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Come set me off!



Today was a marvelous day. A marverlously horrible day and I want my revenge. It started with a call from Selene. She needed me to give her a ride to the airport, so she could go to her mother's house. An hour later I was stuck in traffic. Let's just say she never made her flight and she's probably still stuck at the airport right where I left her.


David moved into my spare today but I didn't think he was going to move in a whole entertainment system too. So now we have a movie theater in my basement. I know what your thinking, This is good why am I complaining? Because it was directly underneath my bedroom. I had to ask him to move it to another part of my house and that meant I had to help Blah!


This afternoon I had a date with Chaz who cancelled because he had to write a paper. I thought hey maybe this is a goodnight for me to get some work done, but no my father calls just when I get to my laptop and we get into one of our famous arguments. He still thinks that he can run my life. The idiot wanted to know why I'm not trying to get Julio back because he likes Julio. I yelled so much that my voice became hoarse.


Rob stopped by to watch a movie with David of course the movie was the worst movie ever made so I didn't bother to join them. What is the movie you ask? Bleeping "Crossroads" Starring bleep bleeping Britney Spears. God I'd rather die. So I put my headphones on and turned my ipod on and started to write a little when my mother calls and asks if she can come over. I'm like duh why are you asking?


Ten minutes later she comes by for one of our famous talks. She wants to know how I'm doing, this means that she's having trouble with something and wants to talk about it. This one involves the fact that my whole family is coming for thanks giving. She wants to know if I'm alright with that? I decide right then and there that I wont be going to my mothers for thanksgiving. She gets mad at this and asks if I want them not to come. So I tell her that it's alright with me if she wants them there but I will be staying at home.


David is going home with Rob to his family's and I call Chaz. He says that they are going to montana to his grandmothers. So I will have to cook for myself this thanksgiving. :thumbdown: .


All by myself, I'm going to be, all by myself.


GREEN all by myself.


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Chaz...what about Selene? and why not go with Chaz..well then maybe that's too soon..but his family knows you...or is Selene to her Mom's now early for the Thanksgiving holidays? duh...I guess that explains the trip to the airport..never mind..not enough coffee to think that one through.


I avoid family for this holiday(and as many others as I am able to)..last 5 yrs or so..been wonderful..I spend it with friends.....its just peaceful, fun and nice..and drama free....Hugs to you....it will be wonderful to have a GREEN DAY and give thanks for all the love and friends and for your Mom....and of course CHAZ:) And, given, recent family get togethers..being home for you would be the sanest, safest choice (we don't need to hear of you having to kick butt or being hauled away due to a fist fight due to morons making homophobic comments, rude ones..etc..SEE..now you get to avoid the Turkey Day Drama Bowl and have a peaceful Thankful Day!!)



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I think you should call Tom and Tanya, I think they would be more than happy to spend Thanksgiving with you :devil:


:king: Snow Dog


Oh forget that... Green We will come to you and share Thanksgiving with you... Consider Us Canada folk has had it back in Oct and mine sucked huge, it would be a treat to have it a second time.


Well I doubt that will happen but at least the offer is there. B)

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Awwww.....you can always come eat Thanksgiving dinner at our house... :wub::wub: ...of course, Im helping this year, so there might be food poisoning involved

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