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Hi Shadowgod, my Christmas was simple and quiet. I like it that way. I have a number of grand nieces and nephews, all toddlers. My niece Elizabeth is expecting twins in January. I like to hold them. I always wanted a son. Introspection takes a lifetime. I would like to see you happy with your life. Best Wishes this New Year.

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Gods I can relate to the not liking kids thing. I don't think it has anything to do with whether you can have them or not. I have two and I have never liked kids... still don't. I adore my kids and love being around them... especially now they are older... but other kids.. ugh. I have more great neices and nephews than I know what to do with as well as little cousing and three great great neices/nephew. I feel radically uncomfortable with them all... which is sad because for some reason they seem to like me :)


Glad you had a good Christmas... we never get everything we want... but some is good. I didn't get anything useful for christmas... except a reminder of why it was a really really good think I broke up with my ex :)

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I have no desire what so ever to have children now that I've practically raised all my younger brothers and sisters... time for Krista to retire from the free nanny services.


As far as you not wanting kids, I think its a phase everyone goes through, when they think they're not settled enough or something is in the way of having kids... you'd probably change all that if you were to actually somehow fall into custody of one... then all your love, protection, and spoiling will come along too.

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Just borrow someone's uterus... No biggie :P


It's people like you who SHOULD have kids, just saying.

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The phrase "Other people's children" is around for a reason. Even my own drive me up the way on a daily basis. There are upsides and downsides to being a parent, as I am sure there are the same for not being one. It's a tough subject to broach when there are complications involved, even when you are only thinking to yourself about it. Hugs.


As for my Christmas, the 4 day weekend was an odd mix of busy and quiet, but all in all it was a nice time. I got my netbook from Comcast finally and got to fiddle with it on Christmas, it is fun for me, I even got to take it out with me today so I could write while the children played at an indoor jungle gym. I got a nice laptop backpack to keep it, so I am set to be an on the go person again, no longer chained to my home computer! I hope that the things you did want outweigh the things you didn't want, both materially and emotionally!

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I am offended that you think its not the same to adopt or use a surrogate. That is a slap to the face of parents who adopted their children, or people who had to use surrogates. I have met quite a few gay and lesbian couples who have achieved families through sperm donors, adoption, or surrogates, and I don't think they feel its "not the same" as having the kids through a heterosexual marriage, or see those kids as being somehow less because they didn't spring out of hetero union. You should talk to adopted kids and their parents, as well as meet gay and lesbian couples who are raising children.

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Hrmm... I'm sorry the quirks of biology offend you (Its a fact: two squiggly tailed swimmers do not a baby make)


I'm sorry sir, I did not make these rules, I am just forced to abide by them. Dont think me so naive that I do not realize that there are a multitude of ways that a gay couple could have children. However, I present that the child, at most, would only be representative of 50% of said couples DNA. So very clearly, as noted in my post, not the same thing. This doesn't mean the children are less, that is you inserting your assumptions into my opinion.


Adopted, surrogate, ... whatever. They are not less, just not the same, and they never could be.


Also, you should really not let a, for all intents and purposes, perfect stangers opinions offend you. By all means disagree, but to be offended? Come on.

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