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Girl screaming, talking book goes BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEP!



So apparently I'm a very very not nice person to be around when I'm stressing out. APPARENTLY I'm making everyone around me Cccrrrraaaaazzzzzyyyyyy. Well that's what my mom said anyways, when I smashed my nose against hers, forehead touching and everything, and demanded to know why she didn't buy me my favorite jelly candy like she promised. So of course I sat next to my grandma and pretended that my mom pushed me off of the chair we were both on (Which she really did!) and watched as my grandma yelled at my mom in Korean. To which she made a speechless face at me and my grandma (or maybe that face was because I was smiling at her and then frowning and making sad faces every time my grandma turned to look at me.)


Why am I stressing you may ask? Few days ago I pulled out my books to start studying for my history mid terms which is tomorrow only to find out that all my notes and key terms were gone. So I spent that entire day turning my room into literarily a hellhole, and my car. (Let me add it felt pretty damn good to just empty out everything in my room and throw it onto the floor and then stomp on it repeatedly for it not giving me what I was looking for.) To luck still no key terms, figuring I left it at school or someone took them from my book I started to clean the huge mess I made.


But it doesn't end there. So now I'm writing my outline for my speech which is due tomorrow right after my Mid terms, then I get to go to work and prepare for the annual Christmas event that yet again I got voted to be in charge of, and I have yet to start anything, and I'm pretty much screwed tomorrow.


Sooooo there


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ten percent? that's rather generous :P



Hmm, I think it might be a bit more then 10 percent.


and probably I think some are attractive that you don't meh it's all taste.but some I find cute that I don't find hot,


and I hope the rest of the week goes better :)



Who's ever good company when they're stressed? I myself get snappish and, with my vocabulary, tend to start insulting people's intelligence, parentage, and sexual function in two languages. My work has been a bad influence on me, not least for reintroducing me to my original accent.


I'm glad you're so far able to restrain yourself. I WOULD have snapped at the bitch.


Hope today went better, and that your burdens were eased a bit.





I hope the exam goes well... you deserve it after all that. Did you wonder what the girl was screaming about. Maybe she was getting beaten up.. although I guess that you wouldn't feel too sorry about her at this point.


*Big Hugs* Hope you chill soon.

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