wonderful. It's more than just a story ... those kind of "experiences" do happen! :D



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