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Weekly Wrap Up (Aug.25 - Aug. 31)



I know there is a thread going on what you are listening to now, and probably watching too! I haven't been watching or streaming too much of late. Maybe it has to do with the summer. I have Apple, Disney+, Netflix, Prime and Crave which is kind of like HBO for Canada. I got into a couple of series over the past few years and I've tried to get back into them, and just can't. Sweet Tooth and Cobra Kai.  

So I'm curious, what series have you watched over the  past few years and dropped them like a hot potato? Or do you force yourself to watch everything to the bitter end? 

I do have some that I do still watch to the end, but more and more that is the minority. 

Why do I ask these questions? :P Well I like to hear what everyone else has on these thoughts? So even it you are someone new, or someone old (not mentioning any names 0:) ), speak up and join the conversation.

Even if you want to comment on a story that is publishing or finished, join in on the conversation as well. 

Now we shall look back to the week past with the GA News Blog.

Tuesday we had the Deep Dive into the General Fiction genre:


Well that is it :gikkle:  ! We had a light week. Next week is the first week of September, so we will be much more busy then. I promise. :yes: 


Since Myr was the one that came up with a blog, we can also thank him for all the Words of the Day:

elated, exultant, mirthful, radiant, gleefuloverjoyed, jovial


Upcoming Writing Events 

Annual Anthology - In Too Deep - Due October 1st 2024. Click here for all the information and more that you will need.

Prompt Team Event/Contest - More information to come.

Coming of Age - A Tribute to Comicality - Due April 25, 2025 - More information to come.


Member Participation Blogs - Great way to promote yourself!!

Ask a Author 3.0 If you have a author you want to get some answers from, write a PM to @astone2292

Author Guess Who Get our members to guess who you are and also let everyone know who you are. Also write a PM to @astone2292


Here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets!


3 Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories

  1. The Ultimate Vehicle of Earthly Bliss by AC Benus
  2. The Freshmen by Mark Arbour
  3. Peace of Amiens by Mark Arbour

1 Recently Updated 'Classic Author' Stories

  1. Secrets 2: Looking Through Different Eyes by Bill W

28 Recently Updated 'Author' Stories

  1. Dances with Whales by P. E. Knapp
  2. The Seventeenth Summer by Mark Ponyboy Peters
  3. Bleeding Hearts by Josh Aterovis
  4. Hercules enslaved by Catgenie
  5. The Boy on the Porch by Lee Wilson
  6. Two for One by P. E. Knapp
  7. Troublemaker by Superpride
  8. Permanently Black and Blue by mastershakeme
  9. A Wizard's War by TeamStilinski
  10. Silent Heartbeats by vanalas
  11. Re-Organizing by Justin4Fun
  12. Out Of The Closet by RichardWrites
  13. Dragon's Roar by Xfighter1984
  14. Lukas by Connectwriter
  15. Of Pride and Power by W_L
  16. Crossing the line by Robert Hugill
  17. How the Coronavirus Jump-Started my Sex Life by KKirk
  18. Liar vs. Liar by Laura S. Fox
  19. It All Started With A Shuttle Flight by P. E. Knapp **Completed**
  20. D for Dylan by Avogadro1001
  21. Trash Polka by Demiurge
  22. Ralph: Breaking free by Robert Hugill
  23. Song For Guy by Mark Ponyboy Peters **Completed**
  24. Eternal Echoes: The Story of Aelios and Adrian by Hikaru29
  25. Take me to Your Leader by quokka
  26. Andre and Chris by Paladin
  27. Short Histoires by LJCC
  28. Return to Sender by Andr0gene


Read, Write, and REVIEW!!! (Don't forget to Recommend too!)




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I've get hooked on a series on many of the streaming services, only for it to get cancelled.

But I always watch a series to the end.

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