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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly



The Good: I've booked myself in on a residential writing course at Arvon in mid April. It's not because I lack inspiration, I just want to get better at what I'm doing. Plus, there hasn't been much opportunity for travel these past few years and it'll be good to get away. The next story I'm working on is set in Yorkshire, not too far from Lumb Bank where the course is being held, so I can do some research at the same time.

The Bad: Bloody health again. Had an expected call from the hospital last Wednesday to tell me firstly that they'd suspended my treatment and secondly that they were going to have to have a meeting concerning my latest scan results, to get a second opinion from the radiographer. This is what I call a cliffhanger phone call. I won't get to see anyone until tomorrow, which means I've spent a week wondering what the f**k they've found in there. 

The Ugly: Have to go in to hospital tomorrow for the dreaded meeting. Since Covid, they usually only want to speak to you face to face if it's (a) bad news or (b) a change of treatment. I always expect the worst and nothing can really match up to those first meetings, when, as a cancer virgin, the phrases 'stage 4' and 'palliative care' made me think I didn't have long to go. And that was over three years ago! New treatment is always a worry too. I've got used to what I'm on now. I can cope with the occasional nausea, peeling fingernails, zapped tastebuds and neutropenia. But starting new medication can bring all sorts of other exciting side effects. 

Never mind. I've just written a new prompt story for St Patrick's Day - Leprechaun Magic. Maybe the wee folk will grant my wish for a few more months of good health.

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  • Fingers Crossed 1


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I don't think medical professionals are cognizant of the stress waiting a week for results like that place on people.  I've been waiting six months to see a specialist for insight on 'inconclusive' results.  He has a three-month-long wait to get a freaking appointment, and the one I had in January was the day we got over two feet of snow.  So the rescheduled appointment was another three month wait :facepalm:  I'll keep my fingers crossed for good news for you.  At least the writing course sounds like fun.  

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Thankfully it wasn't exactly bad news, just that the treatment I was on had stopped working. I started on the new medication two weeks ago and so far there don't seem to be any really nasty side effects. In fact, it doesn't mess up my sense of taste like the last one, so that's a bonus. Another scan in two months will confirm whether this one is keeping the nasties at bay.

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9 hours ago, Mawgrim said:

Thankfully it wasn't exactly bad news, just that the treatment I was on had stopped working. I started on the new medication two weeks ago and so far there don't seem to be any really nasty side effects. In fact, it doesn't mess up my sense of taste like the last one, so that's a bonus. Another scan in two months will confirm whether this one is keeping the nasties at bay.

Glad I read this after you replied and not before. :hug: 

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