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April CSR Feature: Corporate Galactic by astone2292



Sorry for the late start, but the upside is this month's selection--while also being one of my favorite genres--is a short story. I hope you will enjoy Corporate Galactic by astone2292 and come back on the CSR Discussion day! 

Corporate Galactic

by @astone2292

Length: 10,247

Description: Companies were always out to make a profit. They want to sell product, expand their business, and wreck the competition. As technology advanced, so did efficiency. Like most planets in the Galactic Union, Earth's offerings were considered unique and vital for other races.

How would corporate power and greed alter humanity's existence?

A Reader said: Aaron masterfully built a detailed dystopian sci-fi world in a small package.  He spun a fine tale balancing risk, hope, and fate that demands more!  Well done, Aaron  👏 ~ZekeNix


Don't forget to come back to share your thoughts on Monday, April 25th!

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