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4th of July: Worth Celebrating

It was different this year. Not the fireworks; they were no better than normal. Not the barbecue. It was as good as always. No, what was different this year is that for the first time in a long time, I actually felt like celebrating. I think that we (the US) actually have a chance of being a great nation again. A new president, a new approach, a new direction. Heady stuff.


I'm not naive enough to think that just because Obama is President that things will miraculously fall into place. No, the damage over the past 8 years has been too severe, the levels of mistrust we have generated too great. But to see progress, to see us rejoin the world community as a participant and not a bully, well that alone is refreshing enough to make me feel optimistic on the 4th.


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I am hung the hell over and why does your blog have lots of stars/votes whatever and mine has like 2 or something pathetic?

Mark Arbour


You used to be able to rate blogs. Don't think that works anymore. Drink lots of fluids...for your hangover, that is.



Well, I had to work yesterday. I still couldn't help but strongly believe that better times are ahead for the US though. :)



I feel like the hell that was 2007 and 2008 for me has finally lifted, and that's what I really liked about this 4th of July.


It's also nice that Sarah Palin isn't our VP. Thank god.

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