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Featured Story: Finding Good Trouble



Step back from the candy canes and cherry cordials, the chocolate coins and the Christmas cookies... otherwise the reality in this month's story review  by @chris191070 might just take a bite out of you. The holidays can be a time when people are usually kinder to their fellow man, but what happens when being that good person means more than holding open a door or saying please or thank you? 

Finding Good Trouble
by @Ronyx

Reviewer: chris191070
Status: Complete
Word Count: 72,532

This is a story that isn't an easy read. It challenges many topics that are happening in many countries, but particularly in the USA. It deals with racism and racial injustice.

We follow Parker, a white boy, as he witnesses a fight at his school, which is just the start of things to come. What happens next is not easy reading as Parker witnesses and films Police brutality, against a black teen, Darius, who has done nothing wrong. This sets off a chain of events that Parker or Darius, could ever foresee happening.

We discover racial injustice at the highest level. But you need to read this story to understand more.

As with all @Ronyx stories he writes about hard hitting subjects, but I found this one particularly hard to read in places and was brought to tears in many places.

Category: Fiction  Genres: General Fiction  Sub-genres: Drama  Tags: young adult, gay, suburban, serious, modern, interracial, politics, high school  Rating: Mature

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