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Luc's Dementia

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I can sleep now



*props eyes open with toothpicks* I'm going to say this and then I am going to bed.




I had absolutely given up. I really struggled with the theme for various reasons, mostly emotional. Really didn't think I would manage to write ANYTHING. God knows, I had tried. I have about 20 documents in Word that are aborted attempts at that "Endings and Beginnings" topic.


So tonight I said goodnight to Rob, whom I was talking to on MSN, and went to bed. I have to be up early in the morning because we are going to Bridgeport to watch the Rats play the Sound Tigers. So I got in bed, turned off the light and IMMEDIATELY my head started buzzing. Knew at that point there was no point in trying to sleep with all that noise going on. So got up, went back downstairs and started writing. Messaged Rob to ask him if he would be on for a little while because I had something I was writing that MIGHT make it to being an entry for the Spring Anthology. Thankfully he stayed online--because really, if he doesn't "point out things" my writing suffers.


So...I just sent in "I Will Live in You" for my Spring Anthology submission. It is short and should feel a bit confusing and fractured. That is what I hope, anyway. In it, two beings who had joined to become one being are separating into two again. It is connected to my Winter Anthology poem, "I, no more." The person being "entered" at the end of "i Will Live in You" is the one in "I, no more." Which hopefully will make some sort of sense.


Ok, I am SO tired now. But I can sleep now that my "assignment" is completed. Man, I really DO have issues with incomplete assignments.




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Look at you being all studious! And damn sweet too! :wub: Sweet dreams Luc!


Hugs :hug:



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I admire your having this "assignment to complete" kind of thing/ attitude. I'm looking forward to reading your anthology entry. I hope you do not see this as a burden! ;)

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