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Changing Plans



Okay, first on the agenda today: my job. I'm not especially happy working at the restaurant. If a table comes in and can't figure out what the hell they want until the next table is in too, its like having double-duty. Top that up with having to put together all their salads myself and fetch countless little things for them that don't come with the meal and only some items go through the computer, but most don't so I have to remember when to punch stuff through....




I'm told breakfast is easier.... no salads to fetch, and people don't dick around so much. They come in hungry, know what they want to drink/eat, and want to get out quickly. Really though, I don't think I'd be especially happy with that either.


Also, I love kids, but loathe them as customers. A party of six sounds like *wahoo! the tips'll be rolling in!* until you learn that four of them are kids and will be ordering items at about 3 dollars each. And parents? Give your kids some damned dessert! Yes, they'll be bouncing around in the car, and then probably at home too, but its only fair if you're ordering them meals at half cost to make up for that by letting them feast upon our delicious Reeses Sundae.


Did I mention our hostess is a complete airhead? Beyond utterly sucking at her job, and some of our more... tempestuous servers are known to make her cry, she's also generally a moron. Last night in her perky airhead voice she was all excited about the theater. I told her she should go ahead and get the student membership and how much it would save her. I have a feeling she's one of those people who even though working, has just about everything handed to her.


"I don't go there enough, hehe!"




You know how long it takes to make up the cost of a 20 dollar student membership? It goes like this: she buys the membership for herself, uses the free ticket for her friend and gets 2.75 off her own ticket. That's 10.50 in savings right there. She goes in and gets herself a free popcorn with the coupon that comes with the membership: another 3.50 in savings. Later, she gets the free refill of her popcorn thats only for members... another 3.50 in savings. That's 17.50 in savings her membership has got her in ONE NIGHT. Assuming she didn't buy any drink, she would only ever need to go ONCE in the next YEAR to make up the last 2.50 of the membership cost.


But she doesn't go enough "Hehe!" Idiot.


Anyway... at this point I'm renewing a job search. I plan to stay at the restaurant just long enough for the insurance to kick in, then go to a dentist, which I haven't done in years, and go to the eye doctor so I can get my vision checked and a new set of contacts. I'm down to one contact that works, the other literally causes my eye to bleed... and its just that contact thats the problem, I tried one with a much weaker prescription and my eye handled it fine... the prescription was just too weak. I'm left eye dominant so I still see almost perfectly normally, my peripheral vision on the right side is just a little blurrier. Thing is, peripheral vision is never perfectly clear anyway so I hardly notice any difference at all.


So its looking like I'll be at the restaurant for only another three weeks or so. I'm sending out my resume to a load of places and applying to a bunch of jobs now. Anything full time for 9/hr or greater would result in me bringing in more money anyway.


In other news, my dad finally asked me why he hadn't seen my bachelor's degree yet. Apparently the fact that I hadn't used it in the past three months to get a job had already been enough of a disappointment that it seemed almost a relief to him that I didn't have it yet and that was why I wasn't using it. I assured him I was going to finish the degree, that I was only waiting on the course to be offered again in the fall.


I've also joined the newsletter team. I have it in mind to try to get every new piece in e-fiction reviewed in e-fiction, to help aspiring authors get noticed and spread the word about their stories to those who don't typically use the e-fiction feature on the site. I don't know yet how successful I will be in this endeavour, and I'll probably need some help since a lot of stories do get posted there.


Change of plans with my writing: I had intended to release part 2 of Nathan and David in the first week of April, but its recently come to my attention that porn is not desired at GA. Now to be fair, the definition going here is the writing of a "story" that features nothing but sex. No plot. Just sex. Well, those of you who have read Nathan and David part 1 know full well the explicitness of the sexual content therein. I give backstory yes, and its purpose isn't so much to be a jerk off story (though I don't mind if you do that :P ) the idea was to show two loving partners and how they sexually interact. Loving Partners being the key terms here that I think set the story apart from the pure XXX variety of porn. Its not sleezy; its not random; its not degrading; ..... but it is sexually explicit and the explicitness of that sexual content may cause some to place this into a pornographic category.


Frankly, I consider it to be more along the lines of art than porn, and those I've talked to about it have agreed, but I'm not sure where the lines are drawn here so I'm not going to post it until after things have calmed down a bit and I've had a chance to talk with one of the site administrators about it.


What does this mean for my readers? Well, it means you'll be getting a deeper look into the world of Liberty Island than you thought you were. I had not planned to release any more chapters of this story until after at least the first part of Webs was posted, but as I don't have Webs chapter 3 ready and Nathan and David are on hold until I can chat with and administrator about it, I'll be releasing Liberty Island chapter One (you may already have seen the prologue), in a couple days. I've already completed the first round of editing on it, so as not to cause my editor's eyes to go X_X ... and once they've got it back to me and I've made the final adjustments, it will be posted with due speed.


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