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Let's face it, I'm in a slump

Yep, that's what it is, a torturous, agonizing, completely agrivating slump. Now don't get me wrong, I am still wofking on chapter 7 almost every night, The problem is, every time I go back and read what I have, I keep reaching out for the delete key. Nothing seems to sound right when I read it back to myself. I even had to get a second opinion on the fifth attempt at this chapter, just to keep from scrapping this draft.


Most likely, it's because of my grandmothers condition. She is holding on, but she had to go back into the hospital. Waiting for the 'final' phone call seems tosomething that is always on my mind.


The basics of all this, I just can't trust my own judgment right now. My solution to this problem is fairly simple, I am pasively looking for a Beta reader while I force myself to not use the delete button. I am going to have someone read through this before I have it edited, so if I can't stumble across someone before it's ready, I'll have to change tactics.


One other thing about the beta reader thing, I am looking for a volunter, but I need someone that is going to use that red ink aggresively and can give reason for each use of that red ink. Kurt is great at spelling, grammer, and 'flow', so now I need someone who is opinionated and maybe even a little mean :devil:


I can't tell you when chapter 7 will be ready, but I hope it will be soon





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