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I survived the day from hell! =)

I'd been totally lazy for the past few days, but that all changed today. This morning, I had to go to the hospital to get a refill on my sleeping medication prescription (they don't have normal pharmacies here like in the States, so you have to go to the hospital or clinic where you see your doctor to get any medications, which is kind of inconvenient), then I stopped by work to have one of my co-workers convert the .doc file of my M.A. thesis into .pdf format, and it WORKED! Woo-hoo! It looks really good, too! I also ended up working for half an hour, which means I only have to work 2.5 hours on Friday.


Then, I had a dentist appointment. Unfortunately, I've got a bunch of small cavities. I'd never had cavities before I came to Taiwan, and then BOOM ... I got a bunch of them. I jokingly said to my dentist once that it must be something in the water, and he said that it actually is ... they put flouride in the water in the States, but not here. Anyway, my dentist is really cool. It took me a while to find him, but it's just like a dentist's office back in the States ... the dentists there were all educated and licensed in the States, so they're much better than the tiny, dingy, dirty "hole-in-the-wall" dentists that you find on every street corner here. But, because of weird regulations the National Health Insurance program has, you can only get two cavities filled at a time, so I'll have to go back one or two more times to get the rest done. I've never minded the dentist, as long as they give me plenty of novacaine. He said I didn't need it because the cavities were very small and shallow, but I still made him give it to me ... and I didn't feel a thing! YAY! :2thumbs:


Monday will be another big day, because I have to take my thesis to the printer to get printed and bound, pick up my scholarship money, go to some office on campus that I've never been to before to get my ID and password so I can access the Digital Theses & Dissertation System, so I can upload the .pdf version of my thesis, go to the bank ... and I think that's it ... but it's still a lot to do in one morning! Then I have to work on Tuesday, and another dentist appointment on Tuesday afternoon. Busy, busy, busy!


Story stuff ... Chapter 18 may be a couple days late this week. There *may* be some changes going on with my website this weekend, but once that's taken care of (hopefully), Chapter 18 should be posted. I've done a re-write of Chapter 19, because I wanted to stretch this particular part of the story out a little longer, so the story as a whole will probably end up being at least one chapter longer than I'd originally planned. So, the new version of Chapter 19 is already off to Kitty, and I've already started on both Chs. 20 & 21. Then I can focus on my Summer Anthology story, and getting the first "pilot" chapter of "When I See You Again" ready.


Anywho, that's enough rambling for one day! :boy:


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"I can no longer sit back and allow...Communist infiltration...Communist indoctrination...Communist subversion...and the international Communist conspiracy...to sap and impurify...all...of our precious bodily fluids".


That lines comes to mind whenever anybody mentions water flouridation. It ties in nicely with the last line of your blog entry.


Congrats on being done with your thesis though! It's a nice feeling being done with all that work, isn't it?



YAY I'm so glad you survived the day. I hope you are getting some good sleep now! Or maybe even a nice nap in the dentist chair. *shrugs* any sleep I think would do at this point.




luv ya!


C James


"I can no longer sit back and allow...Communist infiltration...Communist indoctrination...Communist subversion...and the international Communist conspiracy...to sap and impurify...all...of our precious bodily fluids".


That lines comes to mind whenever anybody mentions water flouridation. It ties in nicely with the last line of your blog entry.


Congrats on being done with your thesis though! It's a nice feeling being done with all that work, isn't it?


Another Dr. Strangelove fan! That has got to be one of my favorite movies of all time. The closing sequence, with all the nuclear detonations and the song "until we meet again" is perfect!


LB, sorry to hear that you have to make two trips to the dentist, instead of getting it over and done with.



Hey David!


I'm glad your day went okay. Personally your dental experience would still have filled me with a deep, consuming dread...but I'm glad you're okay :D


Okay so this is going to sound stupid, but what's the point of PDF? I don't mean for your thesis I mean in general. I HATE it! I HATE Adobe Acrobat reader, I hate the way the document looks in it, the whole program just sucks in my opinion. I just don't get it. Does it serve some actual purpose??


I'm excited to hear that there's going to be an extra chapter of SOOTB, and I'm very excited about the coming chapter of "When I See You Again" ! I can't wait!


Have an awesome day, and good luck with Monday!




Okay so this is going to sound stupid, but what's the point of PDF? I don't mean for your thesis I mean in general.


PDF files allow documents to look and to print exactly as they looked to the persons who prepared them. Complex vector graphics can be included, so that drawings, charts, graphs, etc., will print out at the full resolution of whatever printing device is used, from your desktop inkjet to the highest quality commercial machine. Documents can have fonts imbedded so that you can use whatever fonts you like in the document without worrying whether the recipient has exactly the same version of that font.


Let's say that you want a map in your document. You can draw it in, say, Illustrator, using the Carta font for the various map symbols, interstate and US highway signs, etc. In a PDF, you don't have to worry that the recipient has to have the Carta font or have software that will open your graphics file. Your map will print out at the full resolution of any printer, and the recipient can view it on screen and zoom in close to a small section, and it will still look good. Alternatively, you could use a humungous bitmap file that would be limited to whatever resolution you made it and would look really crappy zoomed in on the screen (and maybe not even so hot zoomed out).


Or let's say that you've written some music for a friend to use. The friend doesn't have the same music notation software as you, nor the music fonts. With a PDF, you can email him a file that he can see on screen and print out at the highest quality of whatever printer he uses. I did this last year, wrote an arrangement for a full band for a friend. In the end I sent him two PDF files, one 200k file of the full score and a 1 MB file with all of the instrument parts. There was never a need to mail a hard copy. He printed it all out on a laser printer, and I'm sure it came out looking great.


The practical alternatives to PDF are Plain Old Text and .doc files. If all you want to convey is the message itself and no formating at all, then POT works great, such as the contents of an email. If you want some formating and maybe some pictures, too, then most people have something on their computer that can read .doc files. You can stick to fonts you know just about everybody has (Times New Roman, Arial, Wingdings, Comic Sans whatever, etc.) and avoid the more obscure features of the lastest version of Word, and most people will see pretty much what you see when you look at the file. The line breaks and such may not be exactly the same, but you don't particularly care, else you would have sent a PDF.


A little more obscurely, PDF files can be password-protected in various ways. Say you send somebody a contract and you don't want them changing it before they sign it, then PDF is one way to do that.


Adobe Reader is a bit cumbersome and takes some getting used to. But it's free, and everybody has it, or should.


But this is great! This is the most negative thing I've ever seen you write.



of course I still wouldn't know how to do any of that stuff with the program


But even if you can't (or don't need to) do any of these things yourself, you can still benefit from receiving PDF files that others have done.


And nowadays, magazines and such are going to a PDF workflow, so a lot of the things you see only in print form came to you via that process.



So my blog has become a place for discussing computer technology? lol :blink:

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