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Take a picture, get a ticket

Speed cameras, those cameras that take a picture of your car when you're speeding..they suck. When these things first made their debut around here, they were set up at intersections to catch people who ran stop lights. That seemed reasonable. Fair even.


But then they started using them to catch people speeding, and that doesn't seem fair at all. I've always felt there was this implicit agreement about speed limits. They were kept artificially low, to make sure that the little old lady who could barely see was safe, or for the really stupid people who can't seem to stay in a lane. That humored those somewhat vocal groups (stupid people can be quite loud). In exchange, the police ignored those who went about 10-15% over the speed limit (5-10 MPH) as long as they weren't weaving in and out of lanes like maniacs.


Speed cameras break this compact. Speed cameras force everyone to drive like they have no brains and no coordination. As an experiment, I had a relatively long errand to run today (25 miles each way) so I decided to go the entire way doing the speed limit. People flew past me on the freeway, which was just fine, since I was so bored I spent most of my time fiddling with my cell phone and my IPOD. I almost rear-ended two people (in my car).


So I concluded that going the speed limit is very very dangerous, and that speed cameras have the potential to cause more deaths than black ice.


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There are some of those at the intersection of US-77 and the frontage road of US 287 in Waxahachie. That's a dangerous intersection. I have no problem with them being there. It'd be difficult to speed there anyway, because the stop lights change very frequently. As for speed limits elsewhere in the area, you'll get you ass ran over if you drive the speed limit on the various interstates, tollways, and expressways in Dallas. :lol:



So I concluded that going the speed limit is very very dangerous


Sounds like a personal problem. I can refrain from touching my cellphone when I drive, so I'm sure you can. :P

Here, you're pretty much allowed to go 5 mph over the speed limit, but I also live in a rural area.



I think you can be okay to drive while talking on a cell. However, it has been said that you're over 20 times more likely to be in an accident while texting and driving. :ph34r:



They have, Around arlington or alexandria va, the local govt said it is for public safety ( yea right >_>) while an independent study suggest it's caused more accidents, people now slam on the breaks not to get it, some lights have short yellows and can still get it if they don't make it, and the amount of money it will make in a few years is about a billion. People has also gotten tickets from blocking this cameras, and other thing I hate about them is you cannot fight it in court then, and no one is really honest to say, yea it's about revenue. Or if a relative/friend is in the hospital (emergency) and sometimes you gotta speed there and a cop pulls you over they might let you go or tell you to slow down with these, won't happen now..



And area's with speed cameras, guys I used to listen on the radio (used to live in) Arizona and places that they get calls from says when people know they are near one everyone slows down.



I like this automobile/car theme blogging we have going on.



Here in the UK when speed cameras were first installed it was all about safety. Since then we've moved along a little, now the police are using them to boost they're funding. We have the standard roadside versions along with the average speed ones on motorways but now we have these great moving ones that are hidden in vans. All they have to do is pick a layby, park up and start collecting the cash!

They publish the locations online here, however they dont actually say which ones will be in service.

I've also never heard what they do with the money collected, I would hope they spend it on accident prevention or something like that, however I doubt it. They probably have the best Christmas party ever! lol

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