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I fail at life



Why does MS Word 2007 have to be so complicated??? I'm trying to go back to my already completed stories and indent my paragraphs without actually having to manually click on each one and hit the space bar. I was always able to do it on Word Perfect, but for whatever reason, MS word won't let me. :angry: So anyway, I'm frustrated and need to vent a little.

Oh yeah, after much thought, I've decided to start the third installment of the saga of Jarred, Phillip, Andrew, Kyle K, Kyle P, Renee and Jeremy :) All I need now is a title.....any ideas???






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  • Site Administrator

I use the style feature of Word to do what you want. Edit the style to include an indent, and all paragraphs with that style will be indented :)

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How about, "Hairy Pooper and the Odor of the Penis"? No?


Without knowing any details from the third installment, it'd be hard to give you any decent ideas. The first two had titles specific to the stories, so if you want to continue that trend for book three, we'd have to at least know who the main character was. But here's some suggestions that I'm coming up with off the top of my head.


If it features Kyle, maybe he's ready to commit to a relationship with Andrew. Maybe something along the lines of, "Fighting for What's Mine", or "Taking the Risk".


If it's Andrew again, maybe he's still waiting for Kyle K to come around, so something like "Worth the Wait", or "Patiently Waiting", or "Awaiting Patiently".


If it features Philip, maybe he's trying to rebuild his relationship with either Jared or Andrew, so something like "Building Bridges" or "Beginning Anew".


Lol, those are just some things that came to mind. I dunno if any of those are accurate, but I hope that helps. :D



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Please let it be Philip! *falls to knees, clasps hands, and adopts a most humble begging posture*


My suggestion would be "Getting It Right".



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How about, "Hairy Pooper and the Odor of the Penis"? No?




Hmmm....actually....there's some merit in that title. I just can't put my finger on it. :P



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How about, "Hairy Pooper and the Odor of the Penis"? No?


Without knowing any details from the third installment, it'd be hard to give you any decent ideas. The first two had titles specific to the stories, so if you want to continue that trend for book three, we'd have to at least know who the main character was. But here's some suggestions that I'm coming up with off the top of my head.


If it features Kyle, maybe he's ready to commit to a relationship with Andrew. Maybe something along the lines of, "Fighting for What's Mine", or "Taking the Risk".


If it's Andrew again, maybe he's still waiting for Kyle K to come around, so something like "Worth the Wait", or "Patiently Waiting", or "Awaiting Patiently".


If it features Philip, maybe he's trying to rebuild his relationship with either Jared or Andrew, so something like "Building Bridges" or "Beginning Anew".


Lol, those are just some things that came to mind. I dunno if any of those are accurate, but I hope that helps. :D






I like your ideas for titles:

Kyle K- Fighting For Whats Mine

Andrew- Worth The Wait

Phillip- Building Bridges


Now all we need to know is who's going to be the main character *cough* Phillip *cough* haha. anyway cant wait for the story!

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  • Site Moderator

Personally, I think the next story should be from Phillip's POV. Through out the first two stories, it has been mainly Jarred, Phillip, and Andrew. MJO was Jarred's story. SMC was Andrew's story. The new one should be Phillip's story. Kyle K. was a supporting character who became more involved as SMC went on. Then maybe, with enough encouragement from the fans, maybe the author will think about a fourth installment.


Am I giving anything away you might ask. The answer is No. Nick doesn't discuss future story lines with me.



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